
Saturday, February 02, 2013

Liberty in the World

For those who say that law abiding citizens are not targeted by anti-gun actions, the following story makes that claim false and moot at this moment. KRQE in Albuquerque, New Mexico reported that the Department of Homeland Security has used its ICE division to bust a gun collector. The DHS is the federal agency that was created originally to protect America from terrorists and to respond to natural disasters. Federal Homeland Security Investigation agents raided the home of Robert Adams on Thursday and seized 548 handguns and 317 rifles from the collector. They also raided his business and took an additional 599 handguns. KRQE reported that Adams did not violate any laws and was charged with any crimes. That is immoral since if a person's home should be raided, you should have a warrant including a probable cause not because of some political agenda. Adams may be charged with gun smuggling, tax evasion, and violating importation laws. The government spent yeas surveying the gun collector and argues that his weapons are “not properly marked possibly to make the guns more valuable and to avoid paying high import taxes.” KRQE reports the federal government is concerned “that no markings on the guns and missing documents mean the guns are not traceable by law enforcement.” New Mexico does not regulate or specifically restrict the possession of firearms. Owners are not required to register or license firearms with the state. “No law shall abridge the right of the citizen to keep and bear arms for security and defense, for lawful hunting and recreational use and for other lawful purposes, but nothing herein shall be held to permit the carrying of concealed weapons. No municipality or county shall regulate, in any way, an incident of the right to keep and bear arms,” Article 2, Section 6 of the state constitution reads. Gun collectors are protected under the Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986. This law says that a firearm dealer is defined as a person who is selling guns for profit or livelihood. Unlicensed individuals are allowed to sell firearms from their private collection without performing a background check on the buyer. Government gun-grabbers call this the “Gun Show Loophole” and have declared they will outlaw the practice and close down gun shows around the country. Whether you agree with this loophole or not, an innocent man ought not to be arrested and sent to jail for this event at all. The DHS is trying to make an example of Mr. Adams since they want to make new laws that affect the Second Amendment. Demonizing gun ownership is the mentality of extremists. On Sunday January 6th Staff Sgt. Nathan Haddad, a decorated combat veteran, was driving through Jefferson County New York when he was randomly pulled over for a vehicle check. Haddad, who had five 30 round empty magazines in his possession, was arrested by the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department and charged with five felony counts. According to Haddad’s brother, Michael Haddad, Nathan thought these magazines were legally made before the New York Assault Weapons Ban. When Nathan Haddad was arrested, the new ban had not even been fully enacted yet. This man was not a criminal at all. He was recently honored by the Philadelphia chapter of Blue Star Mothers and the Union League’s Armed Services Council for helping disabled vets get back on their feet. He helped humanity and he is being treated as a rapist or a murderer or an assaulter. This is wrong and this reality refutes the lie that no one is taking the gun rights of law abiding citizens at all. Nathan Haddad's brother has set up a legal defense fund for his brother since his brother can't afford to fight these charges on his own. This is an attack on every law abiding citizen in America.

The truth will be shown. Reagan was a big deception in American life. He was the man in 1966 who opposed the California Fair Housing Act on the basis of race. He was the one who violated gun rights via his support of the Mulford Act. He was the one tripled the federal deficit in American society when he was President of the United States of America. He was the one who claimed to follow Austrian economics, but raised taxes at least 11 times. He allowed the FED to spend government money to end the recession during his first term. His first term saw a radical increase in poverty until he used a stimulus program to stop the huge recession. This government spending by the FED contributed to the growth of GDP in his second term. His first term did see an increase of poverty and suffering among the least of these until, he violated the principle of no government spending and no new taxes. He bailed out Social Security in 1983. The growth of the bull market from 1982 to 1987 was heavily influenced by the 1982 tax increase that Ronald Reagan passed. The African American growth of the middle class ought to be commended and respected during the 1980’s, but the whole record of Ronald Reagan ought not to be omitted. His Southern Strategy is never representative of true black liberation at all. Reagan or his allies were involved in the Iran Contra scandal (which led into drug running and the sponsorship of reactionary regimes in Latin America). His civil rights record is suspect. He made token moves to placate human beings of color, but he vetoed a comprehensive anti-Apartheid Act. Reagan attempted to revoke the federal ban on tax exemptions for private schools that practiced racial discrimination. Reagan nominated the racist Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III to be a judge of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Alabama. Also, he funded Islamist reactionary mujahidin terrorists in Afghanistan in the economic realm of billions of dollars. Ronald Reagan once disagreed with the 1965 Voting Rights Act. He vetoed the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1988. I do not agree with President Barack Obama on all issues, but his centrist economic policies have caused some economic growth and it prevented a more catastrophic situation here. There has been 34 straight months of economic growth in the private sector. He should do more. The issue with the President Obama is that he is following a neo liberal pro Wall Street financial path that is not working fully. If you want something to work, then you have to have a more populist approach which can benefit the poor too not just the middle class. The growth of businesses means little if there is still massive economic inequality. This economic inequality grew under Reagan and since his time as well. Scholars prove that GDP economic growth and more job creation were made more under Democrats than Republicans since the past 8 decades. The largest economic boom in American history since WWII was caused from 1945 to 1975 as a product of investments, government spending, and reasonable taxes on the super wealthy. That is why the decade of the 1960's had a much lower unemployment rate than the decade of the 1980's. Johnson had a 3.8 percent job growth per year while Reagan only had 2.1 percent of job growth per year. During the Carter years, the federal deficit had averaged $54.5 billion annually. During the Reagan era, deficits skyrocketed, averaging $210.6 billion over the course of Reagan’s two terms. Business failures increased under Reagan since unrestrained competition and huge deregulation came about. The truth about Ronald Reagan is ever known. Massive austerity has never caused economic growth. It failed in Greece and the UK recently. Investment, employment programs, and other acts can grow the economy.

Smart cards and RFID tags are very common in the world. We have a surveillance society with the implanted radio frequency identification chip. There are RFID chips in passports and driver licenses in some cases. This technology has been glamorized since the 1990's. Some folks try to justify these tags as a means to maximize profits and to gain financial gains from commodities. RFID tags have computer chips with miniature antennae that can be fixed to or implanted within physical objects including humans. It has an Electronic Product Code that can be read when a RFID reader emits a radio signal. The chips are divided into passive and active categories. A passive tag doesn't contain a battery and its read range is variable form less than an inch to twenty or thirty feet. An active tag is self-powered and has a much longer range. The date from an active tag can be sent directly to a computer system involved in inventory control or surveillance. The Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering (CASPIAN), the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) state in a joint position paper that, “RFID has the potential to jeopardize consumer privacy, reduce or eliminate purchasing anonymity, and threaten civil liberties.” These organizations noted this information about the hidden placement of tags that can violate human privacy (if these tags are placed secretly on clothing or other objects with radio waves). There can be massive databases with the tag data. This technology if used in the wrong fashion can lead into individual tracking and profiling. The Electronic Product Code potentially enables every object on earth to have its own unique ID. The use of unique ID numbers could lead to the creation of a global item registration system in which every physical object is identified and linked to its purchaser or owner at the point of sale or transfer. RFID has been under the skin for years. The corporatist police state is still strong in the United States. The elite tout the benefits of the RFID as a means to advance devices related to Homeland Security. 16 separate agencies of the intelligence community like the Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment (TIDE) that feeds the federal government’s surveillance machine with the names of suspected terrorists. Many protesters have been charged with conspiracy to riot and risk facing many years in prison. As the ACLU pointed out, “These charges are an effort to equate publicly stated plans to blockade traffic and disrupt the RNC as being the same as acts of terrorism. This both trivializes real violence and attempts to place the stated political views of the defendants on trial,” said Bruce Nestor, president of the Minnesota Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild. “The charges represent an abuse of the criminal justice system and seek to intimidate any person organizing large scale public demonstrations potentially involving civil disobedience,” he said. It is very common to see crooked police beat and arrest demonstrators and journalists of every background. A security and privacy analyst Katherine Albrecht wrote about how RFID tags could be used to track unsuspecting human beings. She wrote how IBM patented the identification and tracking of persons using RFID tagged items in store environments. IBM decades ago was known for using tracking technology as a means to track and mass murder Jewish people and other human beings in the Shoah or Holocaust. In 2005 for example, the Senate Republican High Tech Task force praised RFID applications as “exciting new technologies” with “tremendous promise for our economy.” In this spirit, they vowed to “protect” RFID from regulation and legislation. Defending our privacy rights are more important than ever since we have economic stagnation, high unemployment, continuing wars, and a crumbling empire in general. Even China's national ID cards have a huge amount of personal information, religion, ethnicity, reproductive history, employment status, etc. China is wrong for that action as well. We do not need this in America at all. Michael Lin, a vice president for China Public Security Technology, a private company providing the RFID cards for the program, unflinchingly described them to the New York Times as “a way for the government to control the population in the future.” We don't need totalitarian methods that can harm our civil liberties at all.



One of the strangest commercials in the 2013 Super Bowl deals with the Mercedes ad. It is a known historical fact that these huge sports events are multifaceted. They mix sports and entertainment. There are big corporate money sent to such events, there is a militarization of the location where such huge sports performances are located. In such locations, fanfare and unique realities come alive. The monopoly prone mass media will make profits, and there is an abundance of controversial advertisements. Millions of human beings all over the world watch the Super Bowl. Some want to push the occult elite agenda in shows even in some Halftime shows. Many commercials are simplistic and others have much more of an esoteric quality in them. Some commercials talk about selling a car, clothes, foods, and other parameters. The elite allow these commercials as a means to describe their power to the masses not just as a means to try to improve corporate capitalistic profit. Another ad describes the entertainment world and how much of the real world comes about. That Mercedes ad is about the Faustian archetype of selling one's soul for fame and riches. The music industry is famous in trying to brainwash human beings in selling their souls for fame and fortune. There is a lot of symbolism in the ad. The ad shows a man respecting billboard featuring a car in question. The devil figure comes in a form of a man. He tells him that: "...Make a deal with me kid and you can have the car and everything that goes along with it..." So, the Devil in the form of a man tempts the young man to sign on the dotted line in order for him to get the car and the fame. The man signs the deal and soon, he sold his soul. The man is turned into an instant celebrity. He goes out with a woman who is played by Kate Upton. The entertainment world is trying to advance Kate Upton as the new young women in this generation indeed. He parties with Usher in the commercial. Usher is a famous person in the music industry. He is placed in covers of magazines as the new world's version of the "it" person. The theme music of the commercial is from the Rolling Stones old song about the Devil. The Stones' song is called, "Sympathy for the Devil." There is a catch. The contract has the words of it in Latin being presented to him by the Devil. The Latin phrase of Sigilla posvere magister diabulus et daemons as found in the commercial means in English that "seals master devil and demons." The symbol on the contract is the reverse Chi-Rho image. This image was used by the Catholic Church, but it was reversed to outline a satanic influence. The Devil's ring is Masonic. It has the square and compass. This is in reference to the real, powerful secret society of Freemasonry. In real life, Freemasonry deals with the occult and death oaths all of the time. The end of the commercial has the words of coming September 2013 as it means to warn about a new product coming (or some event in Masonic/occult numerology). The number 13 in numerology refers to rebellion and evil. The commercial talked about a human being who sold his soul. He wants to do this as a means to gain so called success and popularity with the world. This is the elite bragging about their tactics in the world. Also, the man playing the Devil or William Dafoe once was in a 1980's movie that mocked Jesus Christ as some lusting hypocrite toward Mary Magdalene. The movie is entitled, "The Last Temptation." They sure know how to pick them. The elite aren't slick since we know their game plan for a long time. In the final analysis, it is not worth selling your soul. We should just live our lives, be independent, and advance true liberty for folks. The Super Bowl is something else, but God is someone omnipotent. The ad also gives us insight. Lust for material items will never equal into true enlightenment. True enlightenment deals with spiritual growth and building up the confines of human life including our social environment.


For eons, technology aroused the imagination and concrete thinking of humankind. Living in 2013 is no exception to this basic truism. Technology is a large, dynamic portion of the world society. From light rails to IPhones, mechanical devices readily influence our daily lives. The beauty of infrastructure can inspire minds, teach lessons, and build up the standard of living within the parameters of any society. DARPA and other corporations have developed strange and advanced devices. Technology fundamentally is a 2 edged sword as the cliché goes. It can be utilized for enriching; dynamic purposes or it can be developed for evil, nefarious motivations. Times are changing and nanotechnologies including other forms of technologies are coming into existence via a rapid pace. Some in the world are obsessed with Instagrams, twitter, cell phones, I Phones, and the like. Like, the most important thing in life is how human beings can follow the Lord and treat their neighbors as themselves. In our generation, learning about culture, history, philosophy, economics, anthropology, psychology, art, music, and other learned arts of man is all well and good. Yet, we also need to be cognizant to doing our best to comprehend the STEM fields too. STEM represents science, technology, engineering, and math. STEM for organization will be the wave of the present and definitely the future. Even in technology class back in high school (during the year of 2000), I had to use formulas, computer graphic designing techniques, and an understanding of math in order for me to successfully pass that interesting course. Henceforth, STEM is a prerequisite for us to know if we desire to grow our expertise in mathematics and technology especially.


By Timothy

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous02:18

    You are an extremely wise human being
