
Monday, September 26, 2011

Time in the 21st Century during 2011

The Twin Towers is the keystone of the history of what occurred in 9/11. The original World Trade Center was a complex with seven building featuring landmark twin towers in Lower Manhattan, New York City. The complex was opened on April 4, 1973. The site is being reconstructed, so it will have 5 new skyscrapers and a memorial to the causalities of the attacks. Now, one skyscraper has been completed and 4 more are expected to be completed before 2020. One World Trade Center will be the lead building for the new complex and is expected to be finished by 2013. The World Trade Centers were once the tallest building in the world surpassing the Empire State Building. The complex was designed in the early 1960’s by Minoru Yamasaki and Associates of Troy, Michigan, and Emery Roth and Sons of New York. The 110 story towers used a tube frame structural design. The groundbreaking for the World Trade Center came in August 5, 1966. The North Tower was finished by December 1972 and the South Tower was completed by July 1973. The cost for the construction was $400 million ($2,169,167,354 in 2011 dollars). The complex was located in the heart of New York City's downtown financial district and contained 13.4 million square feet (1.24 million m2) of office space. The core of the towers housed the elevator and utility shafts, restrooms, three stairwells, and other support spaces. The core of each tower was a rectangular area 87 by 135 feet (27 by 41 m) and contained 47 steel columns running from the bedrock to the top of the tower.  The WTC had a fire on February 13, 1975 and a bombing on February 26, 1993. In 1998, the Port Authority decided to privatize the World Trade Center, leasing the buildings to a private company to manage, and awarded the lease to Silverstein Properties in July 2001. On the morning of September 11, 2001, of course 2 767 jets crashed into each tower in a coordinated terrorist attack.

The state of mind of the prophets was in the mindset of living in ancient Middle Eastern history plus culture. They were like everyday human beings and wrote about events that were fulfilled in the future. People have the right to believe in what they want. Organized religion is what I don’t follow and believing in spiritual principles from the prophets doesn’t mean that I support state run religions. I don’t and I reject any institutions of a theocracy in any society. Lies exist among many groups, but true spirituality can overcome deceptions. Also, being masculine isn’t a sin and being feminine isn’t a sin either. It’s a sin when people exploit masculine and feminine influences in the Universe as an excuse to harm or immorally dominate both genders. Also, many of the prophets’ words came true and this has nothing to do with hanging on to nefarious socio-political and religio-economic propaganda. Many human beings have great characters and died without experienced a 2 faced personalities including many of the ancients. The early church is made up of the first followers (including other people) during the first few centuries of Christianity. They were independent, strong, and had a growing following. That is the early church. The real early church weren’t made up of ignorant people, because the early church had access to the Torah, the Law, the words of the Prophets, the rest of the Tenakh, and other information at their disposal. They believed in moral living and loving kindness. They were brave to oppress the oppression from the Roman Empire and some died for standing up for their belief systems. Many in the early church can have reasoned debate and exist with an authentic, real conversation on issues. This has occurred before. Also, many interpretations exist, but moral absolutes are real in the Universe. These moral absolutes don’t have many interpretations. They are real. They are true and just like we shouldn’t kill innocent people, treat your neighbor as yourself, help the poor, and love God with all of your heart & strength. The real church is made of true believers in God simply. The concept of church was invented by Jesus, his apostles, and Jesus’ followers. The church concept was invented to unify believers, do the communion, and have spiritual growth in the Christian religion. People discuss these issues all of the time in the world. Also, many languages in the Scriptures aren’t passive, aggressive nonsense.

Cops arrest a large number of people who were protesting Wall Street. The Local media in New York reported that a large number of Occupy Wall Street protesters were arrested yesterday afternoon near Union Square in Lower Manhattan. “A spokesman for the protesters claimed more than 50 were arrested. The NYPD has not responded to WNYC’s request for comment,” WNYC reported at 5:32 PM EST. “Protesters wielding signs that demanded ‘End the Fed’ and other anti-Wall St slogans marched up Fifth Avenue near Union Square on Saturday, drawing a significant police presence and snarling traffic in the neighborhood,” Chris Bannon writes for the radio station. Buzz Feed that 80 people were arrested. “While the NYPD maintains that they neither own nor use tear gas, some have stepped forward to confirm that they were pepper-sprayed. In at least one video, a man is violently tackled for simply talking to an officer,” writes Chris Menning for the website. New York cops have been known for man handling non-violent protesters. There is a video where the police corral female protesters and then pepper spraying them. The protesters tried to expose Wall Street, the FED, and corporate pirates harming our economic power. Some in the mainstream media falsely assume that the protesters are troublemakers. One New York television station, however, is asking for videos covering the arrest of nonviolent protesters and police brutality. The big picture is that people have the right to protest without excessive violence from anyone even the police. People have the right to believe in economic freedom and economic justice. People have the right to also promote individual liberty for all people. One thing that these libertarians are right about (even though I don’t agree with them on every issue) is that we have yet to be truly free in America. We received food with poisons in it, we have calls for disarming the law abiding people in the USA when violent crimes have decreased in America, we are forced to vote for only 2 major candidates in the Presidency that can win elections, we have militarized police, we have immoral, illegal wars, and we have a suppression of our right to dissent.

We have record economic inequality in America. This is harming our economy and our society. People from across the political spectrum have mentioned these even conservatives. Economists agree that rampant inequality leads into unstable economies and make the middle class and poor folks poorer. People from the Left to the Right do care about inequality in the financial system. According to the voice of Canada’s business establishment: “High inequality can diminish economic growth if it means that the country is not fully using the skills and capabilities of all its citizens or if it undermines social cohesion, leading to increased social tensions….” This quote is from Canada’s conservative National Post or Canada’s 9th biggest newspaper. Unchecked growing income gap can affect everyone from the rich, the poor, and everyone in between. We can’t have a permanent concentration of wealth to the super rich at all. Businesses need the purchasing power on the many not the few to have growth and profits. Social unrest can come if economic inequality continues. Even IMF economists proved that inequality increases a nation’s debt. The distribution of wealth should be more equal. According to a study from the Pew Research Center, the corporate media tends to take Wall Street’s view on economics. The mainstream media in many time show propaganda that promotes the power that be. The financial sector benefits from reactionary economic policies for over 10 years. Some in the media defer to Wall Street’s own arguments against economic equality. It’s anti-America to use the power of the state to reward the fraud plus gambling of the large banks. The corporations get record bailouts and crony capitalism is experienced by everyone else. Government and big corporations should be made accountable and reined in. The government in many instances has helped to encourage the giant banks to get bigger, hide their insolvency, and shield them from the free market (the big banks have grown during the severe downturn). The big banks and giant corporations have brought and paid for the politicians. Conservatives hate big unfettered government and liberals hate big unchecked corporations, so both hate legislation which encourages the federal government to reward big corporations at the expense of small businesses. The FED propping up big banks is horrible for the economy and Main Street. Many liberals and conservatives look at the government’s approach to the financial crisis as socialism for the rich and free market capitalism for the little guy. No wonder both liberals and conservatives hate it. Both liberals and conservative oppose the federal government giving giant defense contractors like Blackwater and Halliburton no-bid contracts. BP has acted corrupt and Monsanto can sell genetically modified foods without any disclosure (yet, small farmers are getting sued when Monsanto crops drift onto their fields). We don’t need an oligarchy where there is no separation between the government and a handful of favored giant corporations. We should make policies to stop and decrease increases in economic inequality. Some want to break up the big banks and increase the ability of smaller banks to make loans on Main Street. This and other policies can level the playing field. Financial criminals should be prosecuted since fraud disproportionally benefits the big banks, makes boom and bust cycles more severe, and harms the economy overall. Money can’t be sent into a single, large pile. Money that was ill gotten can be gained to help the economy.

Many black pro-lifers are met with backlash on a college campus that threatens a lawsuit to silence their voices that dissent with abortion. Ryan Bomberger was in Georgia State University. The abortion activists tried to shut down a public forum on abortion, which is a violation of the First Amendment. The pro-abortion radicals failed to shut the forum down. The pro-abortion radicals are threatening to sue Ryan and his people for the video. Their assault on free speech continues. Ryan received the Cease & Desist order yesterday after this segment aired on ABC Family’s CBN. Ryan refused to take the video down and they shouldn’t. These hypocrites claim to be for free speech, but want the suppression of free speech from Pro-Life human beings. It isn’t a secret that racists are in the abortion industry including the early days of Planned Parenthood. Life Dynamics have documented recently about how Planned Parenthood has its facilities in mostly minority areas across America. Back decades ago, the Nazis promoted the lie that the handicapped, the elderly, Jewish people, and non-Aryan unborn human beings can be murdered. Now, this Nazi philosophy of viewing life being unworthy if it’s in certain circumstances (life unworthy of life, which is called Lebensunwertes Leben) still exist in our time with abortion on demand. It’s nothing more than eugenics. We know that all human life has inherited equality and dignity. This goes for everyone in the human family. The erosion of our real principles has continued after Roe v. Wade commenced in society. There have been more than 52 million abortions since 1973, according to the National Right to Life. People know about the immoral one child law in China and its promotion of forced abortions, unjust imprisonments, plus other evils. The Maafa21 documentary and other tools have awaken a lot of people in the world about the abortion issue and humanity of the unborn indeed.

By Timothy

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