
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Liberators and other issues

Liberators have always existed in human history. One famous one was the great prophet Yeshua ben Joseph of Nazareth. You will notice that he was born poor under the boot of Roman oppression. He never wanted accolades from universities nor sport sponsors. He was rejected by many of his own people for his dynamic words, and his testimony. His enemies falsely classified him as a rabble rouser, a troublemaker, and an insurrectionist, which are all false accusations. He or Yeshua violated unjust laws and unjust injunctions. Yet, he promoted the liberation of human beings from oppression, the praise of the underdog & outcast, sickness, sin, and poverty. He is a great hero to admire. To be a hero and a true leader, you have to serve mankind in a joyous, fruitful fashion. To serve means to sacrifice yourself in a capable fashion. You can be full of love and grace to serve without much wealth, much praise from the world, and serious education at all. Yet, there is nothing wrong with receiving a REAL education though. Revolutioanry heroes fought battles for the freedom of the oppressed in America, Africa, Asia, Europe, and across the globe. Even Canadian Prime Minister from 1961 to 1971 did amazing progressive works in Canada to cause a radical sense of human improvement inside of Canada. Henry Wallace (though a Mason and I don't agree with Freemasonry for religious & political reasons) publicly executed a lot of legitimate opposition to racial discrimination, lynching, and economic exploitation & economic oppression.

What inspires me? There are a lot of things that constantly inspire me daily. Sometimes, a kind word from anybody can inspire me to create information and go forward better in life. Reactionaries and people that disagree with me can inspire me to write something better and focus in a relentless fashion on how I can formulate my political views or otherwise. Famous and less than famous folks that agree with my views inspire me to think critically to be stronger. They can allow me to be culturally sensitive about the human race in general. Human beings like William Cooper, Dr. Martin Luther King, Kwame Ture, JFK, Malcolm X, and others (even athletes like Michael Jordan, Carmelita Jeter, Marion Jones, etc.) certainly make me aware of my own errors in life. Yet, these people remind me that second chances, doing accomplishments, promoting justice, and being real are the spices of life. I have the right to be real and honest display my attitudes about events in the world. It's certainly real that compassion mixed with strength are great avenues than embracing frivolous "swagger," the truth is better than fiction, and good is superior to evil. Hope, love, and power are items than can overcome oppression. Self improvement is a quintessential goal of mines and others. So, that concept should be etched in the consciousnesses of all peoples. Now, we can have a better life by protesting, using mentorships, teaching someone about the reality of life, participating in charities, working with likeminded individuals to make a difference, live by example, feed the hungry, believe in cultural improvement among our own people, and loving to help our people. In our generation, we don’t need one solitary leader guiding us. We can be leaders simultaneously all over the Earth fighting for justice and radical actions to be taken. For one person that’s unsung is just as important as one person doing the right thing that is more famous. In our lives, did the real dream die? No, the dream didn’t live. It lives on in us since our ancestors passed away, but the ancestors of every background gave us hope, enlightenment, and relevant teachings to carry forward with THE DREAM.

As many folks realize, silence to oppression is equal to betrayal. Those of us in think now about what's really doing on in the world should be conzinant of our neighbors. If our neighbhor is usffereing abuse, we should to defend our neighbor. If we see conflict, we have to right to do our part to try to end it. It is constant and swift action that can a great prerequisite in ending stupendence challenges along life's road. Now, in the final analysis, everyone should speak up. Speaking up and doing something about any evils is better than complaining about an issue wiothout any form of action. It's better to oppose Wall Street crimes, unjust wars, religious deception, GMO foods, poverty,and other injustices than do nothing.
Peter Schiff officially sold out to the 1%. We know he’s an Austrian economic agent and now he’s out of the closet in support of the 1%. That’s a disgrace. He tried to talk with Wall Street demonstration and try to promote his social Darwinianist, archaic laissez faire capitalism ideology. Laissez faire capitalism has been a contributing factor in the international slave trade, the evil Opium trade, and the promotion of moral relativism. He said how much should be allowed to keep in a condescending fashion. The reality is that people should keep their money under the responsibility to pay taxes. Paying legitimate taxes is found in the Constitution. The progressive taxation system helps the poor and sending extra tax brackets can be done to help people from across the economic spectrum too. I don’t believe in calling Schiff a fool like some protesters have done. Yet, he is dead wrong for handling the 1 percent with kid gloves. The international banks have taken over regulations and we need common sense regulations. Some regulations are good and some are bad. Not all regulations are evil. Therefore, we should maintain regulations that are legitimate and eliminate any evil regulations. Effective government is the solution as JFK said not just any form of government. Everyone opposes crony capitalism, but I don’t believe in worshipping Ayn Rand. Peter Schiff can talk about income taxes, but in the 19th century we had slavery, child labor, and other evils. We have had unprecedented economic growth from 1945 to the 1970s (with a higher tax rate on the wealthy back then). The Constitution gives Congress the right to tax, build roads, promote science, and to have other policies using the federal government to promote the general welfare of the people. Peter Schiff is in love with the agenda of Wall Street. D.C. did wrong and Wall Street did it as well. We don’t need to follow lobbyists for war mongers, Big Pharma, and Wall Street interests at all.

War profiteering is a serious problem in America. We know that plutocrats have used corruption and have done corporatist policies. It’s easy to see that the 1 percent of the top earners have record profits as well. The 0.01% of the executives takes in huge amount of money. They leverage tens of millions of lobbying money to control over representatives in Congress. This harms the American people and the American economy at large. They profit from American taxpayers, the lives of American soldiers, and the death plus destruction from across the globe. The super rich have manipulated the American political system and promoted unnecessary and unethical wars. The one hundredth of one percent of these people are war profiteers, the CEOs of military contractors that are paid even more than CEOs of financial institutions like JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, and Bank of America. The CEO of JP Morgan Chase or James Dimon was paid 20.81 million dollars in 2010. The CEO of Wells Fargo named John Stumpf was paid 18.95 million dollars. The CEO of Bank of America named Brian Moynihan was paid 1.94 million dollars and that is huge to Americans. The numbers for Dimon include salary, bonuses, stock awards, changes in pension value, and other compensation. CEO of Northrop Grumman, Wesley Bush, made $22.84 million. CEO of Lockheed Martin, Robert Stevens, made $21.89 million and Boeing’s CEO James McNerney made $19.74 million. These figures put military contractor executives deep in 0.01% territory, seeing as one must make $9.14 million annually to fall in this ultra-elite strata, according to an article published on the liberal website AlterNet. However, an anonymous investment manager’s article published on a University of California at Santa Cruz professor’s website claims that the top 0.01% has a net worth of $24.4 million on average. Unfortunately a source for this statistic is not cited. Our country is unequal in its economies. During the same period, $682 million was paid out to 30 contractors convicted of “hard-core criminal fraud.” Military contractors regularly defraud the Department of Defense, and thus the American taxpayer, yet they continue to operate with impunity while taking in nearly unfathomable profits on our dime. The war profiteering industry trumps the financial sector when it comes to the millions pumped into Washington in lobbying dollars as well. So, the war industry benefits from the acts of criminal banks and the private Federal Reserve. The super elite use a corrupt defense industry that strengthens the military industrial complex. War profiteering is old and it’s still tragic today. We can’t support a system that profits off of death and destruction.

The economic reality is tons of Americans now are suffering declining standards of living. This is caused by the pathological and piratical system of corporate privilege mixed with globalization (including discrimination and other evils). Hard working and law abiding Americans from the poor to the upper middle class are being impoverished like anyone else. It’s an old lie that anyone can be successful under this corrupt system with record student loan debts, lost jobs, corporate corruption, and civil liberties being violated in America. Apologists for this system like Romney, Perry, Cain, Bachmann, and others need to realize that his privilege for the 1 percent robs 99 percent of the wealth plus resources of the American people. You can’t be a liberator when you suck up to the agenda of the Koch brothers (and people more powerful than them like the Pilgrims and the Bilderberg Group). The 2 party system in the USA is just like one party as many folks as explained. It’s a party of corporate privilege and power. The Republicans want the OWS movement to be suppressed, while the Democrats want it to be co opted for them to rule it. The OWS isn’t perfect and I don’t like on how they suppressed certain speakers from speaking like John Lewis. Yet, not all members of the OWS are monolithic and they are having a stronger impact in a shorter span of time than even the Tea Party. Cartel capitalism is a reflection of speculation, globalization, and an escape from selfless behavior. Some say this isn’t real classical capitalism, but even if free markets ruled everything, you will still have imperfections and poverty. The corporate oligarchy pays dollars to both the Republicans and Democrats to not only strife political voices, but to permit the Left/Right Paradigm (where agitation is the order of the day. This agitation is used by the elite as an excuse to pass more laws to suppress individual liberties and the rights of the people). In the 21st century, more Americans are thinking about options like cooperatives and various associations to break down the concentration of wealth and political power. Some want state or community based banks. This may be more of a reality in the 21st century.

By Timothy

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