
Monday, November 14, 2011

Time is near 2012

New tiems are here. Many of the crooked police have done violence against OWS protests. Even some in Oakland assaulted an Iraqi war veteran when the veteran was trying to express dissent with corporate pirating going on in the world. Most of these protesters shown nonviolence despite the provocations and violence from reactionaries. Hannity and Rush Limbaugh won’t report on this informtion at all since it ends their views completely. Many troublemakers are plants by the police, intelligence agencies, or the FBI in trying to discredit real movements for change. It seems like the Tea Party isn’t talking about corporate corporate culture. The reason is that many of them are tools of corporate power. They want deregulation, they want cuts to the social safety net, and some of them are neo-conservative war mongers. We don’t need to worship the Koch Brothers at all. We don’t need oligarchy, we need freedom. That is why many nations with a populist economic system like France, Sweden, Spain, Israel, Australia, etc. have a higher standard of living than America, because Reaganomics have harmed America. In Paris, there is a public transportation system that is even highly advanced. Paris and Barcelona have very excellent local transportation services. This doesn’t mean that Europe is perfect. Europe has an immigration issue that it has to take care of without intolerance. To have progressive change, you have to deal with the issues of race and class in a mature way. People have woke up about Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin trying to strip workers of collective bargaining rights that was won by the labor movements in the 1930’s. We should of have universal health care decades ago. People are accusing Obama of being a Communist for that limited health care package, which is silly. The deal is that the corporate elite bemused or brainwashed the masses to not have it via social pressure. It was the unions and other entities that built a strong middle class in America. Some people in the world have xenophobia, disdain to poor people, selfishness, materialism, and the worship of the false god of money.

A new militarization war is happening in the Arctic. This comes after we have wars in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. There is the Arctic Council to handle land disputes or issues among Russia, Canada, Denmark, Iceland, Finland, and the USA. Other nations want the Arctic to belong to everyone. That is why other nations want in the Arctic action like UK, Germany, France, Spain and Poland are India, Japan, South Korea, Australia, Brazil and China. The Chinese are executing fast action by using polar expeditions. They set up a polar station in Spitbergen Island and got an icebreaker on their own. This is a part of their goal of being the next superpower after America in the 21st cewntury. Some want to use force to get resources from the Arctic Circle. In May of 2011, Denmark made its « Strategy for the Arctic. » It follow from the document that Denmark believes that the continential shelf in 5 areas around the Faroe Islands and Greenland (including the North Police) is part of the Greenland shelf. Copenhagen wants to make relevant submission to the UN Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf no later than 2014. This angered Canada since Canada wants sovereignity over in the North Pole back in the 1950’s. The International Court ruling said that the claim may be granted if no other country proves within 100 years that the Arctic Ocean floor belongs to it. More than half of the time elapsed. Now, Canada is showing unprecedented alarism. Canada is showing six patrol boats in the region of the Northwest Passage from the Baffin Bay to the Lincoln Sea. Denmark wanted Hans Island for half of century. Denmark is builiding evidenct to substantiate its claims. Canada is using funds to build a deep sea paort and a naval base in the once abandoned Nanisivik. New Arctic Patrol vessels are being built too. Canada is increasing its military force in the Arctic. They want war games every summer in the region. The Arctic might be divided among Canada and Russia. Canada has got a kind of special status as a result, that of a NATO interest representative in the Arctic and Russia’s chief opponent in the region. The United States and Denmark are now taking part in the Canadian naval force war games in the Arctic in the framework of the strategy, with the NATO war games gaining in scale by the year. Canada is battling with Russia over trade routes. Russia has motrized infantry brigades for the Arctic that will reinforce the aircraft and coast defense ships guarding the Northern Sea Route. Norway has it hi tech Arctic Circle Center north of Mo i Rana near the Arctic Circle. A base has 10,000 NATO and Norwegian troops. Russia wants its Arctic division to have security. Russia is having equipment and a new militarizaiton is here in the Arctic.

America’s private prisons are real. The ACLU’s new report is causing some to want to shut down private prisons. These prisons are pouring millions of dollars into their campaign coffers. Jobbing out the incarceration business, said lawyer David Shapiro of the ACLU Prison Project “has been a bonanza for the private prison industry, which rakes in billions of dollars a year and dishes out multi-million dollar compensation packages to its top executives.” It’s been found out that top executives between 1998 and 2000 wrote over $1.2 million in checks to political candidates and political parties. Privitazation rapidly increased during the time of Ronald Reagan during the 1980’s. There are more than 150 private facilities, detention centers, jails, and prisons. These places have a capacity of about 120,000 have been opened. Aobut 7 percent of all adult inmates have been placed in them. “Abuse of prisoners, escapes, prison violence including prisoner-on-prisoner, prisoner-on-guard and vice versa, restricted and malfeasant health care, providing rotten food, and other prison management problems are characteristic of the private prison industry,” writes sociologist Margaret Rosenthal in “The Long Term View,” a journal published by the Massachusetts School of Law at Andover. Rosenthal is Professor Emerita, School of Social Work, Salem State College, Mass. “One study found 49% more prisoner-on-staff and 65% higher prisoner-on-prisoner assaults in private medium and minimum security prisons than in public ones,” Rosenthal writes. Example: at the Northeast Ohio Correction Center in Youngstown, operated by industry leader Corrections Corporation of America(CCA), in a period of just 14 months there were 13 stabbings, two murders and six escapes that ended in violence. Rosenthal said other sociologists have documented “many other examples of brutality and incompetence perpetrated in CCA-run facilities.” Some private prisons existed are created to house even people who are not troublesome to earn extra money. The ACLU report said that the rise of profit for prison companies grew by the incarearation high rate in America to achieve gigantic profits. We have about 2.4 million people behind bars. Their report is entitled, “Banking on Bondage: Private Prisons and Mass Incarerations.” Huge sentences for just non violent offenders have grown the private prison industry. There is a curtailing of rehabilitation opportunities. This is increasing the deifict in America according to the ACLU that 2 of the largest private prison companies have gotten nearly 3 billion dollars in revenue in 2010. Some people need mental help not imprisonment as well. The ACLU report says that mass incarenation harms communities, drains government resources, and has little to no benefit to public safety. Arizona wants 5,000 more private beds even though its own Auditor BGneral sayin that for profit imprisonment may cost more than jailing them in public facilities. Many people of color are filling these prisons when they have minor crimes. Some marijuana users are doing harder time than white collar criminals. Shapiro wants private prisons to be abolished since it serves no redeeming effects on populations. Civil and church groups can fight against the expansion of private prisons. We don’t need the mass jailing of people doing victimless crimes.

In Iran, the American media is promoting a war on it on numerous cases. The mainstream media in the West want to use fearmongering and cheerleading for war nonsense to demonize Iran. They use dissent being marginalized. Patriotism to them means going along with evil, rogue policies. There are the rule of law and real democratic values superior to apple pie and fake patriotic foolishness. A free and open society should condemn war mongering rhetoric. The fabricated IAEA Iranian nuclear program talked about Iran. The media supported its findings as an excuse to promote a war in Iran. The Wall Street Journal said that in In September, IAEA said "Iran had enriched 4.5 tons of low-enriched uranium - sufficient, with further enrichment, for three or four bombs - and that a third of the uranium had been enriched in the last year alone." It also said "Iran had begun more advanced centrifuges, capable of enriching uranium at a significantly faster rate than" earlier ones. "So much for the success of sanctions in shutting down Iran's underground network of nuclear-parts suppliers." The truth is that there is no evidence that Iran’s nuclear program has nuclear weapons. It’s peaceful and nonmilitary. The 2007 National Intelligence Estimate said that Iran halted its nuclear weapons program in the fall of 2003. The U.S. intelligence even March 2011’s “America’s Annual Threat Assessment of the U.S. intelligence Community” said that sanctions can cause more failure and an emboldening of Iranian extremists. Even the NY Times claimed that Russia, China, and other nations are shielding Iran. So, in their minds, the Security Council must place more sanctions in Iran. The reality is that America in 2000 used the Supreme Court to reverse the popular vote to allow Bush to be President. Also, sanctions can cause a war against public health. Delegitimizing Iran's legal nuclear program shows which side Times editors support. They're the same anti-populist power and wealth ones they always back on all vital issues. So, war in Iran will harm the Middle East and our economy in America plus the world.

Virginia now recognized 11 Virginian Native American tribes. The European colonists worked with the Native Americans at first. Later, the colonists wanted more land to export tobacco (or the cash crop of the UK0. The tobacco exhausted the soil and the wooded land that the Native Americans needed to supplement their food crops. This caused conflicts. There was the Indian massacre of 1622 and the war of 1644. This war was under the leadership of the late Chief Powhatan’s younger brother named Chief Openchancanough. Infectious disesases like smallpox and measles decreaed the Powhatan and allied tribes’ populations. Some Europeans used such diseases as a means of biological warfare in order to kill people basically. In the 21st century, the Pamunkey and the Mattaponi were the only 2 tribes to maintain reservations originally assigned under the English. The 400th anniversary of Jamestown in 2007 was a historic time indeed. As for the Europeans, the Spanish were one of the first in the modern age that came into the New World from Europe. Juan de Villalobos and Francisco de Silvera were spent by the Spaniard Hernado de Soto in order to find gold. They entered into Lee County back in 1540.

By Timothy

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