
Friday, June 03, 2011

Discovering More Truth in 2011

Folic acid during pregnancy may reduce a baby’s cancer risk. Numerous scientific studies have proven that pregnant women should have a high intake of folic acid during pregnancy. The vitamin folic acid can directly affect the intelligence and physical health of a child later in life. A new study adds to the body of evidence. The study presents the research that there is a 64 percent reduction in colon cancer rates among children whose mother supplemented with folic acid during pregnancy. This study has been published in the journal called “Gut.” The new study shows positive benefits of taking folic acid (which is a B-vitamin that is naturally found in leafy green vegetables, lentils, and beans). It can help prevent birth defects. Folate is known to make and help replicate DNA as well as aid in the production of new blood cells. "It appears that giving folic acid during pregnancy and lactation reduces DNA damage and suppresses the proliferation of cells in the colon," said Dr. Young-in Kim, gastroenterologist at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto and author of the study. "It actually increases the stability of the DNA and this might be one of the mechanisms of how folic acid in utero may protect against colon cancer.” There is a 2010 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. It found that folic acid supplementation during pregnancy can produce children with improved brain development and better motor skills. A 2006 study was published in the peer reviewed journal called CANCER. It found that folic acid helps to prevent and treat cancer in general. Dr. James Scala wrote about this information in his book entitled, “20 Natural Ways to Reduce the Risk of Prostate Cancer: A Mind-Body Approach to Health and Well Being.” He wrote that folic acid is essential in DNA synthesis and how genes are expressed. He wrote that: “…Data ... indicates folic acid shortfalls predispose people to cancer." Therefore, folic acid can help pregnant women and other human beings in more ways than one.

Republicans desire to have to require adults to have drug screening in order to apply for welfare assistance. Governor Rick Scott from Florida signed the legislation. He believed that it’s needed to not give people an incentive to use drugs. This is silly since drugs have existed since the dawn of time. Aspirin is a drug, cold medicine has drugs, and even prescriptions have drugs. Should we ban them? They want to occur against the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. This legislation is unconstitutional. People wanting Medicaid, state emergency relief or educational grants plus loans can be next to be forced drug tested. This is a huge invasion of privacy. People like Scott don’t respect the poor. They use the poor as scapegoats when they refuse to accept populism. They target the nation’s most vulnerable citizens, because they have a fetish against any government assistance during difficult economic times. Controversy over the measure was heightened by Scott's past association with a company he co-founded that operates walk-in urgent care clinics in Florida and counts drug screening among the services it provides.In April, Scott, who had transferred his ownership interest in Solantic Corp. to a trust in his wife's name, said the company would not contract for state business, according to local media reports. He subsequently sold his majority stake in the company, local media reported. The Fourth Amendment is clear that guards against unreasonable searches and seizures, along with requiring any warrant to be judiciallysanctioned and supported by probable cause. This new policy violates the Fourth Amendment. Most Republicans candidates on foreign policy are even more extreme than the average conservative person. The ironic thing is that the Democrats are no different than the Republicans on foreign policy methods. Some Democrats support the killing of people of color in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc. They agree with the Patriot Act, the rest of the war on terror, austerity, and other evils. A lot of disengaged people don't like the 2 Party option that we have now. That is why multiple parties should exist in giving folks real options in voting for candidates.

Popular Culture is wild today. Many researchers like Vigilant Citizen have discovered many secrets in the Judas video by Lady Gaga. As the saying goes, the world loves the wicked all of the time. Now, the video Judas doesn’t seem to be about a retelling of biblical stories. It’s a promotion of the New Age and an overt rejection of mainstream Christianity. The work is like a twisting of what Judas is all about. Even Lady Gaga’s eyes in the video look very similar to the Eye of Horus logo. Aleister Crowley or the occultists wanted the new Age of Horus (where traditional religion would end, so a new spirituality would rule the Earth). Lady Gaga in the video has love for Judas even though Judas is the traitor that sold Jesus Christ ought. Lady Gaga claimed that his video was meant as a cultural statement as falling in love with the wrong man over and over again. Yet, Lady Gaga admits that the video is about the following in her own words: “…The song is about honoring your darkness in order to bring yourself into the light. You have to look into what’s haunting you and need to learn to forgive yourself in order to move on…” This is New Age 101 since we shouldn’t honor evil or darkness at any circumstance. I don’t need to forgive myself. I need God to forgive me and me to forgive other human beings. The video seeks to strips traditional religions and replace with a Mystery based spirituality with symbolism. This Illuminist symbols are shown to give the youth a way to be sensitized with repetitive beats, nefarious messages, and a confused morality message. The video has Lady gaga riding with Jesus and then falls for Judas (that caused the death of Jesus along with others). Judas was one of the apostles. The video portrays Jesus and his disciples as a biker gang riding around with skull-and-bone insignias on their backs (nice touch). Gaga is riding with Jesus, playing the role of Mary Magdalene. The video shows Gaga dying by being stoned to death implying that Jesus failed to save Gaga. Mary Magdalene has been blasphemously called Jesus Christ’s lover by the Gnostics, Freemasons, and tons of books from the Da Vinci Code to Holy Blood, Holy Grail. Gaga in the video participates in trying to bring Jesus down. The “king with no crown” is more than likely Jesus, who is wearing during the entire video the Crown of Thorns. In Biblical accounts, that painful crown was put on his head by soldiers before his crucifixion in order to humiliate the one who claimed to be the “King of the Jews.” Gaga is filled with water after she allies with Judas in the music video. Gaga admits that Judas is the demon that she clings to. She shows purple garb and dances, which is similar to the purple and scarlet color found in the Book of Revelation (and the Whore of Babylon). This is ironic since Crowley wrote about the Great Whore named his scarlet women Babalon. One dancer n the video shows the Sigil of Baphomet or the image identifying with Lavey’s Church of Satan. So, this video is nowhere near Christian. It’s about glamorizing the occult and evil. In 2011, the elite have turned the heat up using their puppets like Lady Gaga to spew a sick anti-Christian message. Instead of promoting religious freedom, the establishments wants Thelma where there is one religious movement to dominate the spirituality of the world.

The Pilgrim Society has more secrets yet to be revealed. Even the Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission were founded by Pilgrim Society members. One secret is that the elite have been notorious silver stealers. In other words, the oligarchy tried to use crisis, and theft of wealth in order for them to form a globalist society. That is why there has been an ending of silver coinage by the mid 1960’s and evil austerity measures in the world. This has been confirmed by Charles Savoie in his research as well.  Charles Savoie is right that we shouldn’t allow the establishment to radically deplete our silver reserve in America at all. Historically, the international bankers have had a strong prejudice against silver or any independent economic policies that would benefit the common man. Yet, legitimate social programs to help the poor and others suffering in society is neither a sin nor a vice period. The Black Nobility bloodlines and the Crown never gave up their goals of controlling us in Americans and nations in the world. The Pilgrims were created in 1902 as a means to covertly used political and economic means to unite Brittan and America into a way to establish the new world Empire. One founder of the Pilgrim Society of America in 1903 was banker and financier Morris K. Jesup. He headed the New York Chamber of Commerce at the time. The Chamber opposed silver money.  The Pilgrim Society evolved from the Rhodes Scholar. Rhodes Scholar came from the Freemason and Jesuit-influenced Cecil Rhodes. He was funded by the Rothschilds and the Crown in South African diamond cartelization. This cartelization leads to the De Beers conglomerate. It was the Pilgrim Society member Vanderlip that was in the Jekyll Island, Georgia meeting that the Morgan-Rockefeller (or Pilgrim Society network) interests that developed the plans for the Federal Reserve System in the first place. Tobie Roosevelt was a Pilgrim Society member. She passed away in 1988. She was the widow of Franklin Roosevelt Jr. She headed the Gibraltar American Council (a British front) and ran with the Duke of York plus Prince Andrews. Both the Duke of York and Prince Andrews are Pilgrims and Royal Family members. Another powerful Pilgrim in our age is Weatherstone. He was knight by Queen Elizabeth II or the Royal Patron of the Pilgrim Society. Sir Dennis Weatherstone from 1995 to 2001 was on the board of the Banking supervision of the gold price depression the Bank of England.

Secret Societies are real. In many times, the image of the Queen Heaven holds up the caduceus. The Queen of Heaven archetype has been found in images of America. In other words, America is personified as the Goddess holding up the caduceus. The image of the Goddess is found over the Federal Reserve building. The caduceus of course refers to the Mercury/Hermes image. The Goddess historically has been called Virgo. The Goddess pagan archetype has been used in numerous names like Diana, Artemis, Sermiarmis, Barit, Britannia, Hecate, Rhea, Persephone, etc. To the occultist, the God and the Goddess must be worshipped and revered in order to make spiritual completion. The Fed’s headquarters are found in D.C. (built in the 77th Parallel or God’s Longitude). It is a city meant to have Masonic and occult meanings as like as above, so below. These words are attributed to Hermes Trismegistus that lie at the heart of Western esoteric tradition. David Ovason claims in his book called “Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital” on pg. 186 that D.C. is a city of Virgo (or Virgo having influence over the design of it in the L’Enfant triangle or Federal Triangle). To Ovason, the image of the weeping Virgin or Virgo refers to her referring to the Temple not being finished yet. The old ending of Atlantis and the attempt to create Altantis or the Golden Age has been one of the secret goals of the elite in history. The New Atlantis book made by Sir Francis Bacon was published in 1627. It was an appendix to the Sylava Sylvarum. Bacon wanted a Perfected Utopian society in the six days work (or using six symbolic days as a step by step process to perfect man. This is alluded to the Genesis story of the modern world being created in the span of six days). The project was to use America like an Atlantis in dealing with religions, science, and philosophy in order to fulfill that Quest (or the perfection of man). The Wise people in Bacon’s mind are only capable to raise human consciousness to develop a greater society. Freemasonry have promoted this quest for a long time. Even the Scottish Rite Journal used to be named the New Age magazine. The magazine was started n 1904 and it wasn’t changed until 1990.

By Timothy

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