
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Comments on Maafa21

Anonymous10. Mar, 2010 at 6:33 pm#
Could I suggest that a little investigating be done before you write a blog? First of all “Those behind the movie Maafa21″ are NOT Georgia Right to Life. GARTL only posted the movie trailer on it’s site. Read your own blog- as you later write who produced it. The producer is white, but left out of the article you quote from is the fact that most of the experts interviewed in Maafa21 are indeed African American. You chose to simply re-post another person’s view of Maafa21 without investigating or watching the 2.5 hour documentary yourself. The article you re-posted from was written by Michelle Goldberg a recent featured speaker for Planned Parenthood events. Planned Parenthood has also funded Goldberg’s speaking events. So, before you dismiss Maafa21 on the words of a staunch Planned Parenthood supporter and recipient of their money, please watch Maafa21 yourself. Maafa21 goes all the way back to the days of slavery and then moves forward. The time line is important because you can see that each time the African American gained rights there was a move to hold him down. First there was slavery, then colonization (Ship all black Americans away from America) , then Eugenics stepped in and the idea that negative eugenics could work in limiting the birth of the African American Community was pushed strongly. Even leaders within the Civil Rights Community like Jesse Jackson spoke out against the idea of “Birth Control Clinics” in the Black neighborhoods. Other leaders plain and simply called it “Genocide”. Just like these Black leaders are doing today with their billboards. The producers of Maafa21 didn’t rely on another Blog article, in fact they went directly to the papers of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, Hitler, and The American Eugenics Society for their research. In the film, Maafa21 there is an emotional interview with a black victim of eugenics, she was sterilized against her will by the State of North Carolina. In fact, one of the funders of that Eugenics Board also funded Sanger’s works. Maafa21 shows how Planned Parenthood referred to Eugenics Boards, something I find highly offensive. In fact, in Arkansas, the Eugenics Society there was re-named as PLANNED PARENTHOOD. Maafa21, lays out the founder’s of Planned Parenthood’s eugenics and racist Quotes, books, articles, video and audio on the screen for all skeptics to see. It doesn’t surprise me now that a Planned Parenthood supporter would pen such an article to dissuade people from watching Maafa21 and seeing the documentation first hand. Maafa21 shows evidence that Margaret Sanger – founder of Planned Parenthood was a member of the American Eugenics Society (AES), spoke to their meetings, met with their VP’s and also spoke to the KKK and had at least a dozen invitations from the Klan.Something Sanger openly admits to in her own autobiography. Many other Planned Parenthood board members were involved with the Eugenics Society, including Alan Guttmacher, who was at one time the Vice President of the AES. Maafa21 shows how both parties are involved in eugenics against the Black Community and includes racist audio of President Nixon explaining why people vote for abortion – any guess? Maafa21 also plays an actual tape of a former Planned Parenthood President admitting that Planned Parenthood knowingly receives donations from people who admit they want to wipe out the black race. How can anyone argue with her words? Rather than relying on the words of a Planned Parenthood paid supporter, I urge you to watch this incredible film yourself. Maafa21 –

Anonymous12. Mar, 2010 at 1:08 pm#
There were plenty of FACTS in the comment. You chose to not read it, I guess.
FACT – GARTL did not produce Maafa21, Life Dynamics did.
FACT – The author of the piece linked to Michelle Goldberg receives funding and speaking engagements from Planned Parenthood
FACT- She discredits Maafa21 , because the producer was white
FACT- She failed to mention that Maafa21 was loaded with BLACK experts
FACT – She failed to disclose her own associations with Planned Parenthood, while associating Maafa21 as “anti-abortion”
FACT- Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood spoke to the Klu Klux Klan
FACT – Margaret Sanger , founder of Planned Parenthood was a member of the American Eugenics Society
FACT – Many of Planned Parenthood’s board were members of the American Eugenics Society
FACT – Those associated with Planned Parenthood’s founding corresponded with Hitler
FACT- Early Civil Rights Leaders warned that abortion/birth control was being pushed in Black Neighborhoods for the reason of Black Genocide
FACT – Many Many Blacks were eugenically sterilized by force from Eugenics Boards
FACT- Planned Parenthood referred to some of these eugenic boards
FACT- Planned Parenthood of Arkansas was formerly the Arkansas Eugenics Society
FACT- Maafa21 has an interview with an African American women who was eugenically sterilized by a Eugenics board that Sanger’s friends and financier, Clarence Gamble, funded
For more FACTS watch the full 2.5 hours of Maafa21 –

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