
Monday, June 06, 2011

June 2011 News

Aaron Zelman passed away in December 21, 2010. He was one of the biggest heroes of the pro-Second Amendment movement & the Patriot Movement. He inspired thousands and possibly millions of people worldwide to respect the essence of self defense. Aaron S. Zelman was the Executive Director of Jews for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership. He is survived by his wife Nancy, and his 2 sons Erick plus Jeremy. Zelman was blunt and overt in his support of gun rights and the defense of the 2nd Amendment. He desired a vibrant Bill of Rights culture to be made manifest among all Americans and for human beings to be involved in the societal improvement of America. His JPFO group used articles and posters to support gun rights. Zelman connected that the 1968 Gun Control Act was similar in its cosmology to the 1938 Nazi gun control laws from his “Gun Control: Gateway to Tyranny” book. Many people first knew of this link from Aaron Zelman’s work. He created documentary films as well. Innocents Betrayed was one of Aaron’s first films. I’ve brought it before. It was a great documentary that when government acts evil, they attack the innocent citizens’ gun rights. In the newest documentaries from JPFO, "No Guns for Negroes" and "No Guns for Jews" Aaron took a more aggressive approach by directly targeting his audience. These 2 new films have information that even I wasn’t aware off before they came out. Ralph W. Conner is the Chairman of CORE (or the Congress of Racial Equality). Donna Major is the Boston Field Coordinator for the Second Amendment Sisters. Each person was featured spokesmen in the “No Guns for Negroes” documentary. The documentary explains how the right of self defense is needed for every American and when that right is taken away from the individual. The individual is made powerful by radical gun grabbing. Aaron’s final film called “No Guns for Jews” has been called his masterpiece and his legacy. This film exposes some Jewish politicians and leaders that support control. It asks why so many Jewish political figures support gun control do when it’s in direct violation of Torah law. This film isn’t anti-Semitic since Zelman is Jewish and the film respect pro-gun Jewish leaders completely. At one point in the documentary, Rabbi David Bendory holds up his New Jersey Firearms Identification Card and asks "What's the purpose of this; the purpose of this is to have my name on a list so that the state police know that I am a gun owner.” He then explains how these are the types of laws made by man that have created problems in the past. In the last few years Aaron began offering posters and other material for free including the two latest documentaries, No Guns for Negroes and No Guns for Jews. His website is He will be very much missed.

Many people portray the Democrats as the lesser evil party. Ironically, we have less social benefits than the working class, the middle class, and the poor who in other industrialized countries. Reactionary Republicans and conservative Democrats are attacking Medicare, Social Security and food stamps. Much of the modern Democratic Party have either compromise and retreated on various issues. We have a political duopoly. There are political choices, but the other choices from other parties are submerged under the duopoly’s huge power plus influence. The Democrats can’t make excuses this time around. The Democrats gained the White House and both houses of Congress in the 2008 election. They didn’t in a huge manner called for social gain and pass social plus labor legislation. Now, the Republicans dominate the House since last year’s midterm election. The social advances over the decades are up for grabs. The majority of Democratic voters may have opposed the Bush wars. Yet, these wars are continuing by the Democratic President Barack Obama. These wars are transpiring in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and now Libya. The U.S./NATO campaign of bombing to seek regime change against Col. Gaddafi is here. Some of his family has been killed by bombs from NATO. If George W. Bush, Democrats would have protested in droves (when some of them were in the peace movement). These are contradictions and America has a class oppressive society. Even some European societies have more benefits from their government before some of their people fought hard to gain and retain those benefits. We don’t live in a classless society. Work overtime exists. We have the cold statistics of wealth, income, poverty, power, powerlessness, housing, education, jobs, healthcare, the biggest prison population in the world and an aggressive hegemonic and militarist foreign policy. We have class and racial problems here. Reactionaries say that racism and barriers to racial equality aren’t serious issues. That’s a lie since police brutality, African American high unemployment rates, black family assets, cash starved inner city schools, and de facto residential segregation are still realities in the USA. Today, the Democrats are more centrists and the Republicans are more reactionary than Eisenhower and Nixon put together. Wall Street and corporations have influence dominantly placed in both major parties. Both policies agree with neoliberalism, globalization, and other policies that contributed to our deregulated financial markets. There is deindustrialization in America (greed and gambling also led into our great recession). Both parties don’t want radical solutions to prevent home foreclosures or to use programs to rebuild America’s neglected infrastructure. The Democrats may act nice to the middle class, the poor, minorities, and unions (as a voting bloc for over 40 years). Yet, many gains are in jeopardy today. Some are fight for Medicare, which I have no problem with. There is nothing wrong with good government, but the government should act in accordance to the people’s interests not the elite’s interests. The Republicans and the Democrats were more progressive decades ago. During this period of the 1960’s,, despite his vast expansion of the unjust Vietnam war, Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society social-democratic reforms — racial integration laws such as voting rights, and important social programs such as Medicare/Medicaid, food stamps, etc. — constituted a worthy continuation of the New Deal reforms of a generation earlier. Nixon won in 1968 because of the divisions in America and the imperialist war in Vietnam. Nixon even lead progressive policies like the OHSA and the EPA. He backed the Equal Employment Opportunity Act, Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act, and the National Environmental Policy Act. The reactionary backlash came in the 1970s. So, that is why some people want alternative parties to have more power since corporations and Wall Street are dominating the mainstream political systems in the USA.

The music industry is strange indeed. Charles Manson is said to be a puppet sent by occultists to cause evil in society. It’s definitely true that he believed in pro-new world order philosophies like he talked about supporting an one world government. Regardless if Manson was sent by the Illuminati or not back then, Manson was a cult leader. He believed that he is a god and managed to start his way into the music industry. He wanted to make it big in the music world. He didn’t succeed in his dreams, so he acted irrational. He worked with the Beach Boy musically in recording one of his sons. He was an ex-con and expressed murder in an immoral fashion. His followers considered him to be like a god. Manson told Diane Sawyer years ago that all people are like a Jesus Christ. Manson brainwashed his followers to take LSD drugs and do sexual rituals to reinforce his message. Manson did group sex in order to control people and initiate people into his group. His message is the same old cultic mentality of extremists that occurred for thousands of years. Manson told Ron Reagan Jr. that he wanted a one world court and an one world governmental system. He believed that bad and good go together, and to believe that man is God, and that everything is everything. This is a mix of pantheism, the New Age, and a cultic belief system filled with delusions. Also, bad is not good and you can’t mix good and evil at all. Manson accepts environmental extremism and wants everything to be placed into a one world or life will cease to exist in the Planet Earth. This is the religion of the new world order system (that hates nationalism, hates religious freedom, and hates monotheism). In real life, the music industry accepts many of these tenets of Manson. Hollywood wants to promote a movie about the sick individual called “Eyes of a Dreamer.” That movie is named after an old Manson song. It will be directed by Tyler Shields, who will play the role of Charles Manson. The role of Sharon Tate will be played by the troubled actress Lindsay Lohan. Ironically, Tate and Lohan bear a striking reminisce with each other. Lohan played in a similar photo shoot that resembles a violent scene with Shields. Lohan in her twitter say that a Freemason stalker has been threatening to kill her while he is trespassing. You can believe her or not. What is true is that Hollywood and occult groups or secret orders have had a linkage for decades.

Economic news is important to know about. People talk about monopolies of yesteryear, but monopolies even exist now. For example, the Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, and Well Fargo according to Dean Henderson own numerous Big Oil companies (Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP and Chevron Texaco); in tandem with Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays and other European old money behemoths. According to the company 10K filings to the SEC, the 4 banks listed are among the top stock holders of every Fortune 500 corporation. The stockholders of these money center banks are important since stockholders are more powerful than corporate executives. U.S. Trust Corporation was founded in 1853. It was created to be a repository of the wealth of the global oligarchy that owns these bank holdings. A recent US Trust Corporate Director and Honorary Trustee was Walter Rothschild. Other directors included Daniel Davison of JP Morgan Chase, Richard Tucker of Exxon Mobil, Daniel Roberts of Citigroup and Marshall Schwartz of Morgan Stanley. So, it’s easy to see the Rothschilds, the Vatican/Jesuit networks, the Black Nobility bloodlines, and the Pilgrims own most of the banking empire of the world. J. P. Morgan was one big banker that worked for this network and promoted the railroad monopoly. He hated competition. The House of Morgan was allied with the Kuhn Loebs, Warburgs, The Windsor House, and the Italian House of Savoy. The Morgan banking empire spread to promote imperialism and Iwasaki and Dan families - Japan’s two wealthiest clans - who have owned Mitsubishi and Mitsui, respectively, since the companies emerged from 17th Century shogunates. When Japan invaded Manchuria, slaughtering Chinese peasants at Nanking, Morgan downplayed the incident. Morgan also had close relations with Italian fascist Benito Mussolini, while German Nazi Dr. Hjalmer Schacht was a Morgan Bank liaison during WWII. After the war Morgan representatives met with Schacht at the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland.

It’s not a secret that the old New Age teachings have similarities among the Kabbalah, Catholicism, Mormonism, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. Each of these religions teaches that man can be like unto God or like God by doing rituals or ceremonies. Yes, this is found in Catholicism too since the Catholic teaching speaks of ‘God becoming man so that man can become God’. This is the also doctrine of Mormonism. Man evolving into God is one of the oldest lies from the New Age Movement. Transhumanism is the modern 21st century goal of trying to make man into God via technology plus science. One similar dogma of the occultists then and now is the praise of the serpent. The serpent to the occultist represented widsom (or the serpent tempting man in the Garden of Eden. Similar serpents have been worshipped or venerated by the Native Americans, ancient INdia, Greeks, the Druids, Burma, etc.). The serpent is followed in the Kundalini connection. Kundalini is the view that there is a serpent coiled at the base of the spine (and via mediation and spiritual acts, it can climb to reach your pineal gland to open up your "3rd" eye to reach enlightenment spiritually). The serpent to the occult is falslely called a savior figure giving man the kowledge of good and evil. The serpent can't save a soul since the serpent was created by the one true God. The Messiah is the image of the Most High God as even the New Testament mentions.
By Timothy

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous17:27

    This is such important information thank you so much. Please also research the important role that semenancy is playing in EPNI projects. it really is terrifying.
