
Monday, April 11, 2011

Conflicts, War, and a Future

There are conflicts in the Ivory Coast, Libya, and beyond. Some elitists want to conquest Africa, which has been their goal for centuries. Equatorial Guinea's President Teodoro Obiang Nguema (or the chairman of African Union) on April 5 condemned French military operations in fellow West African nation Ivory Coast and the NATO's war against Libya. He said that: "...Africa does not need any external influence. Africa must manage its own affairs.” He came to power via a coup d’état in 1979, so he isn't a total model of a democratic ruler. He governed his nation to this day uninterrupted. He heads the 53 nation African Union. He doesn't want an intervention of a foreign army in the Ivory Coast. The violence there is between the Western backed Alassane Ouattara's self styled Republican Forces army and the "Invisible Commandos" on one side including the incumbent President Laurent Gbagbo's military and security forces on the other. Nguema spoke after French attack helicopters struck Ivorian military bases in the commercial capital of Abidjan. They have destroyed over 10 armored vehicles, 4 anti-aircraft weapons, and the broadcasting state of the state-run Radiodiffusion-Télévision ivoirienne as well as firing on the presidential building and residence. French troops took over the nation’s main airport earlier in the week. (In 2004 French warplanes destroyed the Gbagbo government’s modest air force on the ground, an action heartily endorsed by the U.S.). President Obiang Nguema doesn’t believe in U.S./NATO intervention in Libya. He wants the solution to be resolved internally. Iraq was fought for humanitarian grounds like Libya and Iraq is still suffering some issues in that nation. He believed that foreigners are susceptible to propose erroneous solutions, so Africans should solve African problems (without an European, American, or Asian view).  Russia called an emergency meeting of the UN’s Security Council on Ivory Coast. Foreign Minister Sergie Lavrov wants neutrality and impartiality inspire of French troops (plus cohorts from the ONUCI or the UN operation in Cote d’Ivoire) intervening in the Ivory Coast. Lavrov later expressed concerns that U.S. and other NATO members arming anti-government insurgents in Libya stating that such a measure would constitute interference in the civil war. Some want the violence to end in Libya and the Ivory Coast. Americans and other Western leaders want arms and missile attacks to end the violence in both African nations. President Barack Obama wants the former President Gbagbo to stand down immediately. He wants those who are fighting to lay down their arms and he respected the actions of French troops and military helicopters in the capital. Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama have delivered ultimatums to the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi to leave Libya. Bombs and cruise missiles have come into Libya from NATO as well. The recently appointed commander of U.S. Africa Command, General Carter Ham, told the House Armed Services Committee on April 5: “This is a historic time for us in Africa Command. We completed a complex, short-notice; operational mission in Libya and have now transferred that mission to NATO.” Since Africom handed over command of the war against Libya to NATO on March 31, over 1,200 air missions have been flown over nation like several hundred bombings and missile strikes. 2 out of the 5 African nations that formed relationship with the Pentagon via ARFICOM are targets of violent uprisings. These uprisings raise their puppet governments to be gone and client regimes to be subservient to U.S. and NATO allies. There are news about Eritrea, Zimbabwe, and Sudan. If the pro-French Alassance Outattara (he was an unelected Prime Minister in the past) then Africom will have foothold in West Africa (among oil rich and strategic regions). Ouattara was under the late President for life Félix Houphouët-Boigny and he was the Washington, D.C.-based Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund. The USS Robert G. Bradley guided missile frigate began a nine-nation Africa Partnership Station West mission on February 1 with a port visit to the capital of Togo, two countries removed from Ivory Coast’s eastern border on the Gulf of Guinea. The Africa Partnership Station is an initiative of U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa and works in conjunction with AFRICOM. The U.S. warship itinerary will make visits to Cape Verde, Senegal, Gabon, Sao Tome and Principe, Sierra Leone, Cameroon, Angola, and Nigeria. Angola and of course Nigeria are Africa’s largest oil exporters. France, the U.S., China, and Russia divide oil in Gabon. France once colonized Gabon. In 2005, American oil giants ChevronTexaco and ExxonMobil made an agreement in exploration and production with Sao Tome and Principe. The ship visited Tanzania. It trained military personnel from Djibouti, Kenya, Mauritius, and Mozambique. The African Partnership Station initiative came in 2007 to allow U.S. warship to numerous African coastal and island nation, except those bordering the Mediterranean Sea. In February of 2011, Africom did a Special Forces exercise in Senegal and other NATO allies. This was called Operation Flintlock. This divide and conquer strategy in Africa nothing new. Back in the 1884-1885 Berlin Conference divided the African continent into spheres of influence between the major European powers and the U.S., with Ivory Coast belonging to France and Libya later taken by Italy, so now the U.S. and all the major former European colonial masters, who are now fellow NATO member states – France, Britain, Portugal, Spain, Belgium, Germany, Italy and Turkey – are again planning to establish dominance over what has become the world’s second most populous continent. They want even have NATO to have more dominance in the African continent and the world.

There is more influence about the Austrian school that few people know about. The elite used and funded the Austrian school to promote anarchy beyond just private enterprise. Many people have exposed this reality. Some have found Jesuit influence in the Mises Institute. Back months ago, I have heavily criticized for this. Yet, now, Austrian economics have been refuted so bad that my information has much more support than even a year ago. Ron Paul and his crew have brainwashed many young people into believing that cutting almost everything will grow the economy. Roman Catholic Lew Rockwell is the Chairman of the Mises Institute. He has a degree in English from Tufs University. He worked as Ron Paul’s congressional chief of staff from 1978 to 1982. He promotes anti-Lincoln articles. Roman Catholic Thomas E. Woods is a proponent of the Confederacy. Walter Block is a member of the Ludwig von Mises Institute for Austrian Economics. He met with Ayn Rand and is a devout atheist. Murray Rothhard is another figure in that world as well. Some people have used this philosophy to promote a more fascist ideology (in breaking down nationalism and numerous Austrians hate the concept of nationalism or the nation-state). While the extremes of anarchy and communism are promoted in society, real populist solutions are pulled under the rug.

It’s a part of Wall Street propaganda to blame Social Security for our deficit. In reality, Social Security has not contributed one dime to our current fiscal woes, because that money was contributed by America’s workers over decades. The President’s Fiscal Commission is holding its 2nd public meeting today and when commission members say everything is on the table, they are talking about Social Security and Medicare. The commission was made by an Executive Order from President Barack Obama in February of 2010. A commission with broader powers failed in the Senate. Dean Baker (the co-director of the CEPR or the Center for Economic and Policy Research) said that establishment conservative groups and Wall Street insiders have spent more than 1 billion dollars to try to cut Social Security and Medicare (in the lie that this is the only way to protect our children and grandchildren from poverty). Deficit is the new buzz words neo cons use in promoting austerity. Deficits and debts are words similar to terrorism in that they words are utilized by the neo cons in promoting paranoia. The truth is that Social Security now has a massive surplus that can rise from 2.5 trillion dollars now to 4.3 trillion dollars by 2023. This vast wealth was collected over many years from workers under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) to pay in advance for baby boom retirements. The money will cover all benefits until the 2040s–unless Congress double-crosses workers by changing the rules. The non partisan Congressional Budget Office said that most of the deficit over the next 10 years will come from the Bush administration’s tax cuts for the rich, the wars in Afghanistan plus Iraq, the economy, and rising costs (that some believe will be rein it by the health care reform law). The deficit crisis is largely a symptom of the jobs crisis. Barbara Kennelly. President of the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare (NCPSSM), says if the “commission’s goal is to get our nation’s fiscal house in order then its attention should be on programs which contribute to our debt and the revenue reforms necessary to improve the federal balance sheet.” Deficit alarmists have existed throughout human history. We should not follow their lead into austerity, but use rational approaches in solving our real economic problems.

More pro-abortion violence is happening in America since the pro-abortion has lost traction for years. Abortion supporters protested a weekend event honoring pro-life advocate Joe Schielder of the Pro-Life Action league. The protests were more than just holding signs or chanting. They have included violence. After the event, pro-abortion stalwarts slashed the tires of three pro-life advocates and another abortion advocate threatened more violence against him. One pro-abortion person wrote on the Chicago Independent Media Center that 3 cars of pro-life activists has their tires slashed (this person wants Joe to not have the free speech rights to express Pro-Life views). Some pro-abortionists want to use physical intimidation and use acts of violence. If pro-life people did something similar to this action then pro-abortion radicals would show this news from the rooftops. New Jersey Senator Frank Lautenberg recently said that pro-lifers don’t deserve basic civil rights in a pro-abortion rally. Everyone from the political spectrum has the right of free speech and shouldn’t be intimidated by anyone. Some people want the authorities to investigate the tire slashing of pro-life human beings. Jill Stanek, a pro-life blogger, also responded to the post concerning the tire slashing. “I expect the FBI is involved, which is likely why the Scheidlers haven’t gone public yet. This is as overt confession and threat as I’ve ever seen against pro-lifers,” she said. “Furthermore, these thugs have proven they follow through, cowards as they are. They openly kill helpless little babies by day, but they only vandalize people their own size at night when they’re sleeping or not around.” “It seems to me this pro-abort terrorist is also taking credit for the previous attack against the Scheidlers. How deserving they were of last Saturday’s tribute for the constant persecution they’ve endured for decades,” Stanek added. Hundreds of Pro-Life advocates and 2 dozen leaders nationwide came in downtown Chicago to have an “Evening of Tribute” to honor Scheidler. The pro-life people greeted the pro-abortion with joyous chants, music, and prayer.

The Canadian Prime Minister Candidate confronted about the Bilderberg Group. His name is called Michael Ignatieff. He’s the leader of the Liberal Party of Canada. He was confronted about the Bilderberg Group, the North American Union, and fluoride. At a stop in Hamilton, Ontario, Ignatieff answered the question about his opponent Harper’s Bilderberg visits and officially denounced secrecy. Among Ignatieff’s speech lines is that “It is time for a change.” Terry Wilson and Frankie Gotz confront the NWO puppet Micheal Ignatieff in Hamilton Ontario. Harper could be used as the old guy and Ignatieff as the new guy. There are the Liberal and Torie parties competing against each other for power. There are also international arbiters that exploit freedom, democracy, and human rights as an excuse to promote corporate domination of the world. Groups like Human Rights Watch, Reporters Without borders, and Transparency International use human rights as an excuse to promote multinational corporations to controls the lives of the people. The Human Rights Watch legitimately exposes some crimes in Libya, Egypt, and Syria, but they refuse to scrutinize opposition groups in a real fashion. The Secretary of State Hillary Clinton admitted to funding sedition worldwide wants Qaddafi to leave power under various accusations. Even Western military analysis’s said that some of the Libyan military aren’t intentionally targeting civilians. Many of the freedom fighting so-called rebels are Al-Qaeda fighters. Some just got back from fighting Americans in Afghanistan and Iraq like the leader Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi. The Human Rights Fund is funded by Soros’ Open Society Institute, the Ford Foundation, the CFR linked Atlantic Philanthropies, etc. (with partners like the MacArthur fund, the Ak Foundation, etc.).  Thailand is having their color revolution as well. This is promoted by Freedom House and the National Endowment for Democracy. The leader of the Thai color revolution is globalist stooge Thaksin Shinwatra, a former adviser to the Carlyle Group who was literally standing in front of the CFR in NYC on the eve of his ousting from power in 2006. Since 2006, he has represented the Carlyle man James Baker and his Baker Botts law firm, International Crisis Group’s Kenneth Adelman, and his Edelman Public Relations firm, etc. Robert Amsterdam of Amsterdam and Peroff is a major corporate member of the globalist Chatham House. Thaksin has the support of multinational corporate interests. He has been represented by Belfer Center adviser Robert Blackwill of Barbour Griffith and Rogers. Thaksin is using an opposition movement to promote revolution over in Thailand (under the guise of freedom, democracy, and human rights). Freedom House’s Freedom in the World report said that Thailand was from free to partly free. The Thaskin regime is pro-globalist. The deal is that Thai government has rejected free trade with America ignoring U.S. calls to enforce intellectual property. The Thai government wants a more protectionist policy in regards to the West and its unraveling economy. Freedom House has its board of trustees of Kenneth Adelman, who was Thaksin’s paid lobbyist. Financially Freedom House has financial links to George Soros and signatories of the war mongering Project for a New American Century. Reporters without Borders is funded by the corporate influence National Endowment for Democracy. He downgraded Thailand as well as calling it a nation under surveillance. They cite crackdowns in Liberty in Thailand when the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton admits to funding subversion worldwide. Freedom House is a big fan of NED funded Prachatai as well. Prachatai is a propaganda clearinghouse for the Thai red color revolution. Transparent International is funded by many corporations like the Anglo American, Ernst & Young, Exxon Mobil, General Electric, Merck, Procter & Gamble, Shell International, Abu Dhabi National Energy Company, and Wal-Mart. Foundation support includes the eugenicist Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the criminally run World Bank. The corporate elite want regime change in Thailand since its free trade deal failed. The U.S.-Thailand FTA Business Coalition shows many of the largest, most influential corporations in the world. Free trade has been exploited to plunder resources as well. We should expose human rights violations in the world, but we should use these things as an excuse to promote neo-imperialism.  

By Timothy

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