
Friday, November 19, 2010

Silly Sarah Palin and Michelle Obama

thehighbrowpoliticker   2 minutes ago (11:00 AM)
This too laughable. I would like her supporters to explain what Sarah Palin means when she uses the term "Real America". President Obama has consistently said there is one America. Between the two of them, he has been the one who has preached that there are no "Red States" nor "Blue States" but one United States. Sister Sarah tried to backtrack on her comments when confronted, and of course blaming the controversy on the "lame street media" but we all know what she meant.
onecrazyprogressive   2 minutes ago (10:59 AM)
her comment about repealing the healthcare bill reminded me of an incident about a years ago when she got punked by Canadian comedian Mary Walsh, telling Walsh "...common sense conservatism can be plugged in there in Canada too. In fact, Canada needs to reform its health care system and let the private sector take over some of what the government has absorbed."

nelly55   4 minutes ago (10:57 AM)
SP isn't qualified to take out Michelle's trash. Michelle did something with her education to help her fellow man, not become a headline.
hawkseye   4 minutes ago (10:57 AM)
Narcissists, such as Sarah Palin, do not rely on truth to further their delusional ambitions.

04ever   12 hours ago (10:59 PM)
The part where she insinuated the Obamas hate white people????

Funny how she latches on to Obama's association with Rev. Wright, yet she herself is linked to some questionable religious leaders. Her husband was also a part of the Alaska Independence Party who proposed the state secede.
2 months ago 9
Carter established an energy plan – to make the US energy independent by 2010 !
Reagan/Bush/Bush … took the oil/coal route [for their donors].
Why did the US get involved in the 1st Gulf War? Bush I – kissing up to his Saudi friends !
Feb 2001, FBI concluded bin Laden was involved in the bombing of the USS Cole in a Yemeni port.

1 month ago
Norway has fish, oil and lumber. That's about it. Agriculture is small, but mostly self containing. We make the best bread in the world. One of the few things I miss about my own country when I'm out travelling for months and years at the time.
Norway is a centre left constituitional monarchy with parliamentarism as a ruling form. A representative democracy just like USA. In fact, the Norwegian Constitution is largely inspired by the American Constittution.

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