
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ron Paul and Economics

Here are links showing different views about Paul's opinions:

  • zardoz says:
    We don’t have to reign in defense spending AND throw millions of people onto the streets to die. All we have to do is either reign in defense spending OR let the rich pay their fair share in taxes. Then we can continue to have a compassionate society (which is nowhere near as compassionate as the other developed countries. In fact it’s pretty damn stingy – the “nanny” from hell, if you will). But we don’t have to throw the American people out along with the bath water of bloated military spending.

  • Reasons says:
    So what Ron, only the rich should be able to attend college?… because that’s all who will be able to afford it without loans and grants from the government. If we try to balance our budget it’s going to make our economic situation much much worse. There is no way we are going to repay our debts…so why try?
    PatriotOne says:
    The “debt” is fiat, not real, immagined, a machine designed from the start to collapse. Why won’t the US government simply forgive all “debt” owed to the FEDERAL RESERVE and command the FR to start over? I’ll tell you why; if the “debt was forgiven it would expose the lie that was kept from the People back in 1913 when the FR was created. If that happened every one of our ignorant and lazy parents would have to admit that they lived in SLAVERY but called it freedom, and they would have to admit that Grandpa was too ignorant to recognise that the white man was equally enslaved as the black Man.
    Immagine that, a white Man claiming he is free while he fills out his IRS forms…

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