
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Late Night News in Late May of 2012

The European Union and the Bilderberg Group are potent allies. The EU wants a mandatory Internet ID system for Europe. People have exposed the international ACTA treaty and the United States' CISPA legislation. These entities can set the stage for Internet censorship worldwide. Technocrats are working constantly to try to find out our identities, monitor what we say, and make sure that we are under their complete control. This proposed mandatory electronic ID system for all E.U. citizens would deal with handling business  online and in person. A person in the EU would have a common electronic signature. This signature will allow people to have access to the Internet, online data, and most commerce. This plan is very similar to the Mark of the Beast system and this goal has been supported by a famous Bilderberg attendee. Neelie Kroes is the EU's Digital Agenda Commissioner. Kroes is introducing legislation and she hopes will force “the adoption of harmonised e-signatures, e-identities and electronic authentication services (eIAS) across EU member states.” The extent of such a system would, of course, expand over time, particularly as many EU nations have resisted the big government encroachment of ID requirements on civil rights grounds, which even now smack of the Nazi regime’s draconian “papers please” policies that empowered their other avenues of tyranny. According to, Neelie Kroes would later “widen the scope of the current Directive by including also ancillary authentication services that complement e-signatures, like electronic seals, time/date stamps, etc,” as the supra-national body attempts to corral more nations into participation. This big brother system could spread into North America. We don't need some cashless control grid that is promoted under the guise of "safe, verifiable commerce" or "security." This agenda could increase the risk of hacking identities and fast track forgeries. The EU is in trouble of collapsing, so this plan is coming up so the EU can grow in power. Neelie Kores is a member of the Bilderberg Group. She attended Bilderberg meetings each year since 2005. She has been listed in the membership lists of the 2006 meeting in Ottawa, Canada, the 2007 meeting in Istanbul, Turkey, the 2008 meeting in Chantilly, Virginia, the 2008 meeting in Vouliagmeni, Greece, and the 2010 meeting in Sitges, Spain as a delegate from the European Commission. During 2011, Kores came to the the St. Moritz, Switzerland meeting with the new title of the EU"s Commissioner for Digital Agenda. The 2012 Bilderberg meeting could have her have a big role as well. It isn't a secret that U.S. intelligence groups deal with such technological power. For example, there is the creation of the US CYBERTOM organization. The NSA head General Keith Alexander meets annaully at the Bilderberg. He wants to wage offensive cyberwar across the Earth. So, we see that certain technocrats and elitists want a further harsh regulation of the Internet. The libertarians are right that the Internet should be free and without governmental regulation at all. The intelligence community wants to further have data mining, more Internet laws and treaties, and other clandestine activities. The Facebook IPO funds a NSA mining front. 

More studies have confirmed that processed foods will lower IQ in children while nutritious food will raise human IQ. Processed foods are part and parcel of many diets in America plus the world. This is one reason why about 105 million people in America have either diabetes or prediabetes. The processed foods are filled with white sugar, high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, artificial food colorings, and other toxic substances. These items can lower human IQ indeed. Therefore, it is imperative for all people (not just young children) to withdrawal these substances from their diets. This information about IQ levels and foods is confirmed again by British researches. They studied the connected between processed foods and reduced IQ. They follow 14,000 children who at and drank at the ages of 3, 4, 7, and 8.5 years of age. The children would answer questions being submitted via the parents through a questionnaire. The researchers discovered that if children were consuming a processed diet at age 3, IQ decline would begin over the next five years. The study found that by the age of 8, the children had suffered IQ decline. On the contrary, children who ate a nutrient-rich diet were found to increase their IQ over the 3 year period. The foods considered nutrient-rich by the researchers were most likely conventional fruits and vegetables. If children were to eat a wide variety of organic produce, superfoods, mineral-rich plants, and perhaps even consume a food-based multivitamin, the researchers would most likely see a substantial IQ increase. This eating plan would also benefit the children — or even adults — in other aspects of their lives as well, such as better overall health & well-being. It's easy to witness and understand that processed foods are known to wreak havoc on the body for some time. There is one joint American and Spanish study that discovered that junk food products, (like those containing trains fats) can make healthy young men infertile by damaging their sperm. Another study (conducted by scientists from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and the University) found something. They found that both junk food consumption can bring on depression. The link was so strong that those who consumed fast food were 51% more likely to be depressed. Therefore, the worst anti-IQ foods are the same foods that can cause numerous health complications. That's all the more reason for us to cut the junk food and any processed food. We should reject GMOs and love natural fruits and vegetables. 

It isn't a secret that Joseph Campbell was a key leader of the New Age Movement. He wrote many books on this issue from 1934 until his death in 1987. He wanted a new type of non-theological revelation to handle society. He wanted people to study the myths of the ancient world and he believed that some concepts found in these ancient myths can be regarded as scientific fact. His 1988 PBS' "The Power of Myth" documentary exposed Joseph Campbell's true colors. In that documentary, Joseph goes about to criticize the major tenets of orthodox Christianity. He mocked the bodily resurrection as a clown act in a blasphemous way, yet he's the one that deifies myths. He believes in a pantheistic, subjective view of God and religious experience. He believes that God is within humans in a transcendent type of way without ego. If God is an impersonal energy force that transcends all categories of human thought, then God transcends even that description and the concept of God becomes empty of all meaning whatsoever. Also, if God is the ultimate mystery that lies beyond all categories of thought according to Joseph Campbell, why does Campbell sometimes use human reason to defend his pantheistic view of God. God is not a total mystery in fact. People have written about God for thousands of years. The Hebrew/Christian tradition teaches that God transcends the space and time of the material universe. He is separate from his Creation, but people can know certain aspects about God. As usual, Joseph Campbell respect absolute relativism. That means that he doesn't believe in only one ultimate truth or only one way to God. Yet, he wants people to accept his unified pluralistic view of religion and morality. Moral absolutes exist in the Universe like murder being wrong, the truth being wise to accept, and the act of kindness (or treating your neighbor as yourself) being holy. Campbell is right to believe that a hero sacrifices himself for another person, a people, or an idea. Jesus Christ is a real hero who sacrificed his life for the redemption of the whole human race. Yet, he is wrong to believe that man is God. Man can't create the Universe, defy the laws of Universe 24/7 365, or form planets out of thin air at all. He rejects the Virgin Birth and tries to compare it to other religions. This is incorrect, because according to J. Gresham Machen in his 1930 work, "The Virgin Birth of Christ," all pagan stories about miraculous births are not really virgin births. Either the god or gods have sex with human beings or the human father participates in some kind of sexual union with the mother. The virgin birth of Christ is completely different. Joseph Campbell doesn't believe that ethical monotheism existed in primitive culture when scholars like social anthropologist Edward Evans-Pritchard and Charles Joseph Adams proved that ethical monotheism is found in ancient cultures indeed. The late Joseph Campbell maintained that civilizations are not based on science, but on myth. “Aspiration,” Campbell explained, “is the motivator, builder and transformer of civilization.” Our technological society has been built on Francis Bacon’s myth of the New Atlantis. So, Joseph Campbell's ideologies are a part of the same old New Age dogma. His ideas aren't new. There is nothing new under the sun. 

The controversy of Corey Booker and the President is ever real. Corey said that he misspoke about his words about being dismayed with the President's criticism of Bain Capital. There is a bigger issue at play. It's the issue of our political system (including the corporate control over mainstream society). It isn't just the Republicans that have been agents of the oligarchy, but some Democrats. These Democrats were called the New Democrats or the DLC types back in the day. Now, they are the Blue Dog Democrats and the center-left corporate Democrats today in 2012. Some of these types of Democrats have corporate influence, they have nominal links to the community, and they are even operatives of the reactionaries. People know about Corey Booker. Booker is a strong support of charters and school privatization. That is why he worked with FOX News host Juan Williams, Republican Governor of New Jersey Chris Christie, and Republican Governor of Louisiana Bobby Jindal to advance this agenda. They worked in the annual conference of the Alliance of School Choice. They hate teacher unions and organized parental power that disagrees with them. This is why Booker was a founding board member the Bradley Foundation's Black Alliance for Educational Options. Today, the slick corporate Democrats are promoting the thinking that the Republicans adhered to for decades. This isn't an independent approach as some believe. It's a part of the same old politricks of yesteryear. Some of the new generation of leaders are colonized in their mind. They are given funds, elite connections, and crossover appeal in order to promote the status quo. The Bradley Foundation aids the Heritage Foundation financially including the American Enterprise Institute, and other people (like racists and corporate people like Charles Murray, Robert Bork, Jeanne Kirkpatrick, and Antonin Scalia). This network advances vouchers, charters, etc. For the past few years, the reactionaries use some of the young in order to advance their agenda. Corey Booker as mayor has been known for dismantling public education, turning over government assets like Newark's water system to favored private contractors, etc. Total privatization of parks, recreation, and other services is wrong in my mind.  That is why we have to address unemployment, family struggles, mass incarcreation, and the evils of austerity. The Republicans aren't blameless or innocent either. Some of them lack a real economic or jobs plan for everyday Americans. Many of them want war mongering in dealing with Iran. Many Republicans lecture on fiscal responsibility, debt, and deficits (which I take human lives over these items), but they increased the deficits in  record levels (from 2001-2009). 

Legitimate people have exposed the errors from Bain Capital. Many workers from Bain Capital lost their health insurance. Some folks had to decide to either recieve health insurance or lose other benefits. Some workers said that the plants suffered worse as a result of Bain Capital taking over a plant. Bain Capital during 1993 purchased a steel mill in Kansas, Missouri. It eventually was closed down. The company, GST Steel, went bankrupt in 2001 and was closed down, with all 750 workers losing their jobs, while Bain walked away with a $12 million profit. One of the fired steelworkers interviewed for the Obama commercial calls Bain a “vampire” that “came in and sucked the life out of us.” Many corporatists act as vampires. Romney’s record at Bain Capital is a demonstration of the parasitic role of finance capital, which mobilizes vast resources to take over, reorganize and downsize companies. It is part of a process, extending over more than three decades, in which Wall Street has garnered an ever-larger share of corporate profits through financial manipulations unrelated and inimical to the development of the productive forces. A deputy campaign manager named Stephanie Cutter told the Wall Street Journal that the President was criticizing Mitt Romney and not private equity as a whole. Also, there are financial empire more powerful than Bain Capital with stronger influence in the political realm. One such empire is the Blackstone Group. Its co-founders are named Steven Schwartzman and Peter Peterson. They amassed personal fortune in excess of Romney's. They recieved from 3 billion dollars to 4 dollars in profit each compared to the $250 million for Mitt Romney. The Blackstone Group has people funding the reactionary agenda and the Wall Street agenda. People know that Peterson wants to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid for decades. He funded Washington think tanks in order for institutions to create policy recommendations for Republicans and Democrats (in trying to cut the social safety net). It's a historical fact that private equity and hedge fund industries over the past decades have increased the risks of parasitism and criminality. 

By Timothy

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