
Friday, December 09, 2011

Pearl Harbor and Our Rights

Pearl Harbor existed a little over 70 years ago. It was a day of infamy when Japanese suicide bombers murdered innocent Americans. This event caused America to fight in America overtly. Before that time, America covertly aided the British via the Lend-Lease Program. The President Franklin Delano Roosevelt did some legitimate things during this time. Yet, researchers, authors, and other scholars have proven that either that administration had foreknowledge of the attacks or controversial events occurred during that time. The Hilo, Hawaii Tribune Herald Newspaper of November 30, 1941 (or the Sunday before the attack) had its headline reading: “…Japan may strike over weekend.” So, people knew that this attack was coming or could come in American soil. How can a newspaper know in advance of this disaster when the White House in that time didn’t? U.S. provocations came against imperial Japan. These provocations increased the risk of the Japanese coming to attack Pearl Harbor. These provocations including the severing of Tokyo’s oil economy and forcing Japan to be in a corner diplomatic by Western leaders. “The question was how we should maneuver them [Japan] into firing the first shot…” then US secretary of war Henry Stimson is quoted in records from November 1941. Such events of provocations have occurred throughout human history. You can look at the sinking of the Lusitania in 19115, the Gulf of Tonkin incident of 1964, and 9/11 that caused American involvement in WWI, the genocidal war on Vietnam, and the ongoing, unjust war on terror. Even today, the West and Israel are conducting a covert war in Iran. The latest US provocation-for-a-provocation is the intrusion of a CIA stealth drone some 140 miles inside Iran’s eastern territory. Some of this sophisticated RQ-170 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle – which can fly at 50,000 feet undetected by radar – was on a deliberate spying mission over Iranian territory. The modern war on terror is a Crusade being use to benefit oligarchy not most of the people (and as a means to promote the pro-Papal one world order system). Pearl Harbor was a bad event and it changed the world.

It’s easy to see that the unregulated, free market was a big reason on why the recession occurred. The reason is that many key regulations from Glass-Steagall and beyond during the late 1970’s and the 1980’s were diminished. This coupled with globalization, the war on terror, bailing out the big banks, etc. contributed to the harsh extent of the recession that we all witness today. The concentration of wealth in a few hands doesn’t equate into a real renaissance of economic development. The recession preceded the election of President Barack Obama. There are some crooked cops using peeper spray, clubs, and bullets on nonviolent protesters in Oakland, the University of California Davis, NYC, and across America. These people are peacefully assembled to protest economically bad policies. We don’t need personhood of corporation, but personhood of the human individual. DHS chief Janet Napolitano joked with the CFR that she is proud of the name Big Sis. She supports the TSA policy of encroaching on the rights of children, adults, and the elderly with invasive X-Ray devices. These X-Ray instruments can cause health problems with the showing of naked images. Journalists and others have been placed on terrorist watch lists if they are critical of this evil policy. Homeland Security is now shutting down sites under the “copyright infringement” rule without evidence. Internetcensorship if ever real.

Many reactionaries use the states right mantra as an excuse to justify their ideologies. Now, back before federal laws enforced civil rights, some states suppressed civil rights of human beings. This suppression of human rights allowed certain businesses, institutions, etc. to not only segregate, but deny basic opportunities of groups of people in America. Today, these acts are illegal. Yet, even today, we have some folks wanting to union bust. This philosophy is rejected now in Wisconsin. Still, we have a long way to go in promoting liberty. We have some Republicans using redistricting, changing voter laws, and using obstacles in order to prevent people of color and the young to vote. Recently, the Florida state legislature passed a bill. This bill will overhaul Florida’s election laws. This law is a direct violation of voting rights in Florida. People who support the law believe that it was created to prevent voter fraud. This is a false argument, because incidents of voter fraud have been rare in Florida. There were no cases of it prior to the passage of the law. The law will heavily restrict early voting activities that will harm the rights of minority voters in Florida. The reason is that studies have proved that Hispanics, and African Americans are the most frequent early voters in Florida. In 2008, one-third of Florida's Hispanics and over half of the State's African-American voters cast their ballots during the two-week early vote period prior to Election Day. The new law purports to cut that early vote period nearly in half from 15 days to a mere eight, and completely eliminate voting the Sunday prior to the election, the day in 2008 where 32 percent of the black Floridian electorate voted. In addition to cutting down early voting, the law would not allow voters to change their names or addresses at the polling location on Election Day as has been allowed over the course of the past four decades. Given the high rights of foreclosures in the State, particularly within Hispanic and other minority communities, many families will have changed addresses since the last election. Many of them will be unaware of the new requirement and on Election Day will be forced to fill out a provisional ballot. What is the problem with the law's actions on provisional ballots? On average studies show they are only counted 50 percent of the time. It seems that the snakes don’t want the President to be elected via unjust laws. People have opposed this law from across the political spectrum. The law has stringent requirements and decreases early voting times as well. This law will restrict people form registering in a Third party. It can cause a decline in new registered voters. The League of Women Voter, the Boy Scouts, Democracia USA, and other groups oppose this policy. Gov. Rick Scott and Florida's Secretary of State, Kurt Browning filed a petition in federal court asking that the section of the Voting Rights Act that provides protection for minority voters in counties with detailed histories of minority discrimination in voting, be thrown out. This is unprecedented stuff. This is a violation of human rights. Our taxpayer dollars are going to pay for this evil policy of voter suppression in 2011. The right to vote is a human right. The evil people in the world want to use 2012 as a means to promote fascism, but the clock will never be turned back. Truth will prevail and justice will win in the end.

The violation of civil liberties didn’t end with the George W. Bush administration. It continues now during the Barack Obama administration as well. Even in Iraq, there are wireless fingerprint scanners used by the troops and even by local police departments to check motorists. Mosque crawlers now monitor sermons, bookstores, and cafes. 5 whistleblowers have been prosecuted under the Espionage Act. This is more than anyone in all administrations in history. Bush pioneered these draconian policies. Even now, there is violation of the freedom of speech, the right to association, the freedom of assembly, the freedom of conscience, etc. that have transpired in this administration. The roving wiretaps from the Patriot Act continue today. Militarization of the police to monitor even peace protesters are happening now. SWAT Teams regularly monitor protests in America. Some of these police forces even use special tanks, and sound blasting futuristic vehicles in locals (in America not just in Iraq). More wiretaps have increased by 34% in 2010 from 2009. First Amendment protection of freedom of speech, most recently stated in a 1969 Supreme Court decision, Brandenberg v. Ohio, says the government cannot punish inflammatory speech, even if it advocates violence unless it is likely to incite or produce such action. A Pakistani resident who is legally living in the USA was indicted by the DOJ. He was uploading a video and the video didn’t call for violence. He was charged for being supportive of terrorists. In July 2011, the DOJ indicted a former Penn State student for going onto websites and suggesting targets and for providing a link to an explosives course already posted on the internet. Covert operations of spying on Muslim communities have been done by the NYPD partnering with the CIA. This is illegal since the CIA can’t spy domestically on American citizens. This racial and religious profiling is common place even in 2011. The Department of Homeland SSecurity has worked in thousands of places in America. There are fusion centers in the USA that do domestic spying against American citizens. The ACLU proved their existence. There are violations of the FBI from 2001 to 2008 as documented by the Electronic Frontier Foundation. President Obama issued an executive order to strengthen the Intelligence Oversight Board, an agency which is supposed to make sure the FBI, the CIA and other spy agencies are following the law. No other changes have been noticed. The CIA has censored Soufan’s book on torture methods. Other violations are real. This has occurred in both the Bush and Obama administrations. We can’t let our rights to be violated at all.

Freemasonry is an old group. It promotes itself as a gentlemen’s club, but researchers have proven that it promotes the occult and secret society-like agendas. It has been the ancient goal of the Ancients to have a last secular, utopian government on Earth. The high level Adepts of Secret Societies have written about these plans for thousands of years. Some Masons even praise Lucifer, Ahriman, and other false gods. The closet worship of Lucifer is one secret of the old and modern Secret Societies indeed. The Secret Societies infiltrated the Church, royalty, and the state in order to promote their interests and influence in society. Freemasonry had their members in the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and the Russian Revolution. The Grand Orient Freemason agents worked in the Great Terror (this occur in the late 1700’s where terrorists killed thousands of human beings for religious reasons). Freemason English Prime Minister Ramsey MacDonald (1866-1937) was a famous figure in history. Freemasonry has been working in the judiciary, the police, and the civil service as well. Religion has been used by evil people to be the opiate of the masses, but some folks have used religion constructive to promote revolutionary & legitimate values in the world. A person must learn their culture in order to fight against the decadent, imperialist culture that transmits itself in society. This evil culture impacts America negatively since too many folks are materialistic, greedy, and selfish (which contributed to the current recession that we have now including economic inequality. Some folks use material objects to fill a gap of self esteem when the truth is that a true person needs pro-people policies without greed). One example is that Freemasonry has infiltrated much of the Church in order to promote a more Ecumenical/New Age theology since Freemasonry teaches that there are multiple ways a person can use to gain spiritual access to one God. Roman Catholic Minister Tony Blair promotes this Ecumenical agenda. Freemasonry at its highest level worships a brand of Light as their god. We know which that god is and it isn't the one true God of the highest indeed.

By Timothy

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