
Monday, March 21, 2011

New Battles

The West is launching attacks in Libya. These attacks come from France, the U.S., and other NATO allies. Congress hasn’t approved of these deadly Tomahawk cruise missile attacks in the sovereign state of Libya. Neo-liberals support these actions in a hypocritical fashion, because they agree with war and destruction if the United Nations approves of such activities. The corporate media is using propaganda spin to rationalize the destruction of Libyan in order to spread Western hegemony in the world (to get their oil resources too). This act is called Operation Odyssey Dawn. Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution gives the power of Congress along to declare war. Even the War Powers Acts gives the President to act in a limited capacity. This was passed by Congress back in 1973 after Nixon illegally invaded Cambodia. These acts now contradict the Constitution. The West wants this limited action to be used to prevent Gaddafi from killing civilians. A war powers resolution was made by Congress to justify the war of Iraq after the false flag attack of September 11, 2011. The authorization to kill people in Libya was made also by the French President Nicolas Sarkozy. The media call this act a theatrical gravitas. The British Prime Minister David Cameron and Sarkozy met in Saturday to compare notes. This was done before they had an international globalist summit on Libya. Cameron reportedly wants NATO to have a lead role in the act of war. Sarkozy desires an international leadership structure independent of NATO. Sarkozy therefore wants globalist minions to run the shows (that came be from Brussels). The Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that she wants more Arabic nations to make efforts to stop the violence and be in an international coalition to handle the Libyan situation. Some Sunni Middle Eastern nations have followed orders from the Europeans and the U.N. They might to be partners in the military strikes. The elite want control over dictatorships in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and the Gulf Emirates. It’s very hypocritical for the West to act like they are being tolerant in Africa when they have done nothing to avert the African humanitarian crisis in the Congo, Rwanda, and even Yemen. Libya is attacked, because it’s a strategic region with large masses of mineral and oil resources. They or the Western imperial powers don’t care about the Libyan people. The French leadership spearheaded these attacks in a slick neo-colonial move. There can be peaceful arbitrators sent into Libya to get some resolution going. If journalists can be in Libya, then independent peacemakers can be actively utilized in Libya in trying to get a real cease fire and get some resolution among all parties. Hopefully, a peaceful solution can come out of this. It is unlikely that American soldiers will be involved in the conflict for now. Yet, we as people than support this Manifest Destiny 2.0 in the 21st century. It’s immoral.

A firebomb has been thrown at an elderly woman at a Pro-Life prayer event. There was a homemade incendiary device that was thrown at one of the participants of the 40 Days for Life pro-life prayer vigil. This occurred at an abortion business in Kaslispell, Montana at last Thursday night. The woman was on a public sidewalk near a business. An unidentified person threw the device, which is akin to a Molotov cocktail, in her direction. The woman didn’t see either the firebomb or the assailant it exploded on the sidewalk behind her. It made a loud popping noise like a big firecracker as it burst into flame. The woman fortunately wasn’t hurt in the incident. She regained her composure. The victim called Karen Trierweiler (or the coordinator of the 40 Days prayer vigils in Kalispell at the All Family Health Care abortion center) over to her. The Kalispell police officer arrived. The officer said that the police could never get prints or other evidence from the bomb’s remains and said he would call city’s garbage service to dispose of all the debris (according to officials with the pro-life legal group called the Thomas More Society). The officer said that the city’s garbage service is to dispose of all the debts. The officer in a cold way said that the 40 Days prayer vigil participants should expect this kind of reaction if they’re protesting at the abortion business. No one should deserve terrorist act anywhere. Questioning Officer Hoover’s assessment of the attack, Trierweiler called the Kalispell desk sergeant to complain, where she was unable to get further assistance. Tom Brejcha, president and chief counsel of the Thomas More Society says his group has filed a formal complaint with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Field Office in Helena, Montana. The organization is for an immediate, intensive investigation of what it calls a “vicious” attack. “We are appalled by this terrible act of violence, while we’re immensely grateful that God’s grace spared this valiant pro-lifer any serious injury,” he told this afternoon. “But the reaction of Kalispell police officers after Ms. Trierweiler called them to the scene was equally appalling, indeed outrageous.” Tom Brejcha wants a complaint against the officer for his conduct and wants to expose this act of domestic terrorism. He wants the FBI to reveal this matter in order for the assailant to be identified and apprehended in order to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Trierweiler reported that an eyewitness have came (who wasn’t a part of the 40 Days campaign). This person was a passerby and this testimony may be able to help the FBI to track down the bomb thrower and bring him into justice. So, anti-life attacks are real and these attacks on innocent Pro-Life people aren’t reported by Rachel Maddow at all (since they have a vested interest in demonizing and stereotyping pro-life activist falsely as terrorists or extremists).

Some Evangelicals want to unite with the Mormons. There are many of the establishment Evangelical leaders meeting with Mormons in Salt Lake City. They want dialogue to have better understanding. This is silly since Mormonism is not Christianity. If the Mormons want real communication, they should end the heresies in their own creed. These evangelicals include Lieth Anderson (or the President of the National Association of Evangelicals), Richard Mouw (President of Fuller Seminary), and David Neff (or editor in chief of Christianity today). Anderson said that: “…We hope this time of dialogue with LDS leaders will deepen our understanding of the Mormon faith and contribute to the ongoing work of evangelicals in Utah” (“Evangelicals, Mormon,” Christian Post, March 10, 2011). This is a continuation of something that began several years ago. In November 2004, an “Evening of Friendship” at the Salt Lake Mormon Tabernacle featured some evangelicals seeking a better understanding of and relationship with Mormons. Ravi Zacharias, the main speaker, was joined by Richard Mouw, Craig Hazen (a professor at Biola), Joseph Tkach, Jr., head of the World Wide Church of God, and CCM musician Michael Card. Card said that Mormonism and Evangelical Christianity aren’t opposed to each other and they are 2 ends of a long thread (or 2 of the same thing). This is Ecumenicalism as the Ecumenicals want more power in the world. The 2004 and the recent dialogue was sponsored by Standing Together Ministries. It was formed in 2001 by the Evangelical preacher Greg Johnson. Greg was in dialogues with Mormon professor Robert Millet. Johnson is a radical Ecumenist. Greg wanted to united Mormons and other Christians. He and his allies Craig Bloomberg of Denver Seminary (and Steve Robinson of Brigham Young University) believe that the divide of Mormons and bible believing Christians isn’t as wide as formerly though. Mormonism is obviously a false gospel and believes in a false Christ. There is nothing wrong with peaceful communications with Mormons, but it’s wrong to deny what Mormonism is really all about. Mormonism came from Joseph Smith not the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible says that we reprove false doctrines and hope for people to wake up about spiritual deception. Now, Mormonism teaches that the Father God has once flesh and bones, that Jesus and Lucifer are spirit brothers, and that humans can achieve godhood to create children on their own planets. These are heresies to the 10th degree.

There is a lot of fear mongering about radiation now. Some believe that some want to use fear as an excuse to price gouge potassium iodide. For the past days, a lot of fear has been promoted revolving around the Japanese nuclear reactor disaster. Even Alex Jones wants people to purchase potassium iodide. This produce can be sued to protect the human body from radiation. Some panic has occurred and this has resulted in widespread shortage of this product nationwide. We don’t need fear as a result of this tragedy that has been transpiring in Japan. Alex Jones in one of his stories claimed to have the last remaining stocks of potassium iodide in America. He would be charging $40 per container of potassium iodide. His article proclaims that he has the least expensive per dose delivery system available. The article says the following: “…At $40 per container, this is less than 20 cents per dose for adults. Each container holds 200 adult doses, enough for more than 20 adults. This is the least expensive per dose delivery system out there...” The product is available from many vendors for much less money according to a quick Google search. One place was selling 240 potassium iodide tablets for 17 dollars. So, selling items in inflated prices and claiming a potassium iodide pill shortage is an error. The radiation from the nuclear reactor accident in Japan is not at present in America at this moment. So, you should buy potassium iodide tablets if you want to. There are many places to get them without fear mongering. Fear mongering is not what we need in the world.

Mystery Babylon and heresy go hand and hand. In our time, this sun worship is found covertly in Romanism or Catholicism. Even Deut. 4:19 mentions that worshipping the sun, moon, and stars are wrong since these entities aren’t God. Nature isn’t God since they have finite origin and finite reach in the Universe. Only God is truly infinite in the Universe. There is the sun and crescent moon found in the Roman Catholic Eucharist. In other words, the Pope lifts up an ancient symbol of the sun gold by a gold piece formed like the crescent moon. To the ancient Egyptians, it was a symbol of the Isis of the mothers of the gods. An ancient Egyptian image of Isis exist, who was the wife of the sun god and Mother of gods. She holds up the sun in the form of a pearl, carried by the crescent moon. The reality is that the Roman Catholic Church relates to pagan practices. The communion is meant to be made up of bread and drink not a Eucharist. The image of the Eucharist looks similar to images of Isis holding up the sun. Isis was married to the sun god Osiris. The Eucharist is used as an idol and the papists claim that it represents the blood and body of the Lord Jesus Christ. The sun rays from the Host or the monstrance is from solar worship. They use a moon shaped enclosure to hold the round sun-shaped Eucharist "wafer" up which they call a LUNA/ or LUNETTE. The commandment of Moses forbids the making and bowing down to images. The Roman Catholic Church even admits the Monstrance to be a sunburst: "During the baroque period, it took on a rayed form of a sun-monstrance with a circular window surrounded by a silver or gold frame with rays." (Source:  The Dictionary of the Liturgy by Rev. Jovian P. Lang, OFM., published and copyrighted © 1989 by Catholic Book Publishing Co., New York, ISBN 0-89942-273-X, page 436). In fact, according to the  1913 edition of the Catholic Encyclopedia-, “…The most appropriate form (for the monstrance) is that of the sun emitting its rays to all sides (Instructio Clement., 5). The priest (or even the Pope) sometimes holds up the sunburst monstrance with the host encased for the congregation to adore and venerate. Virtually any time the monstrance, a pagan sun symbol, is viewed by the congregation, they kneel in submission. A Catholic cannot walk past this sun symbol without acknowledging it by kneeling and or making the sign of the cross with their hands. We should never bow down before a sun image in veneration.

By Timothy

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