
Monday, September 19, 2011

More News in September 2011

There was some strange action in the purchase of large amounts of put options on those stocks in the time of 9/11. Put options are leveraged and risky investment instruments that go up in value when stock goes down in price. The put option purchases were short term September put options. This was suspicions. Put options have time value. The time value of put options drops greatly or precipitously in their last month. Large bets by the purchasers of these put options could mean that something bad was going to happen very soon. The September put options in question would of have expired on Friday, September 21, 2001 (if the underlying stock price didn’t go down). Some people believe that no one would make huge high risk bets that were being done before 9/11 unless they know that an attack on the scale of 9/11 would occur. There were huge purchases of put options on United and American Airlines. There were also large put option purchases made on the stock of Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co. and Merrill Lynch & Co., which each occupied 22 floors of the World Trade Center. After the destruction of the WTC, the prices of each of the stock plummeted making millions for those who purchased the put options. As a result of the drop in the price of Merrill Lynch stocks those put options generated a profit of approximately $5.5 million. That $5.5 million was the profit on just the trades on Merrill Lynch put options. Investigators have discovered that an investment banking firm known as Alex Brown Inc. purchased many of the aforementioned put options on United Airlines stock. Alex Brown Inc. is America’s oldest investment bank. The kicker is that A. B. “Buzzy” Krongard, the Executive Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), is the former Chairman of Alex Brown Inc. Krongard, made some revealing statements in a recent Washington Post article. He stated that if you go back to the CIA’s origins during World War II in the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) “the whole OSS was really nothing but Wall Street bankers and lawyers. There is more information about Larry Silverstein. The Israeli report for the news service Haaretz with the reporter Sara Leibovich-Dar confirmed that Silverstein has links with high level politicians in Israel like Ariel Sharon, Benjamin Netanyahu, Ehud Barack, etc.

For years and decades, patriots and real truth seekers have exposed the World Bank policies. Some of their policies have enabled an African land grab by the elite. New research now accused the World Bank Group’s policies of facilitating land grabs in Africa. Also, they have been accused of favoring the interests of financial markets over food security and environmental protection. Agriculture and food prices are serious issues in the upcoming World Bank annual meetings. Many voices disagree with the Banks’ approach to food price volatility. Recent in-depth research by the US-based Oakland Institute raises further difficult questions on agriculture policy for Bank officials. The report implicates the World Bank Group (WBG) in the increasing acquisition of farmland in the developing world by private investors and wealthy nations, which critics are calling a global 'land grab' (see Update 76, 72, 71, 68). The investigative research was published between March and June. The report researched many land deals in African nations. It found that the purchase of land was made by large institutional investors. The produce is unregulated to benefit few of the promised benefits to the local people. It forces thousands of small farming communities off ancestral land that can create serious food insecurity and driving environmental destruction. Joan Baxter is a fellow at the Oakland Institute. She wrote for the blog in Reuters. She said that: “…"more than any other institution or agency, the World Bank Group has been promoting direct foreign investment in Africa, and enabling the farmland rush." Their in-depth reports on Mali and Sierra Leone reveal how the WBG "has shaped the economic, fiscal, and legal environment … in a way that favors the acquisition of vast tracks of fertile lands by few private interests instead of bringing solutions to the widespread poverty and hunger." The Oakland Institute said that the WBG is using policies to deals with large scale commercial agribusiness in order to promote plus attract agricultural investment. The Foreign Investment Advisory Service and the Remove Administrative Barriers to Investment program, both projects of the International Finance Corporation Private (IFC), the Bank's private sector arm, have "been working - often behind the scenes to these same goals. Investors have been in key governmental ministries like presidential offices. This was a part of the Growth Support Project for Mali being financed by a loan from the IDA (or the International Development Association). This is the World Bank’s low income country arm. Baxter observes that these agencies "are developing and advertising a veritable smorgasbord of incentives not just to attract foreign investment in farmland but also to ensure maximum profits to investors. These include extremely generous tax holidays for 10 or even 30 years, zero per cent duty on imports, and easy access to very large tracts of land, sometimes over 100,000 hectares. Investors may pay just a couple of dollars per hectare per year for the land, and in Mali, sometimes no land rent at all." Critics of these policies say that these policies constitute land grabbing (via the RAI or the Responsible Agricultural Investment). Some believe that the RAI principles are vague and could be exploited to promote corporate land grabs.

It’s wrong for these reactionaries to equate genuine calls for economic justice as equated to class warfare. Zero hedge is in error about this since the financial elite are destroying our living standards via globalization, derivatives, and other nefarious policies. Zero hege is supporting the NATO destabilization campaign (called the “Arab Spring”). It omitted the criminal actions of the Libyan rebels. We don’t have some crony “communism regime.” You have corporate welfare, record company profits, Wall Street violations of human freedoms, health insurance companies harming Americans, the corruption of BP, etc. This isn’t representative of communism at all. Corporations shouldn’t control every aspect of our lives at all. Zero hedge needs to know that. We can’t be satisfied with business as usual. Milton Freidman and Ayn Rand’s rants haven’t worked to establish our economic improvement especially among the poor.  So, policies should be made to help all of the people. Many in the current administration and previous administration have cabinet members with direct ties to Wall Street. That is why it’s wrong to see the super rich get sweet tax breaks when the poor suffer massive economic inequalities. There should be a fight against poverty since inequality is in the system. There should be the right of a human being to have full employment, educational rights, health care rights, and an income that is used to assist those in poverty to escape poverty. There should be a power shift to benefit the common people. It’s very hypocritical for folks to yell about tyranny and Ron Paul, but these same people say nothing on the slave and child labor evils being committed by certain international corporations. Even the Constitution allows Congress to tax citizens. The elite bankers have waged wars on the middle class for decades and now they whine about class warfare. Now, some people are trying to make state banks in trying to solve economic issues. North Dakota’s state bank has made a boost to its state’s economy. North Dakota has a surplus, and it hadn’t had a bank failure in the last 10 years.

It’s easy to see the Jesuits have had a huge say in the creation of the Hollywood film industry. The Jesuit Fr. Daniel J. Stack was a technical advisor to evaluate the religious accuracy of a scene in movies. His Blessed Sacrament church was the precursor of the Writers’ and Screen Actors’ Guilds. As a result of this close community relationship, studios such as Universal, Keystone, Lasky, the Francis Ford Company and Christie Studios readily agreed to help Blessed Sacrament in any of its fundraising efforts. They provided actors and equipment free of charge for church sponsored events such as theatrical productions or festivals. The extra income earned went to general maintenance and towards a reserve that would one day help pay for a desperately needed new church school and rectory. The Jesuits influenced the development of the Hays Code (named after Will H. Hays. It has been called the Motion Picture Production Code as well). It was abandoned in 1968 to be in favor of the MPAA film rating system. The Jesuit Daniel A. Lord was involved in the Hays Code of films. This code was a list of stringent or strict rules on how movies were conducted and film scenes were consisted of. The Knight of Malta Amadeo Pietro Giannini (another Knight of Malta was John S. Drum. Giannini was the Transamerica Corporation President as well) used his Bank of America to nurture the motion picture and wine industries in California. The Roman Catholic National Legion of Decency have had a heavy influence in Hollywood as well. George Lucas (the famous Hollywood filmmaker who developed the Star Wars film series) was influenced by the Roman Catholic defector turned New Ager Joseph Campbell. The Joseph Campbell Foundation loves to use the snake eating its tail as its log. Christopher Vogler, a Hollywood screenwriter, was also highly influenced by Campbell. He created a 7-page company memo based on Campbell's work, A Practical Guide to The Hero With a Thousand Faces, which led to the development of Disney's 1994 film The Lion King. That is why Campbell’s books were one of the major inspirations behind Star Wars. Campbell is ideologically linked to Rosicrucian Nicholas Roerich because of his support of the Master Building. Campbell writes 'hero with a 1000 faces' endorsing the blasphemy that Jesus Christ was not important. Lucas creates occult mythology of devil/saviour archetype with Anakin (or the risen antichrist, palpatine 8th king) and Kenobi/Luke as the Horus Christ. According to researchers, this all ties in all Monarch mind control identical to Springmeier's findings on CIA/Nazi experiments. The esoteric Maxwell is pictured with Lucas. Lucas puts it all on public display. Lucas' sky walker ranch is near the Jesuit-inspired playground of the Bohemian Grove, the Rothschild influenced OPUS ONE, and his ranch is near the location of the original Lavey church of Satan. What is the Master Building? The Master Building was created or built in 1929. It’s found in Manhattan, NY. It’s a place where esoteric or occult thinking is promugated. Nicholas Roerich, Manly P. Hall, and Joseph Campbell used to live in the Master Building.

When you think about it, the popular culture world has been filled with blasphemy and anti-God trashy lyrics for a while now. In this generation, some artists have been more overt with it in the pop world. Artists like Lady Gaga, Tyler the Creator, and Lil B use anti-Jesus, anti-God lyrics constantly now. This is sick.  Taylor Momsem is one of the stars of the TV show called “Gossip Girl.” He is also in the lead singer in a rock band called “Pretty Reckless.” She is pictured wearing a shirt of Aleister Crowley. She must not know that Crowley promoted the destruction of the nuclear family, did evil ceremonies, and is accused of doing human sacrifice. Many of people in this generation love wickedness and evil since they are just like people during the days of Noah. They believe that partying and obsess with foolish cliques define their humanity when all humans have equal value & glamorizing some fake leader like Crowley is ignorance at its highest. Kevin Jonas wore another shirt with Crowley on it. He is supposedly an “outspoken Christian.” The corporations make profits from these puppets and some of the youth are brainwashed to accept their lies. I blame the heads of the corporations promoting this stuff, because they don’t care about people. They certainly don’t care about truth. They care about profits and maintaining the status quo. They don’t want this war on terror to end or the promotion of the real precepts of the Most High God. Some of them express overt hatred of the Most High.  The blatant Satanic garbage in the music industry cross ethnic lines, genres, and countries. It’s a worldwide attack on real spirituality and we have the right to spiritually oppose attacks on the Creator God. Again, artists may claim to be on some “throne,” but the only throne in the Universe is the throne of God.

By Timothy

1 comment:

  1. Thanks very interesting. Why anyone would want to destroy the nuclear family is beyond comprehension; unless they perhaps were born in a terrible family environment. Also perhaps Crowley was working for the then Communists; whose goal was the destruction of America, by destroying the nuclear family? Which goes back to the Corporate elite, who use communism as a fake tool of manipulation; I guess.

    I think its not very nice to grow up in many rich families. So much pressure on children, to maintain the public image; and in the end all of that psychological pressure to pretend and be fake and value money and status as the highest goal to be achieved, the only ultimate purpose and meaning of life is internalized to mean 'nuclear family is hell'; ie destroy it. How do you know who your real friends are? I mean the people who love you for being you; when you are constantly pretending to be some fake person? At some level you know if you start being yourself, then you won't have any real friends. Thats perhaps one reality for some. And the worlds psychologists go along with this, for their own psychopathic profits. Unbelievable.
