
Monday, March 28, 2011

2011: A Year of Radical Developments

The Libyan rebel leader admitted that there is a connection to the CIA-invented al-Qaeda in Iraq. The Libyan rebel commander is an intelligence operative according to sources. Russia Today compares Obama’s bombing of Libya to that of Yugoslavia by Clinton in the 1990’s. Abdel Hakim al-Hasidi is the Libyan rebel leader. He told the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore that he recruited a couple dozen of men from the Dema area of Eastern Libya to fight against the Iraqi occupation. He said that many of these fighters now arte on the front lines in Abjadibya according to a report published by the Telegraph. The rebels have controlled Abjadiya and other cities. The CIA with the assistance of the Pakistani’s ISI and Saudi Arabia ran the Islamic network plus its aggressive recruitment efforts. The effort started n 1979. Defense Secretary Robert Gates in his memoir admitted that American intelligence services began to aid the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan 6 months before the Soviet intervention. Zbigniew Brzezinski was Jimmy Carter’s national security advisor at the time. He told the French newspaper Le Nouvel Observateur in 1998 that it was true that people like him created the Mujahedeen that would evolve later into al-Qaeda (and the Taliban. In his mind, this was an excellent idea. He doesn’t regret it despite 400,000 people who died as a result). The intelligence community promoted the Mujahedeen to attack Russians in Afghanistan. This caused the beginning of the end of the Soviet Union. Al-Qaeda was used as globalist foreign policy tool to take down nations and regimes including Bosnia and Kosovo. Resisters of this agenda were demonized by the mainstream media as well. Many of the rebels in Libya worked for the CIA either directly or covertly. The Libyan resistance is similar to Gaddafi as being yearning for conflict in order to gain a certain end result. Libya should embrace another thugocracy in their lands. The CIA and Pentagon have exploited al-Qaeda’s presence in the Balkans, Central Asia, and Iraq in order to continue the war on terror. “Islamic missionaries of the Wahabi sect from Saudi Arabia had established themselves in the Muslim republics, as well as within the Russian federation, encroaching upon the institutions of the secular State. Despite its anti-American ideology, Islamic fundamentalism was largely serving Washington’s strategic interests in the former Soviet Union, the Balkans and the Middle East,” writes Michel Chossudovsky.  Strategically, anti-American ideology and Islamic fundamentalism has been used by the West as a means to use that as a justification for the West to promote color revolutions (and dismember nations via order through chaos). Al-Hasidi is a member reportedly of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (or LIFG). This is also called the Al-Jama’a al-Islamiyyah al-Muqatilah bi-Libya. It is the most powerful radical faction waging Jihad in Libya and was officially designated as an affiliate of al-Qaeda and the Taliban – both CIA creations – by the UN 1267 Committee. LIFG was founded in the fall of 1995 by Libyans who had fought against Soviet forces in Afghanistan, in short for the CIA and the ISI. Back in 2007, documents were captured by allied forces in the town of Sinjar. It showed LIFG members made up of the 2nd largest cohort of foreign fighters in Iraq after Saudi Arabia. Another intelligence asset called Al-Muhajiroun is active in Libya. The Al-Muharjiroun was involved in recruiting British Muslims to fight in Kosovo. The organization is banned in the UK. It harbored numerous British intelligence plants like Haroon Rashid Aswat. Aswat was the supposed mastermind of the 7/7 bombings. The group’s leader in 1997 called Abu Hamza al-Masri started to work with 2 branches of the British security services, the police’s Special Branch, and MI5 (or the domestic counterintelligence service). This information isn’t shown by the establishment corporate media. Instead, we are fed more inflammatory propaganda, such as al-Muhajiroun hyperbole that the call for “Islam, the Shariah and jihad from Libya” had “shaken the enemies of Islam and the Muslims more than the tsunami that Allah sent against their friends, the Japanese.” The bigger picture is that the global elite (via the CIA and British Intelligence) want to get rid of the dictator Gaddafi in order to gain his oil/mineral resources. Gaddafi was a puppet for transnational oil corporations himself. Gaddafi was once a friend of the West (like Saddam) and he is threatened to be overthrown under the guise of humanitarian issues (when these concerns in Yemen, other places in Africa, etc. are made know, the West don’t give an inch of concern).

Economic Information is great to understand. It seems like the revitalization of the labor movement from Wisconsin is spreading nationwide. Wisconsin is from the Midwest and there are people from many backgrounds in a class movement that want the disposed and the poor to have economic justice and basic democratic freedoms like collective bargaining. These rights were what Dr. Martin Luther King desired in his last campaign in Memphis, Tennessee. Dr. King wanted improvised Black sanitation workers to have decent working conditions, benefits, salaries, and the right to collective bargain (that the white supremacist corporate power structure sought to deny). His Poor Peoples Campaign in 1968 (uniting Blacks, whites, Latinos, Native Americans, Asians, and the rest of like minded progressive human beings) was the first time that radical proposals were made to fight against economic injustice in the modern era inside of America. Dr. King was assassinated on April 8, 1968. Dr. King wanted a nonviolent revolutionary campaign in Washington, D.C. to fight for social justice and institute an economic Bill of Rights. Dr. Martin Luther King wanted people to respect the dignity of the human personality. All unions aren’t perfect, but unions have created much of the middle class and helped labor rights in numerous legitimate endeavors. For the record, Dr. Martin Luther King was not a Republican. He didn’t support any party or candidate explicitly. He opposed publicly the campaign of Barry Goldwater because of political reasons. Senator Barry Goldwater wasn’t a bigot, but he opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, because he adhered to strict libertarianism. Unions have not only proved to be an essential bulwark of democracy. Trade unions were an essential force which helped end the fascist apartheid regime in South Africa and inaugurate democracy. We must never forget that one of the top objectives of fascists like Hitler, Mussolini, and Franco was to crush workers’ unions. We should oppose Yankee anti-intellectualism as well that is common in the rest of the West as well. Ironically, at least 61% of Americans support the striking workers in Wisconsin with some Republicans in Wisconsin now regretting voting for Scott Brown. Workers in the public and private sphere should be protected of their rights. Egalitarianism is fine for me to embrace. On another note, the Netherlands is growing its surplus to 3.1 billion Euros in the latest month. There have about 17 million people. It could be one of the top countries in Europe in terms of GDP.

Glenn Beck interviewed G. Edward Griffin about the Federal Reserve. Beck is a Mormon and a part of the Federal Reserve. There is no debate that the Federal Reserve and central banks globally have been created to create debt-based money out of thin air. This causes nation states to have perpetual debt. Most nations are in debt because of this system or fractional reserve economic policies. The Federal Reserve is like a ponzi scheme. Beck is a gatekeeper that shows partial truth and never tells all of it. For a while, Beck has ridiculed people who question the official story of the 9/11 attacks even when the official story is questioned by some of the 9/11 Commission members. He claimed that FEMA camps don’t exist even though; he can’t debunk any legitimate evidence from people who have researched this issue. Beck interviewed G. Edward Griffin. Griffin is right on many issues. Yet, Griffin is in error with being allied with the John Birch Society, and the Fortune 500 funded Cato Institute.   In 1994, Griffin wrote a book called "The Creature from Jekyll Island" which goes over the origins of the Federal Reserve.  The book has been criticized for borrowing much of its material from Eustace Mullins earlier work that was published in the 1950s entitled "Secrets of the Federal Reserve".  It has also been criticized for not packing nearly as much punch as Mullins' original work which is a plausible explanation as to why Griffin's book has received far more attention and is now receiving mainstream press from people like Beck. Griffin is a member of the John Birch Society. The JBS is a known false opposition group that refuses to expose questions about the 9/11 inside job attacks. It was an inside job anyway since more than 1 person planned and carried out the attacks in a conspiracy. The John Birch Society have links to the globalist groups like the FED, the CFR, the CNP, the Rockefeller family, and even the IRS according to tons of research. Griffin doesn’t have problems with these facts. The Mormons have ties to the JBS as one time Mormon leader Ezra Taft Benson is a big supporter of the Society. The Mormons was created by Freemason Joseph Smith not by Jesus Christ. This is why the Mormon Beck would have somebody like Griffin on his show, which is linked to the JBS. Papal puppets on FOX News include Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly. Papal Knight of St. Gregory Rupert Murdoch rules FOX News. FOX News is a propaganda outlet of the military industrial complex with ties to the Papacy and other groups. The controlled media is allowing limited information about the FED to be shown by people like Griffin. Griffin believes that this system of printing money out of money is used to bring about a new world order. This is new since the elite admit that they want a new world order. CNBC admitted that the Federal Reserve is creating money out of nothing via quantitative easing measures shown by the central bank. Glen Beck mocked people exposing the Bilderberg Group and the Rothschild family. The Bilderberg Group is where elite families, intelligence people, corporate chieftains, and other globalists that discuss world policies. The Rothschilds have bankrolled Europe since the 1800’s and many of their agents have global influence from America to Israel. Beck doesn’t expose this since he is using disinformation. Beck’s show on the Federal Reserve isn’t meant to show the total truth about the FED (or solutions like using greenbacks or similar debt free currency). It’s meant to control the debate. G. Edward Griffin was used in the show to continue the game of Beck. Griffin promotes gold as a currency too, which is wrong since there is not enough gold to handle our economy. Gold can be volatile in its value. Even in the Bank of North Dakota, money issued by the government without interest works fine. This isn’t about fiat currency, but real currency (that’s debt free coming from the government via our elected representatives. Even the gold bugs of the late 1800’s were big bankers. Even the early colonies have their own paper money without debt that caused economic growth. The Currency Act of 1764 existed to prevent the colonists from having an independent financial system. This contributed to the existence of the Revolutionary War). .

Senator Frank Lautenberg is a disgrace for his anti-gun radicalism and his lies he said about Pro-Life people. He made comments at a recent rally Planned Parenthood staged. They want taxpayers for pay for this abortion business. I have no problem with money going to tests, sexual education, and things like that, but not abortion. The old man Senator was with about 100 supporters. The supporters wore pink shirts and stood in front of a pink colored bus Planned Parenthood has been driving nationwide in order to build support for receiving millions in taxpayer dollars to support the biggest abortion businesses in America. He claimed that the Tea Party Republicans are attacking Planned Parenthood that has an extreme ideology above women’s health. He’s such a liar. First, people from across the political spectrum are Pro-Life and disagree with Planned Parenthood for legitimate reason. Second, abortion on demand has caused tons of women health complications from infertility, depression, and death. That’s. Pro-Life advocated responded to Lautenberg’s slander in saying “Shame on you, Lautenberg.” The pro-abortion New Jersey senator fired back:  “These people (referring to the pro-life advocates) don’t deserve the freedoms in the Constitution.” Then, as an afterthought, he said, “but we’ll give it to them anyway.” This lying son of a group of parents forgot that unalienable right of the freedom of speech is deserved among anyone regardless of how Frank thinks. It’s ironic that he would say tripe like that. Marie Tasy, who is the director of New Jersey Right to Life vehemently disagree with the words from Senator Lautenberg. “Lautenberg’s remarks and attitude were extremely inappropriate for a U.S. Senator,” Tasy told, adding that the comment “bears repeating because it provides evidence of how Planned Parenthood and its supporters actually feel.” “This statement is shameful coming from a U.S. Senator,” Tasy added. “Lautenberg made these remarks surrounded by Planned Parenthood employees, supporters and state lawmakers who applauded him. These remarks are absolutely shameful and need to be exposed.” Tasy said that their pro-Life rally was successful despite problems with Planned Parenthood and local officials. They were in Englewood, NJ to say that no more taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood, which is a part of their First Amendment rights. Planned Parenthood has been caught on tape dealing with criminal acts (like aiding and abetting in the sex trafficking of minor girls). Planned Parenthood has strong political allies too. Assemblywoman Valerie Vanieri Huttle.   Vanieri Huttle’s husband is the Mayor of Englewood and the Assemblywoman represents the town of Englewood. The local government forced the Pro-life protections to stand behind yellow tape. Planned Parenthood protesters, on the other hand, were allowed to use the entire street and a sound system. Tasy and others were told by the police that they can’t use a sound system, because the city of Englewood required a permit. Tasy and others asked the police whether Planned Parenthood received a permit. The police didn’t know unsurprisingly. He shrugged his shoulders and said “I assume so.” Tasy’s attorneys have looked into the matter and informed us that this law did not apply to their gathering, which means our free speech rights were violated. Despite the fact that they had to pay for a sound system they could not use because our free speech rights were violated and Planned Parenthood’s best efforts to chill their message, bully and silence us, they did not succeed. Hypocrites from the liberal establishment side claim to love free speech, but some of them hate the free speech of pro-life citizens in America.

The Rapture controversy is interesting as the Bible and the early Church was uniformly Post-Trib for thousands of years. Preterism and the modern Pre-Trib Rapture theology were created by the Jesuits in the 1500’s. Funny is that Proverbs 10:30 said that the righteous shall never be removed, but the wicked shall not inhabit the Earth. The Bible in the NT is clear that the resurrection of those in Jesus occurs in the last trump. Proverbs 3:25-26 and 1 Thes. 5:21 says that the wicked will be separated from the just. The wicked will be sent into the furnace of fire with them wailing and gnashing of teeth. These same words are found in Psalms and the words of Jesus Christ. So, the wicked will be burned in the lake and the righteous will live with God in the holy city of Jerusalem in the Millennial Kingdom. There is not a single scripture showing people being taken off the Earth for protection from tribulation. Jesus Christ said point blank from John 16:33 that: “…These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world…” The church leaders Lactantius, Irenaues, Justin Martyr, Papias or the disciple of the apostle John taught the historic premillenial doctrine. This is the doctrine that God told John to write in the book of Revelation. That is why John said that he was a companion in tribulation. Why do you think that in Revelation 13:7 shows the saints on Earth during the Tribulation and even verse 9 talks about the patience and faith of the saints in dealing with the beast (or Antichrist)? Rev. 7:13-14 Talks about the saints - those that came out of great tribulation, a great multitude that have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb - and many more scriptures. Yet, the righteous will not suffer the real wrath of God. Jesus said in John 16: 33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.  Acts 14:22 22 Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we ((((must)))) through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God. Psalm 37:29 says that: “…The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein forever. Forever is never ending. So, the deal is that the second coming comes after the tribulation. Matthew 24:29 is clear that the Son of man comes immediately after the tribulation.
You can’t fully understand about some of the movie’s meanings in Hollywood without a basic comprehension of not only occult symbolism, but of Gnosticism. Plato predicted even some of the Hollywood atmosphere with emphasis on fashion and conformity. Even in our postmodern age, people focus on mysticism, spiritual realms, and other metaphysical issues. There is that link between Gnosticism, Cabbalah, and alchemy. Gnosticism is a spiritual tenet that praises the spiritual world, while demonizing the physical world as a corruption of the ultimate spiritual reality. They praise Sophia as a guide while criticizing the Deimurge (or Yahveh) since he created the physical world in existence. People know that the Matrix (from 1999) and the Truman Show (from 1998) deal with the Gnostic views (during the 100’s to 200’s A.D.) that believe that the physical world is an illusion created by a tyrannical master (and that man can fight against this master to find personal or spiritual liberation). The view of the Demiurge is found in the codex found during 1947 in the Nag Hammadi Library. Demiurge or Samael was begotten by the goddess Wisdom or Sophia. Demiurge rebelled and said that there is no other gods before me. The Demiurge’s archons are his agents that make man distracted with material issues and concerns. This view is found in numerous other movies as well. The Cabbalistic/alchemical motif of perfecting man is found in pictures like Blade runner from 1982 and A.I. from 2001. Today, people want to mix ancient myths with current events (in our technological age). The science fiction of Philip K. Dick and William Gibson has popularized Gnosticism in popular culture as well. Some of the older films dealt with Cabbalistic, Gnostic, and alchemical themes deals with cautions of trying to form the new man. 1916’s “The Revenge of the Homunculus” shows a failed alchemical experiment where an artificial man conquers and rules the world cruelly. Even the Golem in 1920 shows the tragic result of Cabbalistic magic not forming a human. These movies according to some warned against questioning what society has deemed reality. Modern films with Gnostic themes want to rebel against the postmodern culture made up of illusion, conformity, and mechanism. Yet, these movies act very commercial viewing this rebellion in a marketing way. They use an exoteric packaging and esoteric vision. Therefore, Gnosticism is one key component in so many Hollywood pictures. Gnosticism in Hollywood goes hand in hand.
By Timothy

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