
Wednesday, June 08, 2011

News and Times in the Afternoon

The war crimes in Libya continues and the corporate media refuse to expose them. NATO has bombed place in Tripoli and other cities in Libya. Civilian deaths have occured as well. The war criminals and their corporate media are indistinguishable. Deaths are transpiring in Somalia, Congo, Afghanistan, and now in Libya. Some western journalists give NATO information when they leave their hotels, so they will not be bombed in the streets of Libya. John Burns of the New York Times admitted that he wanted to demonize Moammar Gaddafi like Saddam Hussein. He denies that the NATO bombings killed Libyan civilians. It's hypocritical for the mainstream media to support the rebels when many of the rebels are theocrats, terrorists, and jihads that they condemned in Afghanistan and Iraq. The media uses demonization as a means to promote the global empire of the West. According to Burns' June 7 story, Western reporters keep NATO informed when they leave their hotels, so that they will not be caught in the bombing. Once the imperialist press is safely back at the hotel, the killing can begin again. Amery and SHackley were officers in the Atlantic Cercle, Inc. Richard T. McCormack, Thomas R. Spencer Jr., and Robert Zoelly were a part of the Altantic Cercle, Inc. as well. Richard T. McCormack worked in the offices of Nixon, Reagan, and Bush. He became the chairman of Bank of America, Merrill Lynch. This was in 2006. From 1992 until 2005 he was consultant to the U.S. Government on International Economic Affairs. From 2004 to 2006 he could be found at CSIS, just as many other Cercle members. Le Cercle publishes papers and holds symosia for the public.

One U.N. agreement is anti-gun according to Larry Bell from Forbes. It isn’t a secret that the United Nations has hatred of the 2nd Amendment. One of their statues in its headquarters (in NYC) has a gun’s barrel turned into a knot. This represents the hatred of guns. There is the proposed global Small Arms Treaty. Its supporters claimed that this proposal will fight “terrorism”, “insurgency” and “international crime syndicates” you can be quite certain that an even more insidious threat is being targeted – our Constitutional right for law-abiding citizens to own and bear arms. Larry Bell claims that the proposal will present tougher licensing requirements, have more bureaucratic red tape for legal firearms ownership, and other problems. He claims that this plan will ban the sale, trade, and private ownership of all semi-automatic weapons, have an international gun registry, confiscate and destroy all unauthorized civilian firearms (except those owned by the government), and it violates American national sovereignty. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wants Senate ratification of this plan in 2012. The U.S. supported this U.N. Army Treaty Resolution from January 2010 joining 152 other nations. Former U.N. ambassador John Bolton has cautioned gun owners to take this initiative seriously, stating that the U.N. “is trying to act as though this is really just a treaty about international arms trade between nation states, but there is no doubt that the real agenda here is domestic firearms control.” Hillary Clinton is 100 percent anti-gun. She even opposes people to have right to carry guns in states. She supported the evil gunpoint disarmament in the New Orleans Katrina tragedy (where rogue crooked cops stole guns against law abiding citizen in the midst of an anarchistic situation). President Barack Obama appointed the anti-gun rights former Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels as an alternate U.S. representative to the U.N. (and Andrew Traver who wants to ban civilian ownership of assault rifles. He’s head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives). The President banned the sale and importation of 850,000 collectable antique U.S.-manufactured M1 Garand and Carbine rifles that were left in South Korea following the Korean War. Developed in the 1930s, the venerable M1 Garand carried the U.S. through World War II, seeing action in every major battle. The President when he was Senator voted against gun owners from using firearms to defend themselves from criminals. He served on the anti-gun Joyce Foundation in Chicago from 1998 to 2001. With this in mind, thank God in America we at least have Patriots that love the right of innocent people to have guns. The 2nd Amendment still exists now for a reason.

MSNBC allows Planned Parenthood President to mislead people on abortion. Martin Bashir tossed softballs at Planned Parenthood head Cecile Richards on his eponymous MSNBC program on Monday. He let his guest to present talking point in support of her abortion providing organization. Bashir said to Richard is there a war on women. The anchor talked about Indiana’s new law which blocks Planned Parenthood branches within its boundaries form receiving federal funds. He mouthed one of Planned Parenthood’s own arguments and played up the potentially large cost of defending the legislation before he introduced Richards:  “….Governor Mitch Daniels signed the bill last month, even though it could leave thousands of women without health care, and the legal showdown could cost Indiana an estimated $4.3 billion.” He gave a warm welcome to the Planned Parenthood President. He said that he’s glad for Richards to join him in the interview. Daniels might of did this since Planned Parenthood spends 97 percent of its funds on female reproductive health issues? He felt that 3% on abortion is too much according to Bashir. The reality is that the 97 percent of the amount of services it provides is non-abortion services, not 97 percent of what it spends. Even this figure is misleading, as a 2010 fact sheet notes that it committed 324,008 abortions, while only making 2,405 adoption referrals and performing prenatal services 9,433 times, making abortion 96.4% of the services it provides to expectant women). Bashir claims that Planned doesn’t receive any federal funding for abortion services in a sympathetic question. He claims that Pro-life people are using an antagonistic approach to women’s health issues, which is silly. There is a group called Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles. Its executive director named Alfonso Aguilar said that Latinos are targeted by organizations that promote abortion like Planned Parenthood. So, they are using a billboard to oppose the unborn to die among the Latino community. This billboard campaign is occurring in Los Angeles, California. The text reads, “El lugar mas peligroso para un Latino es el vientre de su madre.” or “The most dangerous place for a Latino is in the womb.” According to the Center for Disease Control, 22 percent of abortions in performed in America are done on Latinos, making them 2.7 times more likely to abort than non-Hispanic whites. The ad campaign is meant to kick off a pro-life event called “Unidos por la Vida” (United for Life) Sunday at the LA Sports Arena. The gathering will be sponsored by the pro-life Latino group Manto de Guadalupe. Planned Parenthood has tried to target the Black Community, the Latino Community, and others in promoting abortion and eugenics-like actions before for decades.

One Harvard professor said that the globalists are panic-stricken about Greece debt default threat to their single currency agenda. There is a top Bilderberg member. He said that the globalists are panic stricken about a potential euro zone crisis caused by a Greek debt default. This could precipitate the collapse of the Euro and also derail the wider agenda for multi-regional currency unions and eventually a global currency system. Jim Tucker said that the new Bilderberg meeting with deal with the euro at the globalist confab in San Mortiz, Switzerland. Tucker said that the Bilderbergers are afraid that the Euro will go down or disappear. Tucker explained how several European countries’ intention to abandon nuclear power after the Fukushima disaster could cause a crisis for the single currency. Sitges, Spain was the location of the last Bilderberg conference. In there, the Euro was in free fall. This occurred after the austerity riots in Greece. The globalist back then panicked that the single currency could face a total collapse. The Euro has made significant gains against the crumbling U.S. dollar over the past year. Yet, some financial analysts are still predicting that the single currency faces a massive crisis. This could threaten its very existence. Last month, representatives of the European Commission held an emergency crisis meeting. This existed after the reports of Greece considering exiting the euro zone and creating its own currency. Some fear that the European Central Bank could be bankrupt if the ECB are exposed to European economies (or if Greece defaults on its debt, which is very possible). According to ratings agency Moody’s, “Greece is 50% likely to default on or restructure its debts in the next five years.” Bilderberger and Harvard Professor Kenneth Rogoff said that the elitists are concerned that an euro zone collapse would derail the wider agenda for the multi-regional currencies like the Amero. He wrote these words in the Financial Times, which is regularly represented at Bilderberg, but it refuses to report on the meeting. “The euro experiment has also brought us to a crossroads in the whole international monetary system,” writes Rogoff. “Will our grandchildren inherit a world with a huge number of national currencies, or a very small number of multi-country currencies?” The Bilderberg was instrumental in promoting the Euro as it was a Bilderberg brainchild (as Bilderberger chairman Etienne Davignon admitted last year that the single currency was formulated by the Bilderberg in the 1990’s). A BBC investigative team was allowed to access Bilderberg files which confirmed that the EU and the Euro were the brainchild of the Bilderberg. Also, the EU was a Vatican/Jesuit brainchild as well. Tucker believed that the globalists want to keep the recession going until at least 2012 plus keep gas prices high. They have resolved to level the globe economically, not by rising up poorer countries to western standards but lowering the standard of living in richer nations. Tucker exposed the fact that the Bilderbergers are furious that more and more resistance is increasing via a number of demonstrations plus independent journalists showing a spotlight on their meetings. This is a feeling that transpired during the last 2 conferences. An astounding exchange between two Bilderberg members overheard by London Guardian journalist Charlie Skelton revealed that the elitists saw people with income as “a threat” to their agenda, as they decried the fact that protesters could actually afford to travel to the different countries in which they meet every year.

The Le Cercle group wants to struggle to have influence in the Eurasian continent or region of the world. Le Cerle's meetings are very mysterious. Some allies of Le Cerle are Saudi oil man Chas W. Freemasn, Jr. former Georgian national security chief Tedo Japridze, CIA officer Theodore Shackley, and American-Iranian Council founding President Dr. Hooshang Amirahmadi. The Le Cercle has been nicknamed the Atlantic Circle. Tax filings show that Cercle meeting occur one or twice a year, mostly at the Watergate Hotel in D.C. (or in the Conrad Hilton in London or the Lisbon Intercontinental in Portugal). In 2008, their meeting has been in D.C. where Hooshang Amirahmadi gave a speech about U.S.-Iran relations as published on the American Iranian Council website.
By Timothy

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