
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Savant's words

As an American, what's really embarrassing to me is that Attai, a FRENCHMAN, knows MORE about American politics and history than do most of the right wing American posters in this thread. Now you know why it is that some Americans during the second Reagan administration, when I was in France, actually tried to pretend they were Canadians. American rightists, including Reagan who was in France for part of that time, were making colossal asses of themselves



You obviously no little about imperialism if you think Monarchy is required for it. American imperialism is alive and evil, and we have no kings. French imperialism afflicted North African and parts of the Far East without the benefis of a King... So did ancient Roman imperialism. At any rate, I seem to forget how many hundreds--or was it THOUSANDS--of Jews slain by the militaristic imperial first Crusade. These are apparently the Christian soldiers admired by you and that racist simpleton in this thread who appropriates Barack's last name, and imagines that you (and anyone of the left of Glenn Beck) are a "commie. "


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