
Thursday, December 08, 2011

Jesuit Information in late 2011

Since I'm such a slick man, I've recovered some Jesuit information banned by people in the NEt. More is coming, so stay turned.

By Timothy


>BPO (business process outsourcing)
My online business has been under focused nwo attack for the last month once I discovered that the SJ was behind outsourcing. I then began to spread the info. online at several major sites as comments and it has been hellfire since. Threats to report me to the gov't, massive denial of service attacks to my business, severe harassment and taunting. My research is very incomplete, but here are the details so far. Everyone should look into these figures. I am going to post a very suppressed underground book on the subject which has been a guide.

The Jesuits at Boston College through their KoC and KoM orchestrated the initial BPO setup through Jack Welch (GE) and Geoffrey T. Boisi through GECIS. Both high-level Catholics. The Jesuits in India via the South Asia Assistancy and extremely high-level men like Jesuit Azim Premji, Rajat Kumar Gupta, Kushal Pal Singh, Pramod Bhasin and Raman Roy orchestrated the receipt of USA planning. NASSCOM was setup to bribe US legislators and the rest is history. The jesuits would not be personally involved in this matter (only by proxy) as it was a Corporate issue. They used their in-pocket loyal corporate men.

Other men have inherited the scheme such as Irish RC Chuck Feeney (General Atlantic), Robert Muse Bass (Oak Hill Capital Partners) and Jesuit Jacques A. Andre (Booz Allen Hamilton).

I would not have posted this info. prematurely without more detailed documentation but it can't be helped. Here is the book you should archive it took me years to find it in a complete form.

2009 Guest Workers Exposed - suggest your archive for posterity and truth

I am still researching this issue. The Indian and US people are truly the victims here. This is SJ interference of the highest order.

-Douglas Brehm


With the aid of the underground manifesto Guest Workers Exposed--published in secret by the American Programers' Association--there appears to be plain evidence the Jesuit Order masterminded what is now known as international job outsourcing, or in business vernacular is called business process outsourcing (BPO).

I believe there is sufficient evidence to implicate the man Geoffrey T. Boisi as one of the key players and initiators of this grand scheme.

(Posted Image)

G. Boisi
"Welch's Juice Man" - comprehensive biography
"Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam best describes my motto for excellence." - direct quote
Boisi served as a close advisor to Jack Welch of General Electric (src). It was Welch and Boisi using GE who initiated job outsourcing via GECIS. Jack Welch is a avid Catholic and was advised by Jesuits during his tenure at GE, at one time apparently intending to make a Jesuit his speech writer (src, src-2). When Boisi was at JP Morgan their investment trust funds also invested heavily into Genpact.

Pulled Quotation - src
"In the 1990s Jack Welch was influenced by K.P. Singh, (A Delhi based realtor) to look at Gurgaon in the NCR region as a base for back office operations. Pramod Bhasin, the India head of G.E. hired Raman Roy and several of his management from American Express to start this enterprise called GECIS (GE Capital International Services). Raman for the first time tried out voice operations out of India, the India operations also was the Beta site for GE Six sigma enterprise. The results made GE ramp up their Indian presence and look at other locations. In 2004 GECIS was spun off as a separate legal entity by GE, called Genpact. GE has retained a 40% stake and sold a 60% stake for $500 million to two equity companies, Oak Hill Capital Partners and General Atlantic Partners."

There is more. The Muslim/Catholic Azim Premji heads a large outsourcing firm WiPro and has historical ties to GE and the Jesuits (src). People like Robert Muse Bass (mentioned above) have ties to the Rockefellers. There are others like Dale Achabal at Santa Clara who advise outsourcing firms (src, src-2).

There are other important documents like the Vohra Report and the communist 'License Raj' scheme which point to native corruption.

The connection between the Jesuits and their aims of attacking Americans through outsourcing has never been made to my knowledge and has caused me some moderate-level of establishment observation and concern. I feel it's wise to investigate these early findings and evidences more fully and share this information with all the people who have lost their jobs due to outsourcing.

What we are seeing I believe is very similar to the Roman Catholic invasion hordes from Jesuit-reduction Mexico and importation of Slaves under George-III to racially mix and attack largely homogenous White protestant America to some end. I believe what has been recently said of China is very correct there are also gov't ties to outsourcing there under premiere Jiang Zemin and fifth column Elaine Chao. In the broadest sense what we are seeing is the concept and implementation of International Communism created by the Jesutis via More and Marx.

The DHS Annual Flow Report reports there are 3.5 Million guest workers in the USA plus a additional 65,000 coming every year. Based on the U3-U6 unemployment rate about 5-15 Million americans are jobless. This importing and exporting of jobs to China and India is very important considering the current economic situation.
The gov't has paid shills to crawl on all type of web traffic and attack info. Here is a good example. A few days ago Schumer out of NY put a rider on the border security bill to increase the cost of H-1B visa applications. Since only 65,000 are allowed every year in addition to the 3.5 Million already here I doubt this will do anything to deter or stop guest worker importation. Here is a comment on the news article posted no doubt by a NWO shill.

"Since I work directly in the field, I happen to know that demand for transcriptionists (local and otherwise) has fallen due to the increased sophistication of voice recognition software (look up 'Dragon' on Google). Low demand => falling wages (Econ 101).

Bashing H-1Bs is taking on the complexion of blaming Jews for all the world's problems. Thankfully this isn't Nazi Germany though many of you would be at home there.
" - source


-Douglas Brehm



You make a good point. Jesus name is YahuShua HaMashiach.

This is what some people call the sacred name.

The guy in this video below, says the same thing that you say about the name "Jesus" and it was NOT what they called Him 700 years ago. Check it out!

_______ (I don't agree with a new economic order, but I don't agree with Wall Street corruption either)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, you gave me lovely surprise with a big smile, when I read:

    "Since I'm such a slick man, I've recovered some Jesuit information banned by people in the NEt. More is coming, so stay turned."

    Sorry, I been busy last few days, so have not had time to give all your blog posts my usual attention. Hope to get round to them on the weekend.

    Look forward to 'more is coming', and as you know 'staying tuned' long ago was given up as an option, and became a commitment! ;-)
