
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Cory Booker: The Second Coming of Obama - Only Worse

Welcome to the 21st Century "New Black"

Mr. Ford is on point as always. I concur with the premise that Booker is more dangerous than Obama because Booker is more aggressive than Obama and slightly more narcicisstic. He has more slogans up his sleeve than Michael Eric Dyson and an East Coast brashness/edginess to go along with it. Whereas Obama is Coltrane Cool, Cory is more Miles Davis.
But let me just say something even more depressing, albeit enlightening. Corey Booker is no aberration, he is in fact emblamatic of the New 21st Century Negro. This Negro is politically savy, cosmopolitican, worldly and unabashedly capitalisitic, though not necessarily the cut-throat/unfettered version. These are not all bad qualities in and of themselves. Trust me, I just spent the weekend with my Line Brothers, whom I love dearly,and whom all embody these "virtues."
We had some interesting conversations all veering to the political. My opinions were gladly solicited. We all enjoy a good intellectual exchange. And I can only report my views were in the minority, I sounded like Nat Turner and Malcolm X in comparison to their views. Each of my beloved frat brothers believe in Obama's politically saviness, they accept that he can't do anything to combat Israeli aggression (its politics), they believe that the bitter pill of a Grand Bargain has to be swallowed to avoid the fiscal cliff. They believe in the fiscal cliff itself and insisit that Obama inheritied a mess. They believe that the bank bailout was necessary despite the consolidation resulting from it, despite two of them having MBAs from elite schools. They acknowledge that Obama is NOT LIBERAL but Center Right (a surprising and appreciated bit of candor), they even allege most people should know this to which I responded most don't.
(And we didn't even get into the Exective Powers/foreign policy piece).
I'm here to tell yall that as much as we think some of our educated Blacks are dumb (and some are misinformed), they ain't all actually dumb. Many are quite sophisticated and simply compromised, they are successful because they know the game and play it well. And although they said I was cynical (and I am) they are equally cynical in terms of their realpolitick worldview, but they don't necessarily see it as such.
Listen, it's not so amazing what a good Elite Education can do for assimilationism and cooption of the values of the Black Prophetic Tradition. Don't expect to see to many of the new 21st Century Blacks speak truth to power, it's simply bad business to do so. There's no ROI in it.
"We Shall Overcome" being inside, south of the $250K threshold for Bush/Obama tax cuts; we want to be in that number.....I'm here to tell you.
They only thing that might save us from ourselves is some leadership that musters the vision and will to PIVOT this human and financial capital to invest in urban areas. If you can put together a business plan that shows ROI in lending to poor folks and being willing to accept less interest than a pawn shop or payday loan outfit. You may get some takers, but if you are expecting a petiton drive to get Congress and states to enforce usury laws, fuhgettabout it.
We can complain about the mindset to high heaven, and I do, and we must continue to challenge it. But we must also be creative in how to manipulate it because it is the 21st Century New Black mindset and we ain't going back to "We the People Who are Darker than Blue" or "Moving on Up, Keep on Pushing." As Curtis Mayfield would say, "Freddy's Dead."
It is what it is folks. And frankly, it ain't like folks can't make a dollar and get people out of poverty too. Ask Montel Williams if you don't believe me. (Pay day loans CREATE poverty, but they do demonstrate there is a market to help Black folks with limited means). That has to be part of the "business plan" for Black uplift moving forward. The one thing I can say positively is that they also believe in building Black institutional wealth and power too. And they don't believe in post-racialism or that racism doesn't exist.
If you want to understand where this all comes from check out Chris Hedges. The only thing more effective at assimilation than a McDonald's franchise is a solid Ivy League quality education.


Even the ones that attended

Even the ones that attended non-Ivy institutions - including HBCUs - have the same ObamaBooker mindset. EVEN still when some of their behinds are in dire straits due to job loss and mortgage troubles.



I contend that part of the "poison" of Reality TV is its inculcation of Horatio Algers nonsense.
It doesn't matter than the game is rigged. Through lotteries, and reality TV Americans don't accept that it's rigged, they are waiting on "their turn" though it will never come.
Reality TV and social media--youtube for example--has every Tom, Dick and Harry believing that wealth is within reach, all that is required is for them to be "discovered."
Ask Snooki and Nene if you don't believe me. True reality is a nuisance and a Debbie Downer. Leave (us) alone, all you "haters." LOL  

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