
Friday, May 27, 2011

New Technologies, Etc.

There are things beyond smart phones. Sensor networks are needed to make Smart cities to have their existence. Smart phones have sensors. Now, Smartphones want their owners to organize certain parts of their lives. This is the beginning. Darmstadt researchers plan smart cities where all devices are present within municipal areas that are intelligently linked to one another. The computer scientists, electrical, and computer engineers (and mathematicians) at the TU Darmstadt and the University of Kassel have joined forces. They want to have their “Cocoon” project. The smart might use a communication network made up of sensors that can receive streams of data or signals. They can analyze them and transmit them onward. These sensors can act as both receivers and transmitters like transceivers. The networked communications involved operates wirelessly via radio links and yields added values to all participants by analyzing the input data involved. The Smart Home control system is now in the market that causes networking all sorts of devices and regulates them to suit demands. The energy yield saving is as much as 15 percent. Smart Home might be followed by Smart Hospital," "Smart Indus­try," or "Smart Farm," and even "smart" systems tailored to suit mobile net­works are feasible. Traffic jams may be avoided by, for example, car-to-car or car-to-environment (car-to-X) communications. Health-service sys­tems might also benefit from mobile, sensor communications whenever patients need to be kept supplied with information tailored to suit their health­care needs while underway. Furthermore, sensors on their bodies could assess the status of their health and automatically transmit calls for emergency medical assistance, whenever necessary. The sensors on mobile systems are a major hurdle to be overcome in forming the smart cities. Senor aided devices will have to deal with that by responding to subtle changes in their environments and flexibly, efficiently, regulating the qualities of receiving and transmitted signals. People want to use antennae to create smart cities better. Communication must be improved in order for smart cities to occur. Frequency bands are scarce resources. Furthermore, since a single, mobile sensor is readily capable of generating several hundred Meg­a­bytes of data annu­ally; new models for handling the communications of millions of such sen­sors that will more densely compress data in order to provide for error-free com­munica­tions will be needed. Several hurdles will thus have to be over­come before "smart" cities become reality. Over the next three years, scientists at the TU Darmstadt will be receiving a total of 4.5 million Euros from the State of Hesse's Offensive for Devel­op­ing Scientific-Economic Excellence for their researches in conjunction with their "Cocoon -- Cooperative Sensor Communications" project.

Clearly, the White House is being influenced to take a reactionary approach in Middle East affairs. The corporate media is claiming that the President Barack Obama is standing up to Israel, but he is moderate in his approach. He just wants a 2 state solution with 1967 borders as a starting approach, yet the reactionaries act like he wants the Jewish people to be thrown into the sea metaphorically. A lobbying and propaganda machine wants a one sided approach in the Middle East instead of fair deal to benefit all sides. Israel’s wars in numerous cases are funded with American weapons and cash. Now, we have Social Security and Medicare being in threat of being cut (not just Republicans, but some Democrats want this under the guise of the deficit reduction commission). The safety net is under threat. Some professors and politicians have been silenced by even promoting a fair approach in handling Middle East for years. President Jimmy Carter was demonized for saying that some policies in Israel resemble the apartheid era South Africa in a book published in 2008. Both sides have made errors and both sides continue to kill each other. Even the President prostrated at the AIPAC Convention. America does nothing to assist those suffering in Gaza or Lebanon in a real fashion. Barack Obama wants a 2 state solution, but he opposes the Palestinians being recognized by the U.N. Even if the General Assembly wants to support such a measure, the United States will use its Security Council veto to squelch it. Once again, an American president makes certain that the Palestinians get nothing but the shaft. Barack Obama says stated that he made Israel’s security “a top priority” and went even further: “It’s why we’re making our most advanced technologies available to our Israeli allies. It's why, despite tough fiscal times, we’ve increased foreign military financing to record levels.” What business does any nation have getting advanced American technology when we are in a recession? None is the answer. Some Israeli paid money to settle in Israel. Many Jewish people lived in Israel continuously for centuries and that’s proven. Yet, some Israelis stole Palestinian lands and some Palestinians were forced out of their own homes in the Nakba. Both sides have imprisoned and killed each other in unjustifiable terms. American peace protesters are crushed to death by tractors or executed at sea on missions of mercy to Gaza. Even American sailors were killed on the U.S. Liberty by Israeli war planes. These undisputed facts are kept from public view in this country. Both Republicans and Democrats are in unison in agreeing with the status quo in terms of dealing with Middle Eastern matters. To have peace, both sides should make real agreements on the right of return, land, peaceful resolutions, and other matters. We shouldn’t have hatred against every Israeli or Palestinian though.

Abortion is increasing in South Africa. This is a new battle against the Maafa against human beings. The U.N. supports abortion and population. The West wanted via the nSSM200 document trying to use population control in the Third World. This rapid increase of abortions in South Africa are alarming national leaders. Some South African teenagers are using abortions as rapid as using birth control or a form of contraception. Even doctors in the public sector are raising the alarms. More than 400,000 legal abortions were performed in South Africa between 2008 and 2010, according to statistics provided by the National Department of Health and the Marie Stopes Abortion Clinic, a non-governmental clinic with 37 branches in towns and cities around the country. That’s a huge number.  Here’s secret history to some. Like Planned Parenthood in America, Marie Stopes was supportive of eugenics. She visited Margaret Sanger plenty of times. Sanger visited the Klan. Both people targeted minorities as a priority. Planned Parenthood is active in South Africa plus across the continent. They are pushing abortion and population control on minorities and people of color worldwide. Planned Parenthood liberalized South Africa’s abortion laws in 1995, which is very eugenic now. Another eugenics organization Pathfinder International works with Planned Parenthood in promoting abortions in South Africa. Pathfinder International worked in South Africa since 1996. They are partners with PPASA (or Planned Parenthood Association of South Africa). PPASA is the largest and oldest South African NGO working in the field of abortion. Pathfinder was created by the eugenics funder Clarence Gamble. Gamble funded Planned Parenthood’s founder Margaret Sanger also. Sanger wrote to Gamble that he wanted to use 4 black ministries to promote population control against black people (in order to prevent the assumption that they wanted to exterminate black people). Gamel funded the North Carolina Eugenics Society. The brave sister Elaine Riddick was a victim of Gamble’s eugenics sterilization programs in North Carolina. She gave her testimony in the documentary film Maafa 21. So, South Africans are being manipulated by the racist eugenics group pushing an evil agenda. These abortion figures in South Africa don’t include legal abortions done by other NGOs at private clinics. Dr Adelaide Narx, a member of Junior Doctors Association (Judasa) and head of the War Against Teenage Pregnancy campaign, said, “It is shocking how girls as young as 17 have resorted to using abortion as a form of contraception. I have lost count of how many teenagers I have attended to who are having an abortion for the second time in their short lives,” said Narx, who works at Vanguard Clinic in Cape Town. Marie Stopes’ Laila Abbas admitted that more abortions are occurring in clinics. More girls under the age of 18 are having more abortions than adults bin South Africa. The government was deeply worried because the Choice for Termination of Pregnancy legislation was being abused, Fidel Hadebe said (or the spokesman for the National Department of Health). “It was intended as an avenue to allow women to use when there is a need. What we see today, where women seem to be using it as a form of contraception, is totally wrong, “Fidel said. Marie Stopes was a Nazi loving bigot. She supported Hitler, loved eugenics, and wanted contraception for the wrong reasons (because of eugenics). So, the enemy of eugenics is still with us.

Protesters have stormed the Texas capitol. The government wants a federal blockade if the Texas Senate passed an anti-TSA groping bill. Hundreds of protesters came into the Capitol in Austin days ago. The TSA and the Department of Justice resorted to financial terrorism by threatening a federal blockade that would have closed down Texas airports if the Texas Senate had followed the House in unanimously passing a bill that would make TSA grouping in the state a felony. “There’s never a dull moment at the Texas Legislature. The House and Senate were going about their regular end-of-session business on Wednesday when loud screams could be heard coming from the rotunda. Outside the chambers, a group of mostly men and a few women were screaming, “Cri-mi-nal! Cri-mi-nal!” and “Treason! Treason!” reports the Texas Tribune. The quickly arranged demonstration was announced. There were about 50,000 protesters in attendance. The media reaction to the event was mixed. Some accurately reported on the protest. Other people used sneering arrogance that is common from the corporate press. The federal government tried to intimidate people to accept anti-liberty policies, but it backfired in Texas since people wanted an anti-group law in the state. There are other states debating or preparing to introduce similar anti-group bills. It is immoral for TSA workers to molest children or anyone else. People have every right to protest these policies among legislature nationwide. Even in California, medical marijuana is heavily being attacked by the federal government. Barack Obama signed the Patriot Act extension. Lawmakers rejected all of the attempts to moderate parts of the legislation that weakens the Fourth Amendment. Provisions of the Patriot Act were set to expire at midnight. Kentucky Senator Rand Paul to his credit opposed the extension of constitutional grounds, specifically its violations of the Fourth Amendment. He stalled the extension of the Patriot Act. Rand Paul proposed an amendment to place restrictions on the government’s ability to obtain gun purchase record. It was defeated 85-10. His 2nd Amendment limited banks on their reporting of suspicious financial transactions were rejected 91-4. “We dissolve from within when we give up our liberties,” Paul warned. “Millions of innocent citizens are having their records looked at.” “It’s an important tool for us to continue dealing with an ongoing terrorist threat,” Obama said after a meeting with French President Nicolas Sarkozy. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) agreed to strip the extension of any amendments. “The Speaker supports this common-sense proposal because this law has been crucial to detecting and disrupting terrorist plots and protecting the American people,” Boehner spokesman Michael Steel said in a statement.

Secret Societies are very common in the world. Many members of the Royal Society were Masons or Rosicrucians like Robert Fludd, Robert Boyle, Wren, Ashmole, Locke, and Sir Thomas Moray. The took their inspiration from Sir Francis Bacon since The Royal Society loved the concept of the Invisible College that Bacon believed in. Bacon wrote the book called the New Atlantis (which was called originally "The Land of the Rosicrucians). Sir Francis Bacon colonies in Virginia, North Carolina, and Newfoundland. He did this since he believed that America was the New Atlantis and ought to be developed into forming the global commonwealth. The British Masons and the British Empire spread globally and some of their members knew of the New Atlantis Utopian vision set forth by Bacon. Bacon modernized the concept of the scientific method, but he adhered to occultism, Kabbalah, metaphysics, the Mysteries, etc. One of Bacon's descendants was Henry Blount. He changed his named to Nathaniel Bacon. This Bacon lead the Bacon's rebellion or the prelude to the Masonic American Revolution. Masons were some of the leaders of the American Revolution even though some sincere Christians were a part of it as well. The sincere Christians wanted religious liberty. The Masons wanted a liberty absent of ecclesiastical control or a King ruling over the nation-state. Nathaniel Bacon was a Master Mason according to Fritz Springmeier. Fritz is a great inspiration in my thinking since his words inspired me to carry forward with my views and never be ashamed of what I believe in. I have the right to believe in freedom, justice, equality, tolerance, and spiritual growth. My core views are still the same despite being in another new decade.

By Timothy

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