
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Some Truth

You know I will come back ground. Many of these liberals are right on organic foods, GMOs, and ending the War on Drugs, but some of them are wrong on this issue. I have not seen a gun by itself kill any human at all. The only thing I agree with these anti-gun extremists is that we need gun safety (or criminals and mentally ill folks should never own a gun after a jury review) and gun education programs in this country along with mental health reform. I do believe in a commission on gun violence in America. Yet, when these liars try to deny the racist history of radical gun control against black people (and even some liberals deny this history. They can talk about evil genocide in America, but refuse the expose the genocide in the Soviet Union, the genocide in China, and the genocide in Africa by Muslim extremists not just by white supremacists. These extremists aren't representative of all Muslims, so I want to make that clear. These extremists forget that America is the instrument of European elitists for Europe is the origin of white supremacy not America. America is not God, but Europe is not innocent either. The whole West is guilty of genocide and imperialism not just America. All of them or the globalists are the same whether they are in America or Europe) then I will show it publicly whether they like it or not. Many Americans fought day in and day out for liberty and truth. Their contributions ought to be respected completely irrespective of imperfections of the Founding Fathers. The enemy criticizes the weaknesses of capitalism in a legitimate fashion, but they ignore the errors found in Communism. Capitalism and Communism have been aided, financed, and built up by the international bankers for decades & centuries. As the brother Kwame Ture said, the liberal establishment acts a mediator to prevent revolution in society while the reactionary enemy acts as a overt agent of the crushing of progressive human rights. Force is sometimes necessary in an imperfect society. They can talk about God and Jesus all day long, but even Jesus Christ threw the gamblers out of the Temple via righteous force not pacifism. These liberals are right that many early Americans were racists and used the Second Amendment as a means to dominate human beings. That was wrong. Yet, this doesn't mean that the right to bear arms is void. The First Amendment was used once to advance slavery with fliers and documents, but that doesn't mean that the First Amendment is completely evil. Now, let us show the facts shall we. In 1751, The French issued the Black Codes as a means to stop black people from owning guns. Black people were restricted to own guns in Virginia after the Nat Turner Rebellion of 1831. This was executed by slave owners and individuals that wanted to continue the wicked system of white supremacy. One example of the increasing fear of armed blacks is the 1834 change to the Tennessee Constitution, where Article XI, 26 of the 1796 Tennessee Constitution was revised from: "That the freemen of this State have a right to keep and to bear arms for their common defence..." to only allowing free white people to own a gun. The Black Codes after the Civil War forced black individuals to be licensed to even carry a Bowie knife. Black human beings in civil rights groups used arms to protect peaceful, nonviolent protesters in the Deep South like the Deacons of Defense. I do believe that all human beings have the right to a job, the right to vote, the right to a quality education, health care, a clean environment, etc. Yet, a person has the right to bear arms as well. This right has been established long before the Constitution was etched, which is one smoking gun refuting the extremists that hate it when a man or a woman used their God given right of self defense and self preservation. These extremists omit the phrase the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. All forms of gun control is not racist, but certain radical gun control policies are racist period historically. These liars always want to use stats and we will use stats and studies too. I made a promise to the Creator that I will defend the right of humans to defend themselves until I pass away. I intend to keep that promise. It is a fact that Switzerland has the third lowest homicide rate in European major countries and it has a lax gun control system. Brazil has mandatory licensing, registration, and maximum personal ownership quotas. It now bans any new sales to private citizens. Their homicide rate is almost three (3) times higher than the U.S. The UK and Australia have a higher violent crime rate after they banned massively firearms. Yes, we Americans are stubborn when it comes to guns, because self defense is important. Massive gun shooting still exist in Finland and other places in locations where they have strict anti-gun laws. Alcohol and drug prohibitions failed in the USA. The gun crime rate has decreased in America for the past decades. The US does not have the worst firearm murder rate - that prize belongs to Honduras, El Salvador and Jamaica. In fact, the US is number 28, with a rate of 2.97 per 100,000 people. You need reasonable reforms yes, but not some prohibition of law abiding citizens to own firearms. You notice that these folks never say about people on psytrophic drugs killing massive human beings like SSRI that can destroy inhibition. We have record suicides in this country and SSRIs are influencing these issues. Therefore, ending the War on Drugs, funding mental health services, end the war on terror, having gun education, having gun safety policies, develop a better culture in our communities, have a real war on poverty, and ending criminals or those with mentally distrubed issues to own weapons completely in the USA. The problem is not folks with mental illness, but the broken mental health care system. America has the most sophisicated police state in human history with the CIA, the DHS, and the evil NSA including the FBI. These wicked authorities contribute to the war crimes in foreign lands (via militarized, deadly weapons where innocent children have died at the hands of the West. The President, Biden, and even some Dems not just Republicans agree with the violence found in drone attacks and assassinations that have killed civilians including innocent children too. They say nothing about that reality) and the establishment wants us to support a wicked war on terror. Then these wicked, imperialistic groups like the CIA have the nerve to try to lecture us on violence when they committed war crimes. A hypocritical nation claiming to love apple pie needs to repent instead of lecturing anyone on violence. Ole' Glory need to follow real glory not folly. I don't believe in using violence indiscriminately against any human being. What I do believe in is the right of any human being to protect themselves and their people period without exception. So, the elite knows full well that they can never take weapons from law abiding citizens unless they exploit tradegies.

The fiscal cliff is an important issue to talk about. We have unprecendented wealth disparity. This income inequality is harming millions and this system still advances militarism, imperial wars, and corporate power increased. The police state continues in the world too. Republicans and Democrats each believe in some form of austerity. The only different is the degree of austerity. The cliff includes sequester that including 1.2 trillion dollar cuts in the military and our domestic resources. Washington is acting bipartisan in having their agenda. Even some Democrats want to ruin much of the social contract by eliminating funds from Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and publicly funded pensions. Even the President wanted deep cuts to these programs and he funded by Wall Street finance. That should tell you something. This isn't news since a lot of President have been funded by the same corporate interests. These same austerity goals have been promoted before during the 2010 Simpson-Bowles National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform (NCFRF). The NCFRF wrecommended deep Medicare cuts, high Medicaid co-pays, and restrictions on filing malpractice suits. These aims end Washington's responsibility to advance public healthcare in the USA. Some feel that raising the retirement age incrementally to 67 is a scam. Even the 1981 Reagan National Commission on Social Security Reform falsely believed that the OASDI (or the Old Age, Survivors, and Disabillity Insurance Trust Fund) will run out of money as early as August 1983. The truth is that some folks stole money from Social Security into private hands. Maximum retirement age is 70. Benefits are less than recipients got a generation earlier. Raising the retirement age is code language for cutting benefits. Orwellian language hides it. It is not a secret that the super rich want to shred the social safety net. The elite use coded language as a means to cover up their goals. To the austerity crowd, fix means cut, fiscally conservative means austerity, reform means an attack on public and private resources.  The Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) also recommended deep Medicare cuts, higher Part B premiums, big co-pays and outpatient fee increases, as well as establishing privately owned, lower-cost health insurance exchanges to gradually eliminate traditional Medicare. It also wants Medicaid funding cut. Bipartisan forces falsely blame Social Security and Medicaid for the debt burden in the USA. Both parties believe in the erreoneous view that both programs are going broke. The truth is that when both programs are administered in the right way, then they will be sustainable in the long term. Corporate money dominate our politics too. That is reality. Social justice is taboo to talk about. If the President wants to be in the status quo, then he will be a pro-Wall Street tye of President. The cliff will include 4 trillion cuts over the next decade. To handle our deficit and debt, we should end militarims in the USA, we should stop bailing out big banks, end huge corporate subsidies, and end the tax cuts for the rich. The corporate bosses want these fiscal cuts against the poor obviously. That is why the President wants to lower the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 28 percent. Rasmus says further tax breaks are coming at a time corporations pay the lowest effective rates in over 25 years. Corporate taxes in the past two years as a percent of profits averaged about 12.4%. From 1989 – 2007, they averaged 24.7%. Corporations hoarded over $2.5 trillion in cash. With that amount and record low taxes, what justifies cutting more? Regardless of what happens, cuts not stimulus is going to come about. So, we know the solutions to this issue, but the 2 party system does not want populism. We ought to prepare for the worst and help humanity.

One weakness of reactionaries is some of them embrace fanaticism in terms of foreign policy matters and domestic matters. One weakness of the liberal establishment is that some of them embrace an intellectual arrogance that believes that they are superior to all folks mentally (and they have some moral or political superiority to dictate their views to the rest of us). Many of these progressives try to lecture black people when tons of black people know the truth and know what time it is. They act arrogant against black human beings, but black folks day in and day out are exposing oppression, white supremacy, and institutional racism. Most of us realize that America is not post-racial and it habors great imperfections. All of us realize that the Republicans are overt in their hatred of minorities and the poor. Yet, the Democrats have some of its members that are not in favor of true peace, justice, and equality. We have economic issues, gentrification, and the murder of black human beings extra judiciously by the police or security guards everyday. These evils are abhorent. Both parties believe in the privatization of education with the advancement of charter schooling. Malcolm X did an excellent job of exposing the Democratic Party as wolves since they may smile in your face, but covertly they advcoate Empire, political correctness, and they prey on black citizens for voters or prestige. We have nothing in return even when we demand the Dems to address the prison industrial complex, crime, education, health care, AIDS/HIV, and other real issues relevant in our communities.  Many of the Dems and the GOP folks do noting to stop the imperialist war in Africa. Even the Democratic White House agree with the AFRICOM recolonization of the African continent including the evil NATO war crimes that have occurred in Libya. There are sanctions against the people of Zimbabwe and the proxy wars in Congo plus Somalia that have been agreed to by the Democratic establishment too. We will not subscribe to such trickery and evil foreign policy rhetoric at all. Just because an individual is phenotypically black, doesn't mean that a person is down for the cause. When a man or Mr. President calls my people a mongrel people, then I have an issue here. That evil commentary is common among both parties too. You can not be a revolutionary when you extol the virtues of a war criminal like Ronald Reagan. This piece of work Reagan called the Sisters "welfare queens" in public.  He invaded Grenada and allowed the assassination of progressive leaders. Ronald Reagan was a great enemy of not only folks of color, but all of the human race. I will not be slim on outlining the truth nor shady sbout it, get it. See, we will have to continue to have an undying love for our black African people. No matter, whether we live in London, NYC, Lagos, or Brazil, we are all Africans as Brother Kwame Ture said.

Folks want a sustainable Medicare. The federal stimulus rescued a lot of the poor and the disadvangted in life's road. Some people can't afford COBRA. Without Medicare, millions of Americans lack the necessary health care in their lives. Now, extremists believe that Medicare will be broke in the very near, which is an utter lie. The Medicare Part A (hospital coverage) Trust Fund will be solvent until 2024. Even then, using current assumptions, it will cover 87 percent of benefits. And Medicare parts B (outpatient) and D (the drug benefit), funded by premiums and taxes, will continue to be solvent. Medicare is very efficently run. It spends only 3 percent or less on administration and overhead captured with 12-14 percent for private insurance. That is why elderly Medicare beneficiaries are more satisfied with their insurance and have better acccess to care and less financial burden from medical bills than non-elderly adults with employer based insurance. These facts merit no ending of Medicare at all. The reactionary extremists hate any goverment programs from the federal government, so of course they desire to end Medicare as we know it. They want to raise the eligibility age to 67 and institute means testig. Raising the eligibility age is wrong for numerous reasons. One is that folks approaching that age willl lack coverage. It will disproportionaley hurt the poor, because the poor is less likely to have other insurance. Those with lower life expentancies can be in jeopardy of having adequate health insurance. It would cost-shift medical expenses from the federal government to others while doing nothing to lower costs. In July 2011, the Kaiser Family Foundation estimated that for the $5.7 billion in federal savings, there would be $3.7 billion additional expenses for affected elderly individuals, $4.5 billion for employers, and billions more for other Medicare beneficiaries and those insured through the exchanges, all of whose premiums would rise. Means testing will cause another hurdle or bureaucracy for the elderly and the disabled to recieve insurance. Broad based support has influenced the success of Medicare and Social Security. Medicare has improved the quality of life of human beings in America. There are ways to improve Medicare. We can improve the benefits package, get rid of deductibles, decrease red tape, and save money. Medicare can negoitate drug prices. Some want to extend Medicare for all Americans, which i have no issue with at all. We should take advantage of low administrative costs and the savings potential of Medicare. An universal health care system for all is what we need indeed not the status quo.

The popular culture world is constantly changing and controversies consume it all of the time. Ke$ha  now claims that she was forced to sing "Die Young." That song is very controversial to say the least. She said these words after the wake of the evil Sandy Hook elementary school shooting in Connecticut. Many stations are dropping her single from playlists nationwide. I do wish for her to continue to live her life in a more positive direction without the extremism though. The reason that the song is being pulled, because of the  song’s constant repetition of the words “we’re gonna die young” is now apparently deemed inappropriate for airplay.  The song and the video glorifies death and ritual sacrifices. In real life, the establishment glorifies both concepts via the Bohemian Grove, occult groups, and the vicious nature of the war on terror (where in many circumstances, innocent men, women, and children are brutally murdered by even Western funded bombs). The video shows tons of occult/Illuminati related imagery. The video represents some in the elite world's push for a culture of death to the masses. On Twitter, she said that she didn't want to sing the lyrics and she was forced to. We can only speculate on whether she is correct or not. Now, that tweet was later deleted since it might of angered her bosses. Sometimes, people obfuscate when a truth is presented publiclly. The reality is that many pop artists don't direct the videos or write their songs. This dictated on many cases by other human beings. Some artists are puppets to push agenda or the establishment's way of thinking.  The mass shooting exposes the sickness in culture and that we need reforms without violating innocent human beings' God given rights. Now, we don't need excess censorship, but folks should wake up and witness the propaganda inflicted upon them. Obviously, we don't wish individuals to die young. We wish for humanity to live long filled with prosperity and tranquility. The mainstream music industry is very cut throat, which is representative of cut throat capitalism or laissez faire capitalism. One of the positive things of 2012 is that individuals are waking up like a mass conscious awakening among everyone of every background. Overall violent crimes has dropped now than years ago. Shootings is actually going down. We have a long way to go, but our liberty is superior to the TSA molesting folks or the DHS advancing militarized police or checkpoints everywhere in America (The civil libertarians are right on these issues). It is bigger than a conservative bias on FOX or bigger than a liberal bias per se on MSNBC. The mainstream media is ruled by select corporations that use psy-ops, distracting issues, propaganda, and war mongering rhetoric as a means to placate the citizenry. Many of these globalists want authoritarian control over societies the world over via monopolies and other corrupt policies. That is why with all of the wildness in the world, we should place our trust in the Lord.

By Timothy

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