
Monday, November 22, 2010

New information


Note by Me: I don't agree with some of the profanity used, but the major theme of their words are accurate.

By Timothy


Sorry that this is off-topic but I have to get the word out.   Well we can add Firedog Lake to the list of left gatekeeper piece-of-s___ blogs. Onto the growing heap that counts Crooks & Liars, My Left Wing, MoxieGrrrl, Daily Kos and others of ill repute. See, this is the way the elites try to control the discourse. On the one side there are the openly right-wing blogs that are allowed to spout whatever reactionary b.s. they want to spout because it only helps the conservatives.
Purportedly opposing them are phony progressive blogs like Firedog Lake that pretend to be giving a voice to liberals but make very sure to keep the discourse well confined within the narrow parameters that are safe for their elite puppetmasters. Oh they'll rail against Obama for being too much like Bush and they'll rail against Bush and Cheney for exploiting the fear from 9/11 to further their agenda but they surely won't countenance anything beyond that, like an honest analysis of the 9/11 mythology that underpins the right-wing worldview ever since that morning. I posted a diary with a lengthy examination of the details of the 9/11 false flag operation and it was up for all of about three hours before it was flagged as "spam" and removed. They can't argue against it so they remove it. I've now been banned from their little elite-enabling circle jerk blog. So screw you Firedog Lake. You're an accessory after the fact.
Again, sorry that this is off-topic. I'm glad that Black Agenda Report is here as one of the extremely few voices of sanity in the wilderness and a genuine megaphone for the working people of this country.


People living long enough (or not) to collect SS now -

I live in rental housing "middle income" with a percentage of "low income"(formerly Mitchell-Lama based on the law's name, NYS), same apartment since 1968.  On my floor are 10 apartments.  Many of us are original tenants.  Integrated colors and geography.  People die in situ or I know of, on other floors, the landlord,etc has managed to get them out, into a nursing home (so the apartment can be "redone", get removed from rent regs and go to "market value" = luxury rental).  I am not Black, 70 and on social security (spouse works, needs to and can, so far). 

Many of my neighbors, people of color have died before getting to 65 and collecting social security.  One couple, Black, a nurse retired  by disability and her husband, a retired butcher are one  apartment.  Another is a woman, Black, who was around 65 and died suddenly, heart, in her apartment.  One woman is on social security, a retired clerk, and alive.  Three Latinos in one family died: one was old enough to collect but the son died two months after getting on to social security disability (several year battle despite stroke) and the mother was not old.   It's not unusual for people to die before being old enough to be collecting social security benefits.



Yes Beverly- It seems as if most comments here are saying give Ole Slick Willie [the so-called 1st "Black" Pres] a break - he has good intentions for Haiti. But lets look at Ole Slick Willie's track record when it comes to Black & Brown People in the US & the World. Remember..: NAFTA [one of his major ‘bi-partisan’ achievements]- which he claimed it would lead to more jobs in both the US as well as Latin America & the Caribbean, & would lessen the immigration issue. But the result was that 'great sucking sound' of jobs leaving the US [out-sourced to Mexico, China, India, etc] that Ross Perot talked about [why would Corps pay US workers $8 - $25/hr when they can pay $0.25 - $2 /hr over-seas]. Also it led to dumping cheap US Agra-Biz products in Mexico & Haiti that destroyed much of their agricultural sector [IE {despite the FAKE War on Terror HYPE}: Self-Sufficiency in basic food stuffs = any nation's FORE-MOST Security Concern] & worsened the US / Mexican immigration & drug problems. Then 2-3 yrs ago the Wall St Banksters speculated on food markets driving up food prices leading to food riots in Haiti & Africa [as well as India, Pakistan], etc - as our people there starved.  
What about Slick Willie's welfare reform [another one of his majorbi-partisanachievements], which forced so-called welfare Black mothers even those with small babies to work [so-called work-fare]- even though no provision was made for day-care. And generally not jobs w real opportunities but working part-time at places like Mac-Donald's for $4-$5/hr.
What about Rwanda - Ole Slick Willie did worse than do nothing to try to stop the slaughter- he actually prevented / hindered other nations, the UN, organizations, etc- from trying to doing something - so that his / the US' inaction wouldn't be so embarrassing, & gave 'cover' to those who abandoned Rwanda against their obligations [Note Samantha Power: Bystanders to Genocide- ]. Rwanda has led to the looting & devastation in the Congo which has led to 5million Congolese Bro & Sis dead in the past 15 yrs, w US & other Western [EU] Corp profiting from the looting of Congo's vast mineral wealth. The Word is that BILLARY is/are heavily invested in some of these Corps w so much African Blood on their 'investments'.
Old Slick Willie made Larry Summers [the same Summers who Obama had the Audacity {without Hope}to hire] assistant Treasury secretary under Rob Rubin - then Head of Treasury when Rubin went to Wall St; after Summers wrote a NOTORIOUS memo when he was the World Bank's Econ Chief, outlining the economic 'advantages' [for the West] in dumped toxic / radioactive US/Western Industries' Waste on African & 3rd World Peoples. The so-called Somali 'Pirates' [many were/are actually fishermen – just like many so-called ‘illegal’ alien / ‘drug-dealing’ Mexicans- were farmers actually growing food for Mexico before NAFTA started dumping on Mexico] have been complaining about this dumping as well as illegal fishing in Somalia's waters. The 2004 Tsunami actually washed some of the drums of toxic / radioactive waste ashore. Thus Summers’ notorious memo is policy that is actually in effect. When a Brazilian Bro & contemporary of Summers, wrote a rebuke of him in Righteous Indignation - that Brother got fired - but Summers got hired by Ole Slick Willie [Note: &].  Then Rubin, Summers, Geithner, Greenspan, & some key Repugs [that's bi-partisanship at work for you] pushed deregulating the Wall-St Banksters [after de-regulation lead to the looting of the Savings & Loan Industry in the 1980s under Reagan / Bush Sr]. This led to the HI-Tech Bubble, the Enron Bubble, the Food Stuffs Bubble, the Housing Bubble, & finally the Great Recession that we're now facing - with Blacks & Browns catching twice the hell - as usual
But since we're talking about Haiti 2010 lets consider that Ole Slick Willie is the special US / UN rep to Haiti & Hillary is US Sec of State. So why is it that w $10billion of US commitments there is little if any thing to show for it? No major reconstruction or even rubble removal 10 months after the quake. Slick Willie's NAFTA policies effectively drove Haitians off the country-side into Port-of-Prince where their cheap labor could be more efficiently EXPLOITED by US Corps [Ole Slick Willie calls this development - some people {IE: Pres Aristide - note the next article here @ BAR}call it wage slavery] which led to the devastation being much worse than it would have been. And why the cholera out-break which could have been held in check or even eliminated w some basic sanitation & medical facilities? One must conclude that these phantom $billions either don't really exist, or have been looted [just as Wall St Banksters & Poly-tricksters have looted $multi-Trillions from the Treasury], or are being with-held for another purpose other than the benefit of the Haitian people.
So before we get all sentimental over the so-called 1st 'Black' Pres [Slick Willie] we better check his track record [for real - not the HYPE] when it comes to what he’s done to as well as forBlack People. And the record shows neither he, nor his political twin in Black face [Obama- who had the Audacity {without Hope} to appoint not just Slick Willie but even Bush Jr {who he like his daddy before him pulled a coup on Pres Aristide & Haiti} to lead the US' so-called 'humanitarian' {invasion}efforts in the wake of Haiti's quake], nor his life 'partner' [in crime] Hillary- can be trusted.  
The one real symbolic thing that BILLARY & Obama could do to really help lift the spirits of the Haitian people, they have not done nor do I expect them to ever do- that is to call for lifting the Bushites' BAN on Pres Aristide & his political party. But I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for either BILLARY or Obama to do this. With 'friends' like these Haiti certainly can't survive having enemies.


About the 2008 Dems Pres Primary Obama vs Billary;

EC: I initially left this out because I didn't want to look like a big Obama [or Oprah] fan - which I'm not. BUT- Remember that Billary apparently did so much 'race-baiting' in 2008 that several members of the CBC told them to 'cool it' -&- The Word was that Billary's tactics so disgusted the late Edward Kennedy that he decided to vigorously endorse Obama in REBUKE of them. Then Hillary had the NERVE to say in June 2008 that she wasn't conceding to Obama because 'who knows something might happen - like what happened to Bobby Kennedy in June 1968'. Keith Oberman did a RIGHTEOUS REBUKE of her that she would have the GALL to imply on the 40th anniversary of the devastating back to back assassinations of MLK & RFK - that she wasn't throwing in the towel because- who knows maybe Obama might get shot [by some white racist]. And what about so many former white women Oprah fans who PRESUMED that she was just SUPPOSED to pick Hillary over Obama. When she endorsed Obama she faced a pretty mean backlash -&- accusations that she was playing the 'Race-Card' were made.
Remember how Ole Slick Willie PUNKED-OUT on the Sister Lani Guinier [like Obama Punked-Out on Van Jones -BUT- in 1993/94 there was no FOX-Noise or Glen Beck around] who he initially nominated for Assistant AG- when the Repugs / Rethugs stirred a bunch of Hyped-BS about nothing. Though she was supposed to have been a 'close friend' of Billary's, she was well qualified for the position. But just like Ole Slick Willie sat back w his thumb up his ass & watched Rwanda turn into a blood-bath, he sat back & let the Rethugs tear into his 'good friend' Ms Guinier over some hyped-up BS. 
It pays to have a good memory because [selectiveamnesia can be dangerous.


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