
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Controversial Words in December of 2012

The Caribbean is one of the greatest regions of the Western Hemisphere and the world. It is made up of numerous cultures and social dispositions. Its history fully is consisted of triumphs, tribulations, and other controversies. The history begins with the Native Americans. In about 4,500 B.C., there was the Casirmoid culture in Cuba and Hispaniola. There were human beings that used ceramic devices and other advances in civilization in the ancient Caribbean surroundings. There were humans in the Lesser Antilles from 2,000 B.C. in Antigua. In eastern Trinidad, there was the Saladoid culture between 400 B.C. and 200 B.C. The main Native American indigenous peoples in the Caribbean islands were the Taino in the Greater Antilles, the Bahamas, and the Leeward Islands. There were the Island Caribs and the Gallibi in the Windward Islands. There was the Ciboney in western Cuba. All of these people were in the Caribbean around the time Europeans first came into the territory. The Taínos are subdivided into Classic Taínos, who occupied Hispaniola and Puerto Rico, Western Taínos, who occupied Cuba, Jamaica, and the Bahamian archipelago, and the Eastern Taínos, who occupied the Leeward Islands. Trinidad was lived by both Carib speaking and Arawak speaking groups. One of the most evil periods in human history was when Europeans colonized the Americas including the Caribbean. One of the first Europeans to do so were the Spanish and the Portuguese. Christopher Columbus and other explorers came into the region. They sought wealth and power, but many of these explorers caused the genocide of the Native American population. The Spanish and other Europeans exploited black people by making blacks slaves. Later, black human beings were imported in the Americas to be used as labor (and make the growth of European imperialism a reality). After the Spanish Empire declined, other European powers came into the Caribbean as a clear means to exploit its resources and harm human rights basically. The Dutch, the French, and the British followed one another to the region and established a long-term presence. They brought with them millions of slaves imported from Africa to support the tropical plantation system that spread through the Caribbean islands. There was the British colonization of Bermuda back in 1612, then St. Kitts in 1623, and Barbados in 1627. The Brits colonized other locations too in Nevis, Antigua, Montserrat, Anguilla, and Tortola in 1672. The French enacted the same policy of colonization in Guadeloupe, Martinique, St. Martin, St. Barts, St. Croix, St. Lucia, Grenada, Dominica, and St. Vincent in 1719. The Dutch took over other locations from Saba to parts of the Virgin Islands. The immoral slave trade basically caused most of the growth of the capitalist system in the modern era. The slave trade in the Western Hemisphere continued until the 19th century. Sugar cane and other resources were produced for the establishment. Some of the European or American wars between Empires would spread into the Caribbean. For example, even the American Revolution caused British and French fleet to battle it out in the Caribbean. Many abolitionists and black freedom fighters since the moment this immoral slavery Maafa came about fought back against oppression. Their efforts allowed the British Empire to end the slave trade in 1807 and to ban slavery completely by 1833. When the Slavery Abolition Act came into force in 1834, roughly 700,000 slaves in the British West Indies immediately became free; other enslaved workers were freed several years later after a period of forced apprenticeship. Slavery was abolished in the Dutch Empire in 1814. Spain abolished slavery in its empire in 1811, with the exceptions of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Santo Domingo. Spain ended the slave trade to colonies in 1817 after being paid ₤400,000 by Britain. Slavery itself was not abolished in Cuba until 1886. France abolished slavery in its colonies in 1848. When slavery was gone, the evils of colonization and discrimination still remained. Jamaica was one of the strongest locations where black human beings legitimately rebelled against oppression. There were the Maroons or escaped slaves that banded together as a way to fight evil. They existed in the mountainous Greater Antilles and some of the islands of the Lesser Antilles. Slave rebellions regularly occurred in Jamaica and Cuba. One of the greatest moments of black history and human history was when Haiti fought for its independence against the French Empire. This happened in 1804, which was after 13 years of hard work from the Haitian Revolution. Toussaint l'Ouverture and other brothers and sisters fought for freedom in that epoch of human history.

Latin America is interesting to study. It is made of Latin America, Mexico, and South America too. They have a great history and culture in their own right. Economically and politically, they are growing in power. Their culture is influenced by Native Americans, black Africans, Europeans, Indians, other Asians, and other human beings from the four corners of the Earth. In Virginia, where I am from, there has been an increase in the Latin American population. So, it is important to learn and appreciate Latin American culture. You can't know about Latin America without comprehending the history of Native Americans. Even as far back as 14,000 years ago, there was the Monte Verde settlement of Native Americans in Southern Chile. Throughout Latin America, there are vast rainforests, mountains, plants, and coasts. In Ecuador, you can find the Las Vegas culture that existed from about 8,000 to 4,600 B.C. The settlers in the land developed pyramidal structures for worships, transportation systems, and other complex governmental system. This is readily found in the Mayan, Inca, and Aztec civilizations. A lot of individuals understand about the Mayan peoples, because of their advanced calendar system. 2012 obviously is not the year of the end of the world. LOL. Yet, the Aztec empire was pretty much the most powerful civilization known throughout the Americas. It was destroyed by Spanish invaders. Christopher Columbus came into Latin America as a means to advance control over lands. Other conquistadors came into Central America too like Hernando Cortes to harm the Aztec human beings. Cortes seized the Aztec elite's power with the help of local groups who didn't favor the Aztec elite. There was Francisco Pizarro who caused the end of Incan rule in Western South America. The European powers of Spain and Portugal colonized the region. Later, the line of demarcation in 1494 came about, which gave Spain all areas to the West and Portugal all areas to the east. By the end of the 1500's, Spain occupied areas of North America too. Roman Catholicism dominated religiously the region then and now since it was the religion of the Spanish and the Portuguese. Today, about 70% of Latin America is Roman Catholic. The increasing membership of Protestants, Baptists, and similar denominations are coming about in Brazil, Panama, and Venezuela. Smallpox and measles (or diseases brought by the Europeans) killed a huge population of the indigenous population of Latin America. The intermarriage between European colonists and the indigenous peoples of Latin America were so common that human beings of mixed ancestry (or the mestizos of the old school times) formed majorities in several colonies. Haiti fueled independence movements inside of the whole region of Latin America. There has been a new scientific DNA study on Puerto Rico. Juan Martinez Cruzado is a geneticist from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez. He designed an island wide DNA survey of Puerto Rico's people. Many believed that Puerto Ricans have mostly Spanish origins mixed with some African ancestry including distant indigenous ancestry. Cruzado's research revealed surprising results in 2003. It found that, in fact, 61 percent of all Puerto Ricans have Amerindian mitochondrial DNA, 27 percent have African and 12 percent Caucasian. This changes the official history of Puerto Rico indeed.

Secret Societies, international bankers, and other like-minded entities are linked with World War Two. Many folks in the Holocaust suffered as well. "...We had no names, only numbers. The Nazis demanded total obedience. We were treated like animals," said Elsa Iwanova who was age 17 as she was forced to labor at a Ford plan in Germany during WWII. This quote comes from the New York Times on October 6, 1999 on p. A13. Even Franklin Roosevelt's cabinet was filled with Freemasons back in 1933. FDR was a 32nd Degree Freemason. Attorney General Homer Cummings was a 3rd Degree Freemason. The Secretary of the Navy Claude A. Swanson was a 13th Freemason. Henry Wallace or the Secretary of Agriculture was a 32nd Degree Freemason, Secretary of Commerce Daniel C. Roper was a 32nd Degree Freemason, and George H. Dern was a 33rd Degree Freemason. Dern was the Secretary of War. Henry Morgenthau or the Secretary of Treasury was a 33rd Degree. Even the Secretary of Navy W. Frank Knox was a 32nd Degree Freemason as well in the start of WWII. One of the most famous Allied Generals in World War II was the U.S. military leader 33rd Degree Freemason Mark Wayne Clark. He lived from 1896 to 1984, which is a long time. He was an U.S. General that was born in Maddison Barracks, NY. He comes from a military family. He was designated as Commander II Corps under Dwight D. Eisenhower for the invasion of North Africa during WWII. Clark commanded the 5th Army at the Salerno landing back in 1943 and the capture of Rome in 1944. He worked in the Asian region as relieving Ridgeway of his command of UN Forces in the Korean War. One commander General of the U.S. Air Force was 33rd Degree Freemason Henry Arnold. He graduated from West Point as far back as 1907. He was pictured near General Marshall. One Lodge called the Rite of Mizraim has as high as 90 degrees too. In the Spanish Civil War, we know that Francisco Franco (who signed a concordat with the Vatican back in 1941) organized foreign troops into Spain as a means to crush the rebels. Juan Peron was the President of Argentina. He observed the acts of the fascists and the Nazis. After WWII, he assisted the Nazis in transporting their stolen gold and jewels into Argentina by U-boat. Many Nazis went into Argentina after WWII ended. Juan Peron lived a complex and complicated life. He tried to investigate many different political and economic philosophies as a means to construct his own political agenda. He served three terms as President of Argentina and he died in 1974. There are other secrets of WWII that few human beings know about. IBM lands in Germany in March, 1933, the very month Hitler comes to power. IBM uses its punch card system and begins to identify and catalogue the everyday Jews in Germany for eventual roundup. Even though IBM is headquartered in New York City and IBM President Thomas Watson receives many public awards from. Today, in America, we have a lot of anti-human rights laws and a war economy which brutalizing many human beings of the world.


I do not agree with Communism, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out the weaknesses of capitalism either. Slavery, greed, death, and cruelty are products of laissez faire capitalism. Predatory corporate capitalism dominates our lives every day in Western society, especially in America. The fruit of the current economic system is apparent and abundant. We see its fruit in the imperialist wars. We see it in the economic crimes like the prime mortgage assaults against the American human beings, bank foreclosures, and the criminal theft of taxpayer money in the bailout of big banks and financial institutions. Some minds are brainwashed by the establishment into accepting a faulty reality. You can witness this for the past 100 years. All of us as human beings should utilize critical thinking, self-awareness, and intelligent decision making. These are the acts that can facilitate discernment and battle against oppression in the world stage. Today, we have economic and political problems. Also, we have an issue with too many human beings being anti-intellectual, harsh, anti-rational, and acting in the antithesis of strength plus compassion. Some individuals need to regain their critical consciousness. There is nothing wrong with reason and there is nothing wrong with disagreeing with torture, disease, poverty, war, slavery, and other ills in the world. The modern system advance great lies to harm not only workers, but also the rest of the human race. It is a lie that the Iraq and Afghanistan wars are essential to our national security. It is a lie to assume that some mystical, invisible hand of the free market can make certain all people rich or poor can benefit from. That is why some delusively believe that capitalism is the only viable economic system possible and any alternative is equivalent to heresy. The reality is that as humans we have the right to reject egoism, selfishness, and greed to be more enlightened. One alternative is to have production for human use instead of production for sole profit. All humans can be provided with legitimate services. It is a lie that all criminals experience justice for their crimes in this society. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with hope and inspiration. Yet, we can't live in fantasy. Many in the mainstream media has been successful in allowing much of the public to accept the deception that self-pleasure and the obsession with wealth is necessary to function greatly in society instead of being critical thinkers and seek justice. Justice means that home foreclosures should have a moratorium and criminal banks who are complicit in the economic recession should never receive an economic bailout. Sometime is wrong with a culture and a system that exclusively seeks profit instead of the social betterment of humankind. It is the cartel-capitalist system that dominates Wall Street, the Federal Reserve System, much of the governments of the West, the military, the police, mainstream religion, and university interests too. Since 9/11, there are hundreds of other 9/11s in the Middle East too. Untold folks have been murdered, children have been massacred from the air, women have been raped by terrorists and some occupiers, and villages have been burned down. We know that America is still flawed and racism is still a serious issue in not only America, but throughout the Earth. We need a radical redistribution of economic and political power. We need a real structural change in the world. This evil war on terror is told to be a product of fighting for human liberation and national defense. Yet, the private central banking system, the fascist multinational corporations, and the military industrial complex have used greed and war as a means to dominate the lands of other human beings. We know that many of these laissez faire capitalists are terrorists by any definition since they use violence and war crimes all of the time. The war on terror is fascistic and predatory.

We know about the errors of the reactionaries for years. Numerous Republicans are clear that they want to harm the social safety net. Some of them want radical cuts to the food stamp program and Medicaid. Even Reagan started the elimination of housing subsidies. Koch's and Murdoch's Tea Party want to end food stamps, Medicaid, and Social Security as we know it. Even some in CNN not just FOX News have express some sympathy toward them or the Tea Party. Now, folks are beginning to understand some of the folly from the liberal establishment. The political elite have always been antithetical to the interests of the elite. There are horrendous conditions in prisons nationwide. Even some in the progressive crowd are saying nothing about it. Even Jerry Brown and Arnold Schwarzenegger fought the government takeover the prison hospitals in CA when the conditions in those prisons were so horrible. When Mayor Brown left office as mayor of Oakland, his developer friends and contributors help themselves by plundering the Oakland treasury for the purpose of constructing ill-advised condo districts to accommodate Browns “elegant density” without anticipating a burst in the housing market. The establishment in general regularly uses stereotypes against black people and people of color, which is similar to the propaganda from Julius Streicher. Some of them love the Wire so much omitting that most crack usage is done by whites. This is why when Ishmael Reed came into East Jerusalem, many Palestinian kids falsely viewed all black Americans as drug addicts since they received their information about blacks from Hollywood and CNN. It is hugely hypocritical for the reactionaries to lecture on affirmative action when mostly white citizens in America benefit from the New Deal, affirmative action, Medicare, Medicaid, the GI Bill, etc.  That is their M.O. Also, Mayor Michael Bloomberg's "stop and frisk" fascism is still evil too. Black women have complained that they have been sexually molested during Bloomberg’s stop and frisks. The NYC government in many circles doesn’t give a care in the world about it. These same measures were utilized in occupied Paris and Amsterdam in the 1930's and the 1940's. I will never support any cop harassing human beings and using SS Stop and Frisk activities at all. Did you know that about 640,000 African Americans and Hispanic Americans have been frisked by the good ole NYPD Blue? Their harassment of children via the stop and frisk policy even outraged Bob Herbert. I believe in self-defense like the next man, but I oppose many NRA board members making racist and anti-Semitic comments before. Even Bob Barr used a slur in describing one policy of the current President Barack Obama. Bob Barr was once in the Board of Directors of the NRA. This son of a father (I could use other language to describe this man and you know the language) praised the reactionary Jesse Helms of North Helms. Many other NRA board members have expressed bigotry, anti-immigration rhetoric, and other extreme views. I only knew of some of this information recently and this is wild stuff. It is true and it has made me aware about a lot of situations. The establishment regularly features the crimes of the poor, but these crimes pale in comparison to the crimes of the rich. There are the crimes made by Pfizer, who is controlled by the 1 percent. I don't forget about MSNBC either. You know I can't omit you guys. MSNBC is owned by General Electric and they are filled with establishment liberals with a token like Joe Scarborough. They are ruled by GE. General Electric is known to finance the war on terror. GE helped to create the A bomb decades ago that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. GE built up the Fukushima plants for decades. Fukushima leaked dangerous nuclear material all over the Japanese landscape. Also, Schultz is wrong to support the war mongering in Libya. GE sometimes doesn't pay income taxes. Nader exposed a deal that MSNBC made with the state of New Jersey, which allows them to return the taxes they pay to the state to General Electric, which still has shares in NBC. Even reactionaries like Joe Scarborough called the stimulus garbage when it had prevented a worse recession from occurring in American society. Carlos Watson challenged Joe about the stimulus issue and now Watson is rarely shown in the network. I will concede that numerous sincere human beings are in even the mainstream media.


By Timothy

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