
Monday, December 12, 2011

My Thinking Near 2012

In America, there is unnecessary hero worship. People worship John Wayne. Yet, a lot of folks don’t realize that John Wayne was a bigot and made films that glamorized the extermination of Native Americans. He even made a pro-Vietnam War film entitled “The Green Berets” when the Vietnam War was blatantly immoral. The Vietnam War caused the deaths of millions of Americans and Vietnamese human beings put together. It cost billions of dollars at the expense of a real fight against poverty during the 1960's & early 1970's. Wayne supported the Jesuit-trained reactionary Joe McCarthy in his witch-hunt of people with dissenting points of view. This witch-hunt was a blatant violation of the freedom of speech and the freedom of conscience. The reason is that a human being has the right to peacefully believe in whatever philosophy he or she desire to without harassment or threats of imprisonment.  Today, individuals from across the political spectrum disagree with McCarthy-like tactics. McCarthy was right in believing that Communism is antithetical to unalienable liberty. He was wrong in using regressive anti-liberty tactics in expressing his viewpoints. The Vietnam War was so wrong that most of the American public opposed it by the end of the 1960’s. So, this is real. We ought to respect real American heroes spanning the centuries in America. That is fine and honorable, but we can’t live in a fantasy land. We can’t harbor a love of austerity when the USA has record low taxation on the super wealthy. It’s a shame in America that some Republicans are so extreme that they label centrist  liberals like the President Barack Obama as a socialist or communist. I don’t believe in Communism, because it was an elite inspired doctrine used to suppress liberties and human rights under the guise of “revolution.” Sir Thomas More subscribed to similar communist like views. Even Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. publicly disagreed with Communism. Things are so in America that people in Obama’s shoes are called Marxist when the people criticizing him are more like fascists ideologically. The Koch brothers promote this deceptive climate. Individuals are waking up about it (including the fact that both major parties are funded by corporate interests). The fight against the corporate plutocracy is still going on. The status quo has prevented us in the USA to have a stronger national health care program instead of the watered down version that we have. Even that version is causing some positive results in providing health care coverage to some Americans. European nations have a more full bodied and less expensive program of health care. We need a better public educational system. The struggle continues and the prize will be sought and won by real people.

Tony Cartlcucci has found research on how some U.S./Western influence is being given to some of the Russian protestors. Many Western governments have fund opposition groups in the Middle East in order for Middle Eastern nation to accept Western ideals. Russian opposition groups are causing unrest in the Russian street. The corporate media just mentions that these protesters are dealing with the election results. They claim that the protests are leaderless and they have no influence from political opposition movements. One opposition leader is named Boris Nemtsov. He takes the stage in the affair. Some people accuse US NED funded NGO leaders and opposition parties as dictating part of the Russian protests. Boris Nemtsov is an UD NED-funded opposition leader. He said before the December 10 protests that: “…I am talking about pickets at Petrovka 38 (the main police station) and on Simferopol Boulevard where the detained are being held, and other actions too. We start from today. I will take part in all this myself. On Saturday, December 10, a general meeting will be held on Revolution Square (in Moscow) at two o’clock to protest against these false elections. ” The Daily Mail reported that one opposition politician named Vladimir Ryzhkov wants a big protest in December 24, 2011. The RIA Novosti News reported, that “on a stage emblazoned with the logo “Return Power to the People” Russia’s best known opposition figures, from cultural leaders like Navalny and opposition music critic Artemy Troitsky to opposition politicians Boris Nemtsov, Vladimir Ryzhkov and Solidarnost youth leader Ilya Yashin, addressed the hyped-up crowds.” The opposition leader Vladmiri Ryzhkov’s movement is not only funded by the U.S. Ryzhkov is a member of the US NED World Movement for Democracy or WMD. The WMD about us page proves that the group is a subsidiary of the U.S. State Department funded National Endowment for Democracy. Boris’s political adviser is Vladimir Kara-Murza. Vladimir is a part of the activist Ilya Yahsin’s Solidarnost group (and an attendee of a recent NED funded seminar called, “Elections in Russia: Polling and Perspectives.”). This Solidarnost group help head the US NED funded Strategy 31 campaign in tandem with the Moscow Helsinki Group. The Helsinki Group is a NED, Ford Foundation, USAID, and Soros’ Open Society-funded NGO. Also noteworthy is Alex Navalny’s ties to the National Endowment for Democracy, as he is one of the co-founders of the NED-funded DA! (Democratic Alternative) activist movements, as stated in his Yale World Fellows bio. So, NED related groups are funding many protesters. Some of these protests aren’t spontaneous since Boris Nemstsov and Vladimir Ryzhkov (a US NED funded World Democracy Movement steering committee member) have been actively been involved in funding the protests. The USAID and the US NED funded Golos (a polling group) have been caught sending e-mails back and forth to its U.S. sponsors trying to fight against Russia’s leadership. The USAID funds Golos. Golos makes the claims of electoral fraud and this is used as justification for NED funded people to flood the Russian streets. This Western agenda of trying to pacify Russia is underway. This is what Brzezinski mapped out since the 1970’s. Putin isn't a saint, but neither are the US/NATO elites either.

It’s found the extreme low body weight later in life is associated with an increased Alzheimer’s disease risk. Alzheimer’s disease is a serious illness that robs people of their memories. It’s a harsh form of dementia. This disease can be influenced also by smoking, diet, lack of exercise, and poor B-vitamin statues. It’s the sixth most prevalent cause of death each year in the U.S. Past studies have shown that excess weight in mid-life increases the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Now, evidence is being published in the journal called “Neurology.” It found that low body weight (as measured in BMI or body mass index) is a strong predictor for those at risk of developing this most devastating form of dementia. That is why it’s critical for all people to do their best to maintain a proper weight management at all stages of life. This can lower the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Excess abdominal fat and obesity can promote an unhealthy cascade of metabolic reactions. These reactions can develop into a cognitive decline and eventually Alzheimer’s disease. A new study proved that a lower BMI significantly can increase the risk of having that disease as well (or if you’re underweight). Researchers used 506 people in their study. The researchers utilized advanced brain imaging techniques and analyses of CSF. CSF stands for the cerebrospinal fluid and the scientists tried to look for biomarkers associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Some of these biomarkers transpired years before the first symptoms came about. The group was comprised of people with no memory problems, people with mild cognitive impairment, or mild memory problems, and people with a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. After testing body weight and reviewing the results of CSF and brain imaging tests, scientists found that in people with no memory or thinking problems and in people with mild cognitive impairment, those who had the Alzheimer's biomarkers were also more likely to have a lower BMI than those who did not have the biomarkers. Dr. Jeffrey Burns, the study leader, noted: "85 percent of the people with mild cognitive impairment who had a BMI below 25 had signs of the beta-amyloid plaques in their brains that are a hallmark of the disease, compared to 48 percent of those with mild cognitive impairment who were overweight." So, the researchers found that low body weight and advanced age is a result of damage to an area of the brain called the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus deals with regulating energy metabolism and food intake. Dr. Burns concluded: "These results suggest Alzheimer's disease brain changes are associated with systemic metabolic changes in the very earliest phases of the disease." The information provided by this study underscore the importance of maintaining a healthy body weight (for most people measured with a BMI range of 20 to 25) throughout life and advancing years to lower the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. John Phillip wrote an article on this issue. He promotes the cutting edge use of diet to help human beings and improve the quality plus length of human life.

The SPLC has been exposed by many quarters. The SPLC claims to oppose discrimination, which I have no issue with. Yet, they readily equate bigotry to those who embrace an alternative political belief system. I don’t agree with some people on political issues. Yet, I don’t equate them with bigots trying to harm human beings at all. Morris Dees founded the Southern Poverty Law Center. The group was created in 1971. Now, one of their agents named Arthur Goldwag wants to demonize anyone talking about the Vatican/Jesuit link to world affairs. He wrote that there is no Jesuit connection to the JFK assassination when the reality is that Oswald’s relative was a Jesuit (and that David Ferrie was trained by the Jesuits). Clay Shaw had allies working with the Knights of Malta and he is suspected of being a member of the Knights of Malta himself. Roman Catholic Secret Service director James J. Rowley—the man who oversaw his SS agents in Dallas—had a brother Francis who was a Jesuit Priest! And forget the truth that Roman Catholic Rowley and Roman Catholic Knight of Malta Assistant FBI Director Cartha D. DeLoach met with Jesuit Daniel Power at Jesuit Georgetown University after the assassination. President John F. Kennedy wanted a separation of church and state and he didn't want the government to explicitly fund religious schools economically. The Catholic Church then and even now (with their document) want to have a global economic order in the world. That is similar to the new world order agenda. Also, many sources have proven the Jesuit oath to be real. Goldwag tries to demonize Eric Jon Phelps and any anti-Jesuit author even if the author has credible information. I don’t agree with Phelps on every issue (I believe all humans are created equal), but he isn’t wrong on exposing the Jesuit link to world history. It’s easy to see that this Society of Loyola has been involved in nefarious history as documented by Eric Jon Phelps, the great filmmaker Chris Pinto, and tons of other legitimate researchers. It’s a historical fact that the Jesuit Order was created to destroy the Protestant Reformation not to make peace in the world. That is why the Jesuits were booted out of numerous European nations before the year 1800 alone. The Vatican/Jesuit network has been involved in the Inquisition, the Ratlines, the Ustashi terrorists killing people, and other crimes against humanity. Ironically, the SPLC has Jesuit ties. Lecia Brooks is the Director of Outreach of the SPLC and she was Jesuit trained at Loyola Marymount University. Jim Knoeep is the senior staff attorney of the SPLC. He was Jesuit trained at Loyola University in LA. Other folks are related to the Jesuits from the SLC as well. A police intelligence operative is in the SPLC. The group is compromised. Ironically, Morris Seligman Dees has been accused of adultery and other crimes.

Popular Culture continues to go forth in the 21st century. Pop culture has the same corporate control. The elite uses this culture as a bread and circus motif in order to control and stir the masses into their way of thinking (which includes greed, materialism, occult worship, the hatred of real morality, and the sense of selfishness or ego). Egoism is a big part of the modern Western society today. The showing of images from the mass image displaying Illuminist symbolism hasn’t stopped. The British band Sugababes are on the cover of Fabulous magazine. They pose with limbs missing. The other feminine mannequins look lifeless. The image represents controlled people or even people as mind controlled slaves as Fritz Springmeier has written about for decades. Lifeless, conformist thinking individuals are the type of human beings that the corporate elite love to have. Yet, we have the right to reject the tenets of the status quo and promote not only equality. We should promote the uniqueness and diversity among the whole human race. Kanye recently performed with a big Baphomet face on his shirt with a kilt on. The Cosmopolitan magazine has Jesse J with a Mickey Mouse image on her head, one eye open, and using a salute in the cover of the magazine. The one eye image is commonly displayed by many of the young artists of this generation. Mickey Mouse relates to Walt Disney and Disney was a pro-establishment man. Disney supported honorary 33rd Degree Freemason Ronald Reagan and even his early work glamorized witchcraft and the secret arts (that was lead unsuspecting among most of the masses). Fergie is pictured nude with butterflies on her body, which is similar to imagery from Monarch programming. Fergie was once part of the group Black Eyed Peas. I remember them back in the late 1990's. Robyn showed the one eye image with one hand also.  Lady Gaga’s stylist Nicola Formichetti did the exact same thing (on the cover of L’Officiel with a butterfly wing covering one eye). The model Ana Buljevic shows a horned hand sign covering one eye. The hand shown by her shows the All Seeing Eye. Even the Norwegian singer Annie shows the hand over one eye including the Japanese “Empress of Pop” Ayumi Hamasaki (she presents the sign of silence as well with sex kitten imagery).Nicki Minaj acts as the character of Maria or a robot from the movie Metropolis. She uses a plug into a giant machine to feed her to represent who runs the whole industry. There is nothing new under the sun, but these images are more overtly shown that even the young people are questioning about what is going on. What’s going on is that the elite is showing the pagan Mystery school teachings publicly in order to get the masses to accept New Age philosophies (and the hatred of true monotheism. The elites embrace a the idea of creating a globalized world system of compromise). It’s as simple as that.

By Timothy

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