
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Crammasters' words (These are jewels. We need to keep our eyes on the sparrow)

Male, Age Private, Chicago, IL
Posted August 31

@ nodoubt

brother, we must take SOME responsibility for the self-esteem issues of our women when we keep elevating the racist white female who could CARE LESS ABOUT BLACK PEOPLE or the BLACK MALE.

That's why our THIRD book will be all about the beautiful dark and brown-skinned BLACK WOMAN (with pics, stories, etc) because we are spending too damn time elevating black females JUST BECAUSE they look white OR have more white blood

acting like robots and spitting out the same lies that the white slaveowners told us

when in reality, the bi-racial black female is MORE DILUTED AND GENETICALLY WEAKER TO THE DARK SKINNED BW.

no disrespect to the light-skin or bi-racial sisters, i love u all, no doubt, but that's a hell of reason to get extra credit, because you may have more white slave-owners/rapists' blood running thru your veins...

just like I don't celebrate the mixture of blood in my veins that all blacks who descended from slaves have in their veins. That was NOT our choice, that was forced upon us and we need to recognize it for what it is....a legacy of our oppression

none of my partners, brothers, nephews, uncles, father, grandpops ever brought home a white female, that is TABOO in our circle,

we are NOT going to disrespect our women, our female ancestors, our female relatives, or the WOMEN WHO RAISED US by uplifting another race of women ABOVE OUR OWN

some might say I'm extreme,

but I say it's extreme to be in a bloody WAR for 500 YEARS and to think you can survive by LAYING DOWN with the same women of the same men who are killing you

the SAME WOMEN who are aiding, assisting, agreeing with, raising, and benefiting from your blood sacrifice

now THAT is some extreme sh___


Often enough we hear comedians on TV saying how we all need to get some white friends and how they like to party and get drunk, and in the same sentence they would say because "n***az" are too mean. Comedians sure do know how to perpetuate the divide, but in a funny and "enjoyable" way (for the audience atleast). I don't think there is nothing wrong with having white friends because I have had plenty cool ones in the past, but I noticed one thing about all of them, you have to be aware of their intentions. They seem to dissimulate their true meaning for befriended you. They all have a goal in mind and want to gain something from you. I'm not talking in the terms of possessions but more so along the line of a stepping stone toward something else. After I realized that, whenever a white person was being friendly toward me, I would think to myself now what does he/she needs from me. While most of them are trying to dissimulate, most of us are trying to assimilate. Remember smiling faces sometimes lie.



Male, Age Private, Chicago, IL
Posted September 01

@ nodoubt

my take on today's black entertainers is they are black Trojan Horses, being rewarded for poisoning the mind and destroying the morality of their black audiences. Got NO USE for most of them and I'm not impressed by (or jealous of) their money or "success"

Nothing worse in the WORLD than making your money degrading yourself and your own people, because sooner or later, you will pay a price bigger than any bank account you possess..

i hear u about the white friend situation, i know some folk think I dislike white folk from reading my posts, but I have met white folk that I have sincerely liked, one on one...


I understand and accept the FACT that our "friendship" will only go so far, and that we all wear different faces at work than we wear with our true friends and family --

a lot of black folk would be surprised to see and hear what their white "friend" really thinks and says when that black folk is not around

and some white folk would be surprised to see and hear what their black "friend" really thinks and says when that white folk is not around...

quid pro quo


Male, Age Private, Chicago, IL
Posted May 05

@ AfricanS

brotha, u took the words out of my mouth...she frustrates and delights me, fools me and schools me, causes me chagrin and eases my pain, confuses me and amuses me,

and I would not trade the black woman for all the women combined on this earth....

It has nothing to do with disliking other races BUT everything to do with LOVING YOUR OWN...

If we cannot love where or who we came from, we cannot love ourelves...

re the pics, man, i stayed up ALL NIGHT looking for these ladies, and had a ball doing it.. .

(good thing my wife was asleep or she would have seen me drooling on the


Received this email from a friend and thought it was worth sharing with my BP Family...

Little known black history fact

A very humorous and revealing story is told about a group of white people who were fed up with African Americans, so they joined together and wished themselves away. They passed through a deep dark tunnel and emerged in sort of a twilight zone where there is an America without black people.

At first the white people breathed a sigh of relief. "At last," they said. "No more crime, drugs, violence and welfare. All of the blacks have gone!"

1. There are very few crops that have flourished because the nation was built on a slave-supported system.

2. There are no cities with tall skyscrapers because Alexander Mils, a black man, invented the elevator, and without it one finds great difficulty reaching higher floors.

3. There are few if any cars because Richard Spikes, a black man, invented the automatic gear shift, Joseph Gambol, also black, invented the Super Charge System for Internal Combustion Engines, and Garrett A. Morgan, a black man, invented the traffic signals.

4. Furthermore, one could not use the rapid transit system because it's procurer was the electric trolley, which was invented by another black man, Albert R. Robinson.

5. Even if there were streets on which cars and a rapid transit system could operate, they were cluttered with paper because an African American, Charles Brooks, invented the street sweeper.

6. There were few if any newspapers, magazines, and books because John Love invented the pencil sharpener, William Purveys invented the fountain pen, Lee Barrage invented the Type Writing Machine and W. A. Love invented the Advanced Printing Press. They were all, you guessed it, Black.

7. Even if Americans could write their letters, articles and books, they would not have been transported by mail because William Barry invented the Postmarking and Canceling Machine, William Purveys invented the Hand Stamp and Philip Downing invented the Letter Drop.

8. The lawns were brown and wilted because Joseph Smith invented the Lawn Sprinkler and John Burr the Lawn Mower.

9. When they entered their homes, they found them to be poorly ventilated and poorly heated. You see, Frederick Jones invented the Air Conditioner and Alice Parker the Heating Furnace.
Their homes were also dim. But of course, Lewis Later invented the Electric Lamp, Michael Harvey invented the lantern and Granville T . Woods invented the Automatic Cut off Switch. Their homes were also filthy because Thomas W. Steward invented the Mop & Lloyd P. Ray the Dust Pan.

10. Their children met them at the door-barefooted, shabby, motley and unkempt. But what could one expect? Jan E. Matzelinger invented the Shoe Lasting Machine, Walter Sammons invented the Comb, Sarah Boone invented the Ironing Board and George T . Samon invented the Clothes Dryer.

11. Finally, they were resigned to at least have dinner amidst all of this turmoil. But here again, the food had spoiled because another Black Man, John Standard invented the refrigerator.

Now, isn't that something? What would this Country be like without the contributions of Blacks, as African-Americans? Martin Luther King, Jr., "by the time we leave for work, Americans have depended on the inventions from the minds of Blacks."

Black history includes more than just slavery, Frederick Douglass, Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey & W.E.B. Dubois.




Then suddenly, reality set in. The "NEW AMERICA" is not America at all -- only a barren wasteland!
Male, Age Private, United Kingdom
Posted March 19

Great post @cramms...

Had this on my page as a favourite page links...

Also don't forget the black mathematicians that have existed since human history to present day. I have them on my page along with all the black inventors and all the western ideas stolen from african culture...

Also, check out a guy on my page called Dr. Philip Emeagwali and check out his page, also on my page...

there's a lot of info on my page links on black scientific history that most may not know about...

CAPTCHA CODE: merits shortly


11:40 PM on February 11, 2010
absolutely. Divide and conquer all day long.
and they degrade the BW thru movies like Precious, Norbit, Big Momma's House, etc. to make impressionable BM think the BW has less value.

However, nothing is further from the truth. The black woman is the original, the first woman on the planet.. Now, that says something right there...


Male, Age Private, Philadelphia, PA
Posted November 25

According to The Selig Center for Economic Growth: Buying power, also referred to as disposable income, is the total personal income available for spending on goods and services after taxes.

It is a phrase used in marketing to explain a particular groups ability to purchase goods from paticular businesses.

It seems to include credit cards, money borrowed, mortgages, car loans etc.

True indicators of income or wealth are real estate, land, stock etc.

Also, didnt we recently discuss a report stating that the Black median household net worth is about $6,000 compared to $8,000 for Hispanics and $90,000 for whites.

My point is that we should not accept these numbers as some indication of how much disposable income we actually have or how if we were not so fiscally frivilous we could somehow "purchase our liberation."


Male, Age Private, Chicago, IL
Posted December 21

@ Venita, who asked, "Why would the wm continue to promote ir,if we are a defeated race and powerless?anyways."


four reasons (in my opinion)

#1 -- the white supremacists are LONG-TERM PLANNERS, they don't do anything half-a__. If they want to destroy us, they're going to keep it doing us until the JOB IS DONE.

#2 -- once you commit a terrible injustice against another person or another race, you can NEVER let them get off their knees, because if they get a chance to recover you will face retribution and revenge. Your safest option is to completely disable your enemy OR destroy them.

#3 -- he ENJOYS DOING IT. Nobody could expend this much time, money, and energy fugging over people unless they ENJOYED IT.

#4 -- He knows who WE ARE, and he knows WE DO NOT KNOW, but he cannot afford to let us wakeup or UNITE. That's why we keep getting knocked out for the count over and over,

this game has been going on for 500 years, from slavery to the Black Codes, to Reconstruction, to Jim Crow, to Black Wall Street, to Marcus Garvey, to Malcolm X, to Martin Luther King, to mass incarceration of BM and BW, to Katrina, to Sean Bell, and the list goes on and on and on

and he really played the Trump Card when HE chose our latest "black leader" and got US to go along with it, knowing d___ well, we didn't pick him OR nominate him or control him

what kind of people allow their enemies to choose their leaders?

a people who are hell bent on self-extinction


Male, Age Private, Chicago, IL
Posted December 23

@ nodoubt

a BM who once confided privately to me that he was gay told me that he and a lot of BM in the gay community have come to the realization that a lot of BM who date outside their race are DL, and he said there were many times when a BM with a white or Asian female would be giving him the eye

Not saying all BM who date IR are "gay" but i never would have known about this, if he hadn't confided in me...

we're including that in book number two, about the secret homosexual lives of (some) BM who date IR exclusively.

the main reasons is to STOP us (BM) from blaming our women for everything WE DO. That's bs has to stop, because every time a man does NOT own up to his own actions, he tears his MANHOOD down another notch.

see, the truth is WHAT IT IS, and it doesn't care what excuses we make or what BS we tell ourselves, the END result will tell the real story

so what kind of MAN would I be if I claimed to be a MAN but take NO responsibility for my own actions? And what are we saying to our CREATOR when we tear down our OWN MOTHERS and the MOTHERS OF OUR CHILDREN?

we are ALL accountable for our behavior and when the time comes what will our real RECORD say about us as men? or


Male, Age Private, Chicago, IL
Posted April 14

@ marlene313

it's sad but predictable since we do not control the education system that brainwashes (and lies to) us.

the time is growing shorter for black folks in the US to wake up and make a change, and I'm not talking about the kind of "change" talk that comes from a politician...


Male, Age Private, Chicago, IL
Posted December 22

@ venita

absolutely right

i have SEEN and heard whites with black partners or spouses practice racism. I know a BM from the UK who told me that some of the BM and BW he knows who are dating/married whites have been called "n___r" by those whites. I have relatives who are married to whites who do not like being around other black people outside of their partner's black family -- and even then only the few who are not too "black" acting

so it is extremely naive to think someone can't be a racist because they are sleeping with a black person, just like some black folk don't like whites people in general but only deal with whites as lovers (SICK)

racism makes everybody -- white, black -- mentally ill, because it creates a sick society based on a false superiority and a false inferiority


Male, Age Private, Chicago, IL
Posted December 23

Let me add one more thing

What I have found is the BM who promote this BW-bashing crap sometimes have hidden agendas.

In my PERSONAL experience, any BM who tries to turn other BM against BM, had SEXUAL ISSUES

in other words, sometimes bros be RECRUITING other bros into their "brotherhood"

and the BM i personally suspected (or knew) were on the DL seemed to have a lot of hidden hostility toward women, I suspect because they couldn't be open and free about sleeping with men -- so there was some jealousy and resentment for having to pretend to be strictly heterosexual

case in point,

this BM came in as a temp worker, nice-looking, well-groomed, educated brother, always up in women's faces, but whenever i got into a few conversations with him, he was always putting down his woman, an older BW (who was carrying the household) and his main complaint was she talked too much... lol

at first, I figured, it was just the typical relationship thing, since it was obvious he was with her for financial reasons


the day he sidled up to one of the younger dudes on the job, and out of the blue, asked him what time he got off work. The younger dude -- who is always asking me for advice, pulled me to the side and told me that the other dude was hitting on him

so, my ears perk up whenever a BM tries to recruit me into the BW-hating club

like a BM on BP -- who shall remain nameless -- started a flame war on me a few months ago after I refused to join his bash BW club

it is MENTACIDE (psychological suicide) for a BM to turn against the same women who gave birth to him and raised him --

and if I can't reason with a BM about that and he stays on that page, i just RIP THAT PAGE OUT AND THROW IT AWAY...


 a man has to take care of his personal business and everything else will fall into place. Focus on your goals, talk to folks who have made it, plan and work towards those goals. Men who are all about something, whether it's making money and being successful or physical fitness and getting in great shape or art or creativity, being focused on building, creating, developing one's mind is the way to making something of yourself in life. Women will naturally gravitate to a man who they see as focused on something constructive. He's a challenge, he's got a vision, a goal and women will be interested. Of course the ULTIMATE goal is to get a woman, but the means to do that is to build yourself up first and they will come to you. Chasing after women like a little two year old who can't control his reactions and impulses is usually a reflection of a weak man who can be manipulated and taken advantage of. Most women don't usually go for that.



Male, Age Private, Chicago, IL
Posted December 23

@ Harvey33

brother, I agree with most of what you said, and would add that they have done the same thing to the BM, taught us that the BW is the cause of all the BM's problems,

after all, what instigated this post was a website BY BM called, "blackmenvent" where BM are ranting against BW

and i got to be honest (otherwise, what's the point of me doing this) -- i see a hell of a lot more BW bashing by BM on-line than BM-bashing by BW

so it might be a case of BW doing catch-up

whenever BM and BW talk about the way black folks are portrayed in the media, we STILL BLAME OTHER BLACK FOLKS

knowing damn well, black folk do NOT CONTROL THE MEDIA

we are so well-trained (like circus animals) we jump through the white society's hoops and bash each other and i think part of it is we are AFRAID of white folk

otherwise, we'd be calling this society on what it's doing to us INSTEAD of blaming each other

of course, there are two other possible explanations:

#1 -- blaming each other is EASY and SAFE

#2 -- blaming each other NEVER solves any problems but only makes things worse -- and maybe that's what we want, for things to get worse. This brother -- can't think of this name -- actually lectures about black people wanting to die, that we have reached a point where we just want to die as a people, as individuals to escape the pain of racism

Is he right? I'm starting to wonder about that
because we sure don't ACT like people who want to LIVE

because NO people who wanted to survive would tear apart their own race, and destroy the self-esteem of their children

so maybe, we have begun to embrace our misery to the extent that we PREFER IT, I know whenever i have posted positive info about black love it's largely avoided by BP members.

but as soon as somebody posts something NEGATIVE and starts
bashing BM or BW, the foxes come out of the holes, salivating...and ready to take a bite out of the opposite sex

otherwise, I can make no sense out of why we (BM) would blame BW for what white society is doing to us

Or why BW would ignore the posts that praise them as BW

anybody else got some answers, please share them



Male, Age Private, Philadelphia, PA
Posted May 06


your're welcome my brother but no thanks necessary

its all about "US" ALL OF US who make the attempt to inspire one another to challenge the "norm" with critical analysis

There can be no salvation

There can be no rest

Until all old customs

Are put to the test

Gil Scott Heron


Male, Age Private, Chicago, IL
Posted November 28

@ i_abstract

you are right, education is the key

and the best way to teach kids about money is to let them see how you handle yours, how you pay bills, when you run short, what happened, how much things (really) cost, what you can afford, what you cant

put that false ego out with the trash and teach your kids about handling money, credit cards, etc

the next best way is to let them work in a business (with u) and earn their spending money.

that's one thing about immigrant kids, by the time most of us are getting our first credit card, they already know how to make money and what to do with it if they want to make MORE


@ CaliFemme
sis, if i had a DIME for every BM that comes on these threads and repeats the same TIRED stereotyped lines (and lies) that they they re-post WITHOUT thinking about what they heard, like a bunch of black sheep

and u can tell repeating something they heard OR read because they can’t explain OR defend it logicallyand just for the record, this ain’t directed specifically at Esco73, I’m speaking in general…got to rant for a sec, so bear with me…

and some of them RIGHT NOW are living off a black woman (like MOMMA) talking about black women are “unappreciative?” and money-hongry?????

My pops did me and my brothers the biggest favor he could have done

he let us know that once we left school, we had to get our S together (become self-supportive, we better NOT bring no police around his house, don’t call him if we get arrested for something we DID, he wasn’t paying for no babies, don’t make no babies in his crib, and we wasn’t laying up on his dime…

that’s why I can’t believe the S i read on these threads, from dudes who can’t take care of their damn self, talking about being a “man,” talking about “gold-diggers,”

and praising latin and white females who could GIVE A DA*N about black folks, and who didn’t put a dime’s worth of FOOD in their stomach or clothes on their backs for the first 18 (to sometimes 41) years of their lives

Cali, that sh___t really pizzes me off…


@ Esco73 said, “The other thing I have noticed about most sista’s are they want a man, but don’t want to let him be the man. They want to run a house, but have the nerve to want a King…”

ME: Brother, If WE are not acting like KINGS – making our communities SAFE for our women and children, and providing for our women and children, they GOT to be the KING and the QUEEN. What choice are we giving them IF we are missing in action OR not taking care of our business?

Brother, I got partners who had a moms who PUT their a___s through COLLEGE, without a dime from pops. Let’s keep it real HONEST, brother. Too many BM are too dependent on black females, to lose what little support we have…

maybe, that’s the reason some BM post what u do. The BM owes the BW too much, and it makes us feel like less than a MAN, so we try to make them feel like less than a WOMAN.

the problem with that is, the more lies we tell, the weaker we get and the less MANLY we get, and the next thing u know we got our pants hanging off our azz, wearing more jewelry than six Jewish ladies at a Bar Mitzvah, because we lost our manhood…

Esco73 said, “I’m not condoning his actions, but I do understand. He said he likes lighter women. That’s cool, cuz I like lighter women,”

ME: have you ever asked yourself why, brother? I’ll tell you why, because the WHITE MAN told you lighter was better. Now, here’s a question for you: when you look in the mirror, do you see “dark” or do you see “light?” Is a light skinned or white man better than you? Just curious…
Esco73 said, “Black women are perceived to be gold diggers. I’m not saying its true, but the perception is there. White women are use to money and latin women know there place…again. I’m not saying its true, but these are my perceptions of black men on white and latin women.”

ME: The MAIN reason, brother, is WE – BM – gave them that reputation, despite all the BW who are supporting baby and adult BM. Almost funny how many BM without a pot to pizz in, talking about “gold-diggers” wanting gold that don’t exist…lol…

If all most BW wanted was money, brother, most BM would be ALONE, and the black population rate would fall to ZERO.

No doubt, there are black gold-diggers, but they come in all colors, and the best example is all these negro males giving WHITE FEMALE (gold-diggers) – MILLIONS of dollars after a DIVORCE.

And after most of these poor azz white females divorce that rich negro male that married them, she takes that money BACK to her white community and marries a WHITE MALE, brother, for example, Montel Williams’ ex-stripper wife #2 – and once these white females got that silly negro’s wad of cash, they are NEVER seen with another BM.

Do you think Tiger Woods’ ex-wife will marry another BM, now that she’s one of the richest women on the planet? And check this: when’s the last time YOU saw a rich white female marry a poor BM?

Esco73 said, “Now with all that being said I am expecting some backlash from the comment. However, I won’t be coming back on the article to look for it.”

ME: No disrespect intended, but that’s kinda “tired,” to drop a pack of negative comments AND not have the heart to defend them. That tells me one thing, that you don’t really believe what you wrote, and maybe, there’s hope…


Dec 10, 2009 06:02 PM
REPLYING TO hallieberries66 ON Dec 10, 2009 05:36 PM Link Back
Of course his golfing peers knew about his activities,

and the same way Tiger knows about their secrets

but the one thing about white males

they don't confide in or expose much to black males

In my experience, when a BM and WM talking, the BM is revealing a lot more personal info than the WM

now that the floodgates have opened, Tiger's fair game.

probably a lot of his competition have been hoping for an opportunity like this


Dec 10, 2009 09:10 PM
REPLYING TO wkingsolomon77 ON Dec 10, 2009 08:46 PM Link Back
damn wking,

I'm starting to feel for this BM.
I mean, he didn't murder or rob or eat anybody
but he's catching more heat than Jeffrey Dahmer

whether I agree with his lifestyle choices or not
this doesn't give anyone (including my azz) the right to destroy him

you gotta be just
even to people you don't respect
this ain't justice
it's starting to look real racist

but of course, BM like myself
we know what we're dealing with
and do not allow ourselves to be confused or neutralized
by laying down with the symbols of our oppression

we don't weaken ourselves by abandoning our
women, children, and communities
because we know when the shiit goes down
no matter how successful, talented, or rich a BM is
at the end of the day
he is still a nxxxxr in America

And this is Tiger's (and OJ Simpson's) achille's heel
to want to do anything and be anybody
just to belong to a (white) club
that will never welcome them as a member

no matter how many WW he screws or marries
or how many light-skinned children he has
Tiger is just another white-identified BM
who didn't watch his back
and trusted the same people (and women)
who screwed him in the end...
Dec 11, 2009 06:31 PM
REPLYING TO wkingsolomon77 ON Dec 11, 2009 04:08 PM Link Back
Tiger's wife got (all) her status from being "Mrs. Tiger Wood"

now there's no status, just embarassment, my bet is she'll divorce him

i think you're right

he won't recover -- image-wise-- from this

however, i still have no desire to see him completely destroyed

I don't respect his choices

but he didn't rape, murder, or eat anybody

and he's catching more heat than Jeffrey Dahmer...

I feel racism plays a big part in the sheer delight of the media

in trashing another black male

i'm not defending him OR any BM who turns his back on his women and community

but i gotta say

the press looks more like a pack of bloodthirsty, white vampires

fiending on black blood, and licking their bloody lips

instead of just reporting some titillating news

Dec 12, 2009 06:25 PM
REPLYING TO joykayne ON Dec 11, 2009 11:39 PM Link Back
profound....this says it all

we hold them rich black celebs up as role models for ourselves and our children, teaching them to value/worship MATERIALISM instead of character

there is a VALUABLE lesson in every Tiger story (white or black) which is why the universe uses mortal men and women to expose the fraudulent hero worship, but unfortunately, the people who would benefit the most drop their books, and forget the lesson, which is:


(from Trojan Horse: Death of a Dark Nation)

Bottom line -- MONEY is not the answer to happiness; it is a tool, if used wisely can bring security and prosperity, not just for ourselves, but for all humanity. If MONEY is used unwisely or selfishly, it becomes a tool of destruction.

not trying to preach, but if he didn't have his money (and talent) who would trade places with Tiger right now?

I sure as hell wouldn't

black folks please!
stop worshipping two-legged animals
even if they live in the white house
stop worshipping money and fame
and build your wealth from within
God is always teaching lessons
and ignorance of his laws
will be no excuse


Dec 12, 2009 07:16 PM
REPLYING TO wkingsolomon77 ON Dec 12, 2009 04:42 PM Link Back
The females who receive the spoils of the war (against the black family and black nation) understand their role in the scheme of things. And they will do whatever is necessary -- SLEEP WITH THE ENEMY, even marry and breed with the enemy -- if it will further the cause of their (white) nation.

That's what we (BM) do not understand

The white supremacists know we are ego-driven because they devasted our manhood and self-esteem. The BM is so flattered by the WW's attention (her white validation), and easy sexual favors, that he doesn't ask himself one important question:

Why does the white female (who is the co-conspirator of AND the MOTHER of the racist white man), who aids the WM in oppressing the black nation, pursue the BM?

BECAUSE once the BM becomes denatured, and is trained to prefer white flesh, he is COMPLETELY NEUTRALIZED, devoid of self respect, and will NEVER have the will or the courage to fight his oppression.

one more thing

For all the BM who claim the WW is easier to get along with and less demanding, let me clue you brothas to one thing

In my limited experience and observation, the white female's expectations of a BM are much lower than the ones she has for a WM. A WW is NEVER surprised that a BM does not have his sh___t together. She doesn't expect him to measure up to a WM. She won't tell you that, but of course, that's what she is thinking...It's too much trouble to hassle a BM, especially when you don't think he'll measure up anyway -- and if you're just going through a spell of jungle fever and plan on returning to your own community. That's why a WW might APPEAR to be easier to get along with than a BW, because it's easier just to let a BM do whatever, than to invest time and energy in a lost cause or a short term jungle love fix...

All this is just my opinion (not science). Not saying all IR couples are like this, but in my experience, MOST are hung up on race, skin color and racial (racist) stereotypes. But this is my personal litmus test for a GOOD or a BAD WOMAN:

A woman who does not hold you accountable for your sh___t does NOT HAVE YOUR BACK.

A woman who has low (or no) expectations of a man DOES NOT RESPECT THAT MAN.

A woman who does not check a man's azz once in a while, does NOT LOVE THAT MAN.

A GOOD WOMAN will tell you the truth, will want (and expect) you to be the best man you can be, and will HAVE YOUR BACK. (not talking about material things).

A GOOD WOMAN will lay some tough love on your a___ when necessary (we all need correction now and then). And the same goes for a GOOD MAN.

A GOOD PARENT loves a child by setting limits When a parent doesn't discipline, set limits, or offer correction; that's not love; that's INDIFFERENCE. When a woman (or man) can't be bothered, they don't love you, they're taking the EASY WAY OUT.

That's why I see so many BM, after they've been involved with a lot of WW, become MORE dysfunctional, more spoiled, and unable to deal with a sister, because they are used to getting away with murder with a WW who either couldn't handle him OR didn't care enough to set limits.

If you don't get where I'm coming from, let me give this example.

Try to imagine a black child in a classroom full of white students, and the white teacher says, "Don't worry about your grade, Johnny, I don't expect as much of you as I do the other students."

Is that a compliment or an insult?

Male, Age Private, Chicago, IL
Posted February 25


I hear you, Sister, and i agree with much of what you have said. No, many BM have not considered the ramifications of our race-mixing which (in my opinion) is just ONE of the reasons the BM is still on the bottom of every category. It is NOT just racism that holds us to the bottom, it is our FAULTY BELIEF SYSTEM, trying to be more like the WM than the WM is himself.

Malcolm X wrote about this:

"There was two kinds of slaves ... the house Negro and the field Negro. The house Negroes - they lived in the house with master, they dressed pretty good, they ate good cause they ate his food -- what he left. They lived in the attic or the basement, but still they lived near the master; and they loved their master more than the master loved himself. If the master's house caught on fire, the house Negro would fight harder to put the blaze out than the master would. If the master got sick, the house Negro would say, "What's the matter, boss, we sick?" He identified himself with his master more than his master identified with himself. In those days he was called a "house n___." And...we've still got got some house n____ running around here."

You ladies may not understand, but men are ruled by their egos. The BM's ego was devastated by slavery and racism, and so the easiest way to manipulate us is to appeal to our egos.

Because the WM is the most powerful man on the planet, he sets the standards for the least powerful males with low self-esteem, who look to the most powerful male to define what they should do, what they should be -- and who is worthy of being loved...

BM are not with WW because she is better than the BW, he's with her because she makes HIM feel better about being a BM in a white supremacy society that despises us. The WW is a quick ego fix, and if he's really fugged up (Tiger) of course he doesn't want his children to be a reminder of what he despises most about himself...

Now, they're pushing IR on BW, and somewhat reluctantly, BW are taking the bait because we BM have left you no choice since too many of us are missing in action...

Sister, this will all come to a head real soon. The economy is pushing the BM out the door faster than anybody, and we are going to have to decide if we are going to survive (by doing the RIGHT THING by our women and children) OR whether we will perish for our immorality. It's as simple as that and remember you heard it here first, second, or third...

We must be careful about the MIND GAMES the media elite are using against us to push us further apart. My partners and I are writing, talking to other BM and some are listening.
In fact, I am proud to say (although some might disagree this is something to be proud of) that a BM associate of mine (he's about 40) that I've been dialoguing with for two years, who used to date mostly white women has stopped dating white females. He sent me a pic about 3 months ago of him and his new dark-skinned lady. Now, this is a brother who is very dark, and who I suspect from our previous conversations had a problem with this.

for those who don't get what I'm saying here, no, I didn't tell this brother to find a dark skinned sister. He's a grown azz man, so he's not picking out his ladies to get my approval. What I'm talking about is the CHANGE in his conversation, after writing to him, talking to him on the phone for hours, him digging into my brain, running sh** t by me, and him reading our book, this brother SEES things differently, sees himself differently, and sees the treatment of BW differently. He started understanding that he had been manipulated and lied to ALL his life and this made him dredge up memories of how many times he was made to feel inferior because he was dark.What the brother started gaining was MORE empathy for black women, something I hadn't heard before in his conversations...

Now, he's sending me emails a couple times a week, sending me articles, and analyzing white supremacy and he was THINKING about the white supremacy mind games that he was seeing that he'd overlooked in the past, and he started complaining to ME that he was sick and tired! of seeing the same white cookie-cutter white females and light-skinned females and he wanted to know WHY there were no movies, commercials or TV shows with


In saying all this, I want YOU to know that I and my partners are trying to make a difference, and open some eyes. Most BM do not want WW oand most WW do not want BM. Most folks prefer their own race, so watch out, another mind game movie about a BM marrying a WW is hitting the theaters this week. KEEP YOUR MONEY in your purse cause it's another DIVIDE AND CONQUER mind game, and if we were smart we could stop this game COLD.

I would definitely suggest that you read our book. The links are on my personal message. We are working on a 2nd book about BM/BW relationships that will be unlike anything you have ever read...


Dec 13, 2009 05:37 PM
REPLYING TO wkingsolomon77 ON Dec 13, 2009 12:16 PM Link Back
that's a good question. where is his family? Doesn't he have (black) relatives on his father's side? That says a lot about the way his black father raised him -- to be a white-identified BM -- to the point where a black son has no black IDENTITY.

What about his Asian mother's side of the family? where are they?

And it appears that Tiger's wife's mother is the only one on her side who is involved (at least in front of the cameras).

My conclusions:

1) he's not close to his black or Asian side, and doesn't date Asian OR black women
2) he was raised by his BM father to be white-identified
3) he is alone because he does not know WHO he really is
4) his attempt to create a family was not successful because he does not know WHO he is and attempted to bond with a foreigner who may have married for money and fame
5) in his darkest hour, there may be no real family to confide in or to offer unconditional love and support (like my black MOMS would have).
6) Tiger's situation can be used as a lesson for all of us -- especially us BM. When a zebra is stalked by predators his ONLY safety lies in the unity of the herd.


Dec 12, 2009 07:28 PM
REPLYING TO crammaster ON Dec 12, 2009 07:16 PM Link Back
want to add one more thing for clarification

When I speak of the "racist white man" and his co-conspirator, I am speaking of white men and women who practice racism, not every white person on the planet.

However, it is undeniable, that in a white supremacy society, racist attitudes toward blacks, whether spoken or unspoken, are the rule not the exception


Male, Age Private, Chicago, IL
Posted December 04

@ delronnie, who said, "societys greatest fear is an educated black man or woman, for fear that one day we will become judges, generals, lawyers, police or president of the united states,"

brother, i hear where u are coming from, but it depends on what that BM or BW DOES with that education. If they use it to empower their own people, they become a threat and will be dealt with

however, if they use the fat on their heads to fatten their pockets, they are NO THREAT whatsoever

and the real clue is a BM or BW who is considered a threat will NEVER be allowed to become a judge, a lawyer, or the president

understand that this is the WM's gameboard, he makes the rules, changes the rules, and breaks the rules when he sees fit.

Alton Maddox was a lawyer of Tawana Bradley, the young black female who accused six white men or raping her in 1987. To make a long story short, after the grand jury ruled against her, Maddox's law license was suspended "indefinitely"...

That's what the system does when you go against the system

and when you find a high-profile black who is being REWARDED by the system, you know he or she is WORKING for the system, and working AGAINST black people

yeah, i'm talking about him, too, and if that steps on the fairy-tale-believing toes of some black folk still looking for a hero, that's too bad

we have been dealing with this system for too damn long, not to have a clue about how it works

black folks who OPPOSE this system either go into exile, to jail or to the cemetary NOT to the "big house"


Male, Age Private, Chicago, IL
Posted August 11, 2010

@ prince who said: In the Human BIO-Constituion there are natural reactions to the sight of flesh. Are you saying God Created a design flaw?

ME: Like i said earlier, this lady carries herself respectfully, but she should NOT have to cover herself from head to toe in 90 degree weather, because a grown azz BM acts a fool around her

as far as I'm concerned if a female walks the street BUTT A____ NAKED, that does NOT give me or any male or female the RIGHT to touch her, I can look but that doesn't give me the RIGHT as a man who knows right from wrong to touch her or talk to her IF she does not want to talk to me, brother

We better make a choice, either we are men or we are animals, acting like cannibals that are eating our women alive and destroying their self-esteem because we have lost our damn minds.

In reality, i believe we treat black females the way we wish we could treat the white man BUT don't have the nerve to bring that DISRESPECT AND MOUTH to him, just like the man who hates his boss but goes home and kicks the dog

just can't respect that....

We are treating our women the same way the white slave owner did when he blamed his raping of them on their "hot nature."

and instead of US saying, hell no, I'm not imitating that motha fugging slave master, I"m going to have enough SELF-RESPECT to respect the mothers, wives and daughters of my OWN BLACK NATION.

prince said: "Maybe our natural reaction to the opposite sex has been exaggerated by the fact that the Black Woman Has been slowly undressing herself in public for the last 50 years."

ME: brother, there is NO ONE in America who dresses more revealing than white females,

as soon as the temp reaches 60 degrees, they got the smallest shorts they own on, showing %#&@$! cheeks for days but I bet BM aren't out there, harassing white females because we know the WHITE MAN would come down on our azz, and like I said some black women dress decently and still get harassed.

I have seen this with MY OWN EYES, so NO ONE -- especially someone from CHICAGO -- can tell me it's the female's fault when we call her out of her name because she didn't stop and talk to us, or that it's her fault if a dude assaults her because she didn't give him her phone number, come on, brother, having to debate the right and wrong of this is ridiculous..

If I'm a MAN, I'm responsible for MY OWN BEHAVIOR, and no matter what a female is doing or wearing I AM STILL RESPONSIBLE for my own behavior,

prince said: And all them Dogs standing around BARKING at you are the direct by product of your so called parenting and relationship skills.

ME And where are we in that picture, brother? Why is it just the BW's responsibility to raise the boys? Did she get pregnant by herself? Come on now....

prince said: "The black woman has been so busy chasing gold and proving to black man that she can' do what ever he can do she no linger wants to be a mother."

ME: What about US, brother? I must be missing something because i know damn well black females aren't having any immaculate conception babies...fertilized by thin air...

as far as "chasing gold" you lost me again Most of the sisters I know are working a NINE-TO-FIVE to put food on the table, some have husbands, some don't but I know for a FACT they don't have any gold, they are struggling and if you're criticizing them for WORKING so they can feed their kids, I don't know what to tell you.

i haven't heard ONE WORD in your post that holds the BM responsible for any of our out of order behavior....I just can't and won't cosign on that.


Male, Age Private, Chicago, IL
Posted August 11, 2010

@ Butterfl...

no, sis, no BM who wants to be free of white oppression would want to see the BW -- his ONLY TRUE ALLY -- be mistreated,

A wise black man knows he can rise NO HIGHER than his woman, so a wise BM who wants to get the foot of white supremacy off his neck would NEVER degrade his own women...because they are the MOTHERS of the next black generation....

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