
Thursday, June 02, 2011

Savant's Words

Barros Serrano wrote:

Rumsfeld and his cohorts are all proven liars.
Do you also still believe there were WMDs in Iraq, and that Saddam was connected to al Qaeda? LOL!!!
Then you probably also think Sarah Palin is a genius and Rush Limbaugh an upright citizen, right? LOL!!!
LOL! Donald Rumsfeld also thought that Saddam Hussein was a "moderating influence" in the Middle East during the Iraq/Iran war of the 1980s. And wasn't he photographed shaking hands with that great "moderate" statement from Iraq?

Well Becky can quote Rumsfeld's claim that torure (euphemistically described as "enhanced interrogation") gave Obama the info he needed to track down Bin Laden. But the intelligence community from which the President actually got his info stated that those torture techniques DID NOT get information which lead them to Osama Bin Laden.
Face it, Becky and Zaius are simply racists. And numerous psychologists have pointed out that racism diminishes one's capacity for critical thinking.
It's not mere coincidence that most racists are STUPID, and even those who are not have an intelligence rigidified and narrowed by their unthinking bigotry.
Becky claims that I support Obama because he's black--my numerous criticisms of the president(similar to those of Cornel West) notwithstanding.
The real deal is that Becky and Zaius HATE Obama because he's Black, and then they seek out "reasons" to justify or conceal their bigotry.

And with people like them, people of similar mentality, constantly promoted in right wing media, it is hardly surprising that some people from other country believe Americans to be "dumb as rocks." THOSE Americans whom they see really are!



Barros Serrano wrote:

The problems you elucidate are very real... I have thought, hell, if Ron Paul were elected they'd shoot him quick...
If a Republican other than Paul is nominated, I will naturally vote for Obama. That is likely what will happen.
One advantage Paul has is that he could possibly motivate a LOT of white people (many of them Tea Partiers and not my favorite sort of whites...) to get out and get militant against Congress if they resist him.
I realize he has drawbacks, as in the issue of healthcare, as you mention. On the other hand Obama in many ways has been "Bush Lite", given his wars and bailouts.
It's a mess... no denying it. I'd like to see people like Paul and Kucinich and yes Obama working to solve it, with corporate clones like the Neocons as well as Pelosi, Reed, etc., out of the way...
Hey, I can dream, can't I?
Well, I'll tell you something. A French journalist who interviewed me in October, 2008 about conditions of poverty in inner city Baltimore, ended by querying me about what an Obama victory might mean.
Of course, I said that it isn't certainly who would win (the electin still being a month away). But I also suggested to him that such a victory would present an historical OPPORTUNITY for progressive movement forward, but no guarantee. Obama, I argued, was still a politician--his progressive background as a student notwithstanding. And I stresssed that liberal political leaders in office usually tended toward a kind of centrism, and whatever their convictions, were not likely to do much unless confronted by the pressure of a popular democratic movement.
My concern was that I didn't see a sufficiently strong movement to make use of the opportunity.
I told the French journalist that in the history of America, liberal leaders like Abe Lincoln, FDR, Kennedy/Johnson had to be pressured by MOVEMENTS before they'd move boldly--even if they had progresive sentiments
Hence the need for Abolitionists to pressure Lincoln, militant labor movements (largely led by socialists) to nudge FDR, and the Black freedom movement (with liberal allies outside AA community) to pressure Kennedy and Johnson.
But it's precisely such a MOVEMENT that has been lacking thus far during the Obama administration. Perhaps, we're seeing the beginnings of it partly in reaction to rightwing overreach. But we must have one, and it must be large enough to counter the right, and push Obama's butt in the progressive direction that he knows he should be moving in.



What I'm hoping is that the Right has overreached itself. In fact, their attack on collective bargaining rights of America's working class seems to have engendered a reawakeing of labor activism--beginning in Wisconsin and spreading throughout much of the nation. Right wing Republicans are being recalled in WI. It seems a senator from a normally Republican district of the state of NY beat out her Republican opponent. And now many of Republican conservative base--naive folk who bought right wing clap trap about big government and Obama being a "Muslim Marxist"---are learning painfully what the REALITY of right wing politics means when in power---loss of Medicare, collective bargaining, funds for school, health care etc. Some of them may actually vote Democrat
I certainly hope that this damages the Right so that they are severely weakened by 2012. But we cannot be sure.
The bottom line is that we need to intensify progressive popular democratic movements in America, not only to counter a potentially fascistic Right, but also kick in the butt those centrist liberals (Obama included) and force their feet on the path of social justice. Otherwise, we're in for what Gill Scott Heron called one bitter "Winter in America."



Actually, left wing thought is more widespread in Europe than here, and Obama--whom you ignorantly see as a socialist---would be moderate, maybe a little RIGHT of center in Europe.(After all, universal health care is commonplace in even the more conservative European countries, not to mention social democracies like Sweden).
By the way, do you READ or travel? Indeed, I found Europeans more often than not mocking our conservatives. During Reagan's second administration, I heard so many Reagan jokes over there than the silly Polish jokes I've heard in America.


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