
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Night News

In October 1, there is a major European conference against Austerity. It will happen in Europe. This will include Europeans from across the continent to organize mass mobilization across the fall in Europe to oppose austerity. Jorge Costa is the leading member of the Left Bloc and he promotes this mobilization in Portugal, etc. Austerity includes wage cuts, cuts in public services, the rise in the Valued Added Tax or VAT, and a big plan on privatization. The IMF supports such things in Portugal and throughout the world. Some reformers want fiscal reforms, to renegotiate the debt with creditors, and refuse the illegitimate parts of the debt. People in Europe are organizing teachers and unions to fight for economic prosperity. Private debt has been growing. In Portugal, the bankers almost pay no taxes, so the banks are avoiding or mimimizing taxes. The big banks paid about 5 percent in 2010 in Portugal.

With this vaccine lobby trying to promote the Gardasil safety hoax is common. The Merck linked people have exploited the Bachmann controversy as an excuse to promote the lie that their inoculation is greatly safe. The promotion of this Gardasil vaccine is a part of a pharmaceutical friendly establishment media. The vaccine isn’t completely safe as the CDC’s own figures found that over 18,000 cases of adverse reactions. Rick Perry‘s former chief of staff was a lobbyist for Merck at the same that Perry mandated all girls in Texas to receive the shot with an executive order. Rep. Michele told the Today Show that a mother approached her after last week’s Republican debate that her daughter became mentally disabled after receiving the HPV vaccine. This prompted vaccine advocates, several of whom have direct ties to Merck Pharmaceuticals to circulate the hoax, with the enthusiastic support of the corporate press, that the HPV shot is completely safe and has no side-effects whatsoever. “Dr. Arthur Caplan, director of the University of Pennsylvania Bioethics Center, offered Bachmann $10,000 if she could produce solid evidence of a case in which a “vaccine victim” developed a mental disability following an HPV shot,” reports CBS News. “Since the vaccine has been introduced, more than 35 million doses have been administered, and it has an excellent safety record,” responded the American Academy of Pediatrics in a statement. Vanderbilt University’s Dr. William Schaffner told ABC News that the HPV vaccine and other vaccines are very safe vaccines. He said that they’ve been tested greatly and they are confident in that. Schaffner is ironic since his National Foundation for Infectious Diseases has given awards to the inoculation pushing Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations as well as Paul A. Offit, MD. Paul is a vaccine promoter that has a $1.5 million dollar research position at a Merck funded children’s hospital and owns several patents on vaccines. The Center for Disease Control’s own figures proves that the HPV shot is not safe at all despite the claims from its Merck-linked proponents. The CDC’s own figures prove that there has been: “…18,727 reports of adverse events following Gardasil® vaccination,” including 68 deaths. The report shows the link between the vaccine and blood clots, Gullian-Barre Syndrome as well as fainting nausea, and fever. The establishment attack Bachmann for citing an anecdotal case of the vaccine causing mental disability, but the pharmaceutical establishment has launched a sophistical hoax in trying to mislead the public to believe that the vaccine has no side effects whatsoever. The reality is that the vaccine has been directly linked with death, pregnancy complications, convulsions, seizures, and a host of other health problems. Dr. Russell Blaylock has shown a video giving numerous personal accounts of young women and girls experiencing negative side effects from Gardasil vaccine damage. Don’t believe the hype. Dr. Blaylock is a vaccine expert, so he knows what he is talking about.

It’s easy to see that the recent 2011 VMA is a celebration of the establishment’s pro-Illuminist music industry. Vigilant Citizen has written an excellent article about this ceremony. Moon man trophies are given to many artists that toe the line or given approval. The VMAs not only show present acts, but give the audience a glimpse into the next generation of artists in the world. Materialism, phony patriotism (as shown in the movie Top Gun. That sick mentality believes you’ve got to kill “enemy” in a gung ho way to act like a real man. A real man loves peace not war), and controversial envelops the awards ceremonies. There were some moments of shock to galvanize the audience to accept the decadence of mainstream media. Like a ritual, the awards show showcase new artists and promotes its agenda of conformity, the twisting of real values, and the promotion of a moral relativist mindset. Occult elements pervade all over the 2011 VMAs. The choreographed show has occult ritualistic elements like the 2009 VMAs. The main artists in the 2011 awards show include Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Jessie J, Jay Z, Kanye West, Nicki Minaj, Beyonce, and Odd Future. Some of these people I’ve never heard of until a year ago. Lady Gaga begins the show by giving a long speech. Artists and presenters come out of the stage that looks like womb. Lady Gaga promotes her alter ego. It is a male character acting as a stereotypically annoying New York person. This character is called Joe Calderone (as shown in her single “You and I”). Many people are curious as to why she did the performance in the first place. The single You and I deals with mind control, which is similar to Monarch programming plus the creation of alter egos via the trauma inducing techniques. The video has Gaga bound and tortured by a cruel handler. She is suggested to evil methods of mind control (like sexual abuse, electroshock therapy, injection of drugs, and physical torture). Many alter egos have been created in the progress. The opposite of Stefanie Germanotta is this alter ego wearing drab clothes and not acting famous. Calderone’s speech talks about wanting to be united with Stefanie. This is similar to the union of opposites or the “Alchemical Wedding.” It’s represented by the androgynous or the Baphomet image. So, You and I describes the union of 2 opposite personas being Gaga and Joe Calderone. In the Kabbalah, the union of the masculine and the feminine is the method to have spiritual completion. Calderone acts throughout the MTV show. Nick Minaj (whose real name is Onika Tanya) has the persona of Roman Zolanski (named after the man charged with the rape of a child named Roman Polanski). Katy Perry plays a 13 year old girl lying down next to an adult male pervert. Britney was the recipient of the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award for her “influence in music video and dance”… although she did not direct any of her videos nor devise any of her choreography … but let’s forget this detail. Joe Calderone presented the award to her and tries to kiss here. The tribute show little girls showing a mix of Britney popular videos. Russell Brand talked about Amy Winehouse. He said that she had a disease of alcoholism and drug addiction when no drugs were found in Winehouse or at her home at the time of her death. A video in the VMAs shows here with one eye when Bruno Mars does his performance. No Church in the Wild was a song in the ceremony with allusions to Crowley’s views with lyrics like: “…We formed a new religions/No sins as long as there’s permission”. Crowley was also known to have extensively experimented with drugs and sexuality in a spiritual context – another concept reflected by his verse. Beyonce announces that she is pregnant at the show as well. So, the VMAs show more than artists. It shows images of mind control, superficial subjects, materialism, the self destruction of real culture, the evil sexualization of children, and the bashings of various religions. The pop culture machine uses the eccentric and original motif as an excuse to have the same core message. Fake wigs, fake personas, fake smiles, fake voices, and a fake reality are a part of these likeminded award shows.

There is a gradual process of North American integration. This has been going on for years as proven by Dana Gabriel. U.S. and Canada have experienced more integration in economics and politics. This can harm sovereignty and privacy rights. That is why many folks oppose North American integration via public scrutiny. NAFTA and the Security and Prosperity Partnership (an U.S.-Canada perimeter security agreement) would represent another step in the consolidation of North America. U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder told people in a speech at a recent meeting of northern border state that the U.S. and Canada will create a pilot project next year to have law enforcement officers to operate on both sides of the border. This plan is called NextGen. Holder explained that, “the creation of ‘NextGen’ teams of cross-designated officers would allow us to more effectively identify, assess, and interdict persons and organizations involved in transnational crime.” He went on to say, “In conjunction with the other provisions included in the Beyond the Border Initiative, such a move would enhance our cross-border efforts and advance our information-sharing abilities.” The declaration is called “Beyond the Border: Shared Vision for Perimeter Security and Economic Competitiveness.” It was issued by President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Stephen Harper last February. It identified the joint law enforcement operations and information sharing as a high priority. There are examples of what we could see from a security perimeter as some Canadians have been denied entry into the U.S. after their records of mental illness were shared with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. New information on this new joint law enforcement project isn’t available yet. Stuart Trew of the Council of Canadians said that the plans are well advanced. Trew said that why is Harper consulting with Canadians on a done deal. He said that: “…We haven’t had a chance to yea or nay the perimeter agreement which is expected to be released as an ‘action plan’ within weeks. But a pilot project that legalizes and normalizes US policing activities in Canada is already set to begin next year.” He added that this confirms, “the Harper government will use its limited public consultations earlier this year to move ahead quickly with whatever new cross-border policing and information sharing commitments it wants, regardless of privacy and other concerns.” Last month, the Canadian government showed 2 reports. It described public input about regulatory cooperation like security and trade across the border. It wanted improvement of movement of goods and people for business groups. Yet, many individuals had concerns about the loss of sovereignty and the protection of personal information. Attorney General Eric Holder took time to praise bilateral relations between 2 countries. Holder said that issues like cooperation in criminal investigations and prosecutions can be streamlined including extradition and mutual legal assistance processes. He also stated, “As Canada’s national government considers various anti-crime policies and approaches, we will continue working to implement a comprehensive anti-crime framework.” Does this mean that as part of a security perimeter, Canada would have to change its legal system to better reflect U.S. laws? As the fall session of Parliament gets underway, the Harper government is set to table tough new criminal reform legislation. In the report entitled Shared Vision or Myopia: The Politics of Perimeter Security and Economic Competitiveness, former Foreign Service officer Gar Pardy warns that a perimeter security deal with the U.S. could sacrifice Canadians privacy while doing nothing to improve the flow of trade across the border. In his report, Pardy reveals that “The concessions the Americans want is the transfer of enormous amounts of information about Canadians and others about whom Canada collects information. It is evident that to meet such expectations Canadian privacy laws will need to be ignored, violated or weakened.” He also stated that, “The Shared Vision approach essentially promotes the idea that in order to restore the status quo ante implicit in the free trade agreements there have to be large political concessions by Canada that will satisfy American security concerns.” This is why some conservative government people in Canada are introducing anti-liberty measures that are similar to evil, liberty stripping U.S. Patriot Act. A security perimeter is very neo-con like. In his report released by the Rideau Institute, Gar Pardy also warns that, “...when Canada–United States privacy protection principles are under bilateral discussion, privacy protection will not be increased. A more likely result is that existing Canadian privacy laws, as flawed as they are, will erode to meet the demands of the United States.” He wants privacy rights and transpancy. Pardy wants a single authority to oversee all federal police and security organizations in dealing with information transfers between both nations. He wanted a separate treaty to protect personal information transferred to America for national security reasons. With regards to a perimeter security deal, Pardy concluded that, “If Canadian concessions on security and privacy rules do result in the lessening of American border restrictions and controls then such results would always be hostage to future events over which Canada has no control.” The deal is that the move to a North American security perimeter is being done without Congressional or parliamentary approval. Security and freedom can be made in secret. People have the right to advance transparency and input. We should reject a security perimeter deal that especially reduces privacy rights and harms the sovereignty of America or Canada.

Libya’s new regime is corrupt. People know it. The corporate media and the President praise these rebels. They aren’t real African revolutionaries at all. These rebels support their own colonial masters like sellouts and it’s evil. Some of these rebels are named “the Brigade for Purging Slaves, Black Skin.” NATO supports this evil too. This anti-black terror in the Maghreb promotes imperialism in the Northern African region. This Arab Spring has been copted, neutralized many people in order to not reject the Western stranglehold in the region. Today, we have threats against Medicare and Medicaid. We have over 1 million people deported and unemployment is still high. The bankers are being protected when they are heavily responsible for the foreclosure crisis. The bombing, occupying, and subverting our nations is evil and we have a reactionary Tea Party movement that wants to ruin the modern social safety net. Now, it’s easy to see the corporations run many politicians and the major establishment political system in America. The corporate elite push people like Perry, Bachmann Cain, and others as part of the same Republican/Democrat system. All of the leaders of both major political parties represent energy and insurance industries, the corporate media, real estate, Wall Street, and military industrial complex in general. According to financial historian and economist Michael Hudson, the corporate American politicians enact policies that their financiers want not what the people desire to have. That is why Democrats even have supported the Iraq war and its surge, supported NAFTA, extends free trade, demonizes teacher unions, cracked down on federal workers, and promotes Empire worldwide. The betrayal of the peace movement and the promotion of cutting services radically is the opposite of true populism completely. We know that the Republican candidates are all about. Their supports are Dominionists, anti-Muslim, and cheer in favor of allowing people to die of lack of health care. Even Romenycare have caused the poor to suffer since it was half hearted and not comprehensive enough to handle the needs of all Americans, especially the poor. Neoliberal policies aren’t real change. If you want change, then we should advocate an end to the Empire, be against reactionary policies from Wall Street, be against the police state, oppose evil policies from the FED, and advance peace.

By Timothy

1 comment:

  1. What fucking self delusion bullshit: We formed a new religions/No sins as long as there’s permission”.

    Well they can have their fucked up lying religion; if that makes them happy. In radical honesty we require FULLY INFORMED CONSENT; unlike these fucking assholes who now want to coopt a principle and remove the fundamental honour principle of it, so they don't have to confront their own sick perversions and lack of honour.

    How many of their fans have they provided with FULLY INFORMED INFORMATION ABOUT THEIR SICK PERVERSIONS? I doubt one! They are incapable of being specific and crystal clear about what the fuck they do and why; and isntead then bullshit themselves about We formed a new religions/No sins as long as there’s permission”.

    An honourable religion that practices fully informed consent; does not do so on a passive aggressive bullshit and lying pr campaign, but honourable face to face honesty, and respects the respondents NO.

    These fuckwits are worse than pharisees. Honest thieves have some honour. I don't even know why you write about these sick fucks. Don't you have anything better to do? You think they give a fuck about you? YOu think they give a fuck about honesty and honour and anything of principle? They have fuck all principles! Except money worship and they will sell their fucking chikldren, their honour, everything for the bullshit they have brainwashed themselves with.

    they are sick. As for their kaballah crap; clearly they have taken some principles at a very low consciousness level and TOTALLY FUCKING CLUELESSLY MISUNDERSTOOD THE ORIGINAL PRINCIPLES, WHICH WERE PROBABLY AT A FAR HIGHER LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS.

    But anyway, if being sick perverted passive aggressive manipulative fucks makes them happy; then they can do so. They make me sick. A dead corpse with rotten maggots is more real and honest, than these sick perverted beings, I doulbt you can call human.
