
Monday, November 14, 2011

Iran and War


As Bad as This Is 1/3 CBC Backs Iran Act that Hypes War Drums

What Glen Ford high-lights here [about 6 CBC members siding w the Repugs & Obama to gut Social Security & Medicare in the name of phony Deficit reduction]- shows that Black Mis-leadership / poly-tricians goes beyond just Obama, Susan & Condi Rice, Eric Holder, Colin Powell, Uncle Judge Thomas, etc... Frankly I'm a bit surprised & disappointed in Chicago's long-time Rep Danny Davis - but then maybe I shouldn't be. Because it doesn't just stop w this...
There's an act [With the Orwellian name- Iran 'Threat Reduction' Act {NOT!}- sponosored by Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen {Repug from FL] that says NO US Gov't employee / official [even from the State Dept or White-House] 'is to make contact in an official or unofficial capacity any person that is an agent, instrumentality, or official of, is affiliated with, or is serving as a representative of the Gov't of Iran... Never in the history of this country has Congress ever restricted the right of the White House or State Department to meet with representatives of a foreign state, Even In WarTime! If this measure passes, it will establish a dangerous precedent whereby Congress would likely follow with similar legislation effectively forbidding any contact with Palestinians, Cubans and others... This legislation appears to be designed to push the country toward a military conflict with Iran! History has shown that governments that refuse to even talk with each other are far more likely to go to war.  The bill passed the House Foreign Affairs Committee last week and, with 349 co-sponsors from both parties, is almost certain to pass the House of Representatives as a whole.'
The Fact that almost 1/3 [13] of the Congressional Black Caucus: Including: CBC Chair E Cummings, Chaka Fattah [maybe he should just go back to being called Arthur Davenport], Charley Rangel [I guess they really whipped him into line on his ethics beef], John Lewis- JOHN LEWIS [WTF], Jesse Jackson Jr - JESSE JACKSON Jr [Double WTF], etc- support this wacky Act [unless you really want War w Iran], shows that either O-Bomb-em & Billary is also behind it &/or the AIPAC crowd is really tightening the screws on Black Poly-tricksters / mis-leaders in order to either whip Obama into line or, more likely, to provide Black cover for him as he Beats the Iran War Drums Ever Louder!
The Full list of the 13 CBC members that signed off on this Prelude to War w Iran Act - Lets Call Them Out: Karen Bass, Corrine Brown, Yvette Clark, William Clay, Emmanuel Cleaver, Elijah Cummings, Chaka Fattah, Jesse Jackson, Jr., Hank Johnson, John Lewis, Charles Rangel, Laura Richardson, Frederica Wilson.
It seems these folks ain't learned a damned thing from the Imerialistic NeoCon / NeoLiberal / NeoColonial Assaults on Libya & Iraq! Un-provoked / UnJustified War w Iran is NOT in the best interest of Black folks [or the World in General]. It only serves the agenda of the NeoCon / Neo-Liberal / AIPAC / Likudnik Cabal! 
The fact that these 'House Negroes' would back an act to restrict the ability of the White-House & State Dept to conduct diplomacy - but apparently didn't say a mumbling word against Mr Constitutional Law Prof & supposed son of an African [O-Bomb-em] violating the Constitution when he launched WAR on an AFRICAN Country- Libya & is waging undeclared WAR on the AFRICAN Country of Somalia- by circumventing congressional approval - I mean what more is there to say about these 'House Negro' mis-leaders!


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