
Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Debate and Other Matters

The Republican debates recently ended. It was hosted by FOX News GOP contenders participating in the forum include: U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), former Godfather's Pizza CEO Herman Cain, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, former Utah governor Jon Huntsman, former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson, U.S. Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), Texas Governor Rick Perry, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum. Texas Governor Rick Perry defended Texas as having the nation’s highest rate of uninsured residents. . It turns out the feds treat Texas just like other states, Wallace said; despite Perry saying the federal government is to blame for the state ranking 49th in Medicaid coverage of low-income residents. We have the gap between the top 1 percent and everyone else that hasn’t been this bad since the Roaring Twenties. Rick Perry in the debate denied that he supported the 700 million dollar blank check for Wall Street. He denied supporting TARP.  In reality, Perry did strongly support TARP, and even wrote Congress in the Fall of 2008, demanding that it heed the call of then Secretary of the Treasury Hank Paulson to pass the $700 million bailout legislation. Perry even bragged in October 2009 during a radio interview that he had urged Congress to pass TARP: “As a matter of fact, I signed a letter with the Governor of West Virginia, who’s a Democrat, when September/October a year ago, when they were talking about, Oh my goodness, the economy is tanking. We’ve got to do something. We signed a letter that basically said you know don’t get all frozen up in fear, act. I didn’t know we needed to write it out for them and say stop spending all of the money and cut the taxes. That’s the blueprint that worked. And still we got people that voted for this bailout that was in hindsight now just an absolute giveaway, didn’t help the economy at all.” Perry has increased Texas’ deficit into a 13.4 billion deficit. Perry also soaked up $22 billion in stimulus money from the federal government’s bailout package, as he was forced to admit in late 2009. So, Perry embraces deception and hypocrisy in dealing with economic issues. The debate was marked by inappropriate boos and old rhetoric.

Libya’s standard of living and infrastructure has been damaged as a result of the NATO war crimes in Libya. This NATO sponsored Al Qaeda rebellion has been evil. The country of Libya is destroyed after the rebel government has been created. Libya’s economic and social achievements over 30 years have been reversed. Once the child mortality rate has dropped from 70 per thousand live births to 19 in 2009. Life expectancy has risen from 61 to 74 years of age during the same span of years. The Libyan Arab Jamahiriya has had a high standard of living and a robust per capita daily caloric intake of 2,144. Many of these rebels have tied to al-Qaeda and have raped innocent human begins. They aren’t liberators. They are terrorists plan and simple. Libya has been destabilized, destroyed, and abysmal; poverty is a reality in Libya. NATO has destroyed the country’s standard of living, its infrastructure, its schools and hospitals, and its water distribution system. The IMF and World Bank could try to rebuild the nation in an exploitative fashion. Also, the diktats of the free market could be a part of a new Western style dictatorship under the guise of a “democracy.” About 9,000 strikes sorties, thousands of strikes on civilian targets like residential area government buildings, water supply, and electricity generation facilities. The whole nation has been bombed with the most advanced ordnance, including uranium coated ammunition. A health epidemic could come as well. Once, Libya’s public health care was the best in Africa. Education and the adult literacy rate before the bombings were high in Libya as well. Even girls outnumbered boys by 10 percent in secondary and tertiary educational system. Speculation has caused food prices to rise up. The Libyan Arab Jamahiriya had established a system of price controls over essential food staples, which was maintained until the onset of the NATO led war. While rising food prices in neighboring Tunisia and Egypt spearheaded social unrest and political dissent, the system of food subsidies in Libya was maintained. These are the facts confirmed by several UN specialized agencies.  The more war you have, the more globalization exists. Also, the IMF and NATO are trying to steal Libya’s resources including the rebels. Foreign nations and the IMF are offering loans and financing in Libya too. These loans came with strings attached like they always do.

There was a recent martial law drill in Denver, Colorado. The economy is not doing well. More than 100 government agencies are taking part in Operation Mountain Guardian. This was done via a grant from the Department of Homeland Security via FEMA Region VIII and the State of Colorado Governor’s Office of Homeland Security according to the KDVR form Denver. Mock terror drills will be done at a mall, an elementary school, a community college, a hospital, and transportation hubs like the Denver airport. The exercise is scheduled to begin at 5 am. and end by 4:30 pm. according to ABC7 News in Denver. KVDR reported that the media will be allowed to report on the events, but news advisory PDF released by officialdom states media coverage will be restricted to outside areas. Terror drills have been staged on September 11, 2001 and July 7, 2005 during the attacks attributed to Muslim “terrorists” and patsies. On the morning of 9/11, the CIA was doing a terror exercise and several days earlier on September 6, NORAD simulated 2 hijackings as part of Vigilant Guardian. According to the government’s 9/11 report, one military scenario included terrorists hijacking a London to New York Flight and blowing it up with explosives over New York. In October of 2000, a military exercise was conducted which consisted of a scenario simulating a passenger plane crashing into the Pentagon. Drills were done during the London terror bombings of July 7, 2005. This is why Peter Power (or the Managing Director of Visor Consultants, which is a private firm on contract to the London Metropolitan Police) described in a BBC interview on how he had organized and conducted the anti-terror drill. That fake scenario was based on simultaneous bombs going off at the exact time at the underground stations where the real attacks occurred. A terror attack as a product of the Operation Mountain Guardian probably won’t happen. Yet, it’s being used as a part of a movement to federalize local officials for the use of martial law in emergencies, false flag terror, economic conditions, etc. The federal government has tried to use pro-marital law policies for years. In 2008, investigative journalist Wayne Madsen reported from information provided by inside sources at FEMA that the feds were preparing for martial law triggered by “continuing economic collapse with massive social unrest, bank closures resulting in violence against financial institutions, and another fraudulent presidential election that would result in rioting in major cities and campuses around the country.” It’s not a secret that dozens of stories document efforts made by FEMA, Northcom, Infragrad and other groups to make a common goal of a military dictatorship. General Tommy Franks predicted that martial law could cause a military dictatorship and the closing down the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Joseph A. Opala’s “The Gullah: Rice Slavery Leonne-American Connection” explains a lot about the Gullah people. The Gullah are Black American peoples that lived in South Carolina, Georgia, and throughout the southeastern part of America. They have developed their farming and fishing communities along the Atlantic coastal plain and on the chain of Sea Islands which runs parallel to the coast. The Gullah peoples are descendants of the slaves who worked in the rice plantations in South Carolina and Georgia. Some still like in the rural communities in the coastal places and in the Sea Islands. The Gullah managed to keep their special identity and their African cultural heritage more than any other group of black Americans. The Gullah was used to the coastal South Carolina and Georgia climate and there was a black majority of South Carolina in 1708. The Gullah had little contact with white people. After World War 2 and today, the Gullah still respect their unique heritage. The Gullahs' ancestors were, after all, coming from many different tribes, or ethnic groups, in Africa. Those from the Rice Coast, the largest group, included the Wolof, Mandinka, Fula, Baga, Susu, Limba, Temne, Mende, Vai, Kissi, Kpelle, etc. - but there were also slaves brought from the Gold Coast, Calabar, Congo, and Angola. The Gullah slaves adopted beliefs and practices that were familiar to Africans from these widely separated regions. The Gullah used dances to have celebrations. Rice and greens plus rice and okra are famous Gullah dishes. These cuisines are similar to the Sierra Leon’s plasas and rice and okra soup. The Gullah and other South Carolinians make red rice. This is when served with a gumbo containing okra, tomatoes, and hot peppers, which greatly resembles the West African jollof rice. Dr. Lorenozo Turner found in 1949 that the unique Gullah language has a minority of vocabulary words that are borrowed from African substrate languages. He identified Mende and Vai phrases embedded in Gullah songs; Mende passages in Gullah stories; and an entire Mende song, apparently a funeral dirge. Dr. Turner also found some Gullah people who could count from one to nineteen in the Gullah/Sierra Leone dialect of Fula. So, Gullah men and women living in isolated locations from the 1940’s could recall simple texts in various African languages. P.E.H. Hair (or a British historian and Ph.D) believes that the Gullah language has been influenced from the languages spoken in Sierra Leone. Some Gullahs called the Black Seminoles escaped the plantations in South Carolina and Georgia in order to fight for their freedom. They fought for their freedom in their own settlements on the Florida frontier. One famous Black Seminole was named sub chief Gopher John. Some worked with the Native Americans living in Florida as well. Some of them traveled as far as the West Indies, Mexico, Oklahoma, and other locations. The Gullah still exist today in the 21st century with jobs and working in various legitimate occupations.

There are new information that Troy found on the Jesuits and other issues. People know that Opus Dei is a slick, reactionary organizations as well. Secret orders and organizations like the Jesuits, the Scottish Rite Freemasonry, the Grand Orient Freemasonry, etc. desire the Utopian world system in the Earth. Constantine the Great led into a foundation of the Roman Catholic Church throughout the Dark Ages and to the Protestant Reformation in the 1500’s. That is why the Jesuits used the Counter Reformation via its Council of Trent to war against anyone disagreeing with their nefarious ideologies. They were once suppressed temporarily by Pope Clement XIV. In history, the Hegelian Dialectics are found in the Cold War (with Capitalism/Communism) and the modern age (with the West/the terrorists) in order to suppress true nationalism, while militarizing the world’s countries. Chris Pinto has proven the connections between the European Union and the Vatican. The European Union is very similar to the Holy Roman Empire of yesteryear. That is why the Jesuits and other pro-Vatican interests promoted an European Union system for decades. Papal representatives according to Chris Pinto called the EU as a “(Roman) Catholic Confederation of States” that they want to be the greatest single human force ever seen by man.” A large portion of the EU states are influenced by Catholicism. Tony Blair (the ex-Prime Minister of Great Britain) signed the EU Constitution in the Vatican underneath a huge statue of Pope Innocent X. This is a violation of UK’s sovereignty. A Romanist super state isn’t good for the world. Yes, Tony Blair recently converted to Roman Catholicism after he immediately left his Prime Minister office. The Tony Blair Foundation is working with CFR member Rick Warren to promote Ecumenicalism in American churches, mosques, temples, and synagogues including worldwide. They want to promote good under faith, but which faith?

By Timothy

1 comment:

  1. I doubt it matters what name you give their alleged 'faith'; the foundational principles will be the same: they favour slave and cannon fodder human cattle farming. A reality that must be confronted; no matter how unpleasant. Have you seen any evidence to the contrary?
