
Monday, February 04, 2013

A lot of Truths



The foreign policy of the current administration is sometimes even more radical and reactionary than the previous Bush administration. Now, the 2nd term of President Barack Obama wants to continue the global war on terror. The U.S. Secretary of Defense nominee Chuck Hagel recants on Iran. He views Iran as a threat and he wants unconditional support to Israel. Hagel suffered an aggressive confirmation hearing by reactionary neo cons like John McCain. Now, Hagel wants to advance nearly unbridled U.S. militarism absent preemptive overt war. Hagel was a Vietnam veteran and a former two term Republican senator from Nebraska. America has no right to use unrestrained, brutal, and arbitrarily military force all over the globe from any standpoint. In his opening statement, Chuck Hagel told the Senate Armed Services Committee: “My overall world view has never changed: that America has and must maintain the strongest military in the world, that we must lead the international community to confront threats and challenges together, and take advantage of opportunities together; that we must use all our tools of American power to protect our citizens and our interests.” Hagel talked about how the Obama administration claimed to end the U.S. war in Afghanistan. Hagel also backed a continued occupation of the Afghanistan nation with thousands of U.S. troops past the formal 2014 withdrawal deadline. Hagel said that the U.S. troops remaining in Afghanistan ought to execute counterterrorism (to target Al Qaeda) and train plus advise Afghan forces. Hagel told Congress that he wants to continue the war on terrorism in allowing America to deal with places like Yemen, Somalia, and North Africa. He believes that the Pentagon should continue to "invest in and build the tools to assist in that fight, such as special operations forces and new intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance technologies.” Hagel even as far as advancing the notion that all options include a military attack are on the table when dealing with Iran's nuclear program. He wants Israel to have a military edge in the Middle East, modernize the American nuclear weapons arsenal, and prepare for future "threats and challenges." These new challenges deal with China and the Asia-Pacific region in the eyes of Western foreign policy analysts. Most Democratic members of the Senate committee want to bolster the image of Hagel as expressing a sense of political continuity with his military predecessors like Leon Panetta and Robert Gates. Some of the nominee's former Republican colleagues grilled him relentlessly. They or some in the GOP believe that he doesn't deserve to be the Secretary of Defense because of his views on Israel, Iran, and the Iraq War. In particular, they cited an interview that Hagel gave for a book by former State Department official Aaron David Miller, in which he stated: “The Jewish lobby intimidates a lot of people up here. I am not an Israeli senator. I am a US Senator. This pressure makes us do dumb things at times.” These statements are being exploited by some as a means to paint Hagel falsely as some anti-Semite. The reality is that America is not Israel. America has a responsibility to be fair in the Middle East. We must follow reasonableness not imperialism. Hagel in his testimony regretted the use of Jewish lobby instead of Israel lobby. Many Democrats wanted him to outline unconditional support for Israel no matter what. Senator Lindsey Graham from South Carolina somehow thinks that the blockade of Gaza and the discrimination against black human beings in Israel is somehow the Lord's will. I don't. John McCain loved the surge and pressed Hagel to support it to. Others pilloried Hagel for, among other things: refusing to sign a 2001 letter from the Senate solidarizing itself with Israel and condemning the Palestine Liberation Organization and its leader Yassir Arafat, failing to vote for a 2007 resolution branding the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (part of the Tehran government) as a terrorist organization and for referring to the Israeli assault on Lebanon in 2006 as a “sickening slaughter.” Hagel is expected to win approval by the full Senate. It is a shame that Hagel had to disassociate himself from the few positions that he is right on as a means to suck up to Republican and Democratic extremists that believe that imperialism is righteous when it is not. America's political establishment is still extreme in having an unwavering commitment to militarism and war.


The Mali war is apparently related to imperialism and neocolonialism. The Tuareg human beings are scapegoated for the actions of extremists among the West & the other extremists in the region. Imperialism is having a stronghold in North Africa. France is leading the charge in Mali. France could experience what America experienced in Iraq and Afghanistan. Algeria has about 50 billion dollars in reserves in Western banks. The Libyan blowback in the Sahel is a great reason why the war in Mali has occurred. The AQIM is very close to the LIFG or the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group. Some of these folks were trained in Afghanistan by the ISI/CIA. The CIA and the MI6 used the LIFG as a means to go against Col. Muammar Gaddafi. On top of it AQIM is also very close to the al-Nusra Front in Syria, which Washington branded as a terrorist organization (but not the eternally bickering "coalition" which wants to topple Bashar al-Assad). Belmokhtar and his group of radicals are fighting in Mali. France is harming not only the Islamists, but the weaponized Tuaregs. The Tuareg have expressed a legitimate grievance about their plight and they are indigenous to the Mali nation. The UN enabled smokescreen has caused the French in trying to support a corrupt regime in Bamako. The story is much more complex. The U.S. and Algeria has sponsored terrorism in the Sahara for a while. U.S. Special Forces have trained Malian troops in Kita back in May of 2010. The truth is that the legitimate Tuareg rebellion has been hijacked by a few hundred Islamist extremists. There have been atrocities done in Azawad. The Tuareg served Gaddafi's regime and they came into Mali since Libya was conquered by the LIFG including other factions. The Tuareg suffered unjust exploitation, repression, and marginalization. Algeria is allied with America too. Since 9/11, Algeria's President Bouteflika has worked with the White House on cover operations. Algeria's intelligence group called the DRS infiltrated terrorist groups as a means to further control their nation. The first US-Algerian ‘false flag’ terrorist operation in the Sahara-Sahel was undertaken in 2003 when a group led by an ‘infiltrated’ DRS agent, Amari Saifi (aka Abderrazak Lamari and ‘El Para’), took 32 European tourists hostage in the Algerian Sahara. The Bush administration immediately branded El Para as ‘Osama bin Laden’s man in the Sahara’. Algeria wants to contain the nationalist Tuareg since they want a hegemony of power in North Africa and not want their nation to be influenced by a huge nationalist movement. Algeria has allowed Special Forces from America in 2011 to understand the full strength of the Tuareg MNLA. The Tuareg people are about 2-3 million in population. Most live in Mali, but they also live in Niger, Algeria, Burkina Faso, and Libya. The latest Tuareg rebellion in Mali, by the Mouvement National de Libération de l’Azawad (MNLA), began in January 2012. The MNLA comprised Tuareg had returned from Libya around October 2011. Some rebels had not laid down arms after the 2007-09 uprising. There are other rebels who had defected from the Malian army. Their number was estimated at around 3,000. They led forces out of Azawad or northern Mali with little resistance. The issue is that the reactionary Islamist groups like Ansar al-Din are infiltrating the legitimate MNLA (headed by the Tuareg famous man Iyad ag Ghaly). The MNLA even fought the Islamists in June of 2012 when these Islamist terrorists harmed areas in Timbuktu, Gao, and Kidal. The Algerian DRS has been fabricating and orchestrating terrorism in the Sahara-Sahel for years.


America has a lot of blessings and it has a long way to go in order for it to be the beloved community. We know that we need to improve ourselves culturally (since too many human beings in the USA glamorize disrespect, anti-intellectualism, materialism, violence, and other cultural imperfections), morally, economically, and in other arenas. In the USA still, we have less economic rights than do other citizens in other Western democracies. Even some European nations have the right to education to be constitutionally protected. That is taboo in America. Some European nations have total universal health care and workers in some countries in Europe have a right to unions plus collective bargaining (including some of these unions can even participate in governance via their representatives). The anti-union situation in the States was made amazingly aware via the actions of Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin. Scott Walker stripped public workers in both the private and public sectors from organizing at all. That is why many Americans protested not only in Madison, Wisconsin, but throughout the nation. The right to health is readily denied to American workers even if these workers have jobs. Some jobs refuse to give workers health benefits. In America (unlike some European nations), you can lose your benefits when you lose your jobs. We should not be like Europeans exactly since there is beauty in some facets of American culture. The strength of the individual, the love of courage, and the adherence to justice are positive aspects of real American living then and now. On the other hand, we should advance more human rights not just the legitimate rights that are described in the Bill of Rights & the Constitution. The struggle against poverty and oppression is still real in the world. We still need to fight for not only economic and social justice, but for real human rights for all human beings in the globe. While in Europe in 1964 to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, Dr. King makes the following observations: "This was, for most of us, our first trip to Scandinavia, and we looked forward to making new friends. We felt we had much to learn from Scandinavia's democratic socialist tradition and the manner in which they had overcome many of the social and economic problems that still plagued far more powerful and affluent nations. In both Norway and Sweden, whose economies are literally dwarfed by the size of our affluence and the extent of our technology, they have no unemployment and no slums. Their men, women, and children have long enjoyed free medical care and quality education. This contrast to the LIMITED, halting steps taken by our rich nation deeply troubled me." (THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR., 259). For the past 32 years, we have reneged on even limited steps toward social justice. The issue is that we have still many neo-feudal throwback philosophies dominating our society. The workers have been stripped of their rights. Corporations and elite institutions dominate the two party systems in America. A radical sense of selfish individualism and radical isolationism are not deeds that we need or should accept. We live in a society where we ought to depend on each other. We are all our brothers' and our sisters' keepers. Social rights means that all human beings on the face of the Earth has an inborn right to universal health care, to housing, to the right to a quality education, to economic rights guaranteed by law, etc. All human beings have the right to go into the streets and demand justice. As for the President of the United States now, he is an intellectual genius. If the President allows the FDR, RFK, Malcolm X, and Dr. King in him to come out, then America will be much better than it is presently. We know he has it in him. It is just that despite Republican obstructionism, he or the brother can do it. The choice is up to the President during this term. He can advocate real change or the status quo.


Whistleblowers have been attacked by the government for decades. That is why criminal fraud dominates Wall Street, but not one major Wall Street broker has been tried and convicted by the federal government in the 21st century. Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, George H. W. Bush, and Bill Clinton each prosecuted financial crime more aggressively than the current President Barack Obama. It is a historical fact that a lack of a fair or even handed legal system will destroy prosperity and breakdown society in general. There are folks who use national security as an excuse to keep financial fraud secret. Even those who protest runaway criminality by the big banks are targeted as terrorists. Some are targeted even if they are from the private sector that blew the whistle on potential crimes as well. The current White House has prosecuted more whistleblowers than all over Presidents combined. It is not a secret that some government employees have smeared whistleblowers, threaten reporters, etc. who discussed whistleblower information. They have harassed honest analysts too. Even some high level government employees have been in danger. One example is that head of NSA's spying program named William Binney disclosed the fact that the U.S. was spying on everyone in the U.S. and storing the data forever. He said that the U.S. was quickly becoming a totalitarian state and the feds tried to scare him into shutting up. Binney said that FBI officers held a gun to his head as he stepped out from the shower. His wife and youngest son was in the home as the FBI ransacked his own home. The FBI officials tried to pressure him to implicate one of the other complaints in criminal activity. During the raid, Binney attempted to report to FBI officials the crimes he had witnessed at NSA, in particular the NSA’s violation of the constitutional rights of all Americans. However, the FBI wasn’t interested in these disclosures. Instead, FBI officials seized Binney’s private computer, which to this day has not been returned despite the fact that he has not been charged with a crime. Other NSA whistleblowers have been subjected to armed raids and criminal prosecution. If this stuff can happen to NSA elite members, then we have a serious civil liberty problem in America. After high level CIA officer John Kiriakou blew the whistle on illegal CIA torture, the government prosecuted him for espionage. Some in the government want to crack down on dissent not to keep freedom safe. Torture has not prevented terrorism, but it can create new terrorists. U.S. military and intelligence service say that torture is futile in getting real, actionable intelligence. Some in the U.S. have used Communist torture methods aimed at creating false confessions as a means to advance a false justification for the Iraq War. Many terrorists came into Iraq because of the abuses carried out at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo (according to a top U.S. air force interrogator). The U.S. national security state has used secrecy to shield their actions from accountability. Now, the U.S. has been launching cyber warfare in Iran. The secrecy powers are not gone today. Wikileaks even released thousands of classified diplomatic cables n 2010. These leaks prove that the Bush administration used torture, the NSA's illegal eavesdropping on American without warrants is real, the abuses at Abu Ghraib are wicked, etc. We know about the CIA black sites that torture human beings. So, these things are real including the targeting of an U.S. citizen for assassination without due process. Many whistleblowers have been in jail for exposing the evils of the U.S. national security state from Bradley Manning on down. Many of the torturers, the folks who conceived of the torturers and other like-minded individuals are walking free today. America in terms of human civil liberties have experienced police state like policies. Even 10 years ago, it was taboo for the NSA to spy on American citizens via monitoring their emails overtly. The reality of the government using drone aircraft to assassinate American citizens back then would never have gotten support in a reasonable courtroom, especially if the citizen didn't have due process. There is no massive public outrage about these things, except in limited quarters.



We know about the Holocaust and the religious link to it. Many victims of the Holocaust were innocent Jewish people, Protestants, Orthodox Christians, Catholics, and other minority groups. The Holocaust was similar to the Inquisition. The Nazis used millions of dollars from Big Pharma as a means to use nerve agents to kill human beings. If the Allied leaders didn't intervene, the Nazis could have killed more innocent human beings in 1944 and 1945 than all of the other years combined. The Nazis used complex rail systems, logistical movements, and other tactics in getting their sacrifice camps running. Eisenhower pulled down all of the statues of the Catholic version of Mother Mary which some of these camps were dedicated to. Many of the oven blocks were dismantled and destroyed in many camps. Some sacrifice camps murdered children by burning them. Jesuit priest Edmund Walsh was an ally of the high level Freemason Robert Jackson of the Nuremberg Trials. The Nuremberg trails didn't mention the occult or the influence of Western international banking as responsible for a lot of the Holocaust. Hitler and Stalin were once allies. Their nations were financed by both New York City and London before. Even back in 1933, the two time Medal of Honor winner, USMC General Smedley Butler exposed the fascist plot of trying to make FDR a fascist dictator in America. Folks like Knight of Malta Franz von Papen allowed Hitler to be placed into power. Hitler tried to justify his actions because he pointed out that the Catholic Church had a long history oppressing and killing Jewish human beings for centuries. There is also another Holocaust that not too many human beings know about. There was the Holocaust against Serbian Orthodox Christians in the Roman Catholic fascist state of Croatia during World War II. It was carried out by the Roman Catholic Ustashi military units, which had numerous Franciscan priests, monks, and friars. Some of the barbaric criminal acts against humanity were carried out by Franciscan clerics. Some of these crimes against humanity was planned and choreographed by two Jesuit prelates – Monsignor Ivan Saric and Monsignor Aloysius Stepinac (respectively the Archbishops of Sarajevo and Zagreb), and had the full backing of Papal Rome. From 600,000 to one million innocent Serb Orthodox Christian men, women, and children were slaughtered, with many of the victims being first brutally tortured. One of the leaders of the fascist state of Croatia during WWII was Ante Pavelic. The Ustashi killed human beings with forks, spades, hammers, saws, and other torture items as well. There was Operation Keelhaul and the Russian Lieutenant General Vlasov as well. This is a heavily underrated portion of WWII. The event is about Roosevelt and General Eisenhower approved of the forced repatriation of 6 million disarmed Russian people back to Russia. Yet, many of these human beings were tortured and killed after they reached their destination. This repatriation procedure was called Operation Keelhaul. These 6 million individuals were not only soldiers who fought on the side of the Germans against the Red Army, but they were women and children as well. 700,000 of this total were soldiers under the command of Lt. General Andrei Vlasov. In April of 1945, General Vlasov led his troops to the American lines so that they could surrender and then volunteer to return to Communist Russia and attempt to oust the Bolshevik government. They laid down their arms and considered themselves to be American prisoners of war. Vlasov was hanged and his history was complex. He once allied with the Nazis and rejected them when the Nazis began to lose the war.


By Timothy



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