
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Jesuit information in December 2010


The House of Aragon was all under the control of the Knight Templars, the Order of the Holy Sepulchre and the Order of Malta, since Alfonso I de Aragon in his testament gave all his kingdom to them:

"... For after my death, I leave as my heirs and successors the Sepulchre of the Lord in Jerusalem and those who hold and serve God there, and the Hospital of the poors of Jerusalem and the Temple of Solomon with the Knights that monitor there to defend Christianity. To these three I give them my kingdom. I also give to them the lordship that i have in all the land of my kingdom and the principality and the jurisdiction over all men of my land, both clergy and laity, bishops, abbots, canons, monks, nobles, knights, burghers, peasants, merchants, men, women, small and great, rich and poor, Jews and Saracens, with the same laws and practices that my father, my brother and myself and we had have. " Fragment of the Testament of Alfonso I.

Notice how, after the abolition of the Order of the Knights Templars and previous to the creation of the Jesuit Order, the IHS acronym its present in these two images of two woman strong related to the House of Aragon.

Sibila de Fortià, Queen of Aragon, wife of Pedro VI de Aragón.

user posted image

Joan of Arc, wife of the dauphin Charles VII, controlled by Yolande of Aragon.

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Lastly, a few clarifications:

The possessions of the Knight Templars passed not only to the Order of Montesa, but also to the Order of the Hospital (Malta).

I don't believe that an illiterate men as Jacques de Molay actually was a Grand Master of the Knights Templars.

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