
Monday, February 18, 2013

President's Day News


There is still conflict in Mali. France has a known history in meddling in the actions of former French West African colonies like in Cote d’Ivoire. There have been more imperialists trying to intervene in the black African continent of Africa in countries from Libya to Mali. French colonial policy in the 21st century has grown. Paris has supported the Libyan intervention as a means to gain more political clout in North Africa. NATO is allied with France and Italy. Even Berlusconi said that the goal of France was to control Libyan hydrocarbons and squeeze all other competitors. Now, France wants to advance EU politics to advance regional stabilization and development. France even in the 1960's concluded agreements with former colonies as a means to make 14 African states to stay in the French franc zone as it was established in 1946. This resulted in the colonies' economies to be tied to France even after joining the Eurozone later. The agreements in question gives France a right to intervene militarily to maintain and restore internal stability and provide for security of Europeans living in Senegal, the Central African Republic, Chad, Cote D’Ivoire, Gabon and Cameroon. That is imperialism. NATO and the EU wanted to influence Africa for a while now. President Hollande is supposedly left wing, but he agrees with the intervention in Mali including the reactionaries from France. Francois I came to visit Timbuktu. During the insurgency, the Tuaregs declared the city of Timbuktu the capital of the Independent State Azawad on April 6, 2012. The French President was celebrated by dancers when he visited Mali. Timbuktu was known by the Tuaregs and other black Africans for centuries. It is an important trade, intellectual and spiritual center of Muslim world. A 15th century Malian proverb proclaims: “Salt comes from the north, gold from the south, but the word of God and the treasures of wisdom are only to be found in Timbuktu.” There are a few big madrasahs and three mosques that are believed to be the oldest in West Africa. It has been known to be a fabulously rich city since the Middle Ages. Wattle and daub houses in the heart of the city were proclaimed as world heritage guarded by UNESCO since 1989. The city had been home to unique Middle Age manuscripts that someone burnt during the combat actions. Of course, the French accused the Muslim fundamentalists. Hollande denied that they wanted to have economic exploitation of the region. France now has unemployment and other issues. We know that France has oil and gas production contracts in Libya. Mali is rich in gold and uranium. Some French forces according to reports are killing Tuaregs and Arabs. America supports French's imperialism in Mali. The U.S. gave France intelligence data, air transport, and air replenishment. The West is competing against the East for globalization. That is why the West wants to prevent further Chinese influence in Africa economically, politically, or otherwise. The French Foreign Legion is having a leading role in agreeing with this evil of intervention in Mali. Jean-Yves Le Drian, the French Defense Minister, said on January 31, that «France had no intention of remaining in Mali», but there would be no pull out as yet. The building of Third Empire may happen to be a much time and effort consuming process. Therefore, we see Europeans still wanting to intervene in African territories not just American forces. The truth is that the only solution to the battles in Mali is a political, peaceful solution. All Malians should come together in the realm of brotherhood and sisterhood as a means to end that horrendous conflict.


Fats and oils are some of the most interesting and misunderstood topics in health. Fats and oils depending on what type and how they are processed can help human beings. The truth is that saturated fats are important for brain health. Butter, coconut oil, lard, and other types of saturated fats are regularly demonized as artery cloggers and heart stoppers. The reality is that a large percentage of our brains are made up of both saturated fat and cholesterol (which means that the brain needs saturated fat in order to function properly). Of course, an excess of the use of these fats is wrong. Omega 3 fatty acids have been known more often in our world in the past few years are great for our health. Even they require the presence of saturated fats for proper assimilation. Even our bones require saturated fats as well in order to effectively transport bone building calcium and other important minerals throughout the human body. There are many of such oils and fats that boost immunity and fight off infections like grass fed animal fat, coconut oil, saturated fats. They can even impart natural antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral benefits to the human body. Luaric, myristic, and caprylic acids can boost the immunity and fight inflections as well. Some vegetable oils like soy, canola or rapeseed, safflower, sunflower, and corn, all of which are touted in the mainstream as healthy alternatives to traditional saturated fats, promote chronic inflammation throughout the body. Science continues to show that mono and polyunsaturated oils are loaded with omega-6 fatty acids, an abundance of which can lead to chronic pain and disease. Substituting vegetable oil in place of saturated fat also deprives your body of the fat it truly needs to stay healthy. Olive oil is a very healthy oil. This plant based fat can help prevent heart disease and protect human bones. Yet, olive oil can go rancid or even become toxic when heated above about 374 degrees Fahrenheit or 190 degrees Celsius. The reason is that it is in a class of oil with a low smoke point. Other low smoke point include macadamia nut oil (around 392 degrees Fahrenheit) and flax seed oil (which is about 225 degrees Fahrenheit), and most unrefined oils. Even canola oil can contain dangerous trans fatty acids. It came in the American market back in the 1980's. Major food corporations like Cargill have spent countless millions convincing people that it is healthy. The processing techniques used to refine canola oil can produce harmful trans fatty acids as a byproduct. Animals being tested have shown that canola oil consumption can lead into vitamin E deficiency. According to the site of "[M]ost of the omega-3s in canola oil are transformed into trans fats during the deodorization process," explains a Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) piece on the dangers of canola oil. "[R]esearch continues to prove that the saturates (in saturated fat) are necessary and highly protective," it adds, noting that canola oil is a monounsaturated fat. Some oils recommended by the health authorities are GM or genetically modified. GMOs are linked to organ damage, digestive problems, and cancer (some canola, soy, corn, and cottonseed oils have GMOs). Some healthy non GMOs can be found in hemp, macadamia, sesame, pumpkin seed, walnut, almond, pecan, flax seed, avocado, and coconut oils, all of which have their own unique health properties. Some cold pressed oils are that they are healthier and have more of their nutrients intact as a result of not being heated. According to Dr. Udo Erasmus, author of the book Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill, many cooking oils labeled as "cold pressed" have actually been cooked or treated with toxic solvent chemicals like hexane, rendering them potentially toxic. The best and safest cooking oils, he says, are those that are expeller pressed using low temperatures, and pressed from organic seeds and nuts. True non-denatured oils will also be protected from light, oxygen, and heat during the production process, and usually come in solid, dark glass bottles that are labeled "unrefined."

The same ones that were fascists during WWII are still in their ideological descendants trying to make an authoritarian, reactionary regime in America in the midst of the war on terror. Many Western families and some Wall Street firms funded the fascist regimes of Hitler, Mussolini, and others decades ago. Then, many fascists and some even Nazi war criminals have had ties with some in the Republicans. Many of these fascists have had past associations or connections with Nixon, Ford, Bush, and Reagan. Fascism is not monolithic all of the time. It is diverse. It can range from the Klan terrorism against black Americans from the 19th century and well into the 20th including the 21st century. It includes the McCarthyism era of the 1950's and especially the nefarious COINTELPRO program of the 1960's. Now, we have social Darwinism being loved by reactionaries. The mainstream media is only consolidated and ruled by mostly 5-7 corporations and we have record economic inequality in the world. Fascism is basically the hatred of any state use of public resources and it is the use of select groups of individuals to control the functions of a nation via a tyrannical fashion. In other words, fascists hate nationalization, they hate state railways, or public resources completely. That is why the Nazi fascists returned the control of the Gelsenkirchen Company into private hands. The Nazis returned the steamship company Deutcher Schiff and Maschinenbau returned to the private sector back in 1936. These actions are similar to the actions made by the Reagan administration not the working of FDR's or any other progressive administration. This doesn't mean that Reagan's administration is equivalent morally to the Nazi regime, so I want to make that perfectly clear. So, fascism is never related to socialism at all. It is just fascism. In fact, the Nazis were rejected by the German voters as extremists when there were good economic times in Germany during the 1920's. After the economic turmoil that came upon Germany heavily, then the Nazis took over and caused Germany to be plunged into a totalitarian state. We know that Wall Street and corporate America built up Hitler's war machine. Numerous fascists tried to act pacifist or isolationist, but they were really pro-fascist. After WWII, the Nazis and the fascists still existed. Fascists from the group called Christian American used evil lobbying efforts as a means to allow the passage of anti-labor laws like the Taft Hartley Act. Even Republican House member Fred Harley was an open supporter of Japan and Germany in Congress right up to the moment Pearl Harbor came about. America has outlawed a general strike, which is common even in Western governments. The John Birch Society came about World War Two. It was invented by Robert Welch. Its members then and now are made up of reactionaries, wealthy business leaders, politicians, ex-military, and intelligence officers. Lansdale was in the JBS. Fascism today in the USA is more sophisticated than yesteryear. Many of them will pin cultural, religious, racial, and economic groups against each other as a means to break down common cause in America. Some of them or fascists reject the brotherhood and sisterhood of the human race and they abhor international cooperation. Some of them believe that there is no other option for us to choice except laissez faire capitalism or communism (or socialism) basically. The truth is that there are alternatives that we can utilize in helping out the human race. They hate democratic processes and any democratic rights for human beings in general. Many of them love social Darwinism with their hatred of the poor. They want no increase of the minimum wage and they desire to blame the poor for the economic inequality in the world. We have even some in the liberal establishment agreeing with extrajudicial killings of U.S. citizens, indefinite detention, military commissions, domestic spying, and the vast databases of communications. The reality is that the oligarchy is about preserving the power and strength of the aristocracy at the expense of the common human beings of world society.


According to a leading geneticist, human intelligence is slowly declining. This is not surprising, because of oversaturation of technology, a cultural glamorization of anti-intellectualism, and other evils persistently shown in the world. We as human beings have made great technological advancements over the course of human history. We made microchips and spread into the seas, air, and space. Yet, many experts believe that humans are losing their natural cognitive abilities of capacities and becoming more emotionally unstable. This view is being expressed by the Stanford University researcher and geneticist named Dr. Gerald Crabtree. Dr. Crabtree believed that our intellectual decline is a product of adverse genetic mutations. He said that our cognitive and emotional capabilities are fueled and determined by the combined effort of thousands of genes. When a mutation comes in any of these genes, then intelligence or emotional stability can be negatively impacted. He made the words about this issue in the following words: "...“I would wager that if an average citizen from Athens of 1000 BC were to appear suddenly among us, he or she would be among the brightest and most intellectually alive of our colleagues and companions, with a good memory, a broad range of ideas, and a clear-sighted view of important issues. Furthermore, I would guess that he or she would be among the most emotionally stable of our friends and colleagues,” the geneticist began his article in the scientific journal Trends in Genetics. The geneticist further states that individuals with these specific genetic mutations are more likely than ever to survive and live among the so-called "strong." That is in opposite of Darwin's theory of the survival of the fittest since in today's society, those with better genes will not necessarily dominate society as they would have in the past according to Dr. Crabtree. It is obvious that genes pay an important role in the overall cognitive decline in the human race. Yet, in recent years, we know other factors on why human cognitive intelligence has declined. It has to do with our food system and water supply. In our water supply, it is heavily fluoridated in many quarters of America. It is a known scientific fact that fluoride can lower human IQ. Researchers from Harvard have found the fluoride is lowering IQ and dumbing down the population. Their findings have been published in the large journal of "Environmental Health Perspectives." This federal government medical journal came from the U.S. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. It concluded that "...our results support the possibility of adverse effects of fluoride exposures on children’s neurodevelopment..." The study found that there is a significant dose response relation between fluoride level in serum and children's IQ. Paul Beeber is an attorney and the NYSCOF President. He weighed into the research by saying the following words: “It’s senseless to keep subjecting our children to this ongoing fluoridation experiment to satisfy the political agenda of special-interest groups. Even if fluoridation reduced cavities, is tooth health more important than brain health? It’s time to put politics aside and stop artificial fluoridation everywhere..." Pesticides can diminish intelligence as well. There is one study that was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. It found that pesticides which are rampant among the food supply, are creating lasting changes in overall brain structure — changes that have been linked to lower intelligence levels and decreased cognitive function. The researchers found that a pesticide called CPF called chlorpyrifos is linked to huge abnormalities. The negative impact was found to occur even at low levels of exposure. The lead researcher named Virginia Rauh was also a professor at the Mailman School of Public Health. It summarized the findings in the following words: "...Toxic exposure during this critical period can have far-reaching effects on brain development and behavioral functioning.” We know that processed foods, high fructose corn syrup, etc. can make people less intelligence intellectually. British researchers followed 14,000 children. They found the link between processed foods and reduced IQ. The children's diets and analyzing questionnaires submitting by the parents came about. The researchers found that if children were consuming a processed diet at age 3, then their IQ decline could begin over the next five years. The study found that by age 8, the children suffered the IQ decline. The good news is that the researchers found that when the children ate a nutrient rich diet including fruit and vegetables, then they were found to increase their IQ over the 3 year period. The foods that are considered nutrient rich by the researchers were most likely conventional fruits and vegetables. We know about the dangers found in processed foods and sugary beverages that are ubiquitous. It is called high fructose corn syrup, which is tied to reduced IQ. The UCLA researchers came to these findings. They found out that HFCS may be damaging the brain functions of consumers worldwide, sabotaging learning including memory. In fact, the official release goes as far as to say that high fructose corn syrup can make a human being less intelligence. Gene mutations may have something to do without the ongoing decline in intelligence among the human race. Yet, other factors can harm human intellect as well like environmental factors.


Engineering is beyond the pulley, the level, and the wheel. It consists of simplistic designs to more complex machinery, tubes, and other modernized structures. The great genius of ancient man is exemplified in how they created greatly advanced architectural structures like the city of Teotihuacan, the great cities of the Indus Valley Civilization, the Great Wall of China, the Coliseum, the Parthenon in ancient Greece, the Roman aqueducts, and other testaments to human intelligence revolving around engineering. Imhotep is the earliest of the known civil engineers in human history. He was one of the officials of the Pharaoh Djoser. He designed most probably the Pyramid of Djoser in a step pyramid form. This structure is found in Saqqara, Egypt at around 2630-2611 B.C. He may have been responsible for the first known use of columns in architecture. We know about the Antikythera mechanism, which was the earliest known model of a mechanical computer in human history. This mechanism was an ancient analog computer whose function was to calculate the astronomical positions of our galaxy. Its total complexity wasn't known until later on in our era of the early 21st century. The item was housed in a wooden box made up of approximately 340 × 180 × 90 mm in size and it comprised of 30 bronze gears (although more could have been lost). The largest gear, clearly visible in fragment A, was approximately 140 mm in diameter and most likely had 223 teeth. The mechanism's remains were found as 82 separate fragments of which only seven contain any gears or significant inscriptions. It is estimated to have been created in 100 B.C. The instructions were written in Koine Greek. Archimedes made mechanical inventions as well. Chinese and Roman armies used complex military machines including the Ballista and catapult. By the Middle Ages, an Iraqi named al-Jazari created over 50 ingenious mechanical devices. He made innovations in relation to segmental gears, mechanical controls, escapement mechanism, clocks, robotics, and protocols for designing and manufacturing methods. The first recorder electrical engineer was William Gilbert. He made his 1600 publication of "De Magnete." He was also an originator of the term electricity. The mechanical engineer Thomas Savery created the first steam engine in 1698. The development of this device contributed to the development of the industrial revolution in the decades ahead (which allowed for mass production). Now, the steam engine is a heat engine that uses mechanical work using steam as its working fluid. The device will boil water as a means to propel mechanical structures. Steam engine like devices existed in ancient Greece, and other places of the Middle East including Europe. Thomas Savery invented the first commercial steam powered device with a water pump. It used a vacuum to raise water from below, and then used steam pressure to raise it higher. Small engines were effective though larger models were problematic. They proved only to have a limited lift height and were prone to boiler explosions. There are tons of concepts that relate to engineering as well like inertia. Inertia is when a body may be defined as that property of a body which tends to resist a change in its state or motion. In other words, inertia is the resistance of any physical object to a change in its state of motion of rest. When you have the surface of the Earth, inertia is often masked by the effects of friction and air resistance (which can reduce the speed of moving objects). There are many formulas that deal with inertia One is p=mv. The mass of a body determines the momentum of the body at given velocity ; it is a proportionality factor in the formula. M stands for inertial mass. But mass, as related to the 'inertia' of a body, can also be defined by the formula of F=ma. F is force, m is mass, and a is acceleration. By this formula, the greater its mass, the less a body accelerates under given force. Masses defined by formula (1) and (2) are equal because formula (2) is a consequence of formula (1) if mass does not depend on time and velocity. Thus, "mass is the quantitative or numerical measure of body’s inertia, that is of its resistance to being accelerated."


By Timothy

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