
Monday, April 18, 2011

Flying Dutch's words (on Health Care, etc.)

No problem June!! :)

For a part i agree with him, that 2012 thing is likely anotehryear where nothing happen.
At the same time, the conspiracy is much bigger than it is even told by most, according to my researches.
But that doens't even mean that everybody part of it is understanding the outcome or great picture of where hey are part of, that's the difference!
In the end, the only real manipulator and mindcontroller, is Satan, who exploites, used, abuses even his own minions!
As Satan has far greater intelligence as a human, he is the ultimte puppetier.
He can create agenda's..that seem not like order, but order is created out of situations, like wars and chaos.
imagine if humans could live a million years, how much knowledge we should have accumulated, then imagine our brains woudl work at 100% capacity otr beyond that, plus that we don't forget anything, static memories.
That's Satan! God too,He's far beyond that!!
My point is, Satan has already tried every tick in his book, he is the best psychologist 9 outside God), the best manipulator, best strategist, best politicus, best criminal, best deceiver that exist.

so a lot of appearing coincidenced that create apattern without stop, are no conicidences, at the same time, not all people or even most not,t hat participate in an agenda might be able to know what it's alla bout!
Like many employees at the Un, think they work for human rights, better World etc...they have no clue1 not everybody part of Satan's conspiracy is necessarily a Satanist.
The most people are no leaders and institute,s movements are by far majority existing out of followers. Like followers in Churches.

Satan's best place to attack his enemy, those who will resist him are churches and all Christians, that's why you see that terrible evil existed in our churches, cause many people were basically sold out to satan's tricks, deceptions. I mean, like you see that churches that protect child rapers....because they are employees of the church, that is very evil. That is Satan working to corrupt is not the message of Jesus to do that, so it has to be Satan's...he's the roaring lion hunting and like to depreve innocent souls, children trauatize them, to make them fearful, hateful, be like himself.

-Flying Dutch



That's already pretty disturbing, we found out earlier in the link provided that the Rockefelelrs and Morgans funded Austrian Schools of economics wether in Austria, London or Chicago. And we''ve talked about like Lyndon LaRouche and Webster Tarpley often talk about that the British Empire, not the British people, but the sitting obligarchy wich settles in Manhattan aswell later, created the Federal Reserve and basicly financially colonised the US, because they coudln't do it militairily earlier as they failed. ( Americans where too armed, too wild for them) So after several attempts and a struggle of good US presidents, eventually in 1913 you got the Federal Reserve Act and the British obligarchy succeeded. Some even say it's the Anglo Dutch system or Anglo-American-Dutch system today.

So what we have here above about The Mont Pelerin Society is two Roman Catholic aristocrats, wich is always a thing to take heed for as the Vatican is involved in various secret societies and dialectics and has a deal with the British empire the Royal house for the "devine right" to rule the world forever, a kind of agreement. The British empire represent "Free Trade" ( wich is free trade for obligarchs, not for you or me) or International Maritime Law / Law of the Seas, basicly the old Anglo-Dutch Mercantilism, the two great sea faring powers for centuries wich on theri turn are a nation state product of Benician families and that goes back to the Phoeniccians, Middle East and earlier empires like the Bible sums them up, it's a bloodline. Wich is why European royal families are tracking their bloodlines so obsessivly, THEY know who they are, the populations of various nation have no clue.
Free Trade today is mainly UN driven via the body of WTO ( World Trade Center) wich is dominated by the British and the US. The US is basicly a British obligarchy expansion via Manhattan / Wallsltreet. THe East India Compagny ( both those of the British and dutch) are the first multinationals. Multinationals are the big corporates today that thrive on Free Trade, cause they can offshore production to cheap wage countries. So the obligarchy, as opposed to a nation state a nation state based empire, is for breaking down all boundaries ( FOR THEM!) and for an increased Globalised World. They do exploit nations,s o nation states, like the British empire, today the USA for example to push their agenda. But it's not the British or the americans, it's a centuries old borderless obligarchy that just uses and abuses nations, rises nations up, collapsing them dependend on their interrests and many interrests are furthered by dialectics, that can rise up nations to crush them down later, do wars, create situations, and so "solutions" out of it, solutions that are the goals ofr that obligarchy. In Holland the East India Company was ruling with teh goverment, making decisions etc. Basicly that's a good example of "conflict of interrest", it was corporate fascism basicly. It exploited nations linke East Indies ( indonesia since 1949 when it became independend of the Netherlands ( Holland) and the Dutch aristocracy was plundering Indonesia and many countries, just like many colonial powers did. This is why royal families and aristocracy and bankers of those royal houses, like the Rotschilds became so fabulously wealthy. Add opium trade and slavery to it, also via secret societies, Skull & Bones / Knights of Templars / Pirates. ( all use skull and crossbones as symbol, because one is related to the other)
The Netherlands collapsed as empire and basicly was absorbed by the British. Despite the same obligarchy, royal family ruled both nations ( rules by Germans) the countries fought 4 wars, after the 4th war Holland was existed with her 1.5 million people up to 5 million of the British and 17 million of the French who all where quickly coming closer to Holland by technological advancement, like gunpowder etc, was not longer limited to Holland and so wars became more difficult.

The British and Vatican basicly devided the world, Canon Law on land and Maritime Law on the seas ( Free Trade)
Today's Free Trade zones and agreements, the obligarchs created the UN and WTO ( Wolrd Trade Center) is a British system.

The British via the common Wealth of the UK, have the majority of votes in any Global body, like the UN.The US second, but they are basicly a financial offshoot of the UK now since the obligarchs created the Federal Reserve Act. sicne then there has been political infiltration aswell in the USA and the "special relationship" between the UK and US, wich is hailed by both sides of the Atlantic is basicly this relationship of this obligarchy that was send overseas, many of them are American born now, talk American, not British English, but are of the same bloodline and system. (Now and then you have one that opposed them and he usually ends being killed)

Special Relationship

The Special Relationship was a phrase often used to describe the exceptionally close political, diplomatic, cultural and historical relations between the United States and the United Kingdom, following its use in a 1946 speech by British statesman Winston Churchill. While both countries maintain close relationships with many others, the level of cooperation in military planning, execution of military operations, nuclear weapons technology and intelligence sharing with each other was often described as "unparalleled" among major powers.[1] The special relationship was most recently demonstrated by British support for the US-led invasion of Iraq.

So to boil it down the same obligarchy that once took over the UK, moved to the US took it over, now we talka bout the Anglo Ameican Establishment where Carol Quigley talksa bout and wrote a book about. ( librarian of the CFR , Council of foreign Relations). The CFR itself is a daughter istitute of the Royal Institute of International Afairs ( RIIA or also called Chatham House) in London, so you see how it works, CFR also resulted in Trilateral Comission and Bilderberg and smaller ones. So any politicians who belongs to these organizations is working for the obligarchy, some say they work for the British, but these people don't care about nationstates!! They once where Venecians. ( Venice, the powerfull city state of today's Italy.)

So you have to keep this in mind if you research thing like this above, who they are, we're not dealing with national empires!! But with crossborder parasites!!

We continue..

-Flying Dutch


To carry out sucha agenda as above you NEED to be able to get a significant amount of people behind your agenda, with false reasons, propaganda and half truths.

Like i said before, maybe in another topic. Many evangelical communities live in towns or villages that thrive or exist thanks to the militairy and their work for the militairy, the major employer of sucha town. Therefore many evangelicals like that, usually Zionistic, are really pro militairy, but also pro war and pre emptive strikes. They cannot be really critical about the militairy, just like a bank employee is not gonna be too critical about his or her own bank, you're not going to be critical if you need food on the table and your employer happens to be the employer under attack, even if true. So because you are dependend and don't want to leave, you start to talk everything good and humans have a psychology for it to know something is not right, but then try to relativate it in their mind or make an enemy look more evil to seek an excuse to be able to live with the fact you work for a bad employer who's fooling you and doing bad actions.

Evangelical leaders, less innocent and trying to propagate this unconditional support for goverment, especially if it's Republican, will always make their followers support them, including the militairy and ongoing wars or wars that are planned.

Now, i will show you the difference, i live in the Netherlands, and i don't know ANYBODY who works for the militairy, nobody! There are a few communities dependend on the militairy, like the town / city of Den Helder, a naval base here.
False patriotism is used to keep people in line. so if you''re not unconditional support your goverment or militairy, nomatter the facts, nomatter how bad it is what they do, imperial, then you are attacked.

So that's how it works on the level of the ordinary man and woman like you and me. And most peopel propagandize themselves, cause they WANT to think their goverment and militairy is good, certainly if it happens to be your employers, how can you psychologically live with the idea you work on a bad task if you are a normal individual? So a normal individual that has to be an unreasonable or bad thing or is indirect supportive or just working for a an employer who's doing bad things need to rationalize . relativate things in his or her mind...therefore, the person is propagandizing him or herself. As the person wants to keep food on the table, wants to keep his/ her job and therfore need to be able to psychologically handle what they are doing or for who they are working for. That person is a perfect wage slave. nothing better than people who relativate and rationalize what they do or work for in their own mind to justify it to continue that!

Yet such people call people who oppose certain policies, of the goverment and militairy, especially wars etc as "liberals" or simular names.
But it's your patriotic duty to keep the Constitution alife, not to unconditionally appove actions of goverment or the militairy.
Peopel who unconditionally support the goverment and militairy are not necessarily patriotic, but that's a trick of the mind, that very idea is given by the rightwing media and goverment officials thata re part of the supposedly rightwing / conservative dialectic.

The liberal side has other issues, it works the same, but they also get pacified in their supposed opposition.

-Flying Dutch


25 Shocking Facts That Prove That The Entire U.S. Health Care Industry Has Become One Giant Money Ma
What is the appropriate word to use when you find out that the top executive at the third largest health insurance company in America raked in 68.7 million

Profit doesn't belong in health care. When health care was fully state run in the Netherlands, even themanufacturing being state companies, it was so much better, we had much higher standards, money to be spend to save lifes didn't matter, it had a high priority, but as governemnt became corrupted and conflict of interest grew, so did all problems and injustices. Today many don't even care if you're dying or if you don't receive this or that. THe idea that somebody, like elderly coudl freeze to death because of not being able to pay the heating, like in the UK was unimagionable, and...politicians were proud on it that we had such a society, today nobody seems to care, just careers, and plundering the taxpayer.In many cases they don't even care if you don't receive food or clean clothes for elderly being dependent or disabled people.That's a disgrace, the opposite of a civilization...barbarism.People are not being washed or way too less.I feel very bad about this. Human dignity is just not important very often anymore.

This is been my point in topics related to this issue and the type of privatization we're witnessing and the result being the opposite of the promisses made. End result: less service, less quality care, higher prices, because when privatiza...tion began these cartels and mega corporations were already way too big, aside of the fact that many are funding politicians and they want the budgets to be jacke dup, with more profit for them, less net care for you, less maintenance as hospitals are commercially run or maybe not that surgery when the hospital is in a deficit and the chance to survive is 50% for you.Competition is not existing very often or in a limited way,certainly in a country liek the Netherlands, too less players, too big corporations, so privatization leads to the opposite of what we wer being promised.Same with our national railways system and many other issues.This while the examples of this were in the US, it started there, yet other countries are following it.Because it's about deals between corrupt politicians and business, no-bid contracts etc.See More

Profit doesn't belong in health care. When health care and the manufacturing of drugs/ medicines was fully state run in the Netherlands, it was so much better, we had much higher standards, money to be spend to save lifes didn't matter, it... had a high priority, but as governemnt became corrupted and conflict of interest grew, so did all problems and injustices. Today many don't even care if you're dying or if you don't receive this or that. The idea that somebody, like elderly coudl freeze to death because of not being able to pay the heating, like in the UK was unimagionable, and...politicians were proud on it that we had such a society, today nobody seems to care, just careers, and plundering the taxpayer.In many cases they don't even care if you don't receive food or clean clothes for elderly being dependent or disabled people.That's a disgrace, the opposite of a civilization...barbarism.People are not being washed or way too less.I feel very bad about this. Human dignity is just not important very often anymore.See MoreSee More

I think 3 things should always be state run for a healthy society, healthcare, the powergrid and infrastructure ( roads, railways, water management) in countries where they are state run or were in the past all these performed much better. You could save tonnes of money and create a more limited government as it will be more efficient. No profit margins and jacking up of budgets like the price explosions in Germany and the Netherlands after privatization of the pharmaceutical products over 300% in a very short period of a few bad that the Dutch minister of healthcare had to cap the price.

-Flying Dutch



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