
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Freedom Rider: Attack of the Cruise Missile Liberals

Excellent article

“The belief in white American superiority effects and infects every policy discussion in this nation.” 
You're a hundred percent right and truer words couldnt be written. I can;t tell you how happy it makes me that the true spirit of 60s radicalism can still be found. But on another level, what shall we make of the scared pragmatism of the left, who is so afraid of a republican retaking the executive that they submit to every form of Democratic abuse? I say they need to dig in, abandon the democrats and let the chips fall where they may. 

good piece but

I totally disagree with your initial statement: "Peace loving Americans are few and far between. The vast majority of our citizens see nothing wrong with their government killing masses of people as long as the rationale sounds high minded and noble." MANY people I know are completely against war of any type, regardless of whether it's for "spreading freedom" or "fighting terrorism." But the problem is they don't care enough to voice their opposition, fearing being labeled as either sympathetic to our "enemies" or looking like cowards. But I think things start to really hit home when people see the pictures of the destruction our troops really do. Did you see the pictures from that Rolling Stone article about the Kill Team? They guys are just killing civilians for fun and I don't believe anyone can condone that with sincerity. Unfortunately, the youth of today, including the a vast amount of black youth, are more concerned with their cars, kicks and chicks than they are with international relations. Unfortunately, the spirit of the 60s died in the 60s. We don't have peace loving heros and artists speaking against our government. There are no more Jimi Hendrix's, just more and more self-absorbed rappers spewing their self-indulgent nonsense. I pray that one day the youth will awake from their intellectual slumber and see the world for what it is and where it's going. —tyrone

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