
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Real Strong Advice

TOTALBODYIMAGE Jul. 1st, 2010 at 11:38 am
@Crammasters loving this brother–
ho is on the bottom, brother in this country? The same MALES who do NOT respect the place they COME FROM: the black female’s womb. Any male who does NOT respect his mother and grandmother, and the women of his race will ALWAYS be a slave, no matter where he goes OR how long he lives there — and brother, I have a BLACK WIFE, A BLACK DAUGHTER, AND A BLACK MOTHER — and no, that shyt is NOT FUNNY and NEVER WILL BE FUNNY, because I have NO INTENTION of willingly being a fool AND a slave.


crammasters Jul. 1st, 2010 at 12:07 am
@ Cali
yeah, sis, every time I try to get out, they pull me back in! lol
I’m at the point where seeing an article praising black entertainers makes me itch!

the reason the media paints “black success” as entertainment-related — athletes, NBA, NFL, rappers, clowns, buffoons, comedians — is they don’t want us to develop our BRAINS OR REAL SKILLS. All feet, muscle, and brawn, no BRAINS…

REAL SKILLS allow you to build, manufacture, cure, create, invent, design, and build a society. As long as young black folk are focused on being “entertainers” who can’t make anything, manufacture anything, cure anybody of anything, or be doctors, lawyers, scientists, farmers, mathematicians, architects, plumbers, electricians, home builders, machine fixers, designers, inventors – we will be slaves for the rest of the planet that CAN…
just imagine a black nation where all the BM can do is throw a basketball, tell jokes, or rap…but can’t feed, house, clothe, make electricity, build pipes to bring water, cure a sick kid, etc. We need to think about that…seriously…

end of sermon…lol


crammasters Jun. 30th, 2010 at 10:31 pm
@ MisterUnderstood425
unfortunately, brother, some black folk have elevated these black entertainers into gods, and the racist media KNOWS this because they have created EVERY BLACK ROLE MODEL we have from the pimp house, preacher house, all the way to the White House. We got to recognize that FACT, that whoever pays the cost is most certainly THE BOSS
don’t underestimate the programming that takes place over a 20 to 45 year period (the average ages of the folk who come to this site). Most black folks were raised with a TV blaring at least 8 hours a day. Many of us have set our personal values and standards by what we see on TV.

who is pretty, who is not. Who is sexy, who is not. What is the best alcoholic drink, car, clothing, luggage, jewelry, hell, where did we learn it? From our paycheck to paycheck parents? From our neighbors? From our rich relatives? Or from the TV set?
Some black folks will admire ANYONE with money and fame, because we have been hypnotized by it, and don’t even recognize anybody as a so-called “role model” unless they have it

brother, I know GROWN FOLKS who should know better who get MAD if you criticize Oprah, or some other black “entertainer”, who defended R. Kelly for messing with underage girls because they “like his music.” who swore up and down that a rich BM ballplayer wouldn’t rape anybody, who will defend a rich black entertainer just because they are rich AND black… what can they be teaching their kids?

we got young folks (and not so young folk) running around with pants hanging off the azz (cause they saw a rich rapper doing it), or walking around with blond, red, orange, and mutlicolored hair weaves that cannot be found in nature (cause they saw a famous BW wearing it), or putting tattoos all over their bodies, forgetting that they can’t get a job with a big azz tattoo on their forehead (cause they saw a rich BM doing it), or wearing two big fake ice cubes, one in each ear, like a FEMALE (cause they saw a BM pro baller doing it)

look at the movies, and TV shows, and buffoon-medies, and Def Comedy Jam, and the rap videos and rap songs that DEGRADE black people, and how popular they are, and it is hard to make the case that most of us understand that we are being poisoned…

I am relieved there are BM like u who do understand and see through the hype and madness, but my position is the battle must be waged continuously — take NOTHING for granted — and keep spreading the message of BLACK SELF-RESPECT,

or accept the certain reality that we will lose the war AND possibly the next black generation…

please excuse the long post


crammasters Jun. 30th, 2010 at 7:57 pm
@ Tyronenorwood who said, “I wish that this Generation could not only look at the body of work that was left for them but also the style and intelligence that was spoken at award show when we did not have a so called BET and you were actually proud to see any person of color being at the show let alone receiving an award.”

Brother, I agree 100%
Black entertainers used to be the classiest act in town and you could watch them with PRIDE whenever they made a rare appearance on the TV screen. Sad to say, I seldom see any TRUE grace or style on these TV shows today


LOL....I don't have any sense of superiority,and any african with enough sense and experiences in this oppressive country, by an oppressive criminal, can see through the manipulation spewing forth here.....i'm telling the facts as they are, but have been manipulated throughout the history of the african displaced globally!

You just don't want to hear them, you would rather the mind stay in status quo mode that is what has been wrong with the african mind ever since we've been brought over here!

The facts can be researched and found, and read if the african man and woman would stop listening to the manipulative garbage coming from the likes of these that are on my, the title of the thread is eactly the truth, and i've supported and presented the ACTUAL truths....

Amerikkka celebrates barbaric acts of the past as holidays of independence and freedom, when in fact they're even in this land by way of taking another's freedom and

Where's the LIE???



-216 Elite

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