
Thursday, December 01, 2011

Our Generation

Our generation is now. There are some good news. Many people are waking up the world order. Tons of individuals for the first time in human history know about God, the Illuminati, the new world order, and other related issues. This doesn’t mean that we subsequently naivety about our predicament s presently. There is a high level of selfishness in the world even we experience a worldwide recession. That is why the FED is desperately trying to send capital into European banks in order to overt a serious double dip recession in the shores of America. Wall Street corruption didn’t just erupt to cause the recession. This recession transpired by also by materialism, greed, and a culture that love war more than social betterment. Earthquakes, storms, and strange weather patterns signify an unique time in world history. Huge violence consumes America (random assaults by even teenagers) spanning many neighborhoods, backgrounds, and socioeconomic backgrounds. That’s all the more reason to be careful, cautious, and prepared. Worse violence existed in other countries as well. The war on the poor is still here. It’s been continuing by reactionaries. They even oppose a payroll tax cut. One aspect of our generation deals with the threat of war. The neo-conservatives are still among us even though their radical, extreme message has continually received denunciation plus criticism. The neo-con agenda is to have perpetual war in the Middle East in order to create a pro-Western puppet system over in the Third World. Iran is on their crosshairs. We have the right to rationally oppose any form of warfare enacted against Iran or any other nation for the matter. The cry for revolution is in the streets. Yet, we should use discernment here. Not all revolutions are holy or righteous. The Masonic-orchestrated French Revolution caused a lot of bloodshed (despite some of the Revolutionaries expressing legitimate grievances against the Monarchy during the late 1700’s). Innocent people were murdered during the French Revolution and ironically, a monarchy temporarily ruled France during the nineteenth century later. The OWS movement needs to be careful not to be used as means for the elite to utilize martial law against the people. Some people obsess with socialism and communism as an excuse to support the status quo. The status quo doesn’t work to create economic opportunities or massive job creation. I don’t agree with Communism, but other systems are better than the one we presently experience now.

Likewise, we have to use vigor to acknowledge the accomplishments of numerous unions that enhanced our standard of living for lives. All labor has dignity and that dignity ought not to be denigrated. The fight continues to eliminate poverty and injustice in society. That goal is still here and it still can be attainable. If there wasn’t an unjust war on terror, potentially America can reach into higher heights of social mobility. Social mobility isn’t enough now. There should be a radical transformation of America to help the have-nots and assist those suffering around the world. Our life journey isn’t just national. Our journey is international since all human beings globally should be afforded health care, quality education, real jobs, real wages, and total liberty. Using a wage freeze and arbitrarily cutting jobs aren’t wise prescriptions to come solve our complications. What is needed for us is to end this war, and to use unique antidotes in developing our infrastructure. America should produce jobs and tax breaks for working families. Using huge tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires, while giving no assistance to the poor is evil. Technology is rapidly changing. There are more devices even beyond the I-Pad. Nanotechnology, high tech computers, and other forms of advanced machinery are the waves of the future. Basic technology may change, but our moral compass shouldn’t. Real morality isn’t limited in time. Morality is universally valid in all of human history. Even the world cries out for real changes.

Newt Gingrich sunk into a new low. He is known for his strong intellectualism, but he made anti-intellectual statements. He is the former Speaker of the House. He is in top of the polls of the Republican nomination, even though some people believe that Ron Paul is omitted from the polling data. Even with Paul’s errors, Ron Paul is much better candidate for America than Newt Gingrich. Gingrich wanted supply side economics. Gingrich may the anti-poor remark that poor kids don’t work unless it’s crime. That’s a load of lies. Many poor people work all of the time and most poor people (especially poor kids) aren’t criminals at all. Child labor is immoral since children aren’t emotional developed yet to handle the 9 to 5 life of an adult occupation. A work ethic is strong in poor communities. Poor communities suffer exploit and corruption from a system that rewards greed and economic injustice against the poor. It’s evil to issue blanket statements against poor families and poor children. The poor have more integrity than Gingrich. We have an economic depression. This depression isn’t the time for poor bashing or the need of the war on drugs (that Gingrich supports). The War on drug increases drug addiction and the prison industrial complex. Newt should realize the complex circumstances of poor people. Some super rich people don’t have any idea about the concept of work. For him to say that the poor have no habits of working except for illegal activities is wrong. It’s a secret code word that Newt’s ilks describe a certain group of people. We know this and what his code word entail completely. That’s self explanatory. Instead of promoting a corporate Contract on America, we should have a covenant for economic justice and true peace.

33 is a number that found in Freemasonry and the occult. Numbers to occults are like tools of symbolism and numbers were worshipped by the ancients. Some of the ancients served the creation rather than the Creator. That’s a definition of a pagan. Pagans worship the sun, moon, stars, Earth, insects, etc. The deal is that nature is limited and has a finite reach. God is infinite and has no limitation, so worshipping the Creator is legitimate. Freemason and occultist W. Wynn Westcott admitted that the ancients like Pythagoras, H.P. Blavatsky praised numbers in a mystical fashion (as found in his book entitled “The Occult Power of Numbers” on pg. 15). To Westcott numbers connect to the evolution of the human race. Magic readily uses numbers all of the time in order to try to invoke power. The number 11 has been found in various events. WWI ended in the 11th Month, the 11th Day, and the 11th hour. This event was the signing of the Armistice agreement. JFK was assassinated in the 11th month, the 22th day, and near the 33rd parallel in 1963 (afterwards the Knights of Malta and the knights of St. John officially united in an agreement. Both groups have huge international power then and now. We know about the events of the assassination and the people involved in it. Guess who?). Why is the number 11 important to the occultist? As Westcott explains, "... so 11 is the essence of all that is sinful, harmful, and imperfect." [Ibid. p. 100] Thus, while 11 is very important, multiplications are also important, such as 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, and 99. According to Bible scholars, the 11th horn is the Antichrist from the 10 horns of the Antichrist Kingdom as found in Daniel 7:8. 33 is sacred to occultists since it relates to the 33 degrees in Scottish Rite Freemasonry. Elizabeth van Buren, in her book, "The Secret of the Illuminati", wrote the following on the number 33: “…Students of Numerology are well aware that numbers affect a person's life. One's name, place, and time of birth all have an influence on one's physical, mental, and spiritual being. Each letter as number has a certain vibratory effect ... the picture produced by the various combinations gives an understanding of the character, karma, and potentialities of the person ... in Spiritual Numerology, the numbers 11, 22, and 33 are the three 'Master Numbers', the highest being 33 ... This highest of the master numbers was the age of the Master Initiate (Jesus) at his death, resurrection and ascension, giving more esoteric accents. The '33' symbolizes the highest spiritual conscious attainable by the human being." [Ibid., p. 161-2]. We do now that the New Age Jesus of Buren is different from the real Jesus of the Bible. The real and the great prophet Jesus never dealt with numerology or esoteric lore at all. To occultists, 333 relate to death, resurrection, and ascension.  33 also according to van Buren relates to the concept of humans being aware of their being (and to open their third eye to achieve godhood). Therefore, 33 is about the old concept of man attempting to be god. In history, occultists use movements and numbers as calling calls in their rituals. Occultists like Adam Weishaupt wanted Utopian societies. Sir Francis Bacon even wanted his “Christ” to rule the world to form a New Heaven and a New Earth. This goal has been spelled out by Freemasons, Rosicrucians, etc. Day Williams is an author that wrote long world events that transpired at the Northern 33rd Degree of Latitude like the Great Pyramid being built, Tyre, Lebanon, the original capital of the Scottish Rite in Charleston (S.C.), etc. Much of world history didn’t transpire by coincidence. Some of world history occurred via conspiracy as found in the death of William Morgan, the Civil War, the World Wars, and the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

The proposed National Defense Authorization Act is one of the newest bills that is a threat to our civil liberties. Much of the U.S. Senate voted to support this evil bill. This bill authorized the U.S. military to operate on U.S. soil, potentially conduct secret kidnappings of Americans citizens, and put them in secret military prisons where they can be tortured, interrogated, and murdered. These can be done to citizens if they are tagged with the title of “terrorism.” There is no due process required or evidence given to prove guilt. U.S. Senate traitorous Republicans like Senator John McCain supported this bill. No mainstream media news network right now is reporting on this story. Yet, NDAA is very tyrannical and evil. Both parties have been in league with the elite, the Republicans have a strange love affair with promoting some military police state. We don’t need torture as an interrogation technique at all. The National Defense Authorization Act has been debated in Congress and if passed, American citizens could be detained without a court hearing anywhere in the world. Ironically, President Barack Obama stated that he will veto the bill if it should pass.  It isn’t just the ACLU opposing this bill. People of goodwill from across the political spectrum have opposed the NDAA bill. This bill is even against the Magna Carta and the Fifth Amendment. Proposed FEMA camps are real. Similar camps were created back during WWII when innocent Japanese, Italian, and German Americans were sent to. We have the right to defend liberty completely. That is why I’m not a hypocrite when it comes to liberty. You have the right to associate with who you want peacefully, but I have the right to own me a gun if I desire to. Amendment No. 1274 would have given the federal government the power to detain U.S. citizens until Congress declared the ‘war on terror’ over, which we have been told is a never-ending multi-generational conflict. The provision also gave the feds the power to keep an American incarcerated even if they were tried and found not guilty. Thankfully, Republican Senator Rand Paul discovered the provision and was able to request a last ditch roll call vote. The amendment was eventually defeated by a worryingly narrow final vote of 41-59. Yet, the NDAA bill was passed by the Senate in vote of 93 to 7. This is one of the things that Paul got right. We don’t need the Patriot Act or these others immoral bills.

By Timothy

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