
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

North and South Korea and New Times

News in North Korea and South Korea are important to know about. Congressman Ron Paul speculated that the war footing between North and South Korea could be an orchestrated crisis to boost the dollar and reverse the U.S. economy. This agenda parallels the RAND Corporation's call 2 years ago for America to become embroiled in a major war as a way to get out of the double dip recession. South Korea admitted that it fired the first shots. This caused a North Korean retaliation that killed 2 South Korean marines and set ablaze many homes on the Yellow Sea border island of Yeonpyeong. Tensions have increased after North Korea's military vowed a merciless military strike. Also, South Korean President Myung-bak ordered his military to strike North Korea's missile base around it coastline artillery positions if the North made any further moves. Japan said that it was preparing for any eventuality while Russia said that these events represented a colossal danger to peace in the region.The dollar and gold bullion rallied in response to the news, while stock markets sank worldwide. No one should advocate war in our economic crisis. North Korea can't defeat South Korea from a military standpoint. The military industrial complex love wars since they have planned them for decades in the world. The RAND Corporation did indeed tried to lobby the Pentagon to become embroil a major new war to jump start a recovery of the U.S. economy and boost profits for the military industrial complex (after scaling down the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan). Chinese media sources reported that RAND sent a proposal to the Pentagon. This was done to try to cause a conflict with a major foreign power in order to stimulate the American economy and prevent a double dip recession. RAND classified North Korea to be too small of a target. Yet, any full scale confrontation will make America take the side of the South, while Chine will be on the side of the North. An U.S. led military assault on North Korea could occur if North Korea uses its arsenal of nuclear weapons. North Korea has had its history of nuclear belligerency. Donald Rumsfled and the Bush administration gave funds to North Korea to create its weapons. AQ Khan is a weapons dealer too. The Communist leader of North Korea is presently Kim Jong Il and his hereditary successor is in the wings. Hopefully, a boiling point in the region won't occur at all. There should be no war in the region at all since peaceful means can solve these foreign disputes completely.

Tons of people realize that the TSA is wrong in this affair. This is why many human beings desire a boycott of airlines. The unconstitutional naked body scanners and private area groping procedures are immorals. These deeds are achieved under the pretense of protecting the American people from terrorists in distant caves. Even Ron Paul is right to say that if we tolerate this immorality, then there is something wrong with it. We tolerate all of this militarized police, forced blood samples, record police brutality (with people getting off), false flag terrorism, jingoistic false patriotism, and all other evils. This is certainly a new injustice that we should oppose. People don't need to be molested or their body parts gropped for the sake of following some fake war on terrorism at all. These new enhanced pat down relates to sexual molestated. Ron Paul admitted that he was molested in a pat down. Paul said that: "... I am going to be doing everything conceivable to try to change these rules because they are not making us safer, they aren’t better for us – it’s just to enhance the power of the state.” Some want a boycott of the airlines to force the government to need these tyrannical tactics in making them act like a sexual predator. The corporate media is saturating these TSA news to desenitize the public and make the population angry over this issue. The TSA is acting like a terrorist group. We should never be desensitized to embrace sexual molestation as security measures. These means of enslavement is trying to grow the police state system. We already have Nazi Germany like checkpoints in the USA nationwide. It's a fact that the  underwear bomber was intentionally let on to a plane by a government agent without any proper documentation. The cartridge bomb plot have no signs of explosives and that the presence of explosives might of been made up by the Obama administration. The so-called head of Al-Qaeda in the Saudi Arabian Peninsula was reported to have dinner at the Pentagon after the 9/11 attacks and was an U.S. intelligence asset. George Soros and Michael Chertoff have benefited from the TSA's purchase of these body scanning devices in their involvement in Rapiscan (that is a corporation actively involved in creating these devices). Even the Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is hinting that we might see this type of  security implemented at subway stops and other areas where mass transportation takes place. All of this is designed for your enslavement and the corporate media is doing their best to get people to either become desensitized to the insanity or to get people so upset that they will react violently.

Haiti have suffered through a lot of evils. Yet, America and the U.N. is doing almost anything it wants to the people in Haiti. Some corporate interests pretend to have no responsibilities for the welfare of the people. Yet, the U.S. interventions in Haiti have made it responsible to give no aid to improve the conditions in Haiti. Uncheckered power always lead into nefarious, evil power. Haiti has been exploited as a colony. The U.S. have funded and organized the armed coup that ended the freely elected government of Jean Betrand Aristide. Later, Aristide was kidnapped and tranported into African exile. The conquerer takes control of a conquered nation. International law says that one nation assumes responisbility to deal with and protect the human rights of the nation (so that nation can promote self-sufficiency). The U.S. claimed that they didn't overthrow President Aristide, but used their Marines to transport him into safety. The Bush administration installed in Haitian government the most vicious pack of criminals ever assembled in the Americas, and watched while these handpicked degenerates murdered thousands. But the U.S. claimed that was not their responsibility, since America had not conquered Haiti. This colonial spirit is the same that Grance used against Haiti centuries ago. The United Nations acted as a corrupt arm of Uncle Sam. After the January 2009 earthquake in Haiti, the U.S. has been an occupying power in the land. The Americans seized the Port-au-Prince airport, it blockaded the coast, and used 22,000 troops to seize land in Haiti. Washington did this unilaterally. The U.S. took the Haitian government by force pretty much. This is why some feel that America should send money to Haiti to compensate Western occupation of Haiti. There has been the 10 billion dollars sent to Haiti that was pledged, but there has been about 30 trillion dollars in bailouts for pro-speculating banks in the world. The Haitian earthquake killed thousands of people and left about 1.5 million people homeless. Haitian infrastructure should be rebuillt. Haiti declared independence on the 1st of January, 1804. This was the first successful rebellion of slaves in the Americas, which occurred after the American revolution, and defeated the military of the colonial powers of Spain, England and Napoleonic France.  Frederick Douglass worked with Haiti as well. The racist Woodrow Wilson allowed Haiti to be invaded and conquered in 1915 to 1935.

FAIR or the Federation for American Immigration Reform have promoted lies for a while now. The mainstream media in some circle act like they are a legitiamte and reliable source of informatio. FAIR claimed that in 2050, that the U.S. population will be about 420 million because of immigration. This is silly since we only have about 300 million now. The Census Bureau doesn't even support this projection. Demographics will change in America since there is the greying of the Baby Boomer Generation. According to the Census Bureau, the population of the U.S. will increase to 419.9 million in 2050. At that rate we would still not reach the current European Union population of 494 million (which is half our size geographically) and we would remain one of the least densely populated countries in the world. FAIR's website falsely said that the number of undocumented immigrants are 13 million. The Pew Research Center refutes FAIR's numbers. THe CPS shows that back in 2004, that there is an estimated 11.1 million unauthorized migrants in America. By March of 2006, there was about 12 million of such people in America. FAIR blame immigrants for for overcrowding schools, clogging roads, swallowing up open space, taxing the environment, and raising the cost of living for all. Never mind that the United States consumes vastly more resources than any other country in the world and has been doing so long before the current wave of nativists started looking for scapegoats. In any event, blaming sprawl and congestion on immigrants is simply ludicrous.  FAIR lied and said that immigrants overload the welfare system when undocumented immigrants are ineligible for welfare no matter how poor they are. VDare is an anti-immigrant site that has a posting by FAIR board member and extremist Daniel A. Collins. Collins shown articles in the The Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies, a periodical run by longtime academic racist Roger Pearson. (Pearson founded the Eugenics Society in 1963 and worked with at least one former SS officer in England. He is also the recipient of several Pioneer Fund grants). FAIR is known for having peopel tied up with eugenics. Tanton founded it back in 1979. He accepted 1.2 million dollars from the racists.

There is an unique political climate in America. The election in 2010 proved that the Republicans and the Democrats are very similar to each other. One third party may be enough to solve political problems. There should be multiple major parties to give people choices, but the 2 party system is controlled by the corporations and the wealthy elite. Ancient Greece and early America had political parties before. People should exercise their power, but not have unconditional alliegance to corrupt power. Corporate America is strangling the resources of the middle class the poor. Their profits are rising in record levels. People have the right to disagree on the role and extent of government. These differences should be express without manipulation from insidious forces.  Tea Party people and other disaffected people from across the political spectrum agree with many thing that the controlled corporate media would have them believe. We all don't like the loss of freedoms like electronic surveillance, airport full body searches, and the bad instrusive national security state. We want employment to grow and jobs being shipped overseas to strop. We want no loss of being unemployment benefits and children to have food. We want improvemnt of our health care. We oppose banker bailouts. We disagree with corporations, lobbyists, and special interests to directly control the government. Both Republicans and Democrats have lacked care of our concerns too. The difference between votes cast for the Hosue candidates of both parties was less than 3 percent, so this wasn't a mandate for Congress to embrace neo-conservativism. Some manipulation of the electorate have occured by the Big Oil Koch brothers. Koch Industries ahve been caught being polluters in the top ten in America. Some oil companies cut corners on safety to harm workers and the environment. Raising taxes on gasoline is bad too. Koch concealed the discharge of cancer causing benzene from its refernity, it stole money from Native American tribes. They were convicted of negligence and malice in a leaky pipeline explosion that killed 2 teenagers. They earn 100 billion dollars per year in revenues. Some like Jenny Beth Martin and Mark Meckler (being Tea Party activists) have criticized Tea Party Express as being funded by a GOP consulting firm as fake. They are not grassroots. The Tea Party opposed the health care reform bill. There are some things that Tea Party people didn't know. The new health care law was very watered down and President Barack Obama passed the law. The law has legitimate parts in it and some of it benefits only the health care industry. Some populists want Medicare for All, which is opposed by probably most Tea Partiers. Some Tea Party rallies were against healthcare reform like the Kill the Bill protests outside the Capitol in early 2010. Some of these people were funded by the Koch brothers. Big giant insurance companies opposed health care reform. They incuded United Healthcare, Cigna and Aetna, America’s Health Insurance Plans provided $86.2 million last year to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to help it pay almost $150 million. They oppose a public insurance option. The Chamber gave millions of dollars to Republicans too. The new Tea Party caucus was funded by corporate interests from the health care, real estate, and oil plus gas industries. America has supreme economic problems. More than 43.5 million people are in poverty or 1 in 7 people. This is the highest rate of poverty in the last 50 years. People without health care coverage rose to 16.7 percent or 50.7 million people. A high infant mortality rate is in America. One in five American women of reproductive age is uninsured, resulting in a death rate of women giving birth in the U.S. being worse than in 40 other countries. 70 percent of the nation's wealth is controlled by 1 percent of the wealthy elite. That is why people want people vote for candidates of their preferences for every office, irrespective of party. Other people want to eliminate corporate personhood.

By Timothy

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