
Monday, March 26, 2012

Times are Changing in March 2012

The Republican Presidential race is coming on in a rapid pace. Rick Santorum is acting like a hypocrite. He claims to be very religious, but he curses out a NY Times reporter just because this reporter asked him a question. Just because a person asks you a question doesn’t mean you can just curse someone out. Santorum is a huge theocrat and he has connections to Opus Dei. He believes that church and state should be one with influence from the Pope handling political matter. I reject that premise, because we Americans don’t want some ecclesiastical figure with a Dagon god hate on his head to determine our spiritual belief system. Opus Dei is an extremely reactionary organization that has links to fascists and neo-fascist organization all across the world. The Opus Dei, the Jesuits, and the Pope are in league with each order in order for these groups to promote the Vatican hegemony in the globe. Martin Luther, with his errors, was right to say that the Pope has no right to promote its superstitious beliefs unto the public at large. People have the right to embrace the freedom of religion and the freedom of conscience to think for themselves on matters of religion and politics. Now, we know that the occult Opus Dei secret Society have some of its members use self-mutilation and the infliction of pain (to mortify the flesh or beat the “devil” out of themselves literally). This is demonic stuff to say the least. The Apostle Paul is clear as found in Philippians 3:2 that flesh mutilation is perverted and sick. The founder of Opus Dei was named Josemaria Escriva. He praised pain. He wrote of wanting people to annihilate themselves. Many Evangelicals support this guy when this man wants confrontation with Iran agrees with a belief that they can eat the flesh and blood and Jesus Christ in a ritual. New Ager Jeremy Rifkin admitted that the new world order would use Evangelical churches as an instrument. Now, he mapped this out in 1979. Santorum agrees with the ideas of Opus Dei founder Josemaria Escriva. Mitt Romney is the front runner in the Presidential race. He has flipped flopped on many issues. Ironically, Mormonism flip flopped on issues as well. Mormonism once denied black people to be a part of the priesthood and the “Temple Recommend.” That policy was eliminated in 1978. Joseph Smith taught that a person can’t achieve as high a spiritual condition unless he practiced polygamy. Mormonism backed away from these and other policies, because Mormonism adapted or adjusted to the new political climate in the world today.

I am awakening now. Now, we know about the New Pearl Harbor document form the PNAC (or the Project for the New American Century) called “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” as part of the new world order agenda. The other PNAC document was created by the PNAC board member Lewis Lehrman called “Money and the Coming World Order: The Creation of International Monetary Order.” The document is found in a website entitled, “Gold Standard Now.” That is from a project for the Lehrman Institute. This is interesting since the globalists don’t opposed money based on the gold standard. The Lehramn Institute wants a gold standard. Lewis Lehrman said that we will be on a gold standard in five years. See, Lehrman worked with Ron Paul to write the “The Case for Gold” book. Now, Alex Jones promotes Ron Paul and a return to the gold standard (since both men made huge investments in gold). The gold standard has been promoted by the international elite for centuries, but Paul and Jones won’t tell the public that information for obvious reasons. Back in March 13, 2001, Ron Paul said that he agrees with globalism, free trade, and a single worldwide currency. Today, Ron Paul may not agree with a single world currency. Yet, he still agrees with unregulated free trade and parts of globalism. It isn’t a secret that Austrian Economics and Ludwig von Mises were funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. This group has the same people who formed the IMF, the World Bank, Standard Oil, Exxon Mobile, the United Nations, Chase Bank, and the eugenics movement in the modern world. According to Richard M. Ebeling of the “The Life and Works of Ludwig von Mises” book, Mises was almost totally dependent on annual research grants from the Rockefeller Foundation. No taxation on land is a way that globalists seek to control populations as well. The neo-con Dr. Arthur Laffer promoted the failed Laffer Curve (that promoted trickled down economics and supply side economics). Taxation of land was supported by the Founding Fathers and even the Bible. It’s interesting to note that Alex Jones has links to PETA and some members of PETA wants a return to the gold standard. Removing the taxation of land allows for the New World Order to monopolize land tax free, turning Americans into rent slaves to the land barons. We know that Bilderberger Peter Thiel is Ron Paul’s biggest supporter. After the Roman Empire went on the gold standard, it collapsed into the nefarious anti-human liberty era of feudalism plus serfdom. Keith Gardner and others have documented this evidence. If I know about this stuff even before I heard about the researcher Keith Gardner, don’t you think that Alex Jones and Ron Paul understand this information? Yes, they do. So, if the PNAC crew (like the Knight of Malta Lewis Lehrman calling for a new monetary order) wants to advance the gold standard, then I oppose it.

It’s easy to see that markets alone can’t cure our healthcare problems. Some reactionaries feel that the only solution to our health care problems is just to rely on the free market. They reject even a public option in order for us to end the evil health disparities in the world. They accept the archaic laissez faire economic theories that contributed to the Maafa, imperialism, and other miscreant actions over the course of human history. Even economist Kenneth Arrow wrote that health care can’t be marketed like bread or TVs. The reason is that health care involves the literal life and death scenarios of human life. Health care that’s totally privatized is very expensive since most of the richer people can afford it. You need a lot of money to have triple coronary bypass surgery. A lot of Americans can’t afford to pay major medical costs out of pocket. A person can’t sell health care like bread. That means that it must be paid for by some form of insurance and you need regulations in it to protect the poor. Many insurance companies are more concerned with the bottom line than any altruistic role in helping a human being. Some insurers try to deny people with a preexisting condition, which was banned by the new health care law. This means both that insurers try to deny as many claims as possible, and that they try to avoid covering people who are actually likely to need care. Both of these strategies use a lot of resources, which is why private insurance has much higher administrative costs than single-payer systems. HMOs have been highly limited in their ability to achieve cost-effectiveness because people don’t trust them — they’re profit-making institutions, and your treatment is their cost. Today, we have the Supreme Court discussing the legality of the Affordable Care Act. The critics of the law call it Obama care. The Affordable Health Care Act has many legitimate and great parts in it like preventing discrimination against people with a preexisting condition, the granting of services to those in need, and the many people helped now because of the new law. It does have its weaknesses. One weakness of the law is that it doesn’t have a public option strongly promoted and it gives new powers to private insurance companies. It gives an individual mandate for people to buy into private insurance corporate companies. That is why I agree with a revision of the law and not a complete elimination of the law that some advocate. Some who advocate the total banning of the law want only charities or private places to help people sick (and if you can’t afford it, then you’re on your own literally). The United States already spends enough to provide health care to all. As the amicus brief states: “Studies conducted by the nonpartisan General Accounting Office and the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office have consistently concluded that if a national single payer system were implemented in the United States, administrative cost-savings alone would be enough to guarantee universal coverage without increasing overall healthcare spending.” A single payer health care system can control administrative costs and create real universal health care in the world. Universal health care is needed in America.

It is telling that there is a split among pro-abortion and Pro-life people. People have to possess a moral compass. For years, abortion on demand (or for any reason whatsoever) has been promoted by basically the elite. The Rockefeller Foundation, various foundations in the world, and various Secret societies support it in order to have population control, the dehumanization of life in general, etc. Post-Roe conditions in America caused abortions to go radically up not down. We have attacks on the family by the corporatists as well via reality TV shows, tensions among genders (as the CIA agent Gloria Steinem back in the 1970’s promoted propaganda that demonized black men and black women), and Hollywood propaganda. We should have an united front against this evil power structure that’s headed by a bunch of extremists. The conservative establishment wants austerity and theocracy to reign in society, while the liberal establishment wants people to worship their views unconditionally. Also, even Ruth Bader Ginsburg admitted that she wants the population growth in America to come down. That is why have you notice that these devils (or supremacists) always target black population growth. They never advocate economic equality, the end of the corporate War on Drugs, and the ending of the war on terror. They advocate the status quo when tons of people are in prisons worldwide. The Drug Trade has been dealing with money laundering for a long time. Even the Rockefeller-funded UN has been manipulated by European billionaires to promote nefarious acts in the Third World. NATO has been caught too in nefarious war crimes throughout the world. Sanger was backed by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Corporation. Margaret Sanger blatantly condemned charity in her literature and speeches.  Now, the left gatekeepers are now promoting Agenda 21, Bill Gates’ anti-population agenda, GMO foods, and even Henry Kissinger National Security Study Memorandum 200. This doesn’t mean that I advocate banning all forms of birth control or oppression against women. I don’t.  I do support ways to reduce abortion rates and ways to advance real freedom in society. Therefore, we should promote the sanctity of human life.

It’s a necessity to promote justice and the truth for Trayvon Martin’s family. Like usual, white racists, reactionaries, and Uncle Tom Negroes are out in force trying to justify the actions of the murderer George Zimmerman. The white racists say that since black people murder white people, the Trayvon’s death is to be minimized. That’s a lot of trash since murder by anyone is no justification to minimize the tragedy experienced by the Travyon Martin family. Also, white supremacists killed millions of people (more than what black Americans are doing) in WWII, the Native American genocide (90 percent of Native Americans were exterminated by you know who), the Cold War, the slave trade, the record ecological disasters, the war on terror in 2012 (including a sick person killing many Afghan civilians including women and children), and other events in human history. Even now, supremacists are stealing lands via the IMF, the World Bank, and corporate corruption covertly. Slavery impacts tons of black then and now via that slavery mentality and other ills. Racism is a part of white supremacy definitely. So, they have no leg to stand on history or morality to lecture black people on morality. Also, black people legitimately exposing racism in the world is part of the First Amendment or the freedom of speech. It was black people doing these actions of fighting for liberation that helped to end Jim Crow segregation and other immoralities that plagued American society.  The white racists seem to have amnesia. They forgot that many innocent people are in prison today. The prison industrial complex regularly harms human beings of every ethnicity and background. The reactionaries feel that privatization and corporate domination of society is the way to go when historically laissez faire economics harmed this nation (from child labor to lax laws). Also, they lecture on affirmative action when affirmative action benefits white females the most (affirmative action gives people educational opportunities without a quota point system). The rich receive grandfather clauses, legacy clauses, and other elite affirmative action programs for generations. Also, the war on Drugs has racist’s laws that target communities of color and have policies that are against human civil liberties. It is not racism to address the systemic structural racism in society. Racists want black people to be docile and agree with the neo-con rhetoric, but more blacks are waking up. More black people in 2012 are opposing brutality and discrimination. Zimmerman had no right to approach Trayvon period when the operator told him not to follow the young person. Zimmerman (who wasn’t a registered watchman) has a history of falsely accusing black people of crimes in the past. He even once reported a SEVEN YEAR OLD KID as suspicious. See, racists use the errors of some black people as an excuse to deny the crimes of white supremacists then and now in 2012 (and to let white racists off the hook of their crimes against humanity).

By Timothy

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