
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Mid Week News

Once again, Kurt Nimmo bashes Social Security and welfare. The reality is that Social Security disability isn't equivalent to a total government handout. In an emergency economic situation, you will have a high number of people on disability. The reason is because during economically troubling times, sometimes more public assistance ought to be available for those that need it. For thousands of years, public and private services have enriched society, which Nimmo omits. So, Nimmo thinks that because we have a recession with a stagnant economy under the centrist policies from President Barack Obama, then Austrian economics will save us. He's wrong since we tried trickled down economics under Reagan and under Bush Jr. It doesn't work. Also, the recession has caused finding a job much more difficult than in times past. The private sector is holding onto trillions of dollars and they are not making an extreme amount of investments that can create jobs in America. "Government dole" is a slur used by reactionaries as a means to demean public jobs. The truth is that public jobs and private jobs have equal important in the stability and enchancement of a society. There is no shame in having a public job or getting public assistance legitimate. There are plenty of people in public jobs that possess integrity, intelligence, and honor. It's a shame and a scandal that the oligarchy steals wealth from taxpayers, organize unjust wars, and permit a system that is detrimental to the goals and aspirations of men and women living in the world today. That's the real shame. The real truth is that reactionaries use economic numbers as an excuse to falsely scapegoat the poor. Scapegoating the poor is a slick jest and it's an old American pasttime. In this generation, the mainstream media like the New York Times and even corporate puppets blame single motherhood for every social ill under the sun, which is foolishness. The truth is that single motherhood is not the monolith that some conservative claim it is. Many single parent households have fully functional, progressive thinking children. Women in America are still paid less than men. Other single mothers are doing better in more advanced, progressive nations. For example in Sweden, a single mother has access to national health insurance hospital benefits, and other benefits. The problems that we have in America is that many single mothers experience a lax social safety net. Also some married couples suffer just as bad single mothers, because of the socioeconomic problems in soicety. The big picture is that married couples have value in the world. They should be respected, but not at the expense of single mothers being dehumanized. The dehumanization of single mothers as inferior is the same lie that racists think about black people. What we need is a progressive tax system, education, univseral health care, and the end of military industiral complex. Discrimination and disparities in our economic system should be eliminated. Social justice can solve our problems not the demonization of the poor. We shouldn't demonize the poor at all.

It's a known fact that Big Pharma used money to promote their agendas in the world. Natural and others documented what people already know. Big Pharma regularly bribe doctors in order for Big Pharma to promote prescriptions of high profit pharmaceuticals. There is the drug industry's largest settlement in history. This was when GlaxoSmithKline experienced a 3 billion dollar fine and they plead guilty to committing felony crimes. One whistle blower admitted to NaturalNews editor Mike Adams that there is a history off label pharmaceutical marketing and the systematic bribery of doctors. Blair Hamrick has exposed this fact. Blair admitted that Glaxo done other activities like coaching the pharmaceutical sales reps to enroll doctors in an elaborate kickback schemes. Another female admitted that she worked inside a company that managed to kickback relationships between drug companies and doctors. She said that doctors would earn up to $6,000 a day as part of the Big Pharma's speakers bureaus. In her words, she said that doctors and physicians lined up to cash in on the bribery payoffs in order for their souls to be given to Big Pharma. Some of these drugs presented by Big Pharma are dangerous and even deadly. Even Cleveland Clinic recieved 3 million dollars from Pfizer recently. In 2010 Eli Lily paid over $61 million in speaking fees to its ntework of doctors and physicians. This is a company that admitted to illegal off-label promotion of Zyprexa and paid a $1.4 billion fine to settle criminal and civil charges. (Is there ANY drug company that hasn’t been caught engaged in criminal acts?). That is why it is reasonable for us to reject the use of any drug that is dangerous or corrupt. To their credit, some delegates from the Texas Republican Party want a full mandatory of labeling genetically modified organism (GMOs) legalized raw milk, and the ending of the TSA (since the TSA has been involved in violating the Fourth Amendment and molesting innocent citizens). I don't agree with the Republicans on every issue (like them supporting the war on terror), but these are items are certain ideologies that I agree with. I believe in health freedom. Folks have the right to get vitamins, herbs, and supplments if they want too. It's a known fact that natural unprocessed foods can help a human's body structure. I don't agree with the Texas Republican Party believing in a solely market based health care system. I believe in transparent health care, but universal health care (single payer health care is better than a system run totally by the free market). Universal health care is found in every industralized nation in the world except the USA. I don't believe that all forms of health care should be privatized like a gambling casino. 

The Vietnam War has many realities. Professor Antony C. Sutton proved that Henry Ford back in the 1930's built the Soviet Union's first modern automobile plant as found in Gorki. These same plant as found in Russia produced the trucks that were used by the North Vietnamese to carry weapons and munitions for use against Americans. So, both sides of the war were directly or indirectly funded by Western corporate giants. Wars for thousands of years have cause misery and many strange happenings have been a part of it. Even in the 1600's, Roman Catholic missionaries begun to arrive in Vietnam. About 10 percent of the population in former South Vietnam is Roman Catholic. In 1956, South Vietnam declared itself a "Republic." Ngo Dinh Diem was named President. The Ngo Dinh brothers were dictators. Diem's brother Ngo Dinh Nhu was the head of the secret policy (and Diem's third brother Ngo Dinh Thuc was the Roman Catholic Archbishop of the city of Hue). So, the Diem brothers organized the immoral repression of the overwhelming Buddhist population in South Vietnam. Buddhists were religiously persecuted. President Diem formed a Catholic dictatorship where he crush the religious and political rights of the non-Catholics (especially Buddhists) in that nation. Buddhists were tortured, harrased, killed and arrested in Diem's reign (before Diem, there was Bao Dai that supported the French. To his credit, he later wanted the Vietnam War to end and desire all political factions to form a free, neutral peace loving government that could end the tensions in Vietnam). Diem's reign and tax structure was so oppressive to the Buddhists that a mass exodus of Buddhist went into North Vietnam (while Roman Catholics traveled into South Vietnam during the 1950's and the 1960's). Such massacres of Buddhists transpired under the dictator Diem (according to Avro Manhattan) in Mocay, Thanhphu, Scotrang, Cangiuoc, Dailoc, Duyxuyen and other locations. Diem was trained by Cardinal Spellman in New York City. The oppression created by Diem (a traitor to his own people) was so evil that one man named Thich Quang Duc (which grapped international attention) protested in June 11, 1963 by setting himself on fire in Siagon. By 1957, the Vietminh Communist forces came in South Vietnam to attack South Vietnamese government forces. These communists were later called the Vietcong. The USSR, China, and other Communist nations gave military equipment and support to North Vietnam plus her communist allies in South Vietnam. When people talk about the National Liberation Front, they are talking about when the Vietcong in South Vietnam organized itself into a National Liberation Front (back in 1960). So, it is obvious that slick actions were going on among both sides during the Vietnam War. Although, some of the VC wanted a more tolerable government without influence from America nor the Soviets or Chinese people. The West built up the Communist power structure and then they fight them during the Cold War period. The Vietnamese people deserve independence, but not imperial domination by the West nor total control by the international Communists either. They should control their own destiny and decide for themselves what order of government that they wish for. Diem was killed by opposition forces in November 2, 1963. LBJ admitted on tape that he and the U.S. generals allowed a group of thugs to killed Diem (and Vietnam became much more unstable after that incident). Now, President Lyndon Baines Johnson began to sent U.S. Marine combat units to Vietnam in March of 1965. In the middle of 1965, U.S. troop strength in Vietnam was about 60,000. By 1969, there were 543,000 troops in Vietnam and then it gradually decline. March of 1973 was when the last U.S. combat unit left the Vietnam war theatre. The two facts of Vietnam was that it was an immoral war for one. The war was a civil war and the nation of Vietnam wasn't a direct threat to American soil. Both sides committed atrocities and war crimes against each other. Also, some scholars believe that the rules of engagement restricted some U.S. military actions in Vietnam. This caused a protracted war where the American military people and the Vietnamese people died needlessly (instead of factions forming a legitimate negotiated settlement to end that conflict). 

There is the issue of Freemasonry and Nazis. Many Nazis murdered Masons. I don't agree with that, because I disagree with Freemasonry philosophically, socially, politically, morally, and religiously. Yet, I don't believe in killing a person if someone is a Mason. We can agree to disagree on issues without being violently disagreeable. So, the Nazis were wrong in exterminating some Masons (about 80,000 were killed during WWII. The Nazis created anti-Masonic exhibitions across Germany to promote hostility and fear toward Freemasons). Hitler outlawed Freemasonry in Nazi Germany except the Old Prussian Lodges (which didn't allow Jewish people in the Lodge and were fiercely nationalistic). See, the Nazis persecuted a lot of fringe lodges associated with the Communists. Those of mainstream German Freemasonry (which allied with American and British Freemasons) were exempted. People speculate that the Nazis did this, because these aristocratic-like Masons aligned with the Nazis. A 1997 edition of the Freemasonic journal Philalthesfeatured an article titled 'German Freemasonry and Its Attitudes Toward The Nazi Regime', that reveals the demographics of the Fraternity in 1930s Germany. These Anglo-American & Germanic Masons headed the industry, commerce, and finance of Nazi Germany. For example Freemason Thomas J. Watson used his IBM company to give computerized technology to the Nazis. Subsequently, the Nazis used this technology to number the victims of the Holocaust. In "IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance Between IBM and the Nazis," Edwin Black writes that information technology--in the form of IBM's Hollerith punch-card machines--provided the Nazis with a unique and critical tool in their task of cataloging and dispatching their millions of victims. The Dow Chemical company was part of the IG Farben umbrella corporation and were suppliers of large stocks of Magnesium for incendary bombs and other chemicals for the production of explosives. During WWII, 32nd Degree Freemason William H. Dow was the President of the Dow Chemical Company. Masonic British Royalty originally backed Hitler. This is why Hitler promoted the stamp of the Freemason & Jesuit-supporter Frederick the Great. The more "liberal" Masons were persecuted since they initiated men of any religious denomination and acted more humanitarian. They allied with the Communists and were more internationalist. The Prussian Lodged allied with Nazi Germany and some Masons aided Hitler like the high level 33rd degree Freemason Henry Ford. So, Freemasonry had involvement in both sides or the major players in WWII. They were found in the pro-Nazi Prussian Lodges and they were found in the Allied side as well. The Allied directed Nuremberg trials had Freemasons heading the whole thing. The ironic thing about the Nazis is that the Nazis in fact destroyed Germany much worse the Treaty of Versailles did. The central banks exploited WWII as a means to create an international world center of globalism. 

In terms of spirituality, a lot of people know that Roman Catholicism is not Christianity. Christianity existed a long time before Catholicism. Catholicism mimics the Roman Empire. The Pope acts as a revived Cesar and the College of Cardinals is similar to the ancient Roman Senate. Sun worship iconography is found in Catholicism. They killed and butchered real Chstirans (who came to believe in the 1599 Geneva Bible). Also, real Christians realize the true nature of Saturnalia of Christmas and the Isthar-related holiday of Easter. The blasphemy of Romanism and the Jesuits is found in the painting of the Apotheosis of Ignatius of Loyola. Loyola was the founder the Jesuit Order. This painting was created by Andrea Pozzo. It was in the form of a fresco. Andrea Pozzo is famous for his other images or frecos as well. The Apotheosis of Ignatius Loyola was form in 1688-1690. So, in the fresco, Igantius is featured as being carried up to Heaven by angels. The clouds are shown as majestic in weird way. Ignatius in real life wanted the Jesuits to influence the world with its political and religious philosophies. Andrea Pozzo was an Italian Jesuit so he respect Loyola. He was an artists in the Baroque period. With his technique of quadratura, which is an unique artistic method. The fresco is found in the celiling of the Church of St. Ignazio. 

By Timothy

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