
Saturday, December 25, 2010

The End of 2010

The End of 2010
2011 is almost here. New adventures are awaiting the future, but the present ought to be presented here in a cogent fashion. I will stay the course despite my errors. My heart is never bitter. It remains strong, resilient, and powerful to embrace the truth. The era of 2000-2010 (with drastic changes in our world from 9/11 to the war in Iraq. The USA Patriot Act violated the Bill of Rights in an overt fashion so much that people from across the political spectrum legitimately disagree with the composition of the Patriot Act) is over offically. 2010 was an interesting year for me and others. It was a time of reflection and understanding more concepts as it pertains to life. 2010 had the Haitian Earthquake disaster, the Congressional elections of 2010, the Chilean mine disaster, there has been health care and financial laws passed, DADT being repealed, and other historical events that came about. Life is changing rapidly in the 21st century. We live in a new cultural dynamic. My life is constantly changing and I want to see what the future holds too. Will the future look like the cartoon Batman Beyond or not? Will the future have advanced scientific technologies or not? One thing is certain about the future. It's that we have to be either be better people or our life will be in disarray. Republicans control most of the House, but the Democrats retain most of Senate. There is still an economic crisis and foreign policy is still complex as it has been historically. I will never forsake the legitimate instructions and wisdom from my ancestors, my relatives, and my people in general. Yet, I don't advocate hating anyone in an unfair fashion either. I've still got my strength and hope intact. I still believe in one God and I am willing to correct my errors too. Time is definitely going fast since I remember the year 2000 just like it was yesterday. In the year of 2000, I was 17 years old and now I'm 27 years old. January 2000 was about people rejecting the Y2K scare. I was a Junior in High School. Life is hard sometimes, but with dedication, hope, and inspiration, challenges can be overcome. I haven't lost my faith, but I've used my discernment to expand my mind in promoting liberty, help to the poor, the right to own an arm, and the right to have concern for the whole human race. So, I will move forward in my life. I'm accountable for my own actions and I won't play the blame game in an immoral fashion against any ethnicity or gender at all. Therefore, it's time to not be naive about the world, but fight for the real truth.
Barack Obama wants to have this compromise on many issues to go forward in America for the sake of protecting middle class families. He passed the new compromise tax law. Most Americans want the tax cut compromise to become law. Just because a majority of people want something doesn't mean that the majority of people are right at every circumstance. The super rich never automatically create jobs when given money all of the time. The elite wants to attack Social Security next in 2011. It is right to help the middle class and the poor. It's right to give unemployment benefits to people, but it's wrong in my eyes to give tax cuts to the 2 % of top income earners (or tax cuts for the super rich). Billionaires don’t pay taxes at numerous times. They hide their money in charitable and philanthropic foundations and they avoid Uncle Sam in other ways as well. Even Kurt Nimmo is wrong to accept some Austrian economic propaganda. In other words, you don't have a road system without taxes. Article 1, Section 8 say that Congress can coin money and build post offices and post roads too. Austrian Extremists refuse to expose this truth. The Austrians oppose Article 1, Section 8, while claiming to represent the constitution. They seek to allow the “Hidden-hands” of J.P. Morgan, Goldman Sucks, and other private financial corporate interests, determine the value of our currency, issue currency, thereby dominating the economy and government under a mythological self-regulating “free-market." Now, call the market acting on its own liberty, but it's borderline fascism. The same corporate interests want a gold standard and not allow the government to create and regulate its own currency. There were higher taxation during the Eisenhower administration than today in late 2010. Yet, it isn't immoral for a man or a woman to stand on their two feet and build up their own businesses to benefit the interesting in their own communities. So, I want to make that clear.
People already realize that the tax law will overwhelmingly benefit the wealthy. This new law will do little to help the working class people in a radical fashion. Some of it is legitimate like the unemployment benefits (as an economic stimulus). It will cost $150 billion over the next 2 years. It still continues the Bush high up tax cuts (or those making over $250,000 for married couples and $200,000 for individuals at 35%). The Center for Tax Justice said that the wealthiest one percent of taxpayers will pocket almost $77,000 per year. This is more of a result of the deal. The top 1 percent will take home over 25 percent of the total tax cut, but the bottom 60 percent of income earners will share less than that in about 20 percent. Democrats might not even reverse the tax cuts for the rich in 2 years' time despite the White House wanting that. The Republicans will control the House by that time. In the next 10 years, the continuation of the high end income tax rate reduction will cost $700 billion according to the Congressional Budget Office. This is more money sent for infrastructure improvements in Obama's 2009 stimulus package or the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. There are many parts of the law to benefit the aristocracy. The law can increase the size of fortunes exempt from the state tax to $10 million for couples and 5 million dollars for individuals. For fortunes beyond these thresholds, the law will lower the tax rate to 35%. The rate will reset to 55 percent after this current year's holiday. This is when the rich could pass their estates without any taxation. The law includes a measure that will allow multi-million dollar estates settled in 2011 for deaths taking place in 2010 to take advantage of the zero percent tax rate. It forms a $5 million exemption to apply to gifts and generation skipping investment. So, the wealthy taxpayers can give gifts to grandchildren according to estate attorney Beth Kaufman of Caplin and Drysdale in a comment to the Wall Street Journal. An all time low of tax rates on capital gains and dividends at 15 percent are in the law. More tax write offs for corporations are in the law as well. The White House used few measures to benefit some outside of the richest 1 percent of the population (to be used as political cover). There are tax cuts for the poor and middle class. The law also extends funding for federal long-term unemployment benefits for millions of workers for another 13 months at a cost of $56 billion, about a third of the price of the two-year income tax give-away to the rich. Hundreds of thousands of workers have lost their benefits since the November 30 expiration of extended unemployment benefits. Republican held hostage people's lives and these federal benefits could expire at the beginning of 2012 if Republicans continue to control the House. It will reduce the payroll tax rate from 6.2 to 4.2 percent (that effects Social security on the first $106,8000 of a worker's wages). According to an analysis by the Tax Policy Center, 51 million households―a third of the total―will be worse off as a result of the tax package. This is because for those with the greatest need--couples making less than $40,000 or individuals making less than $20,000―the Social Security tax break will not offset the tax break it is replacing, the Making Work Pay credit, resulting in an average household loss of $210 per year for 45 million households. 6 million household will lose their Making Work Pay credit and won't receive compensation in the Obama/Republican plan since they contribute nothing to Social Security (being state or local government employees). The law will help the Wall Street. Wall street and others contributed to the financial speculation that caused 2007 global economic collapse in the first place. The law have tax cuts for the wealthy and long term the elite want austerity or huge cuts in social spending. They mention it in the news all of the time including some political puppets like Lindsay Graham. Of course Bill Clinton (that agreed with deregulation) supports the law in promoting triangulation.

The No label conference is nothing more than cowardice. You should never be ashamed of what you believe in. Being able to stand for something like building up our standard of living, fighting against war, preserving Social Security, every human the right to have health care, etc. are fine things to believe in. People have the right to accept absolutes since numerous absolutes exist in the world. That is why I reject the "NO LABELS" agenda. Billions of dollars sent to people that don't need it (or the super rich) will only increase our national debt. There are some good news. Applications for jobless benefits FELL last week to 421,000 from a revised 438,000 the prior week according to Department figures. The four-week average, a less-volatile measure, dropped to the lowest level in more than TWO YEARS. Yet, there is a long way to go to see a real recovery in America. Lawrence O'Donnell does makes sense by saying that there should be a higher tax for those making $1 million, $10 million, $100 million, etc. (which is higher than those making just $251,000 per year).

Charles de Gaulle is one of the most well known historical figure in the 20th century and world history. Sarkozy is no de Gaulle. Human civilization and human progress are important to maintain. The views of Charles de Gaulle rescued France from disaster twice. More than 70 years ago in June 18, 1940, de Gaulle wanted the French to resist Nazi occupation and to continue their struggle in WWII. He founded the anti-fascist Free French Movement. He was courageous in rallying the French nation to defeat fascism. De Gaulle was a great statesman. He was the prime minister of the Fourth Republic in May of 1958. He defeated a number of planned coup d'etats. In the early 1960's, he survived various coups organized by military forces and subversvies. These people didn't like his elimination of colonalism of Algeria. De Gaulle gave a speech in Phnom Penh in Cambodia during 1965 in opposition to the pro-war policies of the Johnson administration. He provided alternatives to situations like promoting Middle Eastern peace, wanting the indepedence of Quebec, having nuclear deterrence, etc. He was a French nationalist and was patriotic. He was beyond the left/right paradigm. He was socially conservative and economically progressive. Charles de Gaulle wanted Mexico and Latin America to have productive situations beyond American or Soviet control. The state can be used to modernize society. Of course, Charles de Gaulle was a dirigist. This philosophy was popularized by French Finance Minister from 1665–1683 under Louis XIV, and known as one of the founding fathers of modern protectionism and mercantilism, inspiring Alexander Hamilton. Colbert built the Canal du Midi to link the Mediterranean with the Atlantic in what was one of the greatest works of civil engineering in the world up to that time. de Gaulle had his brand of dirgism. de Gaulle wanted private-public projects for the immediate future to modernize french society. He wanted the French people to have a voice in finding solutions. This isn't the monetarist and neoliberal economic thinking from the Chicago or Austrian schools. de Gaulle would never accept financial speculation, derivatives, etc. He cracked down on speculators. One example is that some French financial interests went into Monaco in the French Riviera (to have gambling, hot money, and organized crime. It was a Fraench protectorate or apart of France). Prince Rainier refused to crack down on flight capital. De Gaulle increased postage rate on letters coming out of the principality, and later ringed the borders of the enclave with French gendarmes and tax collectors. Frnech security forced blocked the roads going in and out of the principality. Rainier capitulated and didn't hoard wealth, flight capital, and have tax evasion. Charles de Gaulle accurately pointed out that the state shouldn't place people in a yoke, but harness its progress. It handles national policy and infrastructure, but it inspires private industry to have research too. His dirgism worked wonders for France. It has a great aerospace system, it has great trains and roads, and its electrical power grid is excellent. These policies relate to the New Deal and the New Frontier. De Gaulle wanted nationalism, but he believed that nations worldwide should help each other out to benefit human civilization in general. Today, the reactionary and Austrian-libertarian opinions are very strong here in America to promote the lie that the government can't do anything right apart from the military. For these decievers, the government can never be reformed at all. The Left gatekeeping extremists deny much of human civilization improvements too. They or the left gatekeepers legitimately expose genocide, slavery, and oppression as evil, but ignore many unusung heroes in the West that tried to fight against these injustices on many times. We should follow de Gaulle's example of national power, but have international tolerance to achieve a better world.

LeftGatekeepers Part 2
I've been exposing neo-cons and Republicans for a while now. Everyone knows that the Koch/corporate funded mainstream Tea Party movement is all about cutting services and having war mongering. Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, and Glen Beck are apart of that clique. That clique represents a studio-populism. So, these people are studio populists not real populists. That stuff is made for TV, but it isn't real. Now, it's time to expose Left Gatekeepers some more. Before exposing them, it's time to justly define what a Left Gatekeeper is. A left gatekeeper is a person that fronts a liberal image, but is really a puppet that is funded by Big Foundations in order to permit the Left/Right Paradigm (along with limiting debate in order to constrain real solutions to problems). Some of them love the war on terror, accept money from even the CIA, Big Foundations, and corporate power brokers. The Skulls and Bones, Trilateral Commission, the CFR, the CIA, and the Carlyle Group gives money to various Foundations and mid level puppets (like Soros, Schumann, Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Carenegie Foundation, etc.). Some Left Gatekeepers front a "beatnik" image, but they are as corporate as a banker in a business suit. These entities later fund cash to the Gatekeepers and their instruments from Pacifica to Mother Jones. It's true that Americans even are beginning to realize that vulture capitalism don't work to sustain society among espcially its poorer citizens. What I mean by vulture capitalism is not legitimate free enterprise. It's about totally unregulated capitalism that lacks standards to prevent fraud and labor rights protections.
The left gatekeepers believe that their New York Times articles, talk shows, their humor, and their speeches will create a radical transformation in American society. Yet, in spite of these acts, extreme poverty and record cultural exploitation remains. These fake progressives try to only change the system without overthrowing the system to institute a better system to benefit all peoples. They covertly promote the free market scam system to try to brainwash American workers to keep the status quo going forth. President Barack Obama acts like he's a progressive, but he compromises constantly now because he's a puppet of the big banking establishment. Power brokers and financial elites funded Obama to act as a buffer to lull people to sleep and to continue evils from the previous administration intact (under the guise of "left cover"). Yet, the President Barack Obama isn't to be blamed for all that is occuring in America since the crisis that we're experiencing has been stirring up for decades before 2009 indeed. It's honest to witness that the infrastructure in the USA isn't radically improved, wars are occuring in Afghanistan plus Pakistan, Goldman Sachs has a huge sway in the White House's economic policy, etc. Obama supporters falsely calls anyone bringing these things out as reactionaries. That's fantasy since human beings from across the political spectrum are exposing these issues. Jon Stewart is even trying to lull people to sleep by mocking 9/11 Truth and promoting lukewarm moderation in poltics. Historically, being lukewarm don't benefit anyone. Being lukewarm didn't end British colonialism in America, slavery, Jim Crow, suppression of the rights of women, child labor laws, wanton environmental harm, or other crimes in history. Modern left gatekeepers are Keith Olbermann, Rhodes Scholar Rachel Maddow, and Bill Moyers. They are right on some issues, but either they work for a company involved in the military industrial complex (like GE) or they refuse to cover controversial topics for fear of ridicule (like 9/11 Truth, Secret Societies, GM food, fluoride dangers, etc.). Newsweek even falsely calls Obama a post imperialist President and the Nation does support Barack Obama.
The most famous counterfeith progressive is Noam Chomsky. He rejects alternative views on the JFK assassination and he agrees with vaccines with poisons in it. He rejects even people having guns in their homes for self protection or for sport. Noam Chomsky's major tactic is to blame evils in America and evil tactics of corporations (which is honorable), but ignore the Globalist overclass that pull the strings. The globalists used America power and wealth as a puppet or an engine to cause choas plus neo-imperialism in the globe. This is done to place all of the blame on America collectively, while not blaming it on evil elites in America and Europe specifically. His other errors includes the following list:

-He advocates a quasi-world government system under the United Nations. The U.N. have done some token acts when it was founded, funded by the CFR, Big Oil, and other corporate interests. The G-8 controls the U.N. not the Group of 77 at all. The U.N. acts as a means to limit true Revolution when its own members have been caught in sex scandals, corruption, and other nefarious things.

-Chomsky refuses to accept the evidence government complicity of 9/11 or even prior knowledge. He calls grooups like the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Bilderberg Committee, and Trilateral Commission are “nothing organizations.” When critiquing poverty, he never mentions the Federal Reserve and their role in manipulating the cycle of debt.

-He denies an agenda for the new world order when for decades, people in the elite have called for the new world order from former President George H. W. Bush to David Rockefeller.

So, Noam Choamsky promotes the major goals of the new world order (they are population control, radical gun control, support for UNESCO, and the end of national sovereignity in favor of an one world govenrment system under the U.N.). It causes people to be limited in their socio-political thinking. Of course, imperialism is wrong, evil corporations should be exposed, bigotry against any human being of any background or orientation is immoral, and economic inequalities ought to be opposed. Yet, it isn't reactionary to advocate people to have some private property, to disagree with governmental corruption, and to have people the freedom to live their own destinies in life without Big Brother either. Even Amy Goodman's Democracy Now is funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Ford Foundation. Amy Goodman believes that al-Qaeda destroyed all buildings in 9/11 from 1 to 7 (when no plane hit Building Number Seven and al-Qaeda didn't make NORAD to stand down either). Counter revolutionary rhetoric supports the tyranny and repression of the current corporate controlled economic system now. Everyone realizes that we have problems here. Corporate interests are buying off politicans even in Congress. Many of our constitutional rights have been harmed like habeas corpus, due process, etc. via tyranny. Corporate propaganda make free speech a myth in the mainstream arena. Only the alternative media and other resources can give the news straight without obfuscation. Dissent and unique expression of thought against an established oxrothordy has been frowned upon as even "treasonous." The Veteran political analysis Peter Dale Scott exposed the Left Gatekeepers as well.
Alternet is one of the counterfeit progressive sites. It's hardly surprising, then, that on 12/11/09 Alternet featured an article trying to brainwash Americans into believing that they are a broken people who are powerless to do anything against the onslaughts of the capitalist cabal. The reality is no man is powerless. Throughout human history, men, women, and children stood up and fought for liberty against huge odds. That's apart of the struggle for real human rights.
One of the biggest Left Gatekeepers today is that PFIR or the group named Progressives for Immigration Reform. The PFIR is nothing more than a front for FAIR. This network is even against some legal immigration. These groups try to hoodwink the public. They are fake progessives indeed. Leah Durant is the executive director of the PFIR. She said that large scale immigration can damage the enviornment, economy, etc. That's fantasy since ecological problems existed in many times of American history. Legal immigration is a blessing for American culture. PFIR’s parent group, FAIR, build the House Immigration Reform Caucus (HIRC), that is overwhelmingly Republican? Why does HIRC support immigration policies that do not in any way align with liberal or progressive politics. It isn't a secret that John Tanton (the founder of FAIR) have ties to white supremacists and eugenicists. Vernon Briggs is the author of PFIR’s first policy paper and a close colleague of John Tanton since 1984. In 1995 Tanton solicited $25,000 from eugenicist Garrett Hardin “to enable Vernon Briggs to update his book…” according to a John Tanton letter. Briggs is currently a board member of Tanton’s think-tank, Center for Immigration Studies, and was a board member of Tanton’s quarterly journal, The Social Contract Press. John Tanton solicited and received 1.2 million from the Pioneer Fund in 1997 to financially support FAIR. The Pioneer Fund was founded to promote the genes of white European Americans and financially supports those who promote the pseudo-science, eugenics. PFIR’s sister organization, the House Immigration Reform Caucus (HIRC) have its members voting in favor of anti-labor and anti-environmental policies. According to the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, 86 HIRC members scored a zero in support of labor during the 109th Congress. So, the truth is here and these are fake progressives from the FAIR.

The quintennesial Left Gatekeeper today is one man. We know who he is? He is of course George Soros. Soros is a globalist that was a member of the CFR and the Bilderberg Group. He used wealth to fund establishment leftist groups to paint the world only in the lens of the Left/Right Paradigm (when people from across the political spectrum want freedom, want justice, abhor corporate corruption, and desire that the government to be held accountable for its actions). He funds John Podesta's Center for American Progress. Podesta was Clinton's former staff. He was involved in economic scandals, bailed out the Bush family, and promotes euthanasia worldwide. The report (made by Matthew Vadum, who was the editor of Organization Trends. This report will be released in January 2011 in the Capital Research Center) documents how Soros acquired 2.6 million shares of Time Warner in 2006, obtained the DreamWorks SKG film library in 2006 for $900 million and bought into India's Reliance Entertainment in 2008. He is a billionaire too. One of the few things that he's right is that Soros opposed the Iraq War and the Bush Doctrine.

Soros' family was made up of Hungarian Jewish people. Former member of the U.S. Army Counterintelligence Corps before and after WWII alleged that Soros obtained his first small fortune by selling his hsare of the loot seized with the Nazis. It's a known fact that the Nazi Economic Department in Hungary pillaged Jewish properties and stole the gold fillings form the milliosn of teeth of the dead Jewish people. Cutting of the hair of millions of Jewish women were token and made into mattress factories. Soap was made by dead Jewish people into soap. Torture can among Jewish people as well. This is why many Jewish people to this day refuse to buy German products or German cars. George Soros admitted to Kroft in 60 Minutes that he helped in the confiscation of property from the Jewish people (as exposed by Ben Hecht's "Perfidy"). By 1947, he was the protege of Sir Karl Popper. Soros was influenced by the London School of Economics (that promoted Fabian Socialism). Soros promoted derivatives and currency speculation worldwide. George Soros supported euthanasia so strongly that he promoted the Project on Death in America (to only deal with care of the dying instead of training doctors, etc. to promtoe life saving treatment).
Left Gatekeepers are real in the world. They are of course funded by various big corporate Foundations. Even circles like the Progressive, Mother Jones, Z magazine, Alternative Radio, and Democracy Now refuse to condemn all of the war on terror or call for an independent investigation of 9/11. This investigation can shosw real secrets and answer questions that we still have about the official story of 9/11. There is evidence of government foreknowledge and complicity of 9/11. Yet, Norman Solomon and David Corn of the Nation demonize anyone questioning the official story of 9/11. They ignore documented, specific warnings from U.S. allies that 9/11 was imminent, the put option" stock trades on United and American airlines just before 9/11, that there were multiple war games on 9/11 that paralyzed the air defenses over New York and Washington, and the suppression of FBI agents who had figured out what was coming. Solomon campaigned for censorship at Pacifica Radio (KPFA in Berkeley) on these themes, and a few months later got to go on a US government sponsored trip to Iraq. Meanwhile, non-embedded peace activists were threatened with felony prosecutions for visiting Iraq. Norman ignored oil as a key reason for Bush's invasion of Iraq. If the media did its job, then the Iraq war, the Katrina disaster's mishandled response, and other events wouldn't have taken place. David Corn tried to cover up CIA involvement in drug running. The Nation magazine deny 9/11 complicity or foreknowledge by the feds, they support the Warren Commission, and they are funded by some reactionary, establishment Foundations. The major Left Gatekeepers are David Corn, Norman Solomon, Chip Berlet, and others. In essence, the establishment uses big groups and Foundations to fund so-called "opposition" group in order to limit dissent (and prevent people from really going about corrupt government and corrupt corporate power that are creating these problems in the first place). Also, just believe I disagree with these gatekeepers don't mean I'm a Republican. I agree with environmental rights, labor rights, and anti-war philosophies. I also believe in people having the right to own a gun and I believe in the sanctity of human life from conception to death.

By Timothy


  1. Thank you so much for your post on Left Gatekeeping Foundations - which according to Webster Tarpley and others enabled the CIA to continue domestic operations after the Church Committee reforms (after Watergate) banned them. Tarpley talks about Obama's extensive involvement with Left Gatekeeping Foundations in Chicago. I write about my own close encounter as a single payer activist in Washington State at and in my recent memoir THE MOST REVOLUTIONARY ACT:MEMOIR OF AN AMERICAN REFUGEE ( I currently live in exile in New Zealand.

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