
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Ron Paul and Economics


Beware those who cloak themselves as American, but overtly and covertly seek to overthrow the constitution.

Is any one else bothered by the idea, that after Ron Paul absorbed millions of donations for his 2008 bid for President, dropped out screwing everyone out of their investment, and now Ron Paul has decided he'd again run in 2012, but only if the dollar continues to die?

(InfoWars) Congressman Ron Paul has indicated that he will embark on a bid to become President in 2012 if the economic crisis worsens and leads to a dollar collapse...

So, only if the American people are on their knees suffering from a collapse of the dollar, starving, and dying, only then will Ron Paul stand up for his followers?

Let's not forget Ron Paul represents the Austrian School who advocates taking control of money out of the hands of the public, and leave it to the hidden hand of the gods of the free-market.

Basically, throw out the constitution, which the Austrian's like to cloak themselves in!

Article 1: Section 8

To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;


Kenneth Hulsbergsaid...

I disagree. We failed to force congress to obey the law designed to govern them called the constitution. It clearly says:

Article 1: Section 8:

To borrow money on the credit of the United States;

To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

The constitution is a body of law designed to govern the government, not We the People. The Supreme Court has even ruled you are not a party to it. We the People are tasked with enforcing this law via the election process. However, we seem far more interested in football and television, thus we have what we have.

What the Austrians are proposing is to abandon Section 8, and leave the value of our money to the hidden hands of some mythological self-regulating free market.

Who owns most the gold and silver? The same bankers who run the banking system now. So, who'd be those hidden hands of this free-market? The same damn bankers.

Yes, if you own the gold and silver you control it. Who owns most the gold and silver today? The bankers. So, who will control the free-market? The bankers. The little gold you may own yourself doesn't reflect what it takes to use gold as a currency. Your personal gold is irrelevant to the discussion.

We can certainly say Congress has failed, we can say the Fed has failed, we can even say all the banks have failed, but that's a very small minority of people there. We the People are the majority. So, we're going to blame a small minority for abusing the system, and disturbing our apathy? Sure, we can blame them for their part, but the real responsibility is on We the People. Freedom isn't a spectator sport.


Kenneth Hulsbergsaid...

Barley and cotton also store wealth. The exact same way gold and silver do. But as you pointed out, storing cotton and barley is a much harder thing to do.

"So, you want the government to force people to accept their currency at what ever value the government assigns it?" Yes, and that's what the Constitution demands. The same would be done under a gold standard, and has been done in history with both paper and metals. Remember, someone has to determine how many grains of gold make a dollar.

"Would you have the government outlaw the private {hidden hands} ownership of gold and silver and force them to use United States Notes, exclusively?" No. Neither the Federal Government or the States possess such power lawfully. You need to understand, your private gold and silver isn't a hidden-hand. The hidden-hands are the big bankers, such as those wrecking our nation today. These entities have the power financially to wreck economies and people's lives.

"You are not going to over ride 5000+ years history of gold and silver being used in preference to, ie. to judge the value {or lack thereof} of currencies without resorting to tyranny." There hasn't been a consistent 5,000 years of using gold and silver only. In most cases where only gold and silver were used you had tyranny. Let's not forget the money changers are the gold-smiths.

Greenspan wants a gold standard. The bankers want a gold standard. They control the worlds gold and silver supplies. Actually, they want a gold and silver standard for the world through the World Bank. But, it would not be in the form of gold and silver coin. They'd merely peg the value of a world currency system to gold and silver thereby taking full control of the value of nations currencies out of the hands of their respective governments, and into their manipulative hands. This is on their agenda already.

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