
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Continued Police Brutality

FL cops gun-down yet another 17 yr old unarmed Black youth, Devin Jolicouer III, in front of his mother last week. FLORIDA- Where Zimmerman kicked off the yr by gunning-down unarmed 17 yr old Trayvon... - FL where another white guy gunned-down unarmed 17 yr old Jordan Davis last month....- FL where 69 yr old Mr Trevor Dooley gets attacked from behind by a 41 yr old white guy that was 80lbs heavier, who then tried to take Mr Dooley’s gun & was shot & killed in the process. Yet Mr Dooley’s ‘Stand Your Ground’ in self defense is rejected & he gets up to 30yrs for 2nd Murder.... - FL where Ms Marrissa Alexander is given 20yrs mandatory for NOT Shooting an attacker IN HER OWN HOME [no stand your ground for her either].

You can read the story RE Devin’s killing @ -&-
BUT It boils down to: Devin Jolicouer, whose mom’s from Haiti [remember that] was talking to a friend in front of his own home. The FL cops claim a neighbor called 9-11 to say they looked suspicious [this begs the question why Devin's neighbor didn't recognize him]. The real back-ground story is that someone Devin knew was accussed by these cops of burgularizing a fellow cop’s home & killing the cop’s ex-K-9 [as in ex-police DOG]. The cops ‘claim’ that as the other teen tried to run, Devin pulled a TOY GUN on them & that’s why the gunned-him down [His mom says he had no gun]. Apparently NO drugs Nor any other incriminating evidence has turned up besides this TOY GUN, & Devin’s friend who the cop’s ‘claimed’ tried to run, was NOT arrested.
IMO It’s hard to believe that a street wise 17yr old kid [who these FL cops even 'claim' was allegedly once a homicide suspect] would be STUPID enough to pull a TOY GUN on a cop, let alone several cops, especially if he was not engaging in criminal activity! [remember his was at home w his mom present]! IMO that TOY GUN is likely a plant/drop gun.

I’m going to paste some not so subtly racist comments made by whites in referrence to this story. No matter what the circumstances when the cops or even cop wanna-bes [IE: Z-man] gun-down unarmed Blacks, no matter how shady the circumstances- the unarmed Black guy is always a THUG who deserved to get gunned-down!

Posted by molonlabe: Yeah, mom knows because she was there selling drugs with him.

Posted by TurdFerguson: molonlabe, I totally support that theory.

If you’re stupid enough to pull a fake gun on a cop then you reap what you sow

Posted by reneontheisland: They’re always such good boys. Yet they commit crimes and terrorize neighborhoods. Then when they get gunned down they’re memorialized as good boys who were done wrong. THEY ARE NOT GOOD BOYS. GOOD BOYS don’t sell drugs and pull guns on cops or shoot classrooms full of helpless children. [My Comment: The story does NOT say Devin sold drugs. The other teen w him was NOT even arrested- but this person equates him w this mass killer Adam Lanza who shot 26 people {20 school-kids} to death w a M-16 type assault rifle. Devin shot NO-one & the cops ‘claimed’ he pulled a TOY GUN!].

Posted by nocondocommandospleaz: One more career criminal off our streets and out of our jails. Thank you officers

Posted by imbho: i guess since momma said he wasn’t armed, that semi automatic just fell from the sky [It was a TOY GUN DUHH!!!]?

just think these guys are the cream of the crop that come from that other wonderful nation of success stories [he's talking about Haiti], I wonder if their parents arrived on the midnight express.

Posted by wtf60: i wonder how you would feel if these little scumbags were selling drugs to your children or breaking into your house i bet you would call the cops if you dissaprove of the way law enforcement handles things in this country then get the hell out and take all the rest of the bleeding hearts with you. [My comment: These racist-ranters apparently can't read- the cops did NOT say Devin was selling drugs at the time they gunned him down]

Posted by BrittanyNicole1: @LadyAdy, the mother was just as at fault AS HER SON! this kid’s a BAD apple… “he’s a good kid, he’s not like that” i call BS on that stupid statement, because GOOD kids don’t carry guns, GOOD kids don’t point a gun at an officer, GOOD kids dot sell drugs, GOOD kids don’t Break into homes and shoot a defenseless dog… so excuse me if i don’t feel one bit sad for this kid [My Comment: Again this ranter apparently can't read. The cops did NOT 'directly' accuse Devin of shooting their fellow cop's K-9 DOG {apparently this female thinks the DOG's life was worth more than Devin's} nor accused him of selling or even having drugs at the time that they shot him down like a DOG in the Street in Front of His Mother!]


I heard similar rantings against Mrs Glenda Moore- when she tragically lost her 2 small boys in Harricane Sandy- after a white guy slammed the door in her face as she begged him for help! Yet they expect us to be devastated when one of their own sons snaps & kills a bunch of their kids!
This is the reality of so-called ‘Post Racial USA’ in the age of Obama!

Did FL Cops Kill this Black Youth RE: Police Dog's Death?!?

Andre Shanks, who was with Jolicoeur when deputies searched them says: "Claude [Devin] tried to run, they grabbed him, they tackled him and then they pulled him down to the ground and then I heard like 5 shots. And then he was dead," said Shanks, "I didn't see any gun. They yelled out he had a gun after they shot him. That's when I heard it, after those 4 or 5 shots. Then they yelled out he's got a gun."
Shanks is not facing any charges according to PBSO.
PBSO also claimed Devin Jolicoeur was somehow tied to the shooting death of former K-9 [IE: ex-police DOG], Drake. A spokesperson said Jolicoeur knew the alleged shooter [of the DOG = guilt by association]...
"What would that have to do with anything if he knew them? He has no connection to that crime. They have no evidence that he was there. There's nothing. They're just making stuff up," said Rodgerick Smith, a friend of Jolicoeur.
During the struggle with the deputies, the passenger [Devin 'allegedly'] pulled out a semi-automatic REPLICA [= fake] of a TEC-9, Bradshaw said.
Investigators said a struggle broke out between deputies and Jolicoeur, where Jolicoeur was then shot after he allegedly pulled out a TEC-22 firearm. [So which was it? A so-called 'Replica' of a Tec-9 or a real Tec-22??? IMO Sounds like those cops in FL are having a hard time keeping their LIES Straight!!!]
So All that BS about a possible drug deal is just a bunch of a static. No drugs were found & Devin's friend Andre was not even arrested. These FL cops 'claimed' Devin was allegedly once a homicide suspect, yet they then 'claim' the reason they rolled on him was because of a suspected drug-deal- when there was no drug deal!
So The only thing we're left w is- These cops 'believed' [= had a 'hunch'] that Devin was in on killing their fellow cop's ex-Police DOG- which seems like the real-reason they gunned him down like a mad-dog in the streets in front his mother!
Of course if these FL cops did execute Devin over their Damned police DOG- they've got every reason to plant a FAKE [replica of a] Tec-9 on Devin which then 'morphs' into a real Tec-22- especially after Trayvon & Jordan Davis [& also Rebia Boyd, Ramarley Grahm, Mr Kenneth Chamberlain, etc, etc, etc]!


undeclared open season on all black people!

You can see this in the American police state, to local police brutality, stop & frisk, the right-to-slavery laws, to white peoples stand your ground law (aka white people's inalienable right to shoot black and brown people) etc...
As for the apocalypse "prepper" crowd (a good portion of the white working class)... They know full well they don't stand a chance against the American police state! So I don't buy the notion that their guns are for the government (and the plutocrats that run it).
They're trying to work from the inside (Tea Party?) promoting reich wing policies that will kill people with austerity and collapse the American federal government. At the same time, they're arming themselves to the teeth, not to face the state (because these p___y's know the outcome of that). They're arming themselves to massacre defenseless, unarmed, black and brown people when/if they succeed in collapsing the federal government (like in Katrina?). This is what they call "restoring the republic" (back to slavery/Jim-Crow).
"Zombie Apocalypse" [AKA Gun down black & brown people]:
In this video, one "survivalist" tells white people at the Mexican/US border to mow down brown people:


1 comment:

  1. Lawrence21:49

    Claud Devin Joliceur was killed and it may not have been justified. But your account of the gun being a toy gun is not substantiated. According to the records: "Three seconds after the third shot is fired, a fourth is heard. Moments
    later, Officer Hightower appears in front of the dashcam holding an Intratec
    TEC-22, a gun police would later say Devin had been wearing in his

    It was never found to be a toy gun. And Devin's friend who was with him at the time of the incident, said this:
    Shanks, Devin's friend, told investigators Hightower removed the gun from Devin's waistband only after he was dead.

    Yes, the death was horrible and probably not warranted. But it was not a toy gun that Devin carried.
