
Monday, December 27, 2010

The Aftermath of the Blizzard (worst in SE Virginia in 20 Years)

The blizzard that can here was the worst in 20 years. I never seen this much snow since the early to mid 1990's. I'm used to the cold (and warm weather as well) since I'm a younger man, but a lot of us in SE Virginia aren't used to heavy snow.

There are things that I didn't know about John Dewey. John Dewey is one father of the modern establishment educational system that we see today. The Dewey Decimal system was named after him in order for folks to organize library books in public schools and public libraries. Dewey died of pneumonia on June 1, 1952. Dewey didn't believe in Christian thought since he believed that secularism and mainstream religion was inseparable. So, he wanted to embrace natural piety or a rejection of religious traditions and institutions used in an authoritarian way. He rejected the mainstream Christian view of sin too. John D. Rockefeller (yes, the robber baron) funds John Dewey to work in the University of Michigan to work his mojo. John Dewey worked in the University of Chicago as the head of the head of the combined departments of philosophy, psychology and pedagogy. Rockefeller also funded a laboratory for Dewey to study psychological principles and experimental techniques of learning. Dewey explicitly believed that the children ought to be governed by the state. This is wrong since humans should rule and governed the state not vice versa. By 1914 he is quoted as saying, "We visualize a population we can mold in our hands." John Dewey is the member of the American Humanist Association and signed its Manifesto in 1933. Humanism teaches the potential access of man, while negating the spiritual needs to enrich the soul of man. Radical humanism mixed with Objectivism (or economic reactionary policies) have been a cause of much of the social/political programs that we witness today. The establishment overtly got rid of Judeo-Christian values in public schools to replace it with the modern Mystery religions in them. This is which schools have people chanting mantras or a form of Hindu prayer.The Rockefeller Foundation and other groups wanted American school to make just laborers not lawyers, doctors, etc. The various Foundations wanted to use programs to control people. By 1947, the Rockefeller Foundation funded the creation of the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations, which joined with Kurt Lewin's Research Center for Group Dynamics at the University of Michigan. They created group and individual programming techniques now used in educational and other social settings. Some education restricts independent inquiry into concepts and the teaching of political incorrect that ought to consist of a major function of true education. We should learn trades. Also, we should learn more like math, science, politics, economics, engineering, history, literature and language, and a comprehensive approach to world society. We should definitely expose the corruption of the political/financial elite too (and their inside jobs spanning thousands of years among human history). Learning should never be abstract, but precise. It shouldn't be about behavior modification like John Goodlad from 1968 desired. It should be about learning the truth. In order, you shouldn't just memorize random information in a repetitive way. You should under the sense of letters, the meanings of symbols, and learning the real meanings of the words in a language beyond random, simplistic memorization. Why do these words exist and how can I evaluate their conceptualization are great questions to ask in learning. Problems in education harms us economically. A poor person is jailed for a $20 theft, but a plutocrat is allowed to steal the pension fund of thousands of workers without penalty. The Republicans in Texas are wrong too in promoting reactionary historical revisionism there as well.

Margaret Kimberley and others have written about gentification. Gentification is about overtly getting rid of minority citizens in urban areas by buying up property, while allowing the richer class (mostly whites in the middle to rich income bracket. Not all white people are involved with this, so I want to make perfectly clear. People of every color desire freedom and liberty for all peoples in a sincere fashion. Yet, I do believe in black love now and in the future) to own the property and keep the resources for their ownselves. This has occured for decades. It's nationwide and people have the right to disagree with that agenda. It's even happening in New York. Urban demographics are changing in the 21st century. This is why more Black people, Hispanics, and immigrants are being pushed into the suburbs increasingly. Central Harlem has 9% white people from none. Fort Greene and Prospect Height have lost their black population by double digits. These locations are found in Brookyln. The Left gatekeepers in NYC don't do nothing, because they want cash profit and land exploitation. They are no different than neo con. The neo con would tell you in your face that they hate us literally and the left gatekeepers would smile in your face (while hating you behind your back. Just look at the recent comments of Rosie O'Donnell, Harry Reid, Bill Maher, Chelsea Handler, Gloria Steniem, and I could go on and on). We shouldn't be a bunch of Republicans with their track record, but we ought to have independent political thinking. The bankers use vacant lots with new construction to build luxury housing, while doing little to really and radically fight against poverty. There is also the police using racial profiling in NYC against Black people and Latinos. Privitization of services are coming in America s well. Luxury homes are built in urban cities as a means to get tax breaks as well (while getting rid of the poor in urban areas to increase prices in rent). These beasts (in the corporate elite) think about this stuff for decades in advance. Also, gentrification bring in more segregration since the property values and rents increase being the reach of a diverse middle class too. The gentrifiers harm homes to build up corporate enclaves (in Oakland, CA, and even in Atlanta). The elite hate the poor and people of color. It's as simple as that. The census of 2010 proves that the reactionaries are planning for one final battle in order to have our safety net nearly destroyed. So, we know what the deal is and we should oppose some beast system that don't benefit most people anyway. This isn't about racism. I believe in equal rights for all people. Yet, you shouldn't be ashamed of your race or ethnicity regardless of what you are (the establishment wants you to hate your heritage and this is rather overt). People have the right to have nationalism too. That is why people are right to want black people and others to seize dilapidated properties, training in economic plus building trades, and rehab these locations (in order to increase financial ownership without some corporate interloper doing damage).

The Jesuits helped to create the Hollywood film industry. There is the Jesuit "Father" Daniel J. Stack. In 1920, he was appointed pastor. He tried to accommodate the growing parish on a minimal budget. He had a lot of deep-pocketed resource to tap into. Stack was a popular location for movie studios. One place where they did religious works was in a popular location for movie studios. Stack was a technical advisor to evaluate the religious accuracy of a scene. So central was Blessed Sacrament in the film community that the first professional organization for screen writers and actors - the precursor to the Writers' and Screen Actors' Guilds - was formed at the church. Fundraising efforts for the sacrament place was agreed to be helped by Universal, Keystone, Lasky, the Francis Ford Company, and Christie Studios. They provided actors and equipment free of charge for church sponsored events like theatrical productions or festivals. Some extra income earned was given to the general maintenance. There was a reserve used to pay for a new church school and rectory. Catholic bishops and lay people were leery of federal censorship and believed in the Hays approach (of self censorship. The Production Code ended in 1968 to support the MPAA film rating system). The Jesuits and Catholics supported the Production code or the Hays Code (like Martin Quigley, Joseph Breen, Father Daniel A. Lord S.J., Father FitzGeorge Dinneen S.J., and Father Wilfred Parsons or editor of Catholic publication America). "Father" Daneil Lord created the Production Code or the Hays Code. Roman Catholic Amadeo Pietro Giannini founded the Bank of America. His bank funded the motion picture and wine industries in California. He and American Trust Company President John S. Drum was awarded the Vatican awards  Knighthood in the Order of Malta. The knighthood is the oldest and most distinguished decoration of laymen conferred by the Catholic Church.

I didn't mention that much about Aborigines. In 2008, the Australian government issued an apology for policies of discrimination and oppression against the Aboriginal people. There were Aboriginals taken from their families as children in a policy of forced racial assimilation received a historic apology from Australia's new government. The Prime Minister Keven Rudd supported this policy. He expressed these intentions in Parliament in Canberra or Australia's capital. The Labor leader said that the apology would remove that blight in the nation's soul. Most Australians support this effort. This is similar to the USA's apology to Japanese Americans for interning thousands of innocent Japanese citizens during World War II. 13,000 Aboriginals were called members of the Stolen Generation or relatives (who were badly affected by the long standing policy). The theft of Aboriginals occurred when 100,000 mixed race children were taken from their parents from 1910 and 1970 (Under the premise that Aborigines were facing extinction). The children of were snatched from sobbing mothers by policemen or government officials. The children were taken to foster places or sent to institutions. Some experienced sexual abuse, neglect, and cruelty. Debra Hocking is one mixed race Aborigine from Tasmania who was removed from her parents as a baby (including 4 siblings). She suffered abuse. “I was 18 months old when I was taken away, and I didn’t meet my mum until I was 20. I grew up not even knowing her name – the authorities wouldn’t tell me,” she recalls. “Eventually I tracked her down but by then she was gravely ill. We met twice, but two weeks later she died.” She says there was no evidence of neglect in her family. The policy “was bizarre, and very cruel,” she adds. “Perhaps it was a deliberate attempt to breed out the Aboriginal race, by splitting up families.” Dr. Wyndham touches on the forcible removal of large numbers of part-Aboriginal children from their mothers, to be raised in Children’s Homes or by white foster-parents, a policy introduced on the grounds that the Aboriginal peoples were destined for extinction. This policy of assimilation, which was followed with especial vigour by A.O. Neville the Protector of Aborigines in Western Australia and continued until 1970. The issue of compensation is controversial. Some Aboriginal leaders want a compensation fund of about $900 million or more. The government has refused this plan. Reconciliation Australia hopes the government will eventually accept the idea of payouts, as some Australian states have done. “These people were done a grave injustice. Compensation is considered to be part of any reparations process,” says Mr. Glanville. Aborigines now are about 450,000 in its population among 21 million people. They are the poorest ethnic group in Australia. The Stolen Generation theft was promoted by governmental agencies dealt with eugenics (and forcing people into internment camps and orphanages). Eugenicists in Australia passed the 1901 Immigration Restriction Act. This limited immigration to those who could pass a dictation test in any European language of the testing officer's choice. This proved a big impediment for persons of non-European origin. This is similar to the South African colony of Natal. In the United States, eugenics targeted minorities as well in eugenic procedures.

There is the election of Lukashenko in Belarus. He refused to support the establishment's way from the authority of the European Union. Salaries have increased each year in Belarus, pensions are maintained, and there is free universal health care. Employment, and free education are in existence in Belarus too. Some United States fund CIA front group called the National Endowment for Democracy gave millions of dollars each year to fund propaganda in Belarus. In 2005, there were 555 independent newspapers in Belarus out of 776 newspaper. Independent media outweighs state broadcasting in all media domains including TV and radio. There is an access to international media is free and open to all citizens. On the 19th of December Alexander Lukashenko secured a fourth term as president of Belarus with an overwhelming majority of the votes. Some people have called him a dictator in the world. Lukashenko has his fourth term as President of Belarus. The international community shunned Belarus for its controversial on democratic issues. The CIS or the Commonwealth of Independent States and OSCE or the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe monitored the election. The CIS delegates classified the election as going by the book. The chief adviser of the Association of Turkish businessmen and manufacturers, former vice-president of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and former Minister of Trade and Industry in Turkey Tahir Kessy told Belarusian reporters that the elections are free and fair. The independent German observer Frank Musser said that the checking polls in Belarus were thoroughly checked. Many protests with flag of Nazi collaborators from WWII. The Nazis committed atrocities in Belarus as well. Many people in Belarus recall the pro-nationalist broadcasts of Radio Liberty during the Cold War. Many of Radio Liberty’s broadcasts extolled Ukrainian and Belorussian war criminals who had collaborated with the Nazi occupation of Belarus; such as Dmitri Kasmovic, leader of the Belorussian Liberation Movement, who was responsible for the murder of thousands of communists and Jews during Operation Barbarossa. Kasmovic worked  for US intelligence  during the Cold War and had close links to Republican party circles in the United States. The Belarusian people fought legitimately against fascists (during the times of the Third Reich) and these same fascists today pretend to promote human rights and democracy. Belarus has been an independent democratic state for over 16 years.

By Timothy


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