
Monday, October 17, 2011

This isn't a Tea Party World

People celebrated the unveiling of the Dr. Martin Luther King memorial in Washington, D.C. He is the first African American to receive such of an honor via a monument. Dr. Martin Luther King was a man who did a lot of great contributions in society. His greatest contribution in my opinion was to promote the commandment of treating your neighbor as yourself even if it means opposing publicly unjust laws. I don’t believe in following any unjust law. People have opposed unjust laws even if they are willing to do into jail or die for a sincere cause. Dr. King protested in many locations, but the little known people in the civil rights movement ought to have a great mention as much as Dr. King. Without these unsung heroes, we wouldn’t exist here in America as we have. A lot of improvements have been made in America, but we have a long way to go in developing that tranquil, legitimate society that we all envision. Dr. Martin Luther King III (or Dr. King’s son) was right to recently talk about economic justice and solutions to our poverty problems in the world. This is one of the reasons why the elite hated him in 1968. Now, many musicians and politicians were there. Regular human beings were there as well to celebrate the occasion. Of course, Dr. King wasn’t perfect as no human is perfect (like the Founding Fathers weren’t perfect). We know King’s errors, but the things that he got right should be praised like his opposition to the Vietnam War, his calling for an end to Jim Crow segregation, his exposure of health care disparities in America, and his call for economic fairness in American society. I feel inspired to carry forward with his words. I do feel greatly enriched in the things that he got right as well. Also, King was right to say that the Gospel isn’t meant to be used to cause folks to be passive toward injustice. The Gospel should be utilized as a means to fight against injustices from bigotry, illiteracy, poverty, wars, discrimination, religious tensions, and other negative complications. So, we should still formulate adequate and forthright avenues to end any form inequality that persists in the world (not just in the United States). We are still not in the Promised Land since we have historic unemployment across socioeconomic backgrounds, which is an overt disgrace. People have the right to have an adequate education, to have a job, to have just health care, and to live in more tranquility.

There are 4 U.S. banks holding a huge 95.9 percent of all U.S. derivatives. Some fear that the $600 trillion time bomb that could explode. Many banks aren’t lending since its risk in the 600 trillion derivatives market isn’t evening out. This derivatives figure is found in the recent report from the Office of the Currency Comptroller. The four banks are JP Morgan Chase and Co. (NYSE: JPM), Citigroup Inc. (NYSE: C), Bank of America Corp. (NYSE: BAC) and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (NYSE: GS). The economy suffered because of the derivatives. The notional value of the world's derivatives actually is estimated at more than $600 trillion. Notional value, of course, is the total value of a leveraged position's assets. This distinction is necessary because when you're talking about leveraged assets like options and derivatives, a little bit of money can control a disproportionately large position that may be as much as 5, 10, 30, or, in extreme cases, 100 times greater than investments that could be funded only in cash instruments. The world’s GDP or the gross domestic product is only about 65 trillion dollars. That is about 10.83 percent of the worldwide value of the global derivatives market according to the Economist. So, the money isn’t enough to backstop the banks trading these things if they run into trouble. The Occupy Wall Street is spreading worldwide from Canada, Rome, and to Asia. The movement came since there is the 1 percent wealthiest having a disproportionate amount of wealth in the world. Unrestricted regulations and other problems caused the 2008 banking crisis where U.S. banks made fraudulent plus criminal activity a reality. Canada top 1 percent has made huge profit and pay very low taxation as compared to the rest of the citizens in Canada. It is cut from an average of 42.6 per cent in 2000 to 28 per cent by 2011, with more tax cuts coming. The tax cuts in this sector, and the tax havens for the fraction of the 1 per cent, have helped bring about the revenue shortages that are then called “deficit crises,” which governments then use as pretexts for austerity budgets. Economic inequality still goes on in Canada and the media doesn’t report on it at all. This isn’t the Tea Party since the Tea Party falsely believes that roads can be built and wars can be paid for by not having taxes at all, except in a limited capacity. They are allies with the Conservative Party in Canada too. So, we should promote environmental protection, fight inequality, and preserve the social safety net.

The CIA advertises or brags about its takeover of local law enforcement. The NYPD is having a comfy relationship with the CIA is back in the news again. In August, it was report that the agency has been working with the cops in NYC to spy on Muslim. The CIA and the NYPD worked together a few months after the 9/11 attacks. NYPD spokesman Paul Browne said that during a time that the chief of the NYPD’s intelligence division is led by David Cohen (a CIA veteran prior to coming to the NYPD) in 2002. He said that the department’s counter intelligence program foiled 13 terror plots since September 11, 2001 via collaboration with the FBI and other federal agencies. The FBI routinely entraps patsies and then claims that it prevented terrorist attacks. The CIA charter bars it from operating domestically from National Security Act of 1947. The Patriot Act established a direct link between law enforcement and the CIA. The CIA now works directly with the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) in New York. In NYC, the CIA has hundreds of NYPD detectives assigned to it. JTTF is made up of the FBI and other federal agencies like the DHS, the U.S. Coast Guard Investigative Service, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the Transportation Security Administration, the U.S. Secret Service, and state and local law enforcement.  The CIA did Operation CHOAS decades ago that monitored dissidents. It was one of the largest and most pervasive domestic surveillance programs in the history of America. The JTTF collaborated with police departments around the nation since at least the mid-1990’s well before the so-called war on terror. The FBI says that they track down bank robbers and kidnappers. Yet, they have persecuted people illegally for a long time. The FBI and the JTTF was recently caught raiding the homes of antiwar activists in Minneapolis and Chicago. Documents prove that the FBI considers antiwar activists as terrorists have equated nonviolent protests with domestic terrorism. In early 2011, the Portland City Council voted to allow closer integration of the cops and the JTTF despite fierce community opposition. This decision came after the staged arrest of Somali American Mohamed Osmand Mohaud on terrorism charges and showboated it before the appreciative corporate media. So, the FBI, the JTTF, and others are working with local cops and the CIA to monitor Muslims and political activists. The CIA operations domestically are illegally. The new CIA director is the Jesuit trained David Petraeus. Senator Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., the chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said the CIA has “no business or authority in domestic spying, or in advising the NYPD how to conduct local surveillance,” but her complaint will not stop the ongoing consolation of federal and local cops increasingly under the direction of the CIA, an outlaw agency known for overthrowing countries and assassinating pesky opponents in foreign lands. The political surveillance police state apparatus is being made stronger via the CIA and FBI (under the phony justifications of terrorism prevention). Many of these accused terrorists are patsies, drug addicts, mentally ill human beings, and government related agents. Some of them are allied with al-Qaeda or act as agent provocateurs to bomb airports and other targets despite the fact they are mostly incapable of doing so.

The future of the Occupy Movement is uncertain. It has taken an interest from people worldwide. There are folks from the Algebra Project (or a project to help the youth began by Bob Moses, who was an elderly veteran of the Mississippi Freedom Summer of 1964). People want economic withdrawal from corporate pirates to local credit unions and other services. Folks want an anti corporate movement. The inequalities in the judicial system, the economic inequalities, and police abuses give full justification for peaceful protesters to go out in public and demand change. We should expose racism, racial injustice, and any form of oppression against any people. Also, it’s important not to go into the way of Bill O’Reilly, Michael Savage, Herman Cain, Mitt Romney, and other reactionaries. They want pretty much the social safety net to be gone or heavily restricted. These Republicans attack Wall Street protesters exercising their First Amendment right to strongly disagree with the corruption found in Wall Street (as Wall Street has funded Nazism, Communism, and other evils spanning decades. This is documented by Anthony Sutton and other researchers). The fact of the matter is that tax cuts alone will never create millions of jobs. Their (or the reactionaries) aims are to protect big corporations and big business has been exposed for all to see. A real man can’t be for class privilege of the rich, the status quo, or neo-liberalism. Education is one solution out of many to get reasonable answers found. The elite promote weakened education, they created the slums worldwide, and they created other forms of oppression against the people in order to control societies. The Occupy movement is spreading into New York, England, Asia, Africa, and throughout the world. This isn’t a Tea Party nation. Most Americans as the polls prove want taxes increased on the super wealthy, don’t like corporate corruption, support the right of the Occupy movement to protest, and want a jobs plan to help Americans succinctly.

The occult world is huge.  Many of the biggest occultists in history have been Freemasons, members of the Theosophical Society, or have ties to secret orders. Their names are Annie Besant, Alice Bailey, Bishop C. W. Leadbetter, Gerald B. Gardner, Arthur Edward Waite, Dr. Wynn Westcott, etc. Secret societies have many origins, but they are united in promoting secrecy and having rituals that sometimes contradict morality or transparency like death oaths. Many of these occult-inspired secret orders have infiltrated the highest levels of government, economics, and politics among the eons of time. Tons of images, posters, pictures, movies, books, etc. talk about this subject. Even the movie “From Hell” talks about secret societies indeed. Prince Philip is one of the most famous Masons in the world and he’s an elitist from the UK. Various revolutions have been promoted by the Masons like the Turkish Revolution with the success from Mustapha Kemal. This Young Turk triumvirate relied on other members of the CUP appointed to high government posts and assigned to military commands to carry out the Armenian Genocide. John Quincy Adams was the President of America and even he opposed the compositions and agenda of Freemasonry. The P2 Lodge has had a controversial history as well. It is a part of more than 520 Masonic Lodges that belong to the Grand Orient of Italy. From various groups to many movements, secret societies have had a significant role in world history.

By Timothy

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