
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Michelle Alexander: 'The New Jim Crow'


  1. Racism is the distracton from the broader economic picture of far greater consequences:

  2. I don't think racism is a distraction. It is a reality. Racism is one tactic out of many tactics that the establishment uses as a means to advance the Drug War. You are subsequently correct on the rest of your points though.

  3. Anonymous02:27

    RACISM You
    know I think racism is a plot from the devil! What was it 1520 the Christions
    came and occpied NE .The indianas where forced to work,and they didnt.So the next stage for forced labor where the niggors from Afarca many of whom where enslaved by there fellow Africans.You know what I am white and I enjoy whites ruling the country and I am sure you blacks enjoyn whites ruling the country.So here is what I
    purpose first we eliminate all mexicans,muslims and hinduns from this country.{we allow the 50%indians to remaian}.

  4. YOu sound confused. First, black people are not the N. Black people birth your race and are the first people on Earth. You ought to show some respect to my people straight up without that immature language. Black is beautiful. Now, you seem sensitive since what I wrote is the truth. Racism is a reality. You type of people know full well that white racists (not black people) organized the ships, led the routes, led the international designations, and invented the slave trade or the Maafa. Some traitorous blacks were involved in betraying their people, but white racists led in the charge of the Maafa. White supremacy is an enemy and Black Power is superior to evil point blank period. I have the truth on my side and you have bigotry and stereotyping on your side. With your slurs and hatred, you are certainly of your Father and your father isn't God indeed.

    Your white supremacist rule will not last forever since your population growth is decreasing. My race's population growth is increasing worldwide not only in America. I do not agree with extermiating any group of people or ethnic group at all. That is wrong and immoral. All people deserve equality and justice. You as an Anonymous are denomically racist and you need to wake up. You obvious believe in eugenics and other sick views. Why are you talking about Christians for? You mean the Christians that worked in the civil rights movement, the Christians that end the slave trade, the Christians that gave religious liberty rights in mainstream society, the Christians that fought poverty for eons, or the Christians that came out to expose false religions. See, people who oppressed Native Americans unjustly back then obviously are not real Christians, but heretics.

    Your racist views will never eliminate me, so you can go ahead on with that garbage.

  5. I am black and reject exterminating any human being of any background period.

  6. WHy is Anonymous saying all of this exterminating stuff here. Is this person a FED?
