
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The New Day is Here

Globalism has been promoted the establishment for thousands of years. Some want a global banking system, because of the worldwide financial crisis (like France's President Nicolas Sarkozy and Peer Steinbrueck. Peer is the Finance Minister of Germany in 2008). There is the World Trade Oerganizaiton being a product of GATT (or the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs). WTO is about the central control of world markets. Nations are locked into corporate control and this can evolve into world government. Even German born U.S. diplomat Henry Kissinger called NAFTA back in 1989 as the first step to a new world order. Some want an North American Union to act as a superstate roughly patterned after the European Union. Even people like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Henry Clay, and Abraham Lincoln opposed the global theory of radical free trade that ruins America's wealth. Karl Marx ironically wanted free trade in order to break nationalities and continue social revolution. Many Communists and socialists hate natioanlism, ehtnic respect, and other cultural boundaries. That's how many of them function. In 1977, the Chinese Foreign Minister Huang Hua said that his country would use free trade in America to foment revolution and build socialism. The EU and NAFTA promote globalism. The SPP had a meeting in March of 2005 in Waco, TX and Cancun in March 2006 in order to promote integration of economic, transportation, and political power in the North American continent. The SPP and these meetings have no Congressional oversight, no signed agreements, etc. They wanted in 2010 to have biometric identifiers to facilitate freer passage in the North American region. Protests radically decreased the power of the SPP now. The European Union is a model of globalism too. The EU has the euro too. Pan European visions is a Vatican brainchild. Rhodes Scholar Strobe Talbott (a CFR members) admitted that: "...a politically united Europe will advance our common goal to terminate nationhood as we know it and replace it with a single authority..." He wanted to regionalize Europe and then the world. This is done to forcible race to global governance. The 10 mega regions have been promoted by the Club of Rome and the 1977 Constitution for the Federation of Earth. The Club of Rome promotes population control and globalism. Its 1972 Report called Limits to Growth believe in these princiles. The EU's Lisbon Treaty was opposed by people in Ireland and other natiosn for its anti-sovereignity quality. Global law is promoted too by the elite. Some New Agers view everything or person as god. Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights upholds the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion; but (now the bad news) Article 29 limits these rights to the purposes and principles of the United Nations. There is nothing wrong with have concern with the environment. Yet, using environmental issues to promote New Age theologies and to believe in an one world government are things that I disagree with completely.

Ron Paul's Social Security bashing is exposed for all to see. Once, I didn't take Social Security seriously, because I was young. Now, I realize much of its history and parts of it. Now, Paul calls Social Security just insurance and wants it to be eliminated or privatized long terms. He's wrong since Social Security has a surplus. The government has tried to steal its funds, but that doesn't mean that the current Social Security system ought to be banned. Social Security has helped millions of people. Old people have been sent out of poverty and starvation because of it. Economic reactionaries policies of the derivatives market, bad trade deals, and other policies are harming America's vitality. Raising the retirement age for a rich person doesn't matter. Yet, for a regular wage earner, it's ridiculous to have a burden to crush our social safety net. Ron Paul is joining the austerity crusaders in trying turn back the clock economically in America to the 19th century. Yet, we live in the 21st century where new programs and new actions are necessary to build on the American civilization. The deficit can decreased by ending the war on terror, getting rid of the oppressive Homeland Security, and other wastes of money. Neo cons and Tea Partiers try to lie and call entitlement a curse word when they aren't. Hatred for seniors isn't the way to go. The elite want a war of the economic classes where they can still trillions of dollars (while robbing the old, working class, and the poor of their wealth). Investigating the Federal Reserve is fine, but doing away with Social Security is extremism. Social Security is paid by taxpayers too. Social Security is used to help the elderly and the disabled. The deregulation and usury haven't benefited us at all. As of 2009 SSI took in $808B and paid out $686B, so there was a $122B surplus. There will be a surplus again this year. There has been a surplus for years.

Brad Meltzer did his research about the Statue of Liberty. He wants to find the meanings to its secret meanings. His research is more fair than other documentaries in mainstream TV that discount any Secret Society or occult link to anything of substance in the world. The researchers tried to find information on the Illuminati, Freemasonry, and the Statue of Liberty's symbolism. Masons created statues like the Statue of Liberty, the Washington Monument, etc. as calling cards for their influence in the world (and to promote their ideologies). The researchers from the Decoded show have omitted key information too. Of course, showing this information is taboo in the mainstream media. The truth is that the Statue of Liberty was created by Masons to promote their Universialist view of God and Nature (and secret messages are in, symbols are in it, and there is a Luciferian tie to the torch of the statue). This statue don't represent freedom and democracy covertly, but overtly. Covertly, the statue represent the merging of the Mysteries implanted in the modern world. French Freemasons allow the statue to be given to Masons in the USA as a gift (or Secret Societies working together). Freemason Frederic Bartholdi was the designer of the Statue of Liberty. Freemason Gustave Eiffel designed the inner support structure and Freemason Richard Hunt designed the pedestal. The statue was based on the Goddess archetype (of ancient Greece and ancient Egypt) and the colossus of Rhodes. This old Rhodes statue have a man holding a torch to allow people to see the harbors. The original name of the statue was “Liberty Enlightening the World,” not the Statue of Liberty.  Again, the word Enlightening fits in with the Illuminati theme. Hall called the torch of Rhodes in these terms: "...This gigantic gilded figure, with its crown of solar rays and its upraised torch, signified occultly the glorious Sun Man of the Mysteries, the Universal Savior.” (Hall, Manly P. – The Secret Teachings of All Ages p. 189). There is a Masonic cornerstone ceremony as well. What is the Lucifer tie. In the ancient mysteries, Lucifer represents the enlightened being to give man knowledge, building skills, and star gazing. To Gnostics, he is the real liberator instead of Yahveh. Masons praise Lucifer and other occultists plus New Agers like Spangler. This is why occultists and Masons liek Helena Blavastky try to not equate Satan to Lucifer when both Lucifer and Satan are one and the same. Even occultist and British Intelligence agent Aliester Crowley admitted that Satan and Lucifer are one and the same. Jesus Christ didn't allow Satan to make him support him as foud in Matthew 4:8-9. Blavatsky praised Lucifer as the liberator of man and the representation of the freedom of conscience. Gnostics view the fall of man as Lucifer liberating man from the Deimurge. Hall writes that: "...Both the sinking of Atlantis and the Biblical story of the “fall of man” signify spiritual involution–a prerequisite to conscious evolution.”  (Hall, Manly P. – The Secret Teachings of All Ages p. 83). The torch represents enlightenment too as from the old story of Prometheus. Prometheus stole the fire from the gods (or knowledge) and taught man. Thsi is similar to Lucifer teaching man to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge (and calling man to fall). Satan rebelled against God, so God punished Satan. Manly P. Hall and HP Blavatsky admitted the Prometheus and Lucifer story similarity. There are horns on the Statue of Liberty's head in the form of seven rays. There are seven of them because the horns represent the seven liberal arts and sciences, thus comprising an essential knowledge base. Freemasons believes in the seven liberal arts plus sciences in their rituals and books. The rays can mean the spirit goes from the mind as knowledge. The Illuminists worship the human intellect and knowledge (gnosis). Yet, the deal is that the Illuminists then and now want to restrict the common man from knowing the real truth in the Universe. Brad Meltzer's Decoded denied that the Illumianti exists today (Adam Weishaupt wanted the elimination of organized religion, private property, nationalism, etc. in order to dominate the Earth. These are some of the globalists' goals today), but the Illuminati's doctrines are still here. Also, they admitted ironically that the statue represents Lucifer. That's a great development when even Meltzer's people admitted this. The Illuminist occults view Lucifer as a good being as representing knowledge pretty much. To them knowledge is power. Yet, Lucifer is about deception since the common man is not shown true wisdom and Lucifer lied and claimed that man will be gods (when man can't be gods or like unto God at all). Luciferians claims to be good, but it's an authoritarian form of existence. The highest levels of Masons admit that their groups uses deception and agreed with secret mystical doctrines. Hall admitted that the inner core of Masons have esoteric goals and death oaths, yet many Masons deny it. Many real elitists or Illuminists wouldn't call themselves the Illuminati today, but their major goals didn't change from back then.

Oil control is a way that the Anglo-American establishment use to financial dominate most of the world. Even F. William Engdahl mentions this reality in his book entitled, "A Century of War." Oil is such a powerful resource that controlling it will means that you can control global economies. Back in 1928, oil cartels signed an agreement called Achancarry Agreement (being signed in Achnacarry, Scotland). The deal was that the cartels divided the oil resources of the world and markets between 7 major British and American controlled cartels. This has been called the Seven Sisters. Their names are Esso (Standard Oil of New Jersey, now Exxon), Mobil (Standard Oil of New York), Gulf Oil, Texaco, Standard Oil of California (Chevron), Royal Dutch Shell, and the Anglo-Persian Oil Company (British Petroleum). Enghahl wrote about this incident. He wrote that the Seven Sisters acted as one unit and that: "...British and American oil majors agreed to accept the existing market divisions and shares, to set a secret world cartel price, and end the destructive competition and price wars of the last decade." This caused the hegemonic Anglo-American empire to control most of the world's oil reserves. They use ruthlessness to maintain that power as documented by Engdahl. After WWII, the Bretton Wood conference made the American dollar the world's functional currency pegged to gold at 35 dollar an ounce. Later, the IMF, the World Bank, and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade or GATT was created. The WTO came from GATT. The U.S. Federal Reserve controlled of economic system in Aermcia (it's a private enterpise not being federal with no reserves. It's owned and controlled by New York banks. These banks are link with the major American oil cartels). After WWII, the Rockefeller elitists ruled major oil companies like many Standard Oil franchises and Mobil Oil (including Chase Manhattan Bank, National City Bank, Chemical Bank, the Bank of New York, Kuhn-Loeb, and others). According to Engdahl, 10 percent of the aid from the Marshall Plan (to rebuild European infrastructure) was used to buy American oil. By 1947, the fiver Amereican oil companies supplied half of Western Europe's oil. Big oil used its monopoly power to double the price of oil from 1945 to 1948.This was doen to allow European countries to use the Marshall Plan to aid European oil refining capacity. The U.S. and the West want to control the rapid modernization and industralization of the Third World especially. They become less dependent on American dollar.  So, Nixon in August 15, 1971 ended dollar convertibility into gold. The world finance systme was into a dollar standard with no gold backing. Foreign holders of U.S. dollars could no longer redeem their paper for U.S. gold reserves. Yet, the dollar kept devaluing. By February of 1973, the dollar was again devalued by 10% and the Fed's price for gold was set at $42.22/ounce. This action was also ineffective, and by the end of March the value of the US dollar had plummeted around the world, dropping 40% against the German Deutschmark. However, the Anglo-American financial establishment had an Ace up its sleeve, a card that was first revealed in May of 1973 at the Bilderberg meeting held at Saltsjoebaden, Sweden. Engdahl wrote that this meeting was about the Bilderbergers to want to trigger a global oil embrago in the world (to increase the world's oil prices, strop radically industrial growth in the world, and tilt the power to the Anglo-American financial intersts). The Bilderberg meeting wanted the flood of oil dollars. From 1949 to 1970, the price of oil (influenced by OPEC from the early 1960's) was about $1.90/barrel. It gradually increased form 1970 to 1973. In early 1973, it jumped into $3.01. This massive price hike was then dwarfed on January 1, 1974, when OPEC raised the price of oil by more than 100% to $11.65/barrel. Overall, from early 1973 to January of 1974 the price of oil jumped over 400%. Nixon didn't know what happened or what to do. The mostly Sunni Saudi Arabian nation allied with Anglo-American banks too. Later, petro dollars (or an oil standard) came to replace the gold standard. Many Third World nations didn't have enough oil resources to compensate the rapid oil price increases. So, they depended on the World Bank and other institutions to pay debts or other policies (like the West offering them petrodollars). The catch is that these petrodollars were used to refinance deficits not create new infrastructure, agriculture, or improve the world's standard of living. As CFR and New York attorney admitted, he wanted: "....A degree of 'controlled dis-integration' in the world economy is a legitimate objective for the 1980s..." This is what occured. Worldwide by the 1980's, the traditional industrial and agriculture development was either disintegrated or under corporate hands.

One person is seriously wrong on many issues. He is only right that African American create businesses and have more efforts to build up the black community. First, he talks about Capitalism. He obviously wants to use the economic system of an oppressor as a justification to promote his own self interest. Vulture capitalism is materialistic, ruthless, and selfish by its own nature. How can a person be selfish when the collective improvement of your own people is beyond the interests of self. Capitalism that's unregulated is obviously predatory and has been instrumental in the derivatives crisis, the opium wars against Chinese people, and the international slave trade. Competition against humans is a reality, but humans for thousands of years have used safeguards to protect humans too (like environmental and labor standards. Even the most reactionary person accepts some regulation among capitalism as beneficial). In life, there are those living the good life and those who are less fortunate. Just because people are poor or disadvantages, doesn't mean that there is little chance for them to improve themselves. So, we should do our best to help those people in extreme poverty or suffering to benefit everyone. Since, long term if radical improvement of our standard of living is a reality then more people will benefit. Everyone realizes that humans are competitive. Yet, this doesn't mean that humans act the intellectual stamina to develop a better, more fair society. So, yes I do blame cartel capitalism for many problems in communities (not all problems). If the glorious cartel-capitalism system was so great, why has the global finanical crisis occured since 2007. This crisis occured for many reasons and one was that there was the unregulated, speculative derivatives market (which was a fruit of cartel-capitalism, not regular capitalism per se). There is no evidence that unregulated capitalism works. Studies, literature from Krugman, and others prove that a mixed economy works better than pure Communism or unregulated Capitalism. You know this.

By Timothy

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