
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Libya: All About Oil, or All About Banking?

Note: As Ellen Brown writes in the following article, the war against Libya is not about Gaddafi’s treatment of protesters – it is about banking. Gaddafi refuses to play by the rules banksters impose on most of the rest of the world. Obama’s illegal war is also a continuation of the PNAC era plan to destroy Arab culture and force Muslims back into the stone age. Like Iraq before Bush Senior’s illegal invasion, Libya has an excellent health care system – thanks to its oil riches – and a remarkable civilian infrastructure for an African nation. Globalists and the neocon faction hate this and plan to turn Libya into a social and economic basket case like they did to Iraq, killing 1.5 million Iraqis in the process. The humanitarian chant we hear day in and day out in the corporate media is merely a thinly disguised pretense and cover for mass murder and destruction. –Kurt Nimmo

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