
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Marable’s Malcolm X: A Eulogy of Revolution as an Idea

gibsme dat eyes be owed wrote:

You have a Right to what you earn, you piece of useless garbage.
The wealth of the nation is created by the nation, you fascist maggot. It it's not the exclusive right of the privileged classes. Truth wealth is in the COMMONWEALTH. Or have you not reached the level of civilization and humanity to have a conception of a commonwealth and a common good?
Moreover, you cannot have democracy or freedom in the contemporary world without collective bargaining rights. If you're opposed to such rights you're an enemy of freedom and of humanity.
Mainly you're seeking an order of things which will put the common people at the mercy of the wealthy and the powerful--a corporate dictatorship or fascism.
A blade in the throat of oppression!

Nazis and Klansmen are entitod to their opinions, but those opinions are still false and benighted. Ans when racist trash is being spewed, it ought to be refuted and denounced. That's how more honest and progressive folk should express THEIR freedom of speech and right to an opinion.
Also, everything is NOT a matter of opinion. Some views are informed, and some uninformed. Some are insightful, others probably mediocre, and still others simply DUMB.
Yes, everyone has a right to his or her own opinion. But every opinion is not of equal value.



Sasha wrote:
Please it would be nice if black people on a whole could unite but some AA's don’t even like to acknowledge that their roots hail from Africa some like to act as if their accentors are descents of America. We West-Indians have our own issues as well but I've never heard any of my fellow Caribbean’s deny that they are descendants of Africans.
Nearly all African-Amerians know that we are descendants of Africans. And many of us maintain emotional commitments to Africa--Mother Africa, some AA folk call her.
Hence, I found littlt trouble building support for the Free South Africa movement during the 1980s & 90s.
Of course, this isn't ALL American Blacks but many. And people who deny that such solidarity exists (despite over 100 years of Pan-africanism) are either uninformed or dishonest.


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