
Friday, November 19, 2010

The Truth Reigns

The lame duck part of Congress allows many Republicans to dictate the agenda. The Republicans are of course supported by the ruling class in America. The Democrats still have large majorities in this session so far that includes almost 100 Democratic Congressmen (and Senators who were either defeated for reelection or retired from office). In the 3 days since the session opened in November 15, the Republicans have snubbed overtures from the White House. The Republicans torpedoed a top policy initiative of the Obama administration. They sought to dictate monetary policy to the Federal Reserve Board and blocked an effort to improve the pay status of working women. The Republicans canclled a November 18 summit meeting between Obama and top congressional Democrats plus Republicans (since the Republicans said that they wanted more time for internal disucssion and preparation). It or the meeting was reset fro November 30 after the Thanksgiving holiday. This delay makes it far less likely that the talks will lead to any legislation passing the lame duck session. It will occur when the unemployment benefits will begin expiring for some 2 million jobless workers. Congressional action is required before then to maintain the distribution of unemployment checks averaging $300 a week. Republicans are a disgrace of not wanting these benefits to exist for families hurting in the world. Harry Reid said that he will consider an extension of tax cuts for the wealthy as a dead to extend all of the tax cuts enacted under the Bush administration in 2001. They are set to expire in December 31. Barack Obama said that he wants to extend the cuts for only making $250,000 a year or less. He criticized the Republicans for backing the continuation of the tax cuts for the wealthy since it will cost 700 billion for over 10 years. After the November 2 election, Obama and Reid said that they would back a temporarily 2 year extension of all tax cuts (even those for the super rich). Republicans like Senator Jon Kyl want to kill the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty with Russia. There msut be a 2/3 vote of the Senate to ratify the treaty (or 8 Republicans must join the 59 Democrats to win approval). Kyl later said that he might support ratification since the government promised him spending on U.S. nuclear weapons and wepaons spending. Even warmongering and the U.S. foreign policy establishment like Henry Kissinger and George Schultz wants the START Treaty rartified. Kyl rebuffed pleas from the Pentagon brass that ratification means resumption of access to Russian nuclear sites for US military observers, which ended last December with the expiration of the previous version of the treaty. Some people have concerns over Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke having conerns over the FED using $600 billion program of purchasing U.S. Treasury bonds. Some Republicans want price stabilization and not have quantitative easing. It's easy to see that high interest rates can drive up unemployment. Volcker, a Democrat, did this as FED Chairman during the 1980-1982 recession (he raised interests rates as high as 20 percent). The Republican Party took over most of the House. Nancy Pelosi is the new minority leader when some Blue Dog Democrats opposed her since they are more conservative. The Republicans blocked the Paycheck Fairness Act, which passed the House last year, and would strengthen enforcement of equal pay for women workers performing the same jobs as men. One Democrat, Ben Nelson of Nebraska, joined 40 Republicans in upholding the filibuster that killed the bill. One Republican, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, did not vote. Nelson is a known sellout. The bill would have amended the existing Equal Pay Act by requiring employers to demonstrate that differences in pay rate for comparable jobs were justified by training and experience. According to the Labor Department, the median weekly earnings for full-time women workers were $657 in 2009, compared to $819 for men. This is the new reality in America and we have the right to fight for a better reality.

The TSA Abuse opens the door for resistance. September 11, 2001 was the beginning of the decade of fear and the war on terror. People are relying on an oppressive system to protect themselves. Homeland Security was formed. Its security measures were imposed on the populace and most of them accept it. Even in Germany, people are protesting against the naked body scanners there. Nearly a decades after the tragic events of 9/11, resistance have been started by the outrageously intrusive security measures on the part of the Transportation Security Administration. The TSA's enhanced patdowns allow people to put hands down passengers' pants. This has caused a widespread outrage. Airports are recognizing the extent of the discontent as Florida's Sanford airport is opting out of the TSA screening choosing to use a private security firm. Alexis de Tocqueville's study of history showed him that socieites don't usually fall because of tyranny from outside nations explicitly. In his 1835 book Democracy in America, Tocqueville wrote, “A nation that asks nothing of government but the maintenance of order is already a slave in the depths of its heart; it is a slave of its well-being, ready for the man who will put it in chains.” The issue of TSA abuse is a high profile case of tyranny and debasement that is reminding the naiton of this central truth which Tocqueville knew that: "...“…despotism corrupts the person who submits to it far more than the person who imposes it.” In other words, if evil occurs in a nation, it's ruins the victims of it more than the person who starts the evil in the first place from a mental standpoint. There is a widespread media attention to the growing resistance against the TSA abuse. It shows America that they aren't alone in their anger. The public doesn't want the government to literally put its hands in their pants. The government shouldn't be doing this at all. It's wrong to have fusion center to collect information on Americans illegally as well. The government is going too far in society too.

Christian persecution have increased since the war on terror came about worldwide. Compass Direct News from November 5, 2010 reported on this persecution against Christians. Muslims have beaten with bricks and hockey sticks a Christian clergyman since he was a vicitm of a fatwa demanding his death. This occurred in November 1, 2010 in Islamabad. The Rev. Dr. Suleman Nasri Khan is a former fighter in Afghanistan before his conversion to Christianity in 2000, suffered a serious head inquiry, a hairline fracture in his arm and a broken bone in his left ankle in the assault by 10 Muslim extremists, etc. He was able to identity 2 of them as Allama Atta-Ullah Attaria and Allama Masaud Hussain. The attack in Chashma (new Iqbal Town in Islamabad) followed Islamic scholar Allama Nawasish Ali's October 25th fawta (or religious ruling) to kill Khan (or the the pastor of Power of the Healing God's Church in the Kalupura area of Gujrat city). A mufti or Islamic scholar and member of Dawat-e-Islami, which organizes studies of the Kuran and Sunnah (or the sayings and deeds of Muhammad). Ali is authorized to issue fatwas. Khan is 34 and he relocated to a rented apartment in Islamabad after fleeing his home in Gujrat because of death threats agaisnt him and his family, he said. The fatwa is following by many Muslim radiclaly. It was issued after Khan protested anti-Christian violence in Kalupura last month. Muslim extremists who learned of his conversion had first attacked Khan in 2008 killing his child,  3-month old Sana Nasri Khan. He and wife Aster Nasri Khan escaped. Christians have died in Iraq. Muslims set fire overnight to at least 10 houses belonging to Coptic Christians in a village in southern Egypt over rumors that a Christian resident had an affair with a Muslim girl. The attacks started after locals spotted a young Copt and a Muslim girl together at night inside the village cemetery, the officials said. They added that both were put under police custody as authorities investigate. Christians in Iran are reporting that Pastor Youcef Nardarkhani has been sentenced to death for what is called a 'thought crime." The Pastor Youcef is a leader in the Full Gospel Church of Iran network. Many members of that church has been imprisoned. The Iranian government also threatened his wife with life impriosnment. They have threatened to take away their 2 children too. 88 Christians have been arrested in Iran alone since 2010. 18 are still in custody and 65 have been released. This hatred of Christians by radical Muslims is purely evil and satanic.

 Michael Bloomberg is very slick. He acts as an intermediatary between Wall Street and the political establishment. He's a multi-bilionaire and the current mayor of New York City. Michael Bloomberg wants the government to be of the rich for the rich according to his critics. He does want his policies to exist nationwide. Michael Bloomberg told Rupert Murdoch that President Barack Obama is the most arrogant man that he has ever met, so he isn't an Obama supporter by any stretch of the imagination. Americans politicans that desire to be President have to have a lot of money or seek approval by the corproate executives nowadays (unless they are a Third Party candidate with more independence of thought). Even before the Iowa primary, elitists try to force candidates to tow the line, so if rich folks don't like you, then it's difficult for anyone to get the Presidency. Back in 2008, Bloomberg comtemplated running for the Presidency, but he ran for mayor in 2009. He was re-elected by a slim margin, because Barack Obama made a late and tepid endorsement of Bloomberg's Democratic opponent. Making the rich angry is a cause for concern among Obama. Some believe that he has plans for being President in 2012. This is why he has covert meetings with Knight of St. Gregory and fellwo billionaire Rupert Murdoch. He's the CEO of the News Corporation. FOX News is a mostly pro-Republican network. Bloomberg is pro-Wall Street adn beleives that the federal government vilifies Wall Street, which is silly. He says that President Barack Obama is  “inexperienced at running things” and “too willing to make compromises.“ We have a plutocracy where someone needs wealth to be President. Government is owned by rich corporate interests for the most part. Bloomberg used $70 million to fund his mayoral campaign. He has a net worth that is estimated at $20 billion. So, 70 million dollars to him is a drop in the bucket. Both parties are abhored by the public since rich elites fund them. If there are no checks and balances, then chaos will reign in society. If Bloomberg runs, then it will be business as usual. People have the right to make a redress of grievances and have mass political movements in order to try to make a difference. No one knowns whether Bloomberg will be a Ross Perot like figure or a spoiler for people. If Barack Obama and the Democrats tried to work radically for the benefit of the working people, money wouldn't be enough to defeaat them. Yet, many Democrats are allies of Wall Street, have escalated wars, and millions have no jobs plus no homes. Soon, the Deficition reduction commission will try to destroy the small safety net in America. The 2 major parties are very similar and they continue to work for corporations and elite individuals. The mayor Michael Bloomberg opposes minimum wages to study proposals to include subsidized development projects under Living Wage regulations. The mayor’s expert says higher wages kill economic development. But expanded wage protections have been “very successful” in Los Angeles and other cities, says Paul Sonn, of the National Employment Law Center. It's not a secret that anti-immigrant rhetoric is tied to the eugenics movement.

Secret Societies existed in the world. The Archons in the Boule are Males members and their wives are called Archousais. They are made up of more than 5,000 people that make up of the establishment African American country. Lawyers, doctors, engineers, actors, athletes, and accountants are members of the Boule. Archon is a demon in Gnostic terminology. The group was created to be like the Skulls and Bones, but the Skulls and Bones is an evil secret society (that has been involved in terrorism, Nazi funding, opium trading, and other reprehensible acts). The Boule serves the global elite. The lower ranks are kept from what the upper ranks are doing like in Freemasonry, the CFR, and other groups. The movement of Marcus Garvey was strified by the Boule order. Garvey wasn't perfect, but he did the right thing to promote confidence and consciousness among the black community. Garvey is an inspiration among the black community. He was taken down by the Feds and the Boule working together ironically. Conspiracy researcher Steve Cokely have exposed the Boule and its symbolism for years. Many Boule are fraternity members and members of Freemasonry. Its members won't go after the United nations in trying to promote depopulation schemes in Africa, and the radical problems in the Third World plus beyond. It isn't a secret that division, hatred, war, and other evils are promoted by the elite to control people. Even my mother knew of the Boule and called some of them stuck up to put it in kind terms.  It's our job to rise above the propanganda and fight evil by doing good. Terry Melanson and Joe Wages have new information on the Bavarian Illuminati. There is Illumianti letters to Benjamin Franklin and John Adams. This was found by Masonic historian Reinhard Markner. Adams and Franklin were contacted by the head of the Munich Lodge Professor Baader. Baader sent to the letter to Franklin. Melanson found the Adams letter and Adams' reply. De Kemtenstrauss it seems was the penname that Baader wrote under. Baader wrote to Adams and Franklin since Baader want to purchase land and protection in the Southern states (as they were envoys to France). Baader was told in the letter and the reply that in America rights are not granted to individuals, but they are unalienable to all men.  Ferdinand Maria Baader (1747-97) wasn’t just an average Illuminatus. He was an early initiate, on the ruling Areopagite council, the founder and Master of the important Illuminati Lodge St. Théodore du Bon Conseil, and one of the few who would later be privy to Weishaupt’s last degree Rex or Man King (Docetist). Baader wanted to leave the oppressive, theocratic state of Bavaria to Elysium (or the name of the project for colonizing the United States). This is a brand new discovery and can change the history of the Illuminati.

By Timothy


  1. Just thought I'd correct some things. The discoveries of the letters are entirely through the efforts of Joe Wages. Markner told him about their existence, and he was off to the races (finding them in no time). I had nothing to do with it; merely interviewing him about the discoveries. My only contribution was the translation of the two French letters, from Baader to Costanza, into English. The originals appeared in Markner's book on the Illuminati.

  2. Thanks for the heads up.
