
Monday, June 20, 2011

The Percy family and the Jesuits

Remember folks that Pippa Middleton is connected through her mother to the Goldsmith family who've had a blood uniting with the Rothschild family, both coming over from Germany. The Percy family is of far more importance than the front Royal family and always have been in these lands going way back to the Middle Ages. The Percy's and the Howard's are a dominant force over these lands and very dangerous families indeed. May I remind you that both are totally Roman Catholic and you'll note the Howard connection to the Archbishop's of Westminster, which is the throne of Vatican power in the U.K. Only the Jesuit U.K. Provincial has more covert power since the takeover of the Catholic Church from 1814-1870 by these revived Knights of the Virgin Mary IHS.

May I remind you that the Percy family was behind the Gunpowder Plot against the Houses of Parliament with Thomas Percy which the Percy's still to this day laugh about. May I also remind you that 5th degree Witchcraft, Barbara 'The Book Keeper' Bush is really of the Percy family through whats known as the Pierce family. May I also remind you that Barbara Bush is in complete control of Knight of Malta, George H.W. Bush's estate and both of these are Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst operatives with George being the U.S. Spokesman for the German intelligentsia force. May I remind you that Barbara Bush has a lot of power over Ionospheric weaponry and other areas dealing with Nikola Tesla technology. Reminds me of the power of the Wallenberg's with similar weaponry based in Europe such as the European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association.

Finally check out how the Howard's surrounded and still do to this day, Margaret Thatcher. Go see who organized her visit with the Pope whilst she was Prime Minister and also recently. Interesting isn't it how we see, "As a catch, in some ways, he eclipses even Prince William." Yes this is very true as the Percy family have far greater power than the Windsors. But lets never forget the power of the Papal Nobility family known as Breakspeare over these lands which is very covert information indeed. May I also remind you of David Rothschild's acceptance to unite Rothschild blood with the ultra powerful Papal Nobility bloodline of the House of Aldobrandini. Any offshoot will be very powerful indeed although never as powerful as the pure blood until their demise. This is evident from the offshoot blood from the House of Orsini which is the Rosenberg offshoot. A powerful family but not as powerful as the scion of the Orsini. Interesting to note that the President of AIPAC is Lee Rosenberg.

So now you have a Rothschild/Goldsmith mixing with William Windsor thus a bonding by blood of the Plantagenet, Guelph, Glücksburg, Stuart and Saxe-Coburg-Gotha families. You may soon see a mixing of Rothschild/Goldsmith into the Percy family. I doubt Pippa will have any relationship of worth with Harry as I believe he's the son of James Hewitt and not of Great Master, Charles George Windsor. This is why I wouldn't be surprised if Harry is sacrificed in the battlefield at any point soon as an occult sacrifice to lure more people on side for this supposed war on terror.'

Please note how George Percy is trained up in 'sustainable development' which to layman may sound like harmless construction but it is in fact the United Nations Agenda 21 (21st Century). The U.N Agenda 21 is all about depopulation of the planet following the desires of the Club of Rome and their Global 2000 Report. Study DVD operative and Knight of Malta Heinz Kissinger's, 'Memorandum 200' document. Other people worthy of study on the depopulation agenda are Audrey Tomason, Knight of Malta Ted Turner, John Holdren and Jonathon Porritt. May I remind you that Jonathon Porritt is tied to the Optimum Population Trust in Manchester, England wishing to depopulate the World, whilst calling for a specific 50% depopulation of the Great Britain and 33% depopulation of the united states of America. Jonathon Porritt is also the advisor to Great Master, Charles George Windsor.

-Craig Oxley

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